The Ace Bodyguard

C207 Airliner Malfunction

C207 Airliner Malfunction

0The plane trembled slightly, but only slightly, so the passengers on the plane didn't feel it, but Wang Xiao's senses were very sensitive.    


What was going on? Why did the plane vibrate slightly? Was there a problem? Wang Xiao looked around and saw that the passengers inside the passenger plane were still talking and laughing, while Yang Lei was still looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside.    


Everything was so normal, perhaps he was being overly worried. Perhaps it was due to the contact with the airflow that caused the plane to vibrate slightly.    


Some of the unconscious passengers were chatting, some had their eyes closed, while others were reading. Seeing such a peaceful scene, Wang Xiao quietly sat on the passenger plane.    


In any case, he didn't think he was so unlucky as to encounter any problems on the plane. It is well-known that, of all the means of transport, aircraft are the safest.    


Aircraft safety factors are very high, in developed countries, annual aircraft accidents are almost zero. Furthermore, in the vast sky, planes would not crash like cars. As long as they followed the normal route, they would be absolutely safe.    




The plane shuddered again, this time more than last time.    


Wang Xiao's mind was highly focused. He anxiously looked outside. Could it really be air currents? It was just that the sky was blue and the clouds were white, and the weather was beautiful. The probability of air currents slicing through was very small.    


Although the shaking this time was even more pronounced than before, the passengers on the passenger plane did not know anything. They continued to chat and laugh in a peaceful manner.    


The plane had been flying for several hours, and its current position was above the Pacific Ocean. If an accident really happened, the consequences would be unthinkable.    


Even with a parachute, there was a slim chance of survival. Because below him was the vast and boundless Pacific Ocean, a vast and boundless ocean. If the passenger plane had any problems at this time, everyone would jump off the parachute and land in the Pacific Ocean. In the boundless sea, people who were good at swimming had zero chance of survival.    


Because there were sharks and whales in the sea, these huge creatures would be life-threatening to those who fell into the sea. Actually, sharks, whales, these giant creatures weren't the most dangerous because the Pacific Ocean was huge, so the chances of encountering a shark and whale weren't very high. What was truly dangerous was the ocean.    


The sea was so cold that if a person fell into it, his whole body would stiffen. If there were waves, he would have to quicken his pace to meet God. Also, in the vast and endless Pacific Ocean, even if a person fell into the water, their body wouldn't become stiff, they wouldn't starve, they wouldn't encounter a shark in the sea, and so on. If he were to swim slowly, even if a year passed, he would still not be able to see an island.    




The plane shook again. This time, Wang Xiao was really worried. To vibrate thrice in a row was definitely not encountering any airflow. The clear, clear sky and the beautiful sunlight made it impossible for there to be so many streams of air.    


The passengers on the passenger plane were all either eating, drinking, or laughing. These people were too vigilant that they didn't even know about it.    


Yang Lei noticed that Wang Xiao was nervous, so she asked, "What happened to you? I think you're very nervous. "    


"It's nothing. I just had a weird feeling about it."    


Wang Xiao did not want to tell Yang Lei the truth because he was afraid that it would cause Yang Lei to panic. And there were so many people on the plane, if they caused panic, it would cause chaos.    


After hearing Wang Xiao's explanation, Yang Lei looked at him curiously, as if she had just met Wang Xiao today.    


"Why are you looking at me like that?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"I didn't expect a man like you to be afraid of flying." Yang Lei asked curiously. Who would have thought that Wang Xiao was actually afraid of flying and had a fear of heights?    


That Posturing Man couldn't help but turn around and say to Wang Xiao, "Brother, in this era, if you want to achieve something, you can't be afraid to fly. It's just like me.    


Yang Lei rolled her eyes at this Posturing Man, because she knew that Posturing Man always liked to show himself.    


Boom! *    


Suddenly, the plane began to shake again. This time, the shaking was more severe than ever before, and all the passengers could feel it. The moment they felt it, everyone on the plane became nervous and looked around. They had no idea what exactly had happened.    


"What's going on? What was going on? Why did the plane vibrate? "    


"Yeah, what's going on? Is there a problem with the plane? "    


"It can't be. It shouldn't be possible. How could there be a problem with the plane?"    




All the passengers on the passenger plane were discussing with one another. Everyone was extremely nervous as their frightened faces kept looking around in all directions.    


The Posturing Man said loudly: "Don't be nervous everyone, it's not a big deal. I used to meet such things frequently on the plane, it must be airflow."    


After everyone heard Posturing Man's explanation, they felt that it made sense. Although everyone's high level of nervousness had gradually calmed down, they were still worried.    


After all, the plane was already thousands of meters in the sky, and below was the endless Pacific Ocean. If an accident really happened, even if they had a parachute, they would still have a slim chance of survival.    


The pretentious guy noticed that everyone quieted down after hearing his explanation, so he acted even more pretentious, as if these people were poor and had never flown before. Only he had seen much.    


Wang Xiao looked around worriedly. He was sure that there was a problem with the plane. Otherwise, how could there be so many vibrations? Due to the slight vibration earlier, the passengers on the passenger plane did not feel it.    


