The Ace Bodyguard

C388 Everyone Is on the Alert

C388 Everyone Is on the Alert

0"Sect Leader, don't worry. In order to protect the peace of the world, I will definitely accomplish the will of God. If I don't go to hell, then who else would I go to? I will protect the peace of the world." Hamed said in a serious tone.    


Wang Xiao shook his head helplessly. He really didn't want to hurt Hamed. With just that little ability of Hamed, he actually still wanted to protect world peace. It was simply a pipe dream, even people who were thousands of times stronger than him did not have the strength to protect world peace.    


"Brother Xiao!"    


Di Loong quickly walked to Wang Xiao's side. His expression was a bit nervous, and one could tell that Di Loong must have something on his mind.    


"What's wrong? Could it be that they have made their move?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Di Loong nodded his head, "Yes, the experts of the White Tiger Sect have already been mobilized. I have just received news that they are on their way here."    


Di Loong had sold out spies in the White Tiger Sect, so he could clearly understand every single movement within the White Tiger Sect at any time. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't do.    


"Alright, I understand." With regards to the movement of the White Tiger Sect, Wang Xiao was not surprised at all, because he had long since predicted that the other party would definitely make a move tonight.    


It seemed that Yin Tianzheng could not wait any longer, and could not wait any longer before making his move tonight. But this was good as well, as tonight, he would decide life and death between his own Divine Monarch Sect and Yin Tianzheng's White Tiger Sect.    


After getting rid of White Tiger Sect, getting rid of Yin Tianzheng, his own Divine Monarch Sect would become the biggest sect in the whole region. Since then, no organization in the city had ever been able to make an enemy of their own sect. This city's scale was also very big. If one's Divine Monarch Sect could be considered an overlord, being able to grasp the city's resources, then they could at least earn ten billion in a year's time.    


Although Wang Xiao did not really care about the money, he had to live with money. There is a saying, money is not omnipotent, no money is not possible. To establish a sect, one must be rich. If one was penniless and was unable to support everyone, their brothers would not follow them. No one would follow a lowly superior.    


"Brother Xiao, how do you decide?" Di Loong asked.    


"What's there to decide? There's no need to decide. Since they've come, let's fight." Wang Xiao said indifferently.    


Di Loong felt that Wang Xiao was incomparably mighty and domineering. His thoughts were the same as Wang Xiao, there was nothing much to say, since the experts of White Tiger Sect had already been mobilized, they could only fight to the death.    


Wang Xiao glanced at everyone. Brothers, everyone, stand properly for me. "    


After hearing Wang Xiao's order, everyone stood still, because they knew that Wang Xiao must have made his move.    


"Everyone, I just received news that the people from White Tiger Sect have already made their move, so everyone needs to be prepared for battle." Wang Xiao said in a clear voice.    


After hearing what Wang Xiao said, everyone's expression became serious. Although they were not afraid of White Tiger Sect, but no matter what, White Tiger Sect was still a powerful sect. The existence of Top Level in a city like White Tiger Sect, was not a second-rate sect.    


If it was just a second-rate sect, they wouldn't care about it at all. This battle would certainly be extremely dangerous, exceptionally dangerous.    


"Everyone, are you afraid?" Wang Xiao looked at everyone and asked.    


"What's there to be afraid of? Why did they only arrive now? F * ck, if they came late, I'd want to personally go over and personally beat up their sect." The little ghost indifferently said.    




The originally serious crowd couldn't help but laugh loudly after hearing the little ghost swear. They thought the kid was too funny, too cute.    


"Are you afraid?" Wang Xiao continued to ask loudly.    


"No, no, we're not at all. It's only a matter of White Tiger Sect, it's just Yin Tianzheng, what's there to be afraid of. " Everyone said in unison.    


"Right, we aren't afraid at all, don't put White Tiger Sect in our eyes, if they come, we'll let them know how powerful they are."    


"Brothers, with such powerful White Tiger Sect, there must be many beauties. After we kill them all, we'll snatch the beauties and their jewels away. All of their possessions will be ours." The little ghost said excitedly.    


A sect like White Tiger Sect must have many treasures, many beauties. If this sect was destroyed, everything that the other side had would be his.    


Everyone felt that the little demon's words made sense. If White Tiger Sect was truly eliminated, they would have countless gold, silver, and jewelry, countless beauties. At that time, everyone would be able to enjoy endless wealth and honor.    


"Brothers, do you need beauties?" the kid asked loudly.    


"Yes, yes, we need beauties." Everyone answered in unison.    


"Do you need jewels?" The little ghost continued to ask loudly.    


"Yes, we also need gold, silver, and jewelry." Everyone continued to answer.    


There was no one who didn't like beauties and gold, silver, and jewelry. If there was a chance, which one wasn't the dream to get it?    


Wang Xiao indicated for everyone to quiet down, the previously noisy and chaotic Chinese language had become quiet.    


"Everyone, as for the gold, silver, and jewelry, as for the wealth, if we destroy the White Tiger Sect, we will definitely need them. However, we can forget about the beauties." Wang Xiao said.    


"Brother Xiao, why is that? You have so many beauties by your side, of course there's no need for that, but since we don't have beauties by our side, there's naturally a need for that. You cannot be bothered by yourself, but the feelings of you brothers." The kid commented.    


