The Ace Bodyguard

C449 The Captain Was Sent Flying by the Collision

C449 The Captain Was Sent Flying by the Collision

0The party leader had wanted to block Wang Xiao and prevent him from getting close to the inn, but he did not expect to be knocked away by Wang Xiao and smashed into the concrete floor. The party leader was in so much pain that he almost lost his balance.    


"Captain, are you alright?"    


"Captain, you didn't fall, right?"    


A few security guards rushed to the captain's side and helped him up before asking in a concerned tone. The captain's hat had been thrown to the side and he looked battered and exhausted.    


"F * ck, you guys are useless. I was already smashed like this. How could I be okay?" The captain cursed.    


"Captain, why don't we call the police?" A security guard suggested.    


"I'll report you as the head of the horse. If we call the police and someone from the police station comes, they'll definitely think that guy is a weakling. The one who will be at a disadvantage is not us." The captain said.    


"Captain, what should we do?" the men asked.    


"What else can we do? This damned fellow dared to send me flying. I want to let him know how red flowers are!" The captain was enraged.    


The guards knew what the captain meant, the captain definitely wanted to take care of Wang Xiao, so they quickly rushed towards him.    


Wang Xiao put Zhou Susu in her embrace, while Zhou Susu stood by his side. The two of them held hands, and they were extremely close and affectionate. However, the two of them were like drowned chicken. Their bodies were completely drenched. On their hair and clothes, raindrops the size of soybeans continuously fell.    


"Brothers, beat him up for me, beat him up ruthlessly." The captain picked up the hat and put it on before roaring loudly.    


In front of so many people, he was actually sent flying towards Wang Xiao. If he didn't teach Wang Xiao a lesson, then wouldn't he lose all face in front of his subordinates in the future? However, he could only blame his stupidity for wanting to use his body to block Wang Xiao. Wasn't this courting death?    


Zhou Susu nervously held Wang Xiao's hands. These security guards were like wolves and tigers, each and every one of them were like thugs, and were indeed very scary, but when she thought about Wang Xiao by her side, Zhou Susu quickly calmed down, and as a result, her entire body was drenched in water.    


The guards rushed over ferociously, as if they wanted to punch and kick Wang Xiao.    


Looking at the incoming Avians, Wang Xiao planned to teach them a lesson. Initially, he did not want to make a move, but these people had no idea if they were dead or alive, and actually dared to attack him.    


"Brother Xiao!"    


One of the security guards who was rushing over shouted.    


"Everyone stop, he is Brother Xiao." A slightly smaller security guard said anxiously.    


When the other security guards heard his words, they all stopped and looked at him curiously. They didn't know who Wang Xiao was, nor did they know who the Brother Xiao was.    


"Everyone, he is the Brother Xiao, we cannot attack him." The thin security guard said.    


"Brother Xiao, who is this Brother Xiao?" Some of the security guards asked curiously.    


Although they didn't know Wang Xiao, and didn't know who the Brother Xiao was, but these people knew very clearly that those who could become big brothers all had some status and position.    


The petite security guard respectfully walked in front of Wang Xiao, and then said politely, "Brother Xiao, it's me."    


Looking at him, Wang Xiao had no impression of this security guard. He had never seen him before, but why did he know him?    


The skinny security guard saw that Wang Xiao did not recognize him, so he took off his hat.    


"Brother Xiao, it's me. I am Yellow Hair, my little brother." Yellow Hair said with a smile.    


Wang Xiao finally remembered that the Yellow Hair in front of him was indeed his little brother. He remembered that when this person went to Zhou Susu's restaurant to collect the protection fees, he was lectured by him in the end. He thought that Green Hair was really amazing, but he never expected that Green Hair would actually be so polite to him after meeting him.    


Just now, Yellow Hair was wearing a hat, so Wang Xiao couldn't recognize him. However, a very ordinary person like the Yellow Hair was indeed very hard to remember.    


"Yellow Hair, so it's you." Wang Xiao asked.    


"Brother Xiao, it's me. I heard that my big brother has become your little brother, and now he's doing well." Yellow Hair was very excited, perhaps because Wang Xiao finally remembered him.    


The guards saw that the Yellow Hair knew Wang Xiao, so he did not attack him. After all, the Yellow Hair was their colleague, so they had to give him face.    


"What are you guys standing there for? Hurry up and teach him a lesson." The captain walked over aggressively.    


He originally thought that his subordinates would attack Wang Xiao, but he never thought that his useless subordinates would actually stand foolishly in front of Wang Xiao like little brothers.    


The Yellow Hair said to the captain: "Captain, we cannot attack. He is the Brother Xiao."    


"Brother Xiao? What Brother Xiao? I don't know him, even if he's Little Ma or Hao-ge, as long as he offends me, I won't have a good ending." Captain said in a loud voice.    


"Captain, Brother Xiao is dozens of times stronger than the Little Ma and Hao-ge that you mentioned." Yellow Hair said fearfully.    


Back then, although Hao-ge and Little Ma were very powerful, the Yellow Hair knew very well that compared to Wang Xiao, those two would never be his match.    


"What, in this world, there's actually someone more amazing than Little Ma and Hao-ge." The captain didn't seem to believe him, as he stood in front of Wang Xiao with his head held high and his chest puffed out, as if he was the most amazing person in the entire mess.    


"Captain, you should know the old Brother Biao and Brother Hu right?" Yellow Hair asked.    


"Of course I know them. They are the two most respected big brothers in the underworld, and I wanted to follow them. I just didn't expect that they would actually disappear." The captain sighed.    


