Urban Magic Eye

C75 He Yingying's Request

C75 He Yingying's Request

0When she returned to Fame Garden, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. According to her usual habit, Hee Yingying had already fallen asleep, but now she was sitting on the sofa with a worried look.    




Hearing the sound of the door opening, Hee Yingying excitedly stood up and ran over to welcome Lee Hao.    


"Why are your clothes so dirty?" Hee Yingying complained as she helped Lee Hao take off his coat.    


"Hehe," Lee Hao just laughed and did not explain. He told some things to the women to worry about them.    


"Elder Sister Ying, it is already eleven o'clock. Why haven't you slept yet? Is it because I am not back and can't sleep? "    


Lee Hao teased and carried Hee Yingying to the sofa.    


It was late at night. Hee Yingying had already finished bathing and changed into her pajamas. There was nothing in her loose pajamas that Lee Hao could enjoy to his heart's content.    


Sure enough, after sitting down, Lee Hao began to be dishonest. He kissed Hee Yingying's fragrant lips and the Demon Claw also began to swim around.    






The sensitive Hee Yingying immediately entered into a state of sync.    


About three minutes later, Hee Yingying pushed Lee Hao away and said, "Hao, there is something I need your help with."    


"Just say it. Elder Sister Ying's matter is my matter." Lee Hao replied, but his hands did not stop moving. Hee Yingying's pajamas were stripped off and her snow white upper body completely appeared in his sight.    


The fragrance assailed his nose. Lee Hao closed his eyes and greedily inhaled deeply!    


"Ah... Hao... can... cannot stop first. Wait until I finish talking, you can play however you want?"    


Hee Yingying's promise made Lee Hao overjoyed. He raised his head and urged, "Elder Sister Ying, if there is anything you need to say, say it quickly. A midnight snack is worth a thousand gold coins."    


"Pervert! He only knows how to bully me." Hee Yingying muttered and said, "Hao, I was visiting a friend today. One of my elders has old injuries. Can you help massage him?"    


After saying that, Hee Yingying looked at Lee Hao with anticipation.    


He had used a lot of Spiritual Qi during this period of time. Lee Hao originally planned to control it. After all, there were still a few months before the Spring Festival. When he returned home, he would have to treat his parents.    


However, facing Hee Yingying's expectant eyes, Lee Hao really did not have the courage to refuse. He said, "Okay, I can give it a try. I will do my best."    


"Great, Hao." Hee Yingying cheered happily. She hugged Lee Hao's neck and kissed him. It was a reward for him.    


Lee Hao enjoyed Hee Yingying's return. His hands did not stop. In less than a minute, his pajamas were completely peeled off and Lee Hao threw them to the side.    


At this time, Hee Yingying sat naked on Lee Hao's body. Hee Yingying was not too shy and took off Lee Hao's clothes.    


"Little... Hao, don't be here. Let's go to the bedroom." Hee Yingying's face was flushed red. Her words were blurred but she still had a trace of consciousness. She knew that this was the living room.    


In fact, Lee Hao preferred this spacious and bright place. Considering that this was their first time, he could not leave a psychological scar on Hee Yingying. He carried her to his bedroom.    




In the bedroom, Hee Yingying's cries rose and fell, one higher than the other.    


"Elder Sister Ying, change seats. Yes, yes, yes. That's it." In the room, Lee Hao's voice could be heard from time to time, directing Hee Yingying's body.    






"Hao, I... I'm going to heaven, I'm going to heaven..."    


In the bedroom, with Hee Yingying's last scream, Lee Hao used all his horsepower and sprinted for the last 100 meters.    


"Ah..." With a heavy voice, the bedroom was completely quiet. Only the two of them were lying in the bedroom, breathing heavily.    


After half an hour, the sound in the bedroom was heard again.    


"Ah... Hao."    


The scattered screams lasted for more than two o'clock in the morning before they completely disappeared.    


Early in the morning, at seven o'clock, Hee Yingying woke up. No matter when she slept at night, she would wake up at this time.    


But this time, she woke up different from before. She had a pair of strong arms that hugged her.    


Thinking about what happened last night, Hee Yingying's face instantly turned red. This was the happiest moment that she had enjoyed in the past thirty years. It made her unable to extricate herself from it.    


And all of this was brought by the handsome man sleeping beside her. He used his hand to caress the other party's strong pectoral muscles and Hee Yingying was intoxicated again.    


However, Lee Hao's physical strength yesterday was somewhat exhausted, and he was still sleeping, so he did not experience this warm moment.    


After ten minutes, Hee Yingying restrained the feelings in her heart and prepared to get up to cook.    




Just as she got out of bed, Hee Yingying let out a low cry of pain. Her feet slipped and she almost fell to the ground. There were a few years of desolation and suddenly she encountered deep farming. Inevitably, injuries were unavoidable.    


Seeing Lee Hao still sleeping, Hee Yingying rolled her eyes. Enduring the pain, she slowly walked downstairs.    


"Hao, get up. It's already nine o'clock."    


"Okay." Lee Hao replied with sleepy eyes.    


When he got up and went downstairs, Lee Hao found Hee Yingying's strange walking posture and asked, "Elder Sister Ying, what happened to you?"    


"It's still not you. You just blindly do it." Hee Yingying said coquettishly.    


"Hehe." Lee Hao hugged Hee Yingying from behind and whispered into her ear, "Yesterday, who kept saying that I want, I want, and I still want."    



"Death Stance, quickly wash your face and rinse your mouth!"    


"Dong, dong, dong. "    


Before breakfast, there was a hurried knocking on the door. Hee Yingying wanted to get up and open the door but was stopped by Lee Hao. "Elder Sister Ying, it's not convenient. Don't show off. Be good and eat. I'll go." After saying that, she put down the chopsticks and went to open the door.    


As for Hee Yingying, a sweet feeling rose in her heart. It was really good to be cared for by others like this!    


"You are?" Lee Hao asked curiously when he saw the unfamiliar man outside the door.    


"You should be Lee Hao! Yesterday, Yingying told me about you. She said that your medical skills are excellent and that you can cure the old master's illness. My name is Chen Jun."    


It turned out that this was the friend Elder Sister Ying mentioned. Lee Hao welcomed her warmly into the house.    




"Brother Jun."    


The two of them greeted each other. Chen Jun impatiently said, "Yingying, the old man's health has worsened today. When do you think we should leave?"    


It seemed that Elder Chen and his son's condition was not optimistic. Otherwise, Chen Jun would not have ignored etiquette and urged them to leave as soon as they met.    


"Hao, what do you think?" Hee Yingying looked at Lee Hao and asked.    


Since she had agreed to help, she would do the right thing to the end. She said, "Okay, let's go out now."    


The three of them went out. Chen Jun let Lee Hao and Hee Yingying get in his car and explained, "The inspection is more strict. It is very troublesome to get in the car outside."    


At this time, Lee Hao realized that Chen Jun's identity was not simple. He had just found out that Chen Jun had the aura of a soldier. He was afraid that Elder Chen and his son were big shots in the military.    


Sure enough, Chen Jun drove his car to the suburbs. How could Lee Hao not know where the southern military base was located in this direction?    


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