Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"Alright, then let's go back and eat." Zi Yan smiled, then extended her hand to pinch Mengmeng's pink cheeks.    


Thus, the group walked back to the group's location.    


Before getting on the carriage, Zhou Fei could not help but glance at Zhang Han who was sitting on the side of the carriage and said loudly: "Brother-in-law, I want meat for lunch."    


"You're not polite at all!" Zhang Li rolled his eyes at her.    


"There's no need to be polite, we're all family." Zhou Fei snorted, and the four women got on the carriage.    


After getting on the carriage, Zhang Han glanced at Zi Yan, laughed, and said: What do you want to eat in the afternoon?    


"Un ?" Zi Yan pondered for a moment, and since it was a little hot right now, he wanted to eat something cool to eat, so he said: "I want to eat cold noodles."    


"I want cold noodles too." Mengmeng chimed in.    


"Fine, then we'll make cold noodles. Let's go to New Moon Mountain to get some ingredients. The main ingredient is cold noodles, eh ?" Zhang Han thought for a while, then said: "How about a side dish of shredded potatoes, and a steamed chicken with chili sauce?"    


"Fine, I'll eat whatever you do." Zi Yan lightly tapped his forehead.    


"There are many different tastes of steamed chicken with chili sauce. Take a look at what you want to eat."    


"Let me check." Zi Yan took out his phone, inquired about his taste, and read: "There are Xiang Flavor steamed chicken with chili sauce, Ma Chou steamed chicken with chili sauce, Mei Zhuan steamed chicken with chili sauce, Chuan Cuisine steamed chicken with chili sauce, Wu Xiang steamed chicken with chili sauce, family common steamed chicken with chili sauce, there are so many of them."    


"They are all steamed chicken with chili sauce." Mengmeng shook his head and muttered.    


"What's the taste?" Zi Yan thought for a while, then said: "I like to eat spicy ones, the steamed chicken with chili sauce s' tastes are a little spicy, but the cold noodles are already spicy and sour. s. "    




Zhang Han nodded, he planned to first go to New Moon Mountain to gather the ingredients before returning to the dining hall to cook.    


had seen this steamed chicken with chili sauce before when he was looking at the menu, it belonged to the Sichuan cuisine and was a cold dish with abundant spicy ingredients.    


On the way back, on the other side, Sun Dongheng's car had already arrived at the dining hall.    


"Do you see that? This is the Mengmeng's casual restaurant."    


Sun Dongheng got out of the car, held his phone and took a few pictures of the restaurant's exterior:    


"Do you see that? This is the place where the normal eater lines up for. It's only eleven-thirty already, and there's already thirty people lining up."    


At this time, Little Fatty and Little Mei also walked in front of Sun Dongheng. They were a little surprised and looked forward to seeing the number of people queuing up in the restaurant.    


"Shitou, you can only have one membership card each. You three have to wait outside the line." Sun Dongheng said as he looked at the stone.    


This was also the result of the discussion he had with Lu Yin just now. Although there were a total of three members, but the three of them could only choose one, no matter who they choose, it was not good. It was possible to make the other two think of it, so they decided not to choose and lined up with them.    


The three of them didn't mind at all and waved their hands, "It's fine, it's fine. Just follow the rules and we'll queue outside."    


"Then Little Yin, let's go in first." Sun Dongheng said, and took the lead to walk into the dining hall.    


"Yes, yes." Lu Yin nodded and followed Sun Dongheng inside.    


While walking, Sun Dongheng purposely tilted his phone.    


Looking at the people in line, there were a few who were looking at Sun Dongheng, and some even said a few words from time to time:    


"Do you see him? He's a member of the guild!"    


This made Sun Dongheng's chin rise up.    


Walking to the front of the restaurant, Sun Dongheng adjusted the camera on his phone, aimed at the bulletin board at the side, and said:    


"Look, this is the bulletin board from the restaurant. The rules and price are written on it."    


Business hours: 7.00-8.00 in the morning, 12.00-13.00 in the afternoon and 18.00-19.00 in the evening.    


