Reborn Medicine King

C2370 Combat Puppet!

C2370 Combat Puppet!

0Lin Zhan said.    


"If it was a place of inheritance, I believe that there would definitely be a legacy. Moreover, he left behind so many restrictions and battle puppets, he should have a purpose."    


Jiang Fann was filled with anticipation.    


"Let's go in first."    


Jiang Fann suppressed his aura first. He even specially consumed a pill to suppress his aura, not daring to be careless.    


When he arrived at the place where the strong light had appeared, he discovered that there was nothing here. It seemed that the battle puppet had already left, and he didn't know where it went to patrol.    


Jiang Fann did not know how many battle puppets there were here, nor did he know what kind of formation it was. Now, he could only investigate it bit by bit.    


Jiang Fann was not in a hurry to enter. Instead, he used the Divine Eye and the Spiritual Sense to sense the situation around him. Because when he was chatting with the Leopard Demon earlier, the Leopard Demon had said that the battle puppet could maintain its patrolling status in the formation area, but this place clearly wasn't within the range of the formation. Jiang Fann did not sense the slightest aura of the formation.    


Jiang Fann even placed his hand on the ground and fused his Spiritual Sense and power into the ground. Unfortunately, there was still no reaction from the Spiritual Strength on the ground. Basically, he could conclude that there was no formation in this area.    


Lin Zhan reminded him, "You can continue to move forward a certain distance. That battle puppet might have chased out from the formation and attacked once before returning to the formation. This is also the reason why there aren't any more attacks."    


Jiang Fann felt that what he said was reasonable. Then, he carefully recalled the area where the strong light had lit up for the first time, and slowly moved towards that direction.    


Sure enough, about a hundred meters away, Jiang Fann's Divine Eye detected a trace of Spiritual Strength fluctuation in front of him. It was a barrier, and there was also the aura of the Array Breaking Spiritual Diagram. If he was not mistaken, it should be the target area.    


He slowly approached and arrived outside the barrier. Jiang Fann was not in a hurry to pass through the barrier.    


Instead, he stood outside the barrier and observed the situation inside the barrier seriously. It looked no different from the outside, but Jiang Fann did not discover nothing. Along the way, he discovered that the deeper he went to the north, the denser the Spiritual Strength became. It was obvious that the great figure had chosen this place to establish his inheritance.    


After confirming that the Battle Puppet was not nearby, Jiang Fann placed his hand on the barrier and found that the barrier could not stop outsiders from entering.    


However, just as he was about to pass through, Lin Zhan suddenly reminded him, "Don't directly pass through. After assimilating the Spiritual Strength, those Battle Puppets will probably sense that outsiders have invaded through this barrier."    


The Spiritual Strength released by the barrier was not very strong. Jiang Fann used his own Spiritual Strength to strengthen it. The Array Breaking Spiritual Diagram appeared and began to quickly assimilate the Spiritual Strength.    


After sensing the Spiritual Strength on the barrier, Jiang Fann could basically confirm the possibility of Lin Zhan's words. The barrier was not very strong, but the counterattack it covered was shockingly large. However, it did not have any defensive or offensive power. If it was purely here, it would be of no value. Therefore, its purpose should be to sense the existence of intruders and then the Battle Puppet would rush over here immediately.    


Therefore, the two leopard demons should not have been attacked just because they coincidentally bumped into the Combat Puppet. It should be the Combat Puppet that sensed their existence at the first moment, which was why it appeared here.    


Because the Spiritual Strength of the barrier was not strong, it only took ten minutes for it to be assimilated.    


Jiang Fann did not waste any time either. He activated the assimilated Spiritual Strength and wrapped himself up, then directly passed through the barrier and entered this area.    


There was not much change in the Spiritual Strength on both sides of the barrier, but after entering this area, Jiang Fann suddenly felt a chill on his back. He did not know why he felt this way.    


As an immortal treasure, Xiaoyu also felt something.    


"Master, you have to be careful. This place is very dangerous."    


Jiang Fann lightly nodded his head, but did not respond. If one did not enter a tiger's den, how could one obtain a tiger cub? Ever since he started his training, this was not the first time he had experienced such a situation. Back then, it was even more difficult to endure in the Three Lives Valley and Five Image Peaks.    


He stood still and activated the Divine Eye, looking forward. Even in the darkness of the night, he could still see very far.    


There was a short mountain in front of him, and he could vaguely see some buildings above it. However, he could not see clearly what exactly was there. At least, he could see a few barriers appearing in different directions, and there was even an even larger barrier surrounding them.    


Each barrier represented a different kind of inhibition and array formation. They protected different areas. Unfortunately, it was also because of the existence of these barriers that Jiang Fann's Spiritual Sense was unable to sense what exactly was in those places. He had to approach or pass through those barriers to know what was in there.    


"It seems that we won't be able to finish this place in a short period of time."    


Lin Zhan said, "Just relying on the state of those barriers, we won't be able to determine the situation of the formation. We still need to get closer to sense it. However, the biggest barrier should be able to reveal something from above. If we start from him, we might be able to sense the situation of the other formations inside."    


Jiang Fann nodded. Lin Zhan's suggestion could be considered as a start for his operation.    


