Godly Stay-Home Dad



0When everyone was walking over, there were quite a few greetings from the crowd.    


"Hello, Mr. Luo Feng."    


"Long time no see, Mr. Hong."    




Towards their greetings, Luo Sheng and the others all slightly nodded their heads, and did not enthusiastically respond.    


It was because most of the people who greeted them did not recognize them. Even if they did, they were still inferior to them by quite a bit.    


The media also took a few photos of Luo Sheng and the others with their cameras.    


Under the gazes of the crowd.    


Luo Sheng and the others were invited to the VIP seats, where the shop manager and Lv Chao were accompanying them.    


But in less than two minutes, another group of people came to the door.    


A total of five people, led by a slightly bald middle-aged man with glasses.    


When the shop manager saw him, his expression changed. He quickly brought Lv Chao to greet him.    


"Boss." The manager walked to the front and greeted them enthusiastically.    


The bald man was the owner of the restaurant, Niu Xuebo. He owned a few businesses in the Xiangjiang and was also from the business circles.    


At this time, Niu Xuebo heard the shop manager's voice and nodded.    


"Director Li, Director Feng, Director Ren, Director Huang, let's sit inside."    


Niu Xuebo smiled at the four middle-aged men beside him, and directly walked to the seats at the side.    


Luo Sheng and the other head chefs all stood up to greet him.    


To them, bosses like Niu Xuebo were rich, it was always good to know more.    


After Niu Xuebo and the others shook hands with them, they sat down.    


"Chef Luo." After he sat down, Niu Xuebo smiled and said: "I'm going to open a restaurant in the Northern Ring. If Chef Luo is interested, you can come and work with me.    


"Thank you, Director Niu, for your good will." Luo Sheng laughed and said: "It's just that my contract hasn't expired, and my disciple Lv Chao has also received my teachings. As for the culinary arts, Boss Ox, you can rest assured that you can take charge of it yourself.    


These words made Lv Chao's entire face turn red.    


"Hahaha." Niu Xuebo laughed, then said: "Head Chef Lu is obviously a talented person, I will not let him go. Eisling's Restaurant needs him, Head Chef Lu, today is also a chance, if you perform well, I will give you a raise."    


"Thank you, boss!" Lv Chao thanked him excitedly.    


Just then, Director Li who was beside Niu Xuebo spoke up. He looked at the person beside Luo Sheng and said: Brother Niu, don't keep staring at Master Luo, the few people beside you are all famous chefs. Master An, have you thought about what I told you last time?    


"Thank you, Director Li, for your love. At the end of this month, I can take my leave. At that time, I will be under the care of Director Li." Head Chef An replied while cupping his hands.    


"Eh? It's all a small matter. "    




Everyone began to chat with each other.    


The dozens of people sitting on the left were also whispering to each other.    


Those who were seated on the podium were all recounting their origins and saying:    


"Do you see that guy with slightly longer hair? He's CEO Li, he opened two companies, his worth is over a hundred million."    


"That powerful?" "Damn, I thought it was a cooking contest between two small restaurants, but who would have thought that there was such a big one over here!"    


"A small restaurant? Let me tell you, the boss of this restaurant, Boss Awesomo, is someone who does the food industry and earns a lot of money! The other few bosses are all his friends, and since they came due to them, why don't you think that they come at random as you're the boss? "    




The scene was in an uproar for five minutes. Seeing that it was almost 10 o'clock, the manager asked Niu Xuebo, and with a nod of his head, the manager walked to the center of the two kitchens, picked up the microphone and spoke:    


"It's almost ten o'clock sharp. That person from Mengmeng's casual restaurant hasn't arrived yet. Maybe he's scared too."    


"Regardless of whether they come or not, we have to show them our attitude. The Eisling's Restaurant was established five years ago, and has always been known for its excellent reputation, appearing on all kinds of delicious foods. Its name is renowned throughout the country, and last year, it was tested as a two star restaurant by Michelin.    


"This time, I want to talk about the grudge between my Eisling's Restaurant and the leisure restaurants in my Mengmeng."    


It is said that the owner is an outsider, so he came to our Xiangjiang to fish for gold and make some money. This is nothing much, after all, we are here for business, it is understandable, but your unbridled promotion and shameless hype is a bit too much! "    


"I've found an unknown person to raise the standard of their restaurant, saying that the food there is above Michelin's three star standard, so I'm going to laugh. Has he seen Michelin's brand before? To put it more seriously, their actions can be considered a fraud! "    


"Therefore, I, Eisling's Restaurant's chef, Lv Chao, have decided to challenge them and make their ugly faces known to the public!"    


The moment those words left his mouth, the audience broke out into a flurry of discussion. Several media outlets were continuously recording them, listening to his one-sided speech caused everyone's hearts to lean towards him.    




After about thirty seconds, the manager spoke again. "Next, let me introduce the judges."    