Food: Egg Fried Rice ? 300 yuan per serving, noodle soup ? 300 yuan per serving, other staples ? 300 yuan per serving, cow and goat milk ? 100 yuan per cup.    


Member: 10 million per serving for 1 person (15/20), member can eat dishes made by the boss, 400 meat dishes, 200 vegetarian dishes.    


Sun Dongheng looked at it and immediately felt extremely happy in his heart.    


'Heaven is on my side! '    


Sun Dongheng remembered two days ago when he was looking at the bulletin board, the member even said that it was for the top ten million. At that time, it was sold for eleven pieces, but now, it was directly written for ten million each.    


Lu Yin was also surprised when he saw it. From the opening hours to the prices of the dishes and the members, everyone was attacking Lu Yin's thoughts.    


Even standing at the scene was the same, let alone those who were staring at the screen. They were already in an uproar:    


"What is this? Three hours a day for business? Aren't you being a little too domineering? This is the first time I've seen such a rule. "    


"Three hundred Egg-Fried Rice?" "Damn, snatching money!"    


"I don't really understand the world of your bosses."    


"You sold fifteen of your membership cards? It's too exaggerated, I don't believe it! "    




Although there were 300,000 people in the live broadcast room, this bullet screen seemed to have the power of a million people, filling the entire screen!    


"Let's go in."    


After seeing the bulletin board, Sun Dongheng happily brought Lu Yin into the dining hall.    


"The style of the dining hall is family style, don't make it so. The white dining tables here are for normal eater, while the right dining tables here and the left dining table by the wall are for members. Why is there a wine cabinet? There's wine in the restaurant? "    


At this time, the normal eater's dining table was already filled, with only Zhao Feng, Liang Mengqi, Yu Qingqing and Zhao Dahu sitting at the member dining table.    



"Let's sit here." Sun Dongheng brought Lu Yin and sat at the member's table in the middle.    


"big brother Feng, where's the boss?" Sun Dongheng placed the phone on the table, adjusted the angle to look at himself and Lu Yin who was at the side, and then looked at Zhao Feng and asked.    


"I'm playing outside, I'm coming back soon." Zhao Feng replied.    


"Oh, why are there wine cabinets here? Was it specially bought by the boss or was it for sale? " Sun Dongheng asked curiously.    


"Not bought." Zhao Feng shook his head.    


"If it wasn't bought, then where did it come from?" This made Liang Mengqi a little curious.    


"Yes ?" Zhao Feng thought for a while, then replied honestly: "A gift from Chairman Liu."    


"Chairman Liu?" Sun Dongheng frowned, he felt that the word was familiar, but the one with the surname Liu was far too, he did not know who was it, and asked: "Which Chairman Liu?"    


At this time, Zhao Dahu also curiously looked at Zhao Feng.    


Under the gazes of several people, Zhao Feng slowly said three words:    


"Liu Qingfeng!"    


"Puff ?"    


Sun Dongheng choked on his saliva.    


He had heard Sun Ming speak of Liu Qingfeng no less than five times, but every time Sun Ming said it, he would say "Mr. Liu" with great respect.    


"It's that famous Chinese entrepreneur, Liu Qingfeng?" Liang Mengqi was startled and asked.    


Although she was from the Singapore, her family was a merchant family, and she knew many business people in China, so Liang Mengqi had heard of her name many times.    


On the other hand, Yu Qingqing, who had never heard of him before, although he was powerful, he was still a ways away from being the richest and most powerful multinational corporation. There were many people who did not know about him.    


Even Lin Xue who was sitting alone at the side at the table stopped in her tracks as she turned to look at Zhao Feng.    


After all, Liu Qingfeng was someone who was even better than her father's business!    


"Yes, that's him." Zhao Feng nodded at Liang Mengqi.    


"My god, Chairman Liu!" Zhao Dahu exclaimed: "That's an impressive big shot!"    


"Yes, I heard my family members mention it a few times when I was in Singapore. Wait, Zhao Feng, you mean... Chairman Liu sent wine to our boss? " As Liang Mengqi spoke, his eyes slightly widened as he looked at Zhao Feng and spoke.    


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