Godly Stay-Home Dad



0The building looked similar to the CBD building in front of New Moon Bay. There were two men in police uniform standing guard expressionlessly.    


"Baba, is this the place where you work?" Mengmeng blinked his big eyes and looked around, and asked curiously.    


"Yes." Zhang Han nodded.    


Carrying Mengmeng to the door, they saw that it was an automatic door, and once they were a meter away from it, they automatically opened on both sides.    


He walked into the hall and took a quick glance. The hall was very spacious and there were a few staff members walking in and out of it.    


Zhang Han looked around, but he did not see any signposts or anything of the sort. He then walked towards the service desk on the left, where a horsetail girl was sitting.    


"Hello." Zhang Han greeted.    


"Hello." horsetail girl turned her head. When she saw Mengmeng, she 'aiya' exclaimed, and a smile rose from the corners of her eyes.    


"Oh, hello little sister." Mengmeng pouted and greeted.    


"Hello, little cutie." horsetail girl smiled sweetly.    


"May I know how to get to the treasury?" Zhang Han asked directly.    


"Huh?" horsetail girl was stunned, he asked in confusion: "What treasury?"    


"Isn't Treasure House's treasury located here?" Zhang Han asked curiously.    


"Treasure House?" horsetail girl's expression was a little dazed. He asked hesitantly: "Sir, did you come to the wrong place?"    


Isn't this National Security Agency? Zhang Han was even more confused.    


"Ah?" You are from the National Security Agency? " horsetail girl was startled and asked: "Is this your first time here as a new member?"    


"Mm, this is my first time coming here. This is my token." While speaking, Zhang Han took out his order badge and showed it to the lady.    


"It's from the National Security Agency, uh, uh, uh ? Protect, protect? You are protector Zhang? " horsetail girl's eyes instantly widened, sizing up Zhang Han from head to toe.    


Oh my god, protector Zhang is so young, so handsome!    


"Is this the location of the treasury? I'm going to take a look. " Zhang Han nodded and said.    


"Over there, there is a square hall at the furthest right of the corridor, which is the place to head to National Security Agency." horsetail girl stared at Zhang Han as he spoke carefully.    


"Okay, thanks." Zhang Han carried Mengmeng and headed towards the right side of the corridor.    


"Bye bye sister!" Mengmeng waved her small palm.    


"Bye bye." horsetail girl waved goodbye with a smile.    


After Zhang Han walked into the corridor, horsetail girl picked up his mobile phone and dialed an internal number.    


"Weird? The protector Zhang from your department is here! I just received him, so how handsome ? "    


There was a sign in the corridor to the right: National Security Office.    


Walking in, one could see that there were some people waiting in line in many of the rooms. There was even a large hall, similar to a payment hall.    


He walked to the innermost area and saw a small square hall. There were two people standing on either side of the square hall.    


"Good morning, protector Zhang!"    


Walking up to them, they greeted them respectfully.    


"Yes." Zhang Han nodded, and walked over to take a look.    


There were a total of four elevators on both sides of the square hall.    


"I need to go to the treasury to have a look." Zhang Han said directly.    


"Okay, I'll take you there." One of them bowed.    




At that moment, an elevator door opened and a man with short hair and small eyes walked out.    


"Eh? Mr. Zhang? " When the man saw Zhang Han, he was startled, then walked over: "I am protector Leng."    


"Hello." Zhang Han looked at protector Leng.    


A few days ago, I heard from Instructor Liu that the Dragon triumph club was the one who contacted Lei Tiannan.    


"Is this your first time here?" I'll show you around. " The protector Leng laughed. After he finished speaking, he looked at Mengmeng, and a look of envy flashed past his eyes. He said gently: "What a beautiful girl.    


"Um, my, my name is Mengmeng."    


"Mengmeng." protector Leng smiled and asked: "How old are you?"    


"My, I'm almost four years old." The Mengmeng answered with a pout.    


"So beautiful, haha." protector Leng shook his head, and said: "protector Zhang, let me bring you down."    


He led the way into the elevator.    


Zhang Han carried Mengmeng and followed, and the person who wanted to lead the way retreated.    


"The building at the upper floors is the security administration, and the other department is considered to be a subordinate of our National Security Agency. The real National Security Agency is on a total of five floors, the biggest floor is three floors, which can be considered as the center, with restaurants and a place to relax and entertain." protector Leng introduced him simply.    


"I need to go to the treasury to have a look." Zhang Han said.    


"Oh?" protector Leng was startled, then laughed: "Seems like protector Zhang has taken a fancy to some treasure? The treasury is on the fourth floor. "    


As he spoke, he pressed a button on the fourth floor and the elevator slowly descended.    




Arriving at the fourth floor and walking out of the elevator, he could see what seemed to be an underground shopping mall. There were many small rooms and buildings.    


There is the examination center over there, there is a place for training, there is the double gravity room, there is the martial arts training hall and so on, interested people can try it, but all the training halls in the fourth floor are for personal use, there is only the Great Deacons or above, in the third floor is a large competition hall, there will be people sparring in the third floor, there will be other people watching the competition, and the innermost area is the Treasure House, the larger treasures are displayed on the software, the larger ones are on the fifth floor, and the one without Raynaud's orders, you cannot go there without yourself. protector Leng said as they walked.    


Zhang Han listened quietly while the Mengmeng looked around with his big eyes.    


Soon, they arrived at the innermost room. It was completely empty, and the innermost wall was the entrance to the treasury. There was a round metal object in the center with a palm-sized screen on it.    


"You can open the door with a token. If you forget to bring a token, you have to go next door and ask the staff to open the door. Did you bring a token?" protector Leng asked.    


