The Ace Bodyguard

C678 Disdain of the Qi Master

C678 Disdain of the Qi Master

0Originally, he thought that Third Uncle Dai was at his wit's end, but he never expected that the other side would actually have a stronger ability. Wang Xiao thought that since the Third Uncle Dai only had these divine abilities, no matter how angry he was, the only thing he could think of was that the Genuine Qi he could use was a little more powerful.    


This was also what Wang Xiao was most worried about and dreaded the most, because he had never seen any other abilities of the Third Uncle Dai before, so he didn't know how to deal with them.    


"Wang Xiao, I can become a Qi Master Stage Expert, have a place in the Pinghai Province, and my family can become one of the big families in the Pinghai Province. Don't tell me that you think I only have this little bit of ability, if I only have this little bit of ability, what qualifications do I have to stand in the Pinghai Province." The Third Uncle Dai shouted in anger.    


Wang Xiao looked at his opponent with a stern expression. Because he was not very clear about the divine ability that the Third Uncle Dai was about to use and had never seen it before, he had no choice but to be cautious.    


"Wang Xiao, next, just tremble at my feet. If you, a mere Innate Stage Expert, are able to force me to use my ultimate move, it will be my honor even if I die. Actually, even if I did not use this ultimate technique, I would still have been able to kill you. Third Uncle Dai said proudly.    


He seemed to be very satisfied with this ultimate move. That was why when he mentioned it, he had an expression of complacency on his face.    


Wang Xiao said with disdain: "Third Uncle Dai, don't boast. Just use whatever ultimate move you have, but just don't disappoint me this time."    


The fiery red Genuine Qi around Third Uncle Dai quickly formed into a long spear, and on the spear, flames erupted. And after the spear appeared, Third Uncle Dai held onto it tightly with both of his hands, standing in the air, holding onto the blazing spear, he looked at Wang Xiao majestically.    


The current Third Uncle Dai was as grand as a god, his entire body releasing the aura of an expert. After fighting twice and clashing for so many rounds, this was the first time Wang Xiao felt the threat that came from the strong and flourishing Third Uncle Dai, as well as how vast the opposing Genuine Qi was, as well as the destruction of the world.    


Especially the spear in Third Uncle Dai's hand. It was constantly releasing flames, and every single flame was like a fire dragon. The current Third Uncle Dai was not only as grand and majestic as a god, he also gave Wang Xiao a huge amount of pressure. Looking at the red spear in his hand that was continuously releasing flames, Wang Xiao thought of a person.    


Fire God Zhu Rong!    


Yes, it was the Fire God, Zhu Rong of the Ancient Times, a Fire Clan's Divine level expert. The Fire God Zhu Rong was a Fire Clan expert and the weapon he used was also a long spear. It was called the Purple Flame Divine Weapon and was one of the ten great weapons in the Wasteland, and was even more powerful than the Edgeless Sword that Wang Xiao and Lver had once seen.    


After all, the Purple Flame Divine Weapon was the Divine Artifact of the Divine level expert, the Fire God Zhu Rong, whereas the Edgeless Sword was the Divine Artifact of the Wood Clan Holy Maiden, so the Edgeless Sword was not as strong as the former.    


It was said that the Fire God's personality was also not good, that he was very irritable, and was the same as the Third Uncle Dai. As long as one was an expert capable of producing Fire Genuine Qi, they would not have a good character. After all, since they had cultivated this kind of Genuine Qi, their liver flames were very strong.    


However, Wang Xiao felt that an expert with such a profound strength like Third Uncle Dai couldn't compare to the Fire God. Even a birdman like him couldn't compare to a single hair on the Fire God's head. F * ck, actually comparing this pig head to the Fire God Zhu Rong Jun, he had truly overestimated him.    


Holding onto the fiery red spear with both of his hands, Third Uncle Dai mightily looked at Wang Xiao, and said arrogantly: "Wang Xiao, do you feel any danger of death? However, it's already too late.    


"Third Uncle Dai, you are completely different from before." Wang Xiao said with a smile as he agglomerated the Profound Water Genuine Qi. The smile on his face was very casual, as though even in the face of such a strong Genuine Qi, he did not have the slightest bit of fear, and was still as calm and collected as ever.    


"Of course."    


Hearing Wang Xiao praising him made Third Uncle Dai feel proud, he suspected that Wang Xiao was shocked by his imposing manner, and by his strong Spirit Qi, he praised from the bottom of his heart. But even if Wang Xiao praised him, even if Wang Xiao was willing to surrender without a fight, he would not let Wang Xiao go.    


Just as Third Uncle Dai was feeling very proud, Wang Xiao's next words caused him to be even more furious.    


Wang Xiao said: "Third Uncle Dai, the current you is like a cook holding a stick. Because of the long time you have been smoking, your hair is almost gone."    




Third Uncle Dai almost vomited a mouthful of blood. He was acting so mighty, like a god, but Wang Xiao actually said that he looked just like a burning kitchen boy. This was truly a great shame and humiliation. He could not bear Wang Xiao humiliating him again and again.    


"Wang Xiao, I will make you die a graveless death." Third Uncle Dai shouted in anger.    


