Reborn Medicine King

C197 Do Something Big

C197 Do Something Big

0Five days later, Qian Sen was at the front, suddenly making the two of them slow down, he pointed to the forest at the side, and the three of them entered together.    


Looking ahead along the main road, he could see four people escorting a prisoner full of iron chains, slowly walking forward.    


The prisoner's aura was very weak. If he was even a little bit slower, he would have been immediately kicked by the powerhouses behind him, making him walk a few steps faster in a very impolite manner.    


When Xiao Rann saw the person being escorted, his brows knitted slightly.    


"It's really him!" This bunch of bastards! "    


This guy was actually a familiar face to him. Now that he was harmed to such a state, it made him somewhat angry. He was about to attack directly, but was pulled back by Qian Sen.    


"What's the rush? He's been suffering for days now, don't be in such a rush." "Look ahead."    


Xiao Rann raised his head and looked afar, he was also startled, because about fifty metres away from the convoy, there was a convoy that was slowly moving.    


Qian Sen explained: "The ones following behind are only small soldiers, the real experts are all over there. There are at least three Profound Rank warriors in that carriage. If you go, it would be suicide.    


Qian Sen was very clear about the rules of escorting strong warriors.    


Jiang Fann said: "All of you wait here, I will go and save them."    


The two of them reminded him to be careful.    


Jiang Fann's actions caused the two of them to be stunned, they immediately saw Jiang Fann shuttling through the forest, his speed was astonishing, in a blink of an eye he had already arrived at the forest beside them.    


Jiang Fann did not choose to deal with the people in the convoy ahead. Instead, he locked onto the four warriors behind him.    


Without making a sound, he quietly arrived behind them and gently sprinkled the medicinal powder in his hand, including the outsider, onto the ground.    


Jiang Fann's speed was extremely fast, and one by one, he caught up with them and then laid them on the ground, without making any sound. He did not alarm the convoy in front of him and quickly carried the tall Body Training Cultivator into the forest.    


By the time the convoy finished, Jiang Fann and his men had already disappeared without a trace.    


They quickly returned, only to find that the four warriors had already fainted.    


"Where did this person run off to? Didn't any of you notice it earlier? "    


"I don't know. This is bad. Hurry up and split up and search everywhere. If I catch that bastard, I must skin him alive."    


The cultivator beside him frowned and asked, "Then what do we do now?" If we lose the people, Palace of Warlord will be our fault, we can't afford to shoulder the responsibility. "    


"That guy's strength has been weakened and he can't run away. If he really can't run away, then we'll just push this onto that group of people. Stop wasting time and hurry and find him."    


In the convoy, everyone split up and went to search for traces of the criminals, but Jiang Fann had already brought everyone and left the area.    


Jiang Fann had a smile on his face as he chatted with Qian Sen.    


On the other side, Xiao Rann sat next to the big sized man, smiling at him.    


After about an hour, the big bloke slowly regained consciousness.    


Upon seeing the surrounding scenery, Zhang Xuan was taken aback. When he saw Xiao Rann, he slowly closed his eyes and muttered: "So it was just a dream, why did I dream about that bastard Xiao Rann, why couldn't it be a beautiful lady!"    


When Jiang Fann heard this, he immediately burst out laughing, while Qian Sen also looked at him with a smiling face.    


Xiao Rann slapped his face hatefully.    


"Pa ~ ~ ~"    


The big bloke was sobered up by the punch, he suddenly sat up and looked at Xiao Rann in shock.    


"It's not a dream? Is that true? I ran out? "    


Xiao Rann taunted: "You silly big guy, you were actually caught by those people, but unfortunately, you didn't leave the Spirit Extinction Realm, and I came as well."    


Only now did the big bloke see his surroundings clearly, and also saw the two people standing to the side.    


He had seen these two before in the dungeon. Jiang Fann had told him before that he would be saved and he had almost given up on them.    


"I know you, accept Qiu Hai's bow!"    


He anxiously crawled up and kowtowed to Jiang Fann, obviously he was also an impatient person.    


Jiang Fann dodged hurriedly and laughed lightly: "I can't, Xiao Rann is more anxious than me."    


Xiao Rann pointed to the ground: "Come and greet me quickly!"    


Qiu Hai got up, and said with contempt: "With your two tricks, you still want to save me? You are not even my match if I am injured. "    


The two of them had a good relationship, after exchanging a few words, Qiu Hai finally spoke: "You entered Blue Wind Mountain too? Is it a special kind of power that brought you to this damned place? "    


Xiao Rann pointed at Jiang Fann: "If it wasn't for that guy insisting on going into the mountain, I wouldn't have ended up like this."    


Qiu Hai looked at Jiang Fann: "I wonder what benefactor's name is!"    


"Jiang Fann!"    


Hearing this name, Qiu Hai was a little shocked.    


"You are Jiang Fann?"    


As a disciple of the White Emperor Sect, he had naturally heard of Jiang Fann before. However, a while ago, he, Qiu Hai, was not in the sect at all, so he had yet to experience what happened on that day.    


Qian Sen was interested.    


"Are you still famous outside?"    


Qiu Hai laughed: "He is more than just famous, he is extremely famous. I'm afraid that not many powers in the entire continent do not know of his name, I never expected to meet this super genius here."    


