The Ace Bodyguard

C266 Yang Lei's Shooting

C266 Yang Lei's Shooting

0In fact, he was sure that it wasn't because of that incident, but because Wang Xiao didn't want to tell him, so he had a kind of uneasy feeling. Who was he? He was someone who had once been struck by lightning on all the battlefields in Africa, an invincible expert. How could he possibly feel uneasy due to the matter with Jin Country.    


"Sit down." Wang Xiao suddenly said to Yang Lei sternly.    




Regarding Wang Xiao's serious request, Yang Lei did not ask for any reason, but rather, she kept it to herself and sat down obediently. Because she had the experience of being assassinated a while ago, she could still clearly remember that. If not for Wang Xiao's help, she would have been blown to death a long time ago.    


Actually Yang Lei didn't know that when Wang Xiao left the Huaxia, she was almost killed by a sniper. Luckily, a mysterious black clothed man appeared, so he saved her.    


Wang Xiao's phone vibrated. It was Xiao Ziye.    


Xiao Ziye and the others should have already completed that task.    


"Hey, it's me." After answering the phone, Wang Xiao said.    


"Nonsense, of course I know it's you, that's why I called you." Xiao Ziye said unhappily on the phone.    


"Beauty Xiao, may I ask how did you handle this matter?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"That's what I called you to tell you." Xiao Ziye said.    


"What's wrong? Could it be that you've encountered some trouble and want me to help you?" If Xiao Ziye and the others really met with trouble and needed to help them, Wang Xiao would definitely not refuse them. She would definitely help them, because this matter was related to the lives of countless children and children, and it was related to the lives of countless children.    


If it was those corrupt officials who had investigated him, or people who had tried to kill him, Wang Xiao might not necessarily agree to any of these things, even if Xiao Ziye had paid for it. This was because he was truly very busy. How could he have the time and leisure to meddle in those trivial matters?    


"Wang Xiao, could it be that in your heart, the benefits of us people are that bad?" Xiao Ziye asked on the phone.    


Wang Xiao originally wanted to tell Xiao Ziye that it wasn't because he thought so, but because everyone thought so. But in order to not get scolded by Xiao Ziye, he did not say anything. Otherwise, with Xiao Ziye's explosive personality, he would definitely be angry.    


"Is that done?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Yes, it's done. We have successfully saved more than 100 children and captured more than 20 criminals." Xiao Ziye said.    


"That's good."    


Hearing that this matter was successfully completed, and that so many children were rescued, as well as that more than twenty criminals had been apprehended, Wang Xiao was in a good mood. He hated those birds the most.    


If not for the fact that they did not have that much time to slowly torture the Avians, Wang Xiao would have definitely captured all of them. Afterwards, he would have used a sharp dagger to slowly cut off their bodies, torture them for days and nights, causing them to slowly die from the pain.    


Yang Lei saw that Wang Xiao was actually talking to a beauty, so she pouted his lips, showing his serious protest. If it wasn't because she was worried about his identity, she would definitely have snatched Wang Xiao's phone away from him and smashed his phone onto the ground. Then, he would ruthlessly trample on it a few times to see if Wang Xiao still dared to talk to her beauty in front of his.    


"Wang Xiao, I have already applied to the higher ups for this. I want to give you the prize of a hundred thousand gold, but I don't know if the higher ups will agree." Xiao Ziye said on the phone.    


"How did you suddenly become so good?" Wang Xiao was slightly surprised, and even suspected that, could it be that he misheard? When did Xiao Ziye become like this, to actually ask for a reward of 100,000 yuan from his superior, this was not what she was like at all.    


"Did you just find out how good he was?" Wang Xiao was momentarily unable to accept the gentleness of his on the phone.    


"You probably still don't trust me, so you want to give me a hundred thousand yuan as a silent fee?" Wang Xiao asked.    


He refused to believe that Xiao Ziye had such a good heart. If she asked for a prize of 100,000 yuan for him, she must be worried that she had leaked the news to the outside, so she wanted to use this money to buy it and ask him to keep it a secret.    


Xiao Ziye said angrily: "Wang Xiao, you are truly a dog biting Lu Dongbin, you do not recognize the kindness of others, you can think whatever you want, but if you don't want to bring down that money, I will not apply for you anymore."    


With that, Xiao Ziye hung up angrily.    


Wang Xiao had originally wanted to explain a few things to ease his anger, but this beauty's temper was very bad. She hung up the phone angrily without even listening to his explanation. After putting away the phone, Wang Xiao shook his head helplessly. His original relationship with Xiao Ziye, which had improved with great difficulty, had now returned to before the liberation.    


All of a sudden, a car was driving across the road in front of them, and the car's high beams shone past, causing Wang Xiao and Wang Xiao's eyes to be filled with pain, the scene in front of them started to turn white, making them unable to see anything. When the driver drove at night, the worst thing he could do was to avoid the headlights. If the lights coming from the opposite side were very strong, it would cause him to be temporarily blind. Even if it was just for two or three seconds, there was the possibility of a traffic accident, or even the death of a car. So in traffic rules, if two cars meet, you have to turn off the headlights.    


Wang Xiao and Yang Lei could not see the situation in front of them clearly, and felt that they were looking at nothing but white. The sudden change made Wang Xiao nervous. He quickly stopped the car, but luckily he was not fast enough, so he stopped in time.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The sound of a gun being shot could be heard, it had to be someone shooting at them, so who was it, to actually attack Yang Lei halfway. Whether they were targeting him or Yang Lei, this was not the first time.    


