Urban Magic Eye

C88 Gun Fight

C88 Gun Fight

0The huge contrast between the three of them wasn't out of Lee Hao's expectation, and it couldn't prove that Zhang Tao and Liu Cong were useless. It could only mean that these two were afraid of death.    


Chen Dong, on the other hand, was young and hot-blooded. He even went to the National Defense University. Not only was he not afraid, but he also had an impulse to give it a try. After all, he had never killed anyone before.    


"Young Master Chen, take it." Since the other party was eager to show off, Lee Hao was also a success. He took out another pistol and handed it to the other party.    


"Thank you, Elder Brother Hao!" Chen Dong answered and picked up the pistol to play with it skillfully. He shot three times in a row, and the gun hit the enemy.    


Lee Hao and the others took the initiative to attack first. The Lin Family's underlings were killed and injured. Miserable screams rose and fell. There was nowhere to hide in the big bag. Except for one person who could hide under the gambling table, most of them could only lie on the ground.    


Of course, these lackeys basically did not have guns. Only a few bodyguards behind Lin Tianxiong had guns. Before they could take out their guns, they were taken care of by Lee Hao. How could they fight back?    


In the face of a life and death crisis, not to mention Lin Tianxiong, even if the Heavenly Emperor's father came, these hoodlums wouldn't let him go. They swarmed towards the only way out.    


The door that was less than a meter wide was instantly surrounded by hoodlums. Lin Tianxiong was lucky and avoided Lee Hao's fatal spear, but in this situation, he could only helplessly sigh.    


All of this was completed in an instant. It was also a great irony that the ambitious Lin Tianxiong was blocked by his own little brother.    


"Whoever doesn't squat down will die." Lee Hao wasn't a bloodthirsty person. Moreover, these hooligans didn't die because of their crimes, giving them a way out.    


Many of the lackeys who were far away from the door simply squatted in the corner with their heads held. Those who could escape must have escaped. Otherwise, if they surrendered like this, the Lin Family wouldn't punish them after this matter was over.    


"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Ah Long was really anxious right now. He was standing at the entrance of the building with his underlings who were carrying guns. Damn it, his own people had blocked the road. What was even more polite was that the old master had been blocked here. It was not that he was afraid that it would affect him, but he really wanted to kill all of these useless people.    


As for those gangsters who were still running away, especially Lin Tianxiong who was hiding in the crowd, Lee Hao and the others naturally wouldn't hold back. More than twenty guns were fired at them.    


"Bang, bang, bang."    


Gunshots were heard one after another. The gangsters outside kept falling. Lin Tianxiong had just walked to the door when he was hit on the back by a stray bullet.    


However, Ah Long played a huge role at this time. He pulled Lin Tianxiong over and saved him from more gunshot wounds.    


"Go, go, go." After saving the boss, no one cared about the subordinates inside. They started to command the subordinates with guns to attack inside. He carried Lin Tianxiong on his back and was ready to treat them first.    


These lackeys were able to obtain the qualification to carry guns, so they were definitely more loyal to the Lin Family than the other gangsters. They strictly carried out Ah Long's orders.    


Three or four men with submachine guns stood by the window in the corridor and started shooting at the glass.    


How could ordinary glass block the power of bullets? It instantly shattered, and four men with submachine guns also fell down.    


They were just ordinary gangsters, how could they be compared to Liu Cong, who was a retired soldier? They were the targets of the attack as soon as they appeared.    


"Wuwuwu, wuwu..."    


Outside the street, sirens rang. Chief Director General Niu led more than a hundred police officers and surrounded Yongli Casino.    


"Charge! Anyone who resists will be killed! Those in black suits, don't kill them!" Chief Director General Niu quickly gave the order.    


Lin Xing was leading his subordinates to fight with Luo Li. Although Luo Li and the others were very strong, they were blocking the entrance with a few submachine guns. They really did seem like they could hold off tens of thousands of people by themselves.    


Seeing Director General Niu bring more than a hundred police officers, Lin Xing was very confused. Didn't the police only arrive after the incident? Why did they come so quickly today, and even put on a fighting stance?    


The doubt was only temporary, and the one who bore the brunt of it wasn't the Lin Family. It was the people outside who were rushing towards the Lin Family's casino, but the result was a huge blow to their eyes. The police actually did not shoot at that group of people. Instead, they shot at the subordinates of the Lin Family.    


Director General Niu ran to Luo Li's side. After standing at attention and saluting, he said respectfully, "Sir, I came a step late. I have given you a fright."    


Then he said angrily, "In my jurisdiction, there is actually such a group of criminals with weapons in their hands. Please forgive me, sir."    


"Hurry up and use tear gas grenades to subdue the criminals. There are a few big shots in there. Can you bear the responsibility if something happens?" Luo Li was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party. He didn't care about these things. He was only responsible for Liu Cong's safety.    


Director General Niu also made some simple greetings. He knew that the matter was urgent, so he began to arrange for the police to attack the criminal inside. Not to mention, the fully prepared police were different. Very soon, they rushed into the interior of Yongli Casino!    


"Don't move, don't move!" The voices of the police kept rising and falling. Many hooligan chose to hold his head and beg for mercy.    


They came out to feed their families. A few of them were willing to taste peanuts.    


The gunshots gradually disappeared. More than a hundred police officers quickly controlled the situation, including the dozens of armed gangsters on the second floor.    


Of course, these people were able to be subdued because of the people led by Luo Li. They fearlessly rushed to the front and attacked from the front and back with Lee Hao's bodyguards. That was why they were able to eliminate the enemy so quickly.    


The police officers continued to search for the gangsters who were caught. Suddenly, a police officer came to Director General Niu's side and said something carefully.    


After listening to the report, Director General Niu's face lit up and he loudly said, "A few people, come with me." After saying that, he took the lead and walked out.    


In a dark corner, Lin Tianxiong was leaning against a corner, while Ah Long was guarding beside him. This was the end of an ambitious man.    


Seeing the police come over, Lin Tianxiong forced himself to support himself and said excitedly, "Director General Niu, you are here. This is great. You have to help me make the decision. Those people brought those guys to the casino to cause trouble."    


Director General Niu looked at Lin Tianxiong with contempt and said disdainfully, "Lin Tianxiong, don't put on an act in front of me. I have investigated the foundation of the Lin Family clearly."    


"Director General Niu, I was really wronged. They were the ones who attacked first. I was in self-defense. Look at me. There are still injuries on my body." Lin Tianxiong didn't give up and continued to explain.    


"If you are wronged, go to the police station and file a complaint!" Director General Niu lost his patience and said to the police behind him, "Guards, handcuff Lin Tianxiong."    


Hearing Director General Niu's words, Lin Tianxiong was in despair and said, "Director General Niu, I have money. As long as you let me go this time, I will give you all the money you want."    


When it came to money, Director General Niu was stunned. Who didn't like this white money? But he didn't dare to take this dirty money.    


Seeing Director General Niu's reaction, Lin Tianxiong thought that he was moved and continued, "Director General Niu, what I said is true. As long as you let me go this time, I promise I will give you at least three billion yuan."    


"Money is good, but you must have the life to spend it. Boss Lin, you should go to jail and receive legal punishment! Don't worry, you won't be able to escape this time. I'll find out everything about you." After saying that, Director General Niu left without hesitation.    


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