Godly Stay-Home Dad



0One could imagine, once Zi Yan's album was released, her popularity would increase, and it wouldn't be long before she would become popular again.    


And what was she to do? He had already completely offended Zi Yan this time, so his situation wasn't good. What should he do in the future?    


After thinking for half an hour, Mei Qi called Zi Yan: "Hello, Zi Yan, come to my office."    


A few minutes later, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei arrived.    


Mei Qi's eyes slightly reddened, and said: "Zi Yan, I'm sorry, it's my fault, but I had no choice, my position of Director was helped by Li Cheng, he took a liking to you, and kept meddling, I have no way of refusing him ?"    


She chose to tell him the truth, give up Li Cheng, add to that her pitiful attitude, to ease the relationship between her and Zi Yan. Even if she couldn't befriend him, it was still far better than being treated with hostility!    


After telling them everything, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei finally found out about everything that had happened recently.    


It turned out that the one who was always against him was Li Cheng!    


Li Cheng had been pretending to be gentle and refined in front of them, and had even been trying to help them. However, he had actually been the one to create all those troubles.    


After sitting in Mei Qi's office for half an hour, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei bid their farewell and left.    


On the other hand, because Mei Qi told her that, that pitiful and delicate look of hers also eased their relationship a little.    


Although it was impossible to be as intimate as it was a few years ago, it was indeed not hostile. Even Zhou Fei kept quiet, did not say anything, and was too lazy to say anything.    


She could feel that she and Elder Sister Yan would not be staying in the Dynasty Entertainment for long, and in this period of time, she could be considered to have a normal subordinate relationship with Mei Qi.    


"I never expected that from the very first album, Li Cheng had already started doing this. He also arranged the rest of the programs, the goal was to make us lose our reputation, damn it, this kind of scum, should die!"    


Returning to the office, Zhou Fei said angrily.    


"The human heart is hard to fathom." Zi Yan shook his head slightly, and said: "It's just that I never thought that Li Cheng would actually be so scheming."    


The board of directors is also under a lot of pressure. I think Li Cheng's father will definitely teach him a good lesson when he gets back. " Zhou Fei curled his lips and said: "When we meet again, I'll definitely properly ridicule and ridicule him!"    


"Haha ?" Seeing Zhou Fei like this, Zi Yan imagined the scene she saw and couldn't help but laugh out loud.    


Seeing Zi Yan's smile, Zhou Fei also laughed.    


She thought for a bit, then said: "Let's take a look at the results of the promotions. Today we will send three songs, tomorrow we will send three more, and leave four songs to wait for the release of the albums together, it's perfect!"    


"Yes." Zi Yan nodded.    


The two of them casually flipped through the pages in front of their computers.    


After the promotions during the day, there were already some results. The three songs that were released had already entered the top 50 ranks of the new song rankings.    


And it was just the beginning. The effects would probably increase significantly when there were more software users at night.    


Without a doubt, these publicity stunt were too domineering.    


In fact, there was even one other piece on the tiny search: Han Yang gave Zi Yan ten golden songs, does he like to enjoy the beauty or pursue it?    


This matter was extremely eye-catching, and very soon, everyone in the circle knew about it.    


He was surprised at first. Ten songs? Are you for real?    


Then there was the shock. Zi Yan's popularity would definitely skyrocket at this point in time with Han Yang's ten songs.    


In the end, it turned into envy. The MMP is one of the ten top tier items, how come I didn't have such luck?    


Those who were lamenting about their luck, would definitely go crazy if they knew that Han Yang was Zi Yan's husband.    


In their hearts, they had the cold sun, and they had the moving treasure!    


Five o'clock, after work time, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei packed up and left the office to go downstairs.    


Along the way, there were quite a few people who had gotten off work. This time, everyone's attitude had undergone a tremendous change.    


"Good morning, Elder Sister Yan."    


"Elder Sister Ziyan, Sister Zhou Fei."    


"Elder Sister Yan, Sister Fei."    




Seeing this, many people smiled and greeted him.    


Zi Yan was just like a few years ago, the corners of his mouth slightly curved upwards as he nodded his head slightly.    


When they arrived at the elevator, they quickly gave way to Zi Yan when they saw him. When they got off the elevator, many of them shook their heads and lamented:    


"Elder Sister Ziyan is too magnanimous, I don't care about small matters."    


"It's not unreasonable for someone else to succeed. With just this kind of mindset, very few people would be able to do it."    


"A few years ago, Elder Sister Yan was already extremely popular. One could imagine that Elder Sister Yan would become popular again after a while."    




There were also some who had previously discussed behind their backs and some who had ridiculed him. Just now, they had mustered up their courage to greet him, but they did not expect to receive such a response from Zi Yan.    


Of course, there were also those who would hide at the side when they saw Zi Yan, including both Xu Ruoyu and himself.    


When they reached the bottom of the stairs, under the gazes of many people, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei got on the supercar s, and slowly left.    


They returned to the dining room.    


There were already many customers waiting in line in front of the door, there were quite a number of people sitting inside, Zhang Han was in the kitchen making dinner.    


"I'm back." Zhang Han looked at Zi Yan and laughed.    