Jiang Fann laughed: "I am not as mysterious as you say. There are a lot of people who want my life."    



Xiao Rann said snappily: Let's not talk about him anymore. Let's think of a way to leave this damn place, I don't want to stay for even a second longer with this Spirit Extinction Realm.    


Qiu Hai looked at Jiang Fann in anticipation: "Do you know the way?"    


Jiang Fann shook his head decisively. "I'm not sure, but the most likely place to leave is the Divine Mountain. Since this is a small world, there must be a way for us to leave. It would be best if we can sneak into that Palace of Warlord right now. "    


He looked at Qian Sen: "Is there a way?"    


Qian Sen frowned: "The Palace of Warlord are heavily guarded, to enter the Divine Mountain, you must first pass through the Palace of Warlord, there are so many of us, it is very difficult to charge in."    


Jiang Fann said calmly: "Of course I cannot barge in. I do have a plan, but I have to let Brother Qiu down."    


Qiu Hai laughed: "What grievance? If you have anything you want me to do, I, Qiu Hai, will definitely not say no."    


"I want you to continue pretending to be an outsider to be escorted by the three of us to the Palace of Warlord. Xiao Rann and I can pretend to be experts in Palace of Warlord.    


Qiu Hai nodded his head: "No problem, but my Qi is already starting to recover, and the situation is completely different from before."    


Jiang Fann laughed: "That is not a problem, it is not difficult for me."    


He walked into the forest and looked for a few herbs, then cut them off and gave them all to Qiu Hai: "Take these herbs as well."    


Qiu Hai did not hesitate and directly accepted it, raising his head to take it. Following that, his entire aura started to decline, but from his expression, it seemed that he was in high spirits and did not have any effects.    


He moved his body and said in surprise, "Only the aura changed. Benefactor's alchemy skills are indeed as profound as the legends say."    


Qian Sen was a little worried, and said in a serious tone: "Jiang Fann, you think the Palace of Warlord is too simple. It's easy to get inside like this, but difficult to think of a way to get out. Once we enter Palace of Warlord, this Brother Qiu will be taken away, and at that time, it would be as difficult as ascending to the heavens to be saved. "    


Jiang Fann asked: "Is there a great formation to the Palace of Warlord?"    


Qian Sen was a little confused: "What is a great array?"    


Xiao Rann explained what the array was to him in detail. After Qian Sen finished listening, he shook his head.    


"Not at all!"    


Jiang Fann was not surprised at all. This was a product of the Spirit Extinction Realm, anything related to the Spiritual Strength would lose its effect here, and the large formation was no exception.    


Xiao Rann said snappily: There's no formation, so there's nothing to worry about. We can advance and retreat as we please, it's just some experts, handing it over to this guy shouldn't be too big of a problem.    


Qian Sen looked at Jiang Fann in shock. He memorized the strange abilities that had displayed previously, and the unique fighting strength made him understand just how strong Jiang Fann was. That was truly a bit arrogant.    


Qian Sen said: "You cannot imagine how strong the combined use of Unloading Force of Winged Snake by ten profound strength practitioners is. No matter how powerful your strength is, hitting them would not have any effect."    


Jiang Fann's eyes were still calm.    


"Sometimes, you don't have to do it. You just need to use the medicine."    


These few people did not understand Jiang Fann, if it was any other Monk San Jie here, seeing Jiang Fann's expression, they would know that he was going to do something big.    


Xiao Rann laughed: "Jiang Fann's life is more precious than ours. Whatever he says we should do, we should do it. There shouldn't be a problem."    


Qian Sen: "I will of course not regret following Jiang Fann."    


Qiu Hai did not have any problems with that. Even if he would be more dangerous in the future, he had to do it because he did not want to stay in this small world for his entire life.    


brought Jiang Fann to wander the forest, where Jiang Fann needed a large amount of herbs to concoct the pill. This time, they had to face off against a sect, Jiang Fann would not be careless, he would definitely attack immediately.    


On the other side, those Palace of Warlord warriors who could not catch Qiu Hai, had no choice but to leave one after the other.    


With Jiang Fann's preparation, it took a week's time. He had concocted both the poison powder and the antidote, and kept them in his bosom, ready to use at any time.    


Facing against cultivators who did not have the protection of the True Divine Spirit Qi, Jiang Fann was absolutely confident.    


After the medicinal powder was prepared, the plan could naturally continue.    


After Qiu Hai consumed the herbs, his Profound Spirit Qi was being suppressed, who knew where he got two sets of clothes from, making the two of them wear it, the three of them continued their journey towards the Divine Mountain.    


Qian Sen had completely taught the three of them the Arts of Winged Snake. Whether they could successfully cultivate it after reaching the Divine Mountain would depend on their own comprehension.    


After arriving at the Divine Mountain area, he also planned to cultivate it for a while. If he could really cultivate it, in the future, it would be a very strong help to him.    


Qiu Hai was a little excited, he had suffered a lot from the previous battles, he was a Body Training Cultivator, if he could cultivate then it would be of great benefit to him.    


This entire journey could be considered as smooth and Qian Sen's reputation had not been small. If he were to meet with any obstacles, as long as he showed himself, he would easily allow him through.    


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