"This mister is the famous entrepreneur, Director Niu! "This is the famous entrepreneur, Chief Li ?"    


"I believe everyone has heard of him, he is the famous chef Luo Sheng, the head disciple of one of the Master Chef's top disciples, Wang Long. His understanding and understanding of food is more than enough to be a judge, the person beside him is Master An ?"    


After a short introduction, the entire stadium burst into applause.    


"Now, 10: 01. If the opponent still hasn't arrived by 10: 30, then this battle will be ended by Eisling's Restaurant's victory. At that time, I hope that all the reporters here can report this matter truthfully."    


The shop manager looked at the time and said confidently:    



"Of course, they might have asked around and found out about the social status of our Eisling's Restaurant as well as the level of our chef, or they might be afraid, or they might be able to understand. After all, it's only their first time here, and we promised that as long as they can come up with a report admitting their wrongs, we will not pursue this matter, and we will not argue any further, our meals are for the masses, we only hope that the truth is ?"    


Seeing the shop manager's display, Niu Xuebo secretly nodded, feeling that this person had chosen a good job at the start, his ability to handle things was pretty good.    


However, before he could finish his sentence, another group of people hurriedly walked into the restaurant.    


At the start, the people at the back cried out in alarm, and gradually, all of their gazes converged onto that direction.    


In everyone's eyes.    


A group of more than ten men in black suits and ties led the way in front. After opening the door, there were several men in black standing outside the restaurant.    


They stood up straight, giving off the feeling that they were extremely effective bodyguards.    


To be able to get these bodyguards, it meant that this person had some background.    


Even Niu Xuebo and the rest's eyes were filled with curiosity, people like them would not bring such bodyguards with them.    


'Could it be that some powerful figure is also coming to watch the show?    


Such a thought appeared in everyone's mind.    


However, when seven or eight people walked in from the back and saw that cute little girl, the shop manager's mouth slightly trembled.    


Mengmeng's casual restaurant!    


Why are you exaggerating so much?    


Zhang Han and Zi Yan walked at the very front. Zi Yan was still wearing the same clothes, white short sleeves, red short pants and sneakers, with the exception of a peaked cap and a pair of aviary, while Zhang Han was wearing a set of beige casual clothes. The thing that was different was that Zhang Han was also wearing a pair of camouflage glasses.    


Behind them, Zhao Feng followed closely. Behind them were Zhang Li, Zhou Fei, Luo Qing and Li Anna.    


When Zhang Han and the rest entered, Ah Hu and the rest who were standing by the side of the door followed. They walked to the left side of the stage and sat down, monopolizing a spot.    


Just then, another five to six media people came into the dining hall. They were Li Anna's friends.    


Seeing their postures, the entire stadium was silent. No one spoke anymore.    




Niu Xuebo reacted, and coughed to remind the shop manager to receive customers.    


This sort of display clearly had some background. Having more friends meant that they had to invite the judges to sit down and chat!    


However, the shop manager's words made the muscles on Niu Xuebo's face tremble.    




The shop manager swallowed his saliva and his tone became weaker by an eighth. Looking at the crowd, he said: "Erm, this, welcome to the leisure restaurant in Mengmeng, since you all are here, then can we begin the competition?"    


"Let's begin." Zi Yan said coldly.    


Zi Yan's aura was very strong, and saying those words was as if she had become the person giving the order. After the shop manager heard this, he nodded his head a few times, and said:    


"Alright, alright. Let's begin! Invite the chefs from both sides on stage. "    


"Go." Zi Yan said as he looked at Zhang Han.    


"Yes." Zhang Han nodded, and walked over.    


At this time, Mengmeng beside Zi Yan, pouted and said, "Baba, do your best."    


This made Zhang Han turn around and smile, and he could even feel that the eyes under his sunglasses were also smiling.    


Zhang Han walked onto the stage and stood next to the shop manager.    


As for Lv Chao, he walked to the other side, and looked at Zhang Han from head to toe, with disdain in his eyes.    


In his opinion, this new boss in front of him, who had just arrived, could not possibly have such an aura?    


He didn't need to think to know that it was an act.    


'Let's see how you will continue acting when you lose! '    


The corners of Lv Chao's mouth curled into a cold smile.    


"Next, let the two people who are going to compete introduce themselves ?" The shop manager's expression turned serious.    


Before he could finish his words, Zhang Han interrupted him and said, "Don't waste my time, let's begin immediately."    


Zhang Han's indifferent tone made the people feel naked contempt.    


This made Niu Xuebo, who was at the back, frown slightly.    


Wasn't coming here to compete so arrogantly a little too arrogant?    


Even if you have some money, don't forget where you are! One must know that a strong dragon can't beat a snake, but you are only a foreigner. It would be a little unreasonable for you to have such an attitude ?    


Thus, his voice also became indifferent as he said, "Then let's start immediately. Our time is also very precious."    


"Ah, alright." The shop manager nodded hastily and said, "I declare the start of this competition!"    


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