The Ace Bodyguard

C108 Pseudo-traditional Chinese Medicine

C108 Pseudo-traditional Chinese Medicine

0After achieving the expected effect and preparation, Wang Xiao finally used the silver needles and acupuncture at the bottom of his feet to gush water points. Actually, the soles of feet are very important to people, and many of the acupoints on the soles of feet are connected to the human liver, stomach and so on.    


The Yongquan Acupuncture Point wasn't very important to ordinary people, but to cultivators, it was extremely weak. If he couldn't compare to those experts with Innate Stage or the experts with Qi Master Stage, once the Yongquan acupoint was opened, he would be able to disperse his cultivation. In the ancient records, there was once a story about this. An expert of the Golden Bell Cover was extremely powerful. This person had cultivated the Golden Bell Cover to the Mastery Stage.    


When fighting with others, his entire body was akin to a golden ancient bell. He was invincible in this world, akin to a thunderbolt. Afterwards, someone had pierced through the acupoints at the bottom of his feet, causing his Genuine Qi to dissipate. From then on, he was an ordinary person.    


However, Wang Xiao was acupuncture for Lee Kai, so he did not need to worry, because Lee Kai was still not a cultivator, but an ordinary person, with no Genuine Qi formed in