Yang Lei was also very nervous as she tightly clenched her hands. Wang Xiao, did you really encounter air currents? "    


"I don't know." Wang Xiao shook his head with a different expression. Take out your parachute and put it on your person. "    




After hearing Wang Xiao's request, Yang Lei took out the parachute from the back of the seat and placed it on her lap.    


Wang Xiao also took out the parachute from his seat. If there really was a problem, he could jump out of the plane in time. Although there was a boundless Pacific Ocean below him, and even if he succeeded and landed on the surface of the sea, there was a slim chance of survival. If he didn't parachute, he wouldn't even have a chance to survive.    


The other passengers only felt a lingering fear and did not have their parachutes ready.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Suddenly, the shaking sounds came several times in succession. It was as if they were coming from the inside of the plane, and the plane even shook violently a few times.    








The passengers on the passenger plane could no longer remain calm. Some of the passengers screamed out in fear, their faces turning pale. Everyone's face revealed a terrified expression.    


On the plane, the moment something went wrong, the survivability would be very low. For example, in the previous flight, all the passengers were not spared. Moreover, the rescue workers spent countless days and nights to find the plane's wreckage.    


Yang Lei held tightly onto Wang Xiao's matter, so much that her body trembled in fear.    



"How did Wang Xiao become like this? Is there a problem with the plane? " Yang Lei asked in fear.    


"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Wang Xiao gently caressed Yang Lei's head, consoling her. Feeling Wang Xiao's warm hand, Yang Lei felt slightly more at ease.    


The plane shook more and more violently and lost its balance. It was like a broken kite floating in the sky, swaying left and right.    


Countless people were screaming out in fear. The items on the passenger plane were falling down, and some of the passengers were falling off their seats.    


"Wang Xiao, Wang Xiao, how could this be, how could this be?" Yang Lei was so anxious that he was about to cry.    


Not to mention Yang Lei, even he could not remain calm at the moment. Hugging Yang Lei tightly, Wang Xiao held her in her embrace. "Calm down, you have to calm down no matter what." Wang Xiao kept comforting her.    


Yang Lei's emotions were getting more and more nervous and out of control. How could she stay calm in the face of this kind of situation? Thankfully, the plane was able to balance itself after shaking violently. The plane was in a mess as countless passengers who had lost control of their emotions cried out loudly.    


However, Wang Xiao knew very well that in this situation, even if he was to cry, it would be useless.    


The flight attendant appeared in the cabin at this moment. Everyone stared at the flight attendant, waiting for her to speak.    


The flight attendant's expression was also somewhat ugly, but as an air stewardess, she had to comfort everyone. Everyone, calm down. " The flight attendant said loudly.    


After hearing the flight attendant's voice, everyone calmed down.    


"What happened? Why is the plane shaking?" a man asked anxiously.    


"Yeah, why did something happen just now?"    


"Is the plane broken?"    


In a short period of time, many passengers began asking questions. Everyone looked at the flight attendant, waiting for her reply.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, the plane may have had a small malfunction, but please be assured that we will definitely choose the nearest airport forced landing." Even an air stewardess would not be able to keep calm after what had happened.    


This was because the air stewardess was also human and afraid of death. If the plane really broke down, there was no way for her to escape. The only way was to use a parachute like all the other passengers.    


When they heard that the flight attendant wanted to choose the closest airport landing, everyone calmed down a little.    


"Everyone, don't listen to her. She was lying to you all. We will start from Jin Country and fly to China. Midway is the Pacific Ocean. The plane just took off a few hours ago, so it must still be over the Pacific Ocean at this time. What's the closest airport? " The Posturing Man said loudly.    


Everyone felt that the Posturing Man's words made a lot of sense.    


In fact, Wang Xiao also felt that what the Posturing Man said made a lot of sense. Flying from the Jin Country to the Huaxia was like flying through a vast ocean, and below was the vast and endless Pacific Ocean. If the plane did fail en route, there were only two options. His first choice was to return to Jin Country Airport, since he had already flown for more than an hour, so returning now was a fantasy.    


The second option was the same as the flight attendant had said. He would choose the closest airfield to land. However, the closest airport was in Gui Country, Taiwan Province and so on. According to the flight time of the plane, it was impossible for it to land in Gui Country and other places. Of course, there was one last method, and that was parachuting.    


"Air stewardess, don't lie to us all. Tell us honestly, is the plane accident serious?"    


Everyone tried to force a question. Faced with that, the flight attendant was unable to answer because she herself did not know what to say. At this moment, the men on the passenger plane no longer cared about whether the flight attendant was a beauty or not. In order to survive, they could no longer care about that.    


"Everyone, prepare your parachutes. We can deal with any situation that happens." The flight attendant reminded.    


Everyone hurriedly took out their parachute and held it tightly in their hands.    


Yang Lei held Wang Xiao's hand tightly. Wang Xiao, what should we do? "    


She had already lost her resolve, so she could only seek Wang Xiao's opinion.    


"If the plane crash is serious, you'll have to go parachute diving." Wang Xiao said.    


"But, I have a fear of heights." Yang Lei said in frustration.    


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