"Can you change the line? It's always the same line." Wang Xiao expressed his impatience to listen.    


Every time Third Uncle Dai got angry, he would say this sentence, to make himself die a graveless death, to chop himself into eight pieces, etc. F * ck, could it be that Third Uncle Dai doesn't have any culture, so he could only repeat this line over and over again.    




The furious Third Uncle Dai held onto the spear with both of his hands, thrusting the spear that was emitting blazing Genuine Qi s towards Wang Xiao.    




A flame immediately appeared on the tip of the long spear. The flame was infinitely elongated as it rolled down like a thunderstorm.    


Ka-cha! *    


Ka-cha! *    


As long as the flame passed through any area, the surrounding space would be destroyed by the raging flames. From this, it could be seen that the temperature of the Third Uncle Dai's flames was extremely high. Even the stable air could actually be burnt to pieces by the flames.    


Wang Xiao quickly floated out, and did not dare to directly clash with the enemy's flames. No matter how strong his body was, it was not like he did not fear fire and water. Furthermore, to Wang Xiao, he would rather endure Third Uncle Dai's powerful attack than to be attacked by his opponent's flames.    




Just as Wang Xiao floated out, a large tree that he was standing on immediately caught on fire. An old tree that was around a hundred years old was instantly burnt to ashes by the strong flames of the Third Uncle Dai, turning it into a pile of charcoal.    




Truly powerful!    


Wang Xiao gasped in admiration at the Third Uncle Dai's powerful Fire Genuine Qi. Even if that huge tree was set ablaze in the fire, it would probably take a few hours to turn it all into charcoal. However, Third Uncle Dai only took a few seconds to turn that huge tree into charcoal.    


Fortunately, he was able to dodge quickly, or else the consequences would have been unthinkable.    


"Third Uncle Dai, you have no culture. You have never read any books. You know how to burn trees and set fire to mountains. You must go to jail." Wang Xiao teased. The current him, still had a calm and composed expression. Even though he was surprised at the strength of Third Uncle Dai, Wang Xiao's expression was still very calm, as if he didn't put the other party in his eyes at all.    




did not reply to Wang Xiao's humiliations, nor did he have the ability to speak with Wang Xiao. Perhaps it was because he knew very well that he was not a match for someone like Wang Xiao who could talk as much as him, so he did not say a single word.    


It's here again, F * ck. The powerful flames continued to engulf him. He was just able to dodge the powerful flames, but in a blink of an eye, the Third Uncle Dai's powerful flames continued to fly towards him. It was as if if if if he would not kill himself, or burn himself to ashes, the powerful flames would never stop.    




Wang Xiao once again leaped up, and continued to drift away in the air, this time, the Third Uncle Dai's powerful flames actually brushed past his body, and when the strong flames brushed past his shoulders, Wang Xiao's body felt a burst of heat, as though he was thrown into a furnace.    


Fortunately, there were many Profound Water Genuine Qi protecting him around, so even though they passed by the Third Uncle Dai's strong flames, they did not cause any harm to Wang Xiao due to the high temperature. If not for the Profound Water Genuine Qi's treasure, Wang Xiao's clothes and hair would have already been burnt.    


With both feet on a rock, Wang Xiao continued to mock them: "Third Uncle Dai, I suddenly remembered something."    


"Wang Xiao, even if you think about something, it's already too late." The fiery voice of the Third Uncle Dai came from high up in the sky. His voice was very loud.    


Wang Xiao continued to speak: "It suddenly occurred to me, in fact, it is very suitable for you to become a chef. The salary must be very high because you don't need to use gas to cook the dishes, it can save your boss a lot of money. Gas is so expensive these bosses will be happy to hire you. "    





After making fun of the Third Uncle Dai, Wang Xiao laughed out loud complacently. Although he was currently living under a sea of flames and that kind of raging inferno could engulf him at any time, Wang Xiao was still in the mood to make fun of Third Uncle Dai.    


Third Uncle Dai's face was extremely ugly, he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. However, Wang Xiao did not care whether Third Uncle Dai was angry or not. It was best if this old fellow died of anger, vomited blood and died, then died, then smoothly obtained Fire Elemental Stone and left.    


"Wang Xiao, you only know how to talk, but you don't have that much ability. Wait until I catch you, I'll see if you can still tease me." Third Uncle Dai's long spear turned into a flying dragon and quickly descended from the sky.    


The flames that filled the sky, combined with the powerful domain and the powerful long spear, three layers of pressure quickly swept towards Wang Xiao, attacking him. At this moment, Wang Xiao also felt the extremely strong pressure, gravity, and destructive aura.    


Third Uncle Dai was worried that Wang Xiao would continue to avoid battle, so he suppressed his strong domain in advance, worried that Wang Xiao would escape. This time, Wang Xiao felt a deep sense of danger. He knew clearly that it would be impossible to escape this time.    


However, although it was difficult to resolve Third Uncle Dai's attack with all his might, Wang Xiao still had a way out. If he only had this little bit of ability, he wouldn't dare take the initiative to fight the Third Uncle Dai on his own. He wouldn't dare hold the Third Uncle Dai down by himself and then let the little ghost and the others snatch the Fire Elemental Stone from him.    


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