"I did." Zhang Han nodded, he took out the order badge and looked at the screen.    


Buzz! Buzz!    


A blue light lit up on the screen. After the scan token turned green, the round metal started spinning a few times. The door began to move slowly towards both sides. At the same time, a mechanical voice came out:    


"Welcome, protector Zhang Zhang Hanyang."    


"Eh?" Mengmeng was startled, he looked around and asked curiously: "Baba, who are you welcoming?"    


"Welcome to your father." The protector Leng said with a smile.    


"Hmph, you are lying. My Baba is Zhang, Zhang Han, and nothing else." Mengmeng had an expression that said "you are lying to your child".    


"That is the stage name we are calling you, just like how everyone is calling you Mengmeng." The protector Leng explained.    


"Eh?" Mengmeng thought for a moment, then looked at Zhang Han and asked: "Baba, is it like this?"    


"Mm, yes." Zhang Han replied with a light smile.    


"En hmph, I am welcoming my Baba ?" The Mengmeng muttered as he wrapped his arms around Zhang Han's neck and looked around.    


Ye Zichen walked in.    


Each of them was as tall as a person's waist. On top of them was a glass counter and they were divided into different boxes. Each box was filled with treasures and there were numbers at the bottom of the boxes.    


Mystic N13479.    


With just a glance, one could tell that this represents a profound rank treasure. The number N is good and the number later is the 'ID' of the treasure.    


Zhang Han casually opened up a grid of medicinal ingredients.    


Instantly, the light in the grid turned light red.    


Zhang Han took a light sniff and knew that it was a 100-year-old ginseng. Closing the glass door, a blue light ray shot out from inside. After scanning the ginseng, the light flashed thrice, returning to the previous white light.    


The reason why they didn't need anyone to watch over them was because of this Guardian System.    


"The things on the outside are all very ordinary. The room inside is the good stuff. Let's go take a look." The protector Leng looked inside with a little bit of anticipation.    


"Alright." Zhang Han nodded and walked inside with protector Leng.    


As he walked in, Zhang Han took out his phone and checked the hidden spirit stone's number. It was Black D6773.    


After taking a look, he kept his phone and walked to the innermost area. There was a series of small houses with glass doors. The items inside could be seen.    


"This is the Dragon Sword with one million points, a Heaven Ranked Magic Treasure, aiya ? I painstakingly saved up for five years and only managed to save up to 400,000 points. I estimate that I will need a few more years to get it. "    


protector Leng looked at the longsword inside the display stand and almost drooled.    


However, Zhang Han was not too interested in this. He wanted to walk a few steps to the side, but arrived in front of the Five elements furnace, and looked at the side of the glass door.    


Day S0009.    


When I came here, the Five elements furnace was there already, I heard that it had been here for almost forty years, this is the great treasure used for refining treasures, it's a pity that alchemists are scarce, and even big sects have them, like us Treasure House s, who go to the Celestial Dan Sect to buy them, every three years during the auction, a large portion of the pill s that come from the Celestial Dan Sect are all from the Celestial Dan Sect, they want to buy this Five elements furnace, but unfortunately, they did not have an agreement, our Protector Du here is a person from the Celestial Dan Sect, and we already have over 800,000 points, in one year, we can exchange for them. protector Leng shook his head and said.    




Zhang Han opened the door and walked in. The room was about fifteen meters wide and the Five elements furnace had five legs, it was around 1.3 meters tall and had a diameter of 70 to 80 centimeters. The furnace was circular with two balls at the top.    


As Zhang Han read through it, his eyes lit up.    


Not only does this pill furnace contain the five elements, it even contains Yin and Yang energy. It is a pretty good functional type of pill furnace, its material also contains some Void Stone and Xuan Void Gold, no wonder it can remain in such a good condition.    


"This Five elements furnace is not bad." Zhang Han laughed and said.    


"Good, of course, of course. However, to many people, they are too useless. Even if they were given to me, I wouldn't use them." protector Leng laughed.    


"Let's go somewhere else to take a look." Zhang Han took the lead and walked out of the glass door.    


Lights flickered inside, scanning the room before calming down.    


This time, Zhang Han immediately searched according to the number, and quickly arrived at the side of the hidden spirit stone.    


It was written: Energy Stone, Mystic N13479.    


He opened the glass door and looked at the hidden spirit stone.    


"Hiss ?"    


Zhang Han took a deep breath.    


The aroma of the spiritual treasure s, captivating.    


He could feel that this stone contained a lot of energy.    


There was a lot of energy, which exceeded Zhang Han's expectations, and made his eyes light up slightly.    



Although the energy was mottled, the Eldertree could still cleanse it.    


With it around, Yuan Qing Fruit would definitely appear in less than a month!    




Zhang Han closed the glass door.    


Since he had made up his mind, he would go back and take a good look at the mission and try to get this hidden spirit stone as soon as possible.    


"Go out."    


Zhang Han took the lead and walked out.    


"Aren't you looking at something else? You have a thousand points right, you can exchange for some small treasures. " The protector Leng said.    


"Not yet." Zhang Han shook his head.    


"Yeah, a thousand points is indeed a bit terrible. I heard that you have a team?" You can accept missions for them to complete, and count it as your points. That Protector Du has seven subordinates who can accomplish missions with high efficiency, so their points can rise quickly. " The protector Leng said.    


Soon, the two walked out of the treasury, and the door slowly closed.    


Walking out of the house, just as he arrived at the corridor, a provocative sneer suddenly came from not too far away:    


"Huh?" Isn't this our new protector Zhang? "    


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