Everyone felt that the little ghost's words made a lot of sense. They also needed beauties. The beautiful women around Wang Xiao were as numerous as the clouds, so there was no need for it.    


Wang Xiao said: "Right now, we are in a civilized society, not an ancient feudal society. Beautiful women are not anyone's wealth, and beautiful women also have human rights. If those beauties are willing to follow you guys, I definitely won't oppose it. If the beauties don't agree, you can't force it either. "    


Wang Xiao did not wish for the people from the sect to become bad, to become unforgivable, committing all sorts of crimes. If he really took out White Tiger Sect, he would at most take away all of their jewellery and wealth, and occupy all of their properties. However, as for the beautiful women, forget about it. Right now, it was a civilized society, not an ancient feudal society.    


If it was in ancient times, when two countries were at war, the victor would treat the beauties of the enemy countries as his private wealth and do whatever he wanted. Not only could he play around with them, he could even sell them. In the current era, even if two countries were to start a war, such a thing still could not happen. Otherwise, they would be condemned internationally.    


"Brother Xiao, if there were no beauties, why would the brothers fight? Everyone came to mess around for the sake of beauties. Ask all of the brothers present, which one of them doesn't need a beauty? " the kid said.    


The Divine Monarch Sect experts were all very grateful to the little demon. Although the little demon was normally arrogant and only knew how to brag all day, at critical moments, he was still thinking for the benefit of everyone.    


"As long as you have wealth, are you still worried about not having beauties?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Yes, Brother Xiao is right. If there is wealth, why should I worry about not having beauties? If I have hundreds of billions, how can any of the beauties in the world not like me?" The little ghost proudly said.    


"Alright, let's get back to the main topic. I will put the ugly words before it. My contributions are clear. If I were to contribute during the battle, I will give you a reward." If I run away in fear of the enemy, I will punish you severely. " Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


"Clan Master, how could we possibly escape at the last minute? If we escape now, we won't need you to punish us. We'll kill ourselves to avoid disgracing ourselves in front of everyone." a man said.    


"Right, if we escape now, we won't even need you to do anything. We'll just directly ram our heads into the wall, in case we embarrass ourselves."    


The experts of the Divine Monarch Sect all expressed their opinions, they would never let go and escape, it would be shameful, they would never do it, they would rather die in battle than escape.    


"Please rest assured. I will absolutely not treat you unfairly. I am willing to live and die with all of you. I swear, no matter if I advance or retreat, I will join all of you. If I can't do it, everyone can. " Wang Xiao swore.    


"Brother Xiao, as for me, you can trust me. After all these years, we have experienced countless trials and hardships together, when have I ever lost face for you?" the kid said.    



Wang Xiao still believed in brats. Back in Africa, he had experienced a few huge crises. However, in a situation like that where his life was hanging by a thread, the little demon had never escaped before the battle, never abandoned everyone. Instead, he had lived and died with everyone.    


Don't look at the kid's sloppy look all day. It seems like he's not doing his job, but he's actually very loyal.    


"Fellow brothers, if we can defeat White Tiger Sect, our Divine Monarch Sect will become the strongest Overlord here, and everyone will be able to enjoy endless wealth and glory." Wang Xiao did not say anything to the experts of the Divine Monarch Sect.    


"We are willing to accomplish great things together with the school head, and are willing to live and die together with the school head."    




As long as Wang Xiao was there, no matter how difficult it was, they were not afraid.    


Outside the temporary headquarters, Yin Tianzheng and the rest were slowly approaching. The sound of countless voices filled with vigor resounded within the wall, as if countless people were indignantly speaking out. These people were in high spirits.    


"Clan Master, those people from the Divine Monarch Sect seem to have the determination to not fear death." An expert beside Yin Tianzheng said.    


The voices from the courtyard sounded as if they wanted to fight with their White Tiger Sect, so when they heard the voices, the experts from the White Tiger Sect were extremely furious and dissatisfied. What did Divine Monarch Sect mean, what qualifications did they have to fight with them, what qualifications did they have to fight with, it was simply courting death.    




Yin Tianzheng said in a cold voice, "They are just a bunch of grasshoppers. Even though they are shouting very loudly, they will only jump up and down for a short while."    


"Yes, Clan Master, you are right. As long as our Clan Master personally makes a move, those trash, Wang Xiao, would simply be worse than pigs and dogs, and could not even withstand a single blow. Even if you casually made a move, it would have shattered their bodies and killed them all." The person said.    


Yin Tianzheng was very arrogant, after hearing the praise from his subordinates, he was also very satisfied. Tonight, he would let his subordinates clearly see his capabilities. Ever since he had become a Later Period of Innate Stage, he had not fought with anyone before. Tonight, he would use Wang Xiao as his blade.    


"Clan Master, that brat Wang Xiao actually dared to make an enemy out of us, not only that, the experts under his sect are now shouting so loudly, if we were to eliminate them, what would the people from the other sects think of us?" The other man said angrily as well.    


The experts of the White Tiger Sect were all like their parents had been annihilated by Wang Xiao. Everyone had an extremely deep hatred for Wang Xiao. Actually, they did not hate Wang Xiao. It could even be said that they did not have much feelings towards him. It was just because Sect Master Yin Tianzheng was here that everyone was putting on an act.    


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