"Mhmm, what are we going to eat tonight?" Zi Yan looked at the kitchen a few times.    


"Is there meat?" Zhou Fei asked straightforwardly.    


"We'll have chicken tonight, and spiced goose s, fried goose liver, and some cold vegetables." Zhang Han replied.    


"So much that I'm hungry." Zhou Fei grinned.    


"Is the Mengmeng herself upstairs?" Zi Yan glanced at the sofa, usually when Zhang Han was cooking, Mengmeng would watch TV on the sofa on the first floor.    


"Wang Yihan and Wu Guang are here, they are playing upstairs."    


"Oh, oh. Then I'll go take a look." Zi Yan nodded and went upstairs.    


With one look, it was really lively.    


There were Wang Jiawen, Su Yu, the three little fellows, as well as Zhang Li and Luo Qing.    


Adults and children play group games, eagles catch chickens.    


At this time, with Wang Jiawen as the eagle and Su Yu as the hen, there was a line of little chicks standing at the back, and the people at the back were grabbing onto the clothes of the person in front.    


And Mengmeng, the three little fellows were at the back.    


When Zi Yan and Zhou Fei came up, the game had just started, and the two of them stood behind and watched.    


"I'm sharpening the blade." Wang Jiawen said loudly.    


"Why are you sharpening your blade?" Su Yu who was acting as the hen asked.    


"Catch your chicken and kill it!"    


"Why chicks?"    


"Your little chicken ate my family's rice and drank my family's water. Me will catch you and eat your meat!"    


"Can we catch him the day after tomorrow?"    


"No way!"    


"Can we catch them tomorrow?"    




"When are we going to catch them?"    


"Catch him now!"    


After the two of them spoke for a while, the three little fellows at the back gradually tensed up as they stared carefully at Wang Jiawen.    


After he finished speaking, he pounced over.    


The three little fellows cried out in fear as they ran left and right on their butts.    


After fighting for a while, he finally caught Zhang Li.    


The game was over.    


At this time, when everyone saw Zi Yan and Zhou Fei, they greeted them and Mengmeng ran into Zi Yan's arms to play for a few seconds.    


Zi Yan returned to his bedroom and changed his clothes. Zhou Fei also joined the battle.    


After a few conversations, Zhang Li started to catch people, and finally, Zhou Fei.    


Zhou Fei was like a hawk, his body dodging to the left and right, running to the back and hugging Mengmeng.    


"Haha, I got you!" Zhou Fei laughed.    


"Eh?" Mengmeng was immediately stunned. She blinked her large and clear eyes, and pouted her small mouth: "You, you, how did you catch me?"    


Seeing Zi Yan coming out, Little Princess pitifully pleaded for help: "Mama, Mama, I've been captured, Mengmeng is about to be eaten."    


Seeing that, Zi Yan could not help but laugh.    


"It's not eating. It's your turn to be an eagle." Zhou Fei pinched Mengmeng's small face.    


"Eh?" I'm an eagle! "Alright." Only then did Mengmeng remember that the one being caught was a hawk.    


Mengmeng ran to the front of the group and thought about it, but did not think of what she wanted to say, so she pouted her lips and said to Su Yu.    


"Uh-huh, I'm an eagle! "I, I want to catch your little chicken and stew it to eat meat. Hmph, I'm going to start now ?"    


With that, the Mengmeng ran forward excitedly. Su Yu stopped him, and the Mengmeng ran around.    


After a few chases, Mengmeng finally managed to reach the back where Su Yu was hiding. She grabbed Zhang Li's leg, raised her head, and giggled. "Aunt Lili, I've caught you."    


"Aiyo, I'm going to be eaten. What should I do?" Zhang Li pretended to cry.    


"Eh?" Mengmeng was stunned and quickly comforted: "No, no, I'm not eating any meat. It's that, you old hawk."    




The appearance of this little guy would always cause adults to laugh.    


After capturing Zhang Li, Mengmeng invited him to come over to play too. Zi Yan pursed his lips and smiled, in the end he joined the game and played for a while.    


The three little fellows who were the happiest on the run had beads of sweat on their foreheads, and they were having a great time playing.    


Only when Zhang Han came up to tell him that there were still twenty minutes until dinner did the game end.    



"The eagle caught the chicks for fun." Mengmeng sat on the sofa and looked at Zi Yan as he said with a pout, "We've never played Michael and Iven before. Mama, let's play when we see them."    


"Alright, let's play games when we meet in the future." Zi Yan smiled slightly.    


"Mengmeng, Mengmeng, who are Michael and Iven?" Wang Yihan asked curiously.    


"A good friend of mine in San Diego." The Mengmeng said.    


"Are they foreigners?" Wu Guang said shyly.    


"Yes, they are foreigners. Their hair is not black, and their eyes are not black. They are foreigners." Mengmeng blinked his big eyes and said.    


As the foreigners came out of his mouth, everyone could not help but laugh out loud.    


Zi Yan also unhappily rolled his eyes at Zhou Fei.    


Mengmeng learned this term from Zhou Fei.    


When a child was young, their learning speed was exceptionally fast. It was easy to remember what they said.    


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