He remembered that last time, someone had installed explosives under Yang Lei's car. That time, if he hadn't discovered it in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.    


When Yang Lei heard the gunshots, she immediately turned pale in fright.    


Actually, Wang Xiao was also very depressed as well. Who exactly wanted to kill Yang Lei?    


This time, Wang Xiao decided to capture the other party and investigate this matter. Only by getting rid of the mastermind, would Yang Lei be safe.    


"Let's go!"    


Wang Xiao grabbed Yang Lei and quickly rushed out of the car. He already had no time to think, the most important thing right now was to ensure Yang Lei's safety.    


Wang Xiao's speed was very fast, in less than 10% of a second, she had already brought Yang Lei out of the carriage.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Several bullets struck the glass and the glass of the BMW was broken into pieces. This kind of glass was not bulletproof but some advanced cars had bulletproof capabilities. Even submachine guns could not penetrate the glass. However, this kind of car was specially designed for those important characters. It was extremely expensive to build and ordinary people would not be able to buy it.    


Crash! *    


Shards of glass fell into the car, and there was a crash. As long as he could guarantee Yang Lei's safety, even if the other party promised not to tear him apart, Wang Xiao would not mind.    


Yang Lei hugged Wang Xiao tightly. She was terrified, afraid that he actually had a gun. Gun control in the country was very strict, and no one was allowed to hide it. Once firearms were found in the family's possession, the penalty would be at least ten years, and if the other party used a gun to create a danger to society, the crime would be even more serious.    


However, these people were really stupid, they actually used guns to deal with him. Could it be that they did not know that guns were like toys to experts of Innate Stage. An ordinary gun would not have much effect against an expert from Acquired Stage, let alone against an expert from Innate Stage.    


Wang Xiao protected Yang Lei and brought her to the back of the car. Although he was not afraid of handguns, Yang Lei was just an ordinary person.    


But the situation now was not Wang Xiao's turn, because the other party had turned on the limelight. But after he adapted, Wang Xiao saw those people, a total of three Black Robed Expert, each of them holding a handgun.    


These people had tall stature and fiendish looks. They were definitely not ordinary people.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Those experts tried to snatch Wang Xiao and Yang Lei, but Wang Xiao and Yang Lei had already hid behind the cars and used the cars to block their bullets. The pistol was too limited to penetrate the car.    



"Wang Xiao, just who is it? Who wants to kill us?" Yang Lei grabbed Wang Xiao's hand tightly and asked anxiously.    


Being assassinated for no reason and not knowing who the other party is, Yang Lei was terrified. If you know who the other party is, you can call the police or negotiate with them. However, she didn't even know who the murderer was and could only passively take the beating.    


"I don't know either." Wang Xiao said.    


"What should we do? What should we do?"    


Yang Lei's heart was in a mess, she had lost his resolve, when encountering this kind of situation, she could only rely on Wang Xiao.    


"Don't worry, don't be afraid. As long as I am here, no one will be able to harm you." Wang Xiao said to Wang Xiao.    


After hearing Wang Xiao's consolation, Yang Lei's emotions finally stabilized. That's right, as long as Wang Xiao is here, who could hurt themselves. Back then, on the plane, on that boundless ocean, under such a dangerous situation, Wang Xiao was able to bring her back safely, so the current danger wasn't too difficult for Wang Xiao.    


Clang clang!    


After the bullets hit the car, they produced sounds of metal colliding with metal, causing sparks to appear. The car was practically ruined. If there was a need to repair it, it would at least cost a dozen yuan. Because the gas tank, water tank and engine had been penetrated by the bullets.    


In fact, many of the modern shoot-out movies in TV dramas, many cars that had their fuel tank punctured by bullets, would immediately burn. These scenes were fake, and were only meant to attract attention, so it was deliberately made to make the scene even more spectacular and realistic.    


In fact, even if the gas tank of the car had been punctured by the bullets, it would not have been scorching hot unless the temperature was very high. Wang Xiao and Yang Lei hid behind the cars, they did not dare to act rashly, while Yang Lei held her head with her hands, like a startled little bird.    


After all, she was only a female, so it was normal for her to fear him. Fortunately, Wang Xiao was here. If she wasn't by his side, Yang Lei would have definitely collapsed from his high mental stress.    


Cautiously looking forward, Wang Xiao's sharp eyes were as sharp as a night hawk's. Although the situation was currently very dangerous, Wang Xiao was not the least bit nervous, nor was he afraid. This was because he knew very well that the more dangerous the situation was, the more he had to maintain a clear mind.    


He had to remain calm at all times. Especially in a crisis, if you can maintain a clear mind, there is a possibility that the crisis will be resolved. In any case, in this sort of situation, even if he was trembling in fear, or if he was kneeling and begging for forgiveness, it would be useless. It would be better to save himself.    


The more afraid of death, the more time passed, the more likely one would die.    


"F * ck!"    


One of the three men shouted. Because Wang Xiao and Yang Lei were actually hiding at the back of the car, causing them to be unable to do anything, it was truly a thorny problem. The guns in their hands could not penetrate the car and killed Wang Xiao and Yang Lei.    


"Wang Xiao, why don't we call the police?" Yang Lei said.    


"No need." Wang Xiao said.    


"Why?" Yang Lei asked in frustration.    


If he encountered such a thing, shouldn't he have reported it to the police? But Wang Xiao didn't.    


"Don't worry, I can guarantee your safety." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


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