With Lin Zhan, Xiao Ai, and the chapter of Formation Dao, Jiang Fann had a natural advantage when facing arrays. Especially after he had developed the chapter of Formation Dao, he was already incomparably relaxed when facing arrays. The fact that he could break the seal of Little Miao was enough to prove the problem.    


Jiang Fann moved in that direction and quickly saw a moving figure. It did not release any aura, and its figure was extremely tall, as if it was a humanoid creature wearing a cloak.    


However, Jiang Fann knew what it was. It should be one of the war puppets patrolling in this area.    


Seeing this thing, the Martial God Token said, "I have to say that the methods of the Upper Nine Heavens when refining these war puppets seem to be much stronger than the Nine Desolations. This thing's aura is restrained. If it is hidden in the dark and suddenly attacked, its power will definitely be extremely shocking."    


Jiang Fann thought back to the attack of the strong light he had seen before. If it was a sudden attack, it would be very difficult to dodge silently, and its power would not be weak either.    


Because Jiang Fann had suppressed his aura, the war puppet did not sense his existence. The speed of this thing was not fast, and it was moving in a very regular manner. It could be seen that this thing did not have a Spiritual Sense, and it did not have its own consciousness.    


No matter how powerful this war puppet was, as long as it did not have its own consciousness, it would be easy to deal with it. At most, he would not provoke it.    


Jiang Fann hid behind the tree and waited for the war puppet to leave this area before continuing forward.    


Not far away from Jiang Fann, a Human Clan skeleton was lying on the ground. Beside it was a Hundred Treasures Bag that had lost its luster. It could be determined that this should be a cultivator who had come here to train. However, it was unknown what era the cultivators from this place had died in.    


Jiang Fann planned to use the Spiritual Strength to retrieve the Hundred Treasures Bag, and from the things inside, he would be able to obtain a lot of useful information.    


However, Xiao Yu's words reminded Jiang Fann, "This skeleton is definitely more than a few hundred years old. This doesn't match the time that the Nether Demon mentioned, so this is either a cultivator who came here a long time ago, or there are Human Cultivators living in this space. They came here to train, but unfortunately, they died here."    


Just as Jiang Fann used the Spiritual Strength to move the Hundred Treasures Bag, the war puppet, who had already walked far away, suddenly turned around and disappeared.    


In the next moment, it appeared beside the Hundred Treasures Bag. In the blink of an eye, it had moved a distance, which was very strange.    


The moment Jiang Fann disappeared, he had already dispersed the Spiritual Strength. However, he did not expect that this thing's perception would be so sensitive, and its movements were also so agile. Just this ability to shift, he might not be able to shake it off even if he used the Body Arts.    


"So powerful!" Jiang Fann sighed sincerely.    


Xiao Yu said, "This is no longer a simple war puppet, right? What was that teleportation just now? I'm afraid that it has already surpassed the cultivators of the Mortal Separating Stage who regard their movement skills as their supreme. "    


After saying that, she did not forget to remind Jiang Fann, "This thing's perception is even sharper than we imagined. I wonder if it's because of the surrounding array formation or if it has such a perception itself."    


This was also something that Jiang Fann did not understand. This place was not far from the huge barrier, and the barrier's power covered the surrounding area, so this area was also within it.    


Xiao Ai opened her mouth and said, "If it was the perception of the array formation, then controlling these war puppets, this is also a little hard to imagine. This reaction is a little too fast."    


After Jiang Fann dispersed his Spiritual Strength, the war puppet wandered around for a moment, but it did not sense Jiang Fann's position. Then it returned to its original path and continued to patrol along the original route.    



Seeing that he had walked far away, Jiang Fann tried again. He mobilized a Spiritual Strength that was even weaker than the last time, and moved the Hundred Treasures Bag across space. The purpose was to use the reaction of the war puppet again.    


This time, the reaction of the war puppet was clearly a little slower, but it was only a little bit. It used the same method as last time, and immediately moved to the side of the Hundred Treasures Bag, and then kept looking around. It was obvious that it was looking for intruders around it.    


What Jiang Fann did not expect was that this time, the battle puppet actually stayed for a longer time than the first time. It gave off a feeling of consciousness as if it was thinking about something.    


Very quickly, another similar battle puppet appeared from another direction and rushed towards them. It stood near the Hundred Treasures Bag and sensed different directions from the battle puppet. The battle puppets did not communicate with each other, but the scene was very strange.    


Seeing this scene, Xiao Ai immediately said, "If we can confirm that this battle puppet does not have its own consciousness, then there is only one possibility. There is something controlling them."    


"Control? Could it be that there is a cultivator here?"    


Hearing Jiang Fann's words, Xiao Ai and Lin Zhan spoke at the same time.    


"Formation Spirit!"    


As the Formation Spirit, Lin Zhan and the others naturally had the most authority. Now, they were at the largest barrier of Spiritual Strength, and because he had suppressed his own Spiritual Strength and assimilated with the Spiritual Strength outside, it was very difficult for them to sense it. However, the Spiritual Strength that he used was not affected by his own Spiritual Strength, so he would be sensed by the barrier at the first moment. If there was really a Formation Spirit in the barrier, it would not be strange for it to control these battle puppets. This should be the best explanation.    


Therefore, Jiang Fann said to them, "What can we do to test him?"    


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