Yellow Hair said: "To be honest, those two were killed by Brother Xiao. Not only did Brother Xiao kill those two, even the Di Loong who had gotten along well in the past is now one of Brother Xiao's subordinates."    


The captain stood in front of Wang Xiao with his head held high and his chest puffed out. But after hearing the Yellow Hair's words, he felt his entire body go limp, as if he had no strength left in him and could fall down at any time.    


"You … You... All of this is true? " The captain asked in surprise.    


"Of course it's true, it's absolutely true. My older brother, the Big Brother Green Hair, couldn't even be considered little brother in front of the Brother Xiao." The Yellow Hair said solemnly.    


The captain of the squadron recognized the Green Hair, because when the Green Hair was mixed with the Brother Biao before, he would often bring a group of his subordinates to flaunt his might, causing countless people to complain and complain. However, he didn't expect that this seemingly unremarkable man in front of him would actually have such incredible ability.    


"Brother Xiao, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I don't know Mt. Tai, please forgive me." The captain bowed and kept apologizing.    


He was very clear that if Wang Xiao wanted to kill him with his skills, it would be like stepping on an ant. Even the two Brother Hu s had died in Wang Xiao's hands, let alone him. Most importantly, even after Wang Xiao had killed the two of them, he was still able to arrogantly appear on the streets.    


"Brothers, quickly greet Brother Xiao." the captain ordered.    


Good day, Brother Xiao!    


Good day, Brother Xiao!    



Under the leader's lead, all the security guards saluted to Wang Xiao at the same time. Because Wang Xiao was doing better than them, they respected him.    


"Brother Xiao, I am truly sorry for what happened just now. I hope that you do not take offense to it." The captain said with a smile.    


Wang Xiao initially wanted to slap the smiling person, but seeing that the other party was acting like a grandson, he could not bear to do so. Of course, he was also disdainful to do so.    


"Cut the crap, hurry up and arrange a room for me. After the rain stopped, buy me two sets of clothes." Wang Xiao said.    


"Alright, Brother Xiao, don't worry. Leave these small matters to me." Yellow Hair slapped his chest and guaranteed that it would be completed.    


Zhou Susu admired Wang Xiao more and more. Because Wang Xiao was extremely famous, no matter where he went, he would always be able to make a name for himself. They thought that these people would fight with Wang Xiao, but they never expected that after recognizing Wang Xiao, these people would not dare to do so, and they were all very obedient.    


"Brother Xiao, may I ask if you need anything to eat? If so, I will send you to your room." Yellow Hair said while laughing.    


Because he very rarely had the chance to see Wang Xiao. After meeting him today, he wanted to curry favor with Wang Xiao so that he could get help and care for him in the future.    


"I appreciate your kindness. Thank you, but I don't need it." Wang Xiao smiled slightly.    


When others respected him, he respected them too. Although the Yellow Hair did not have any status or position, he was just an ordinary person. However, he respected Wang Xiao, so Wang Xiao respected him too.    


"Captain, arrange the best room for my Brother Xiao. Only the most luxurious room in this shop is worthy of his identity. " The Yellow Hair said.    


"Of course, a person with status and position like the Brother Xiao would naturally have to live in the most luxurious room in order to show that his identity and status is different from others." The captain boldly said.    


Actually, Wang Xiao never cared about vanity, as long as there was a place to avoid the wind and the rain. However, right now, both he and Zhou Susu were completely drenched and they needed to take a hot bath before changing into a new set of clothes. Whether it's luxurious or not is not important. The important thing is to have a water heater and clean pajamas. Just remember to buy me some clothes later. " Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


The rain and wind outside was heavy, so Wang Xiao would not let Yellow Hair buy clothes right now.    


"Don't worry Brother Xiao, I will definitely provide you with the cleanest of pajamas, and no one has ever worn one." Yellow Hair made a promise.    


Wang Xiao did not want to waste words with them, so he brought Zhou Susu into the hall.    


"The people outside, let them hide in the hall for a while." Wang Xiao said to the captain.    


The captain said with some difficulty: "Brother Xiao, it's not that I don't want those people to come in, but that I can't make the decision. If I let them in, it would definitely be very crowded, and would affect our store."    


"If your boss blames you, tell him to find me." Wang Xiao said.    


The security squad leader initially did not agree to it, but he had no choice but to give face to Wang Xiao, so he said: "Since you, Brother Xiao, have already spoken, I will definitely do as you say."    


"In that case, thank you very much. To be convenient to others is like being convenient to one's own side." Wang Xiao said.    


Seeing so many people standing outside in the storm, Wang Xiao could not bear to see them, because there were old people, children, and women out there. If the wind and rain were too heavy, there would be danger to one's life.    


The leader of the security guards turned around and said loudly to the people outside, "Brother Xiao has shown mercy and asked you to come in to shelter from the rain. Come in quickly."    


When everyone heard the Security Captain's words, all of them were overjoyed. Finally, there was a place to shelter from the rain.    


"Great! This is great! We finally have a place to shelter from the rain!"    


"A good person, really a good person. That man called Brother Xiao has such a good heart."    


"Good people get good rewards, he will definitely get good rewards in the future."    




Everyone praised Wang Xiao, because they knew clearly that if it wasn't for Wang Xiao's invitation, they definitely wouldn't be able to enter this place to avoid the wind and rain.    


Hearing the grateful voices of the crowd, Wang Xiao could only helplessly shake his head. What good person has good reward, in this world, good people have no good rewards. A gentleman would never be able to defeat a villain, and a good person would eventually die in the hands of a bad person. From ancient times until now, regardless of whether it was good or not, good people could never win against bad people. Those evil people lived a life of luxury, and because they were vicious and committed countless heinous crimes, they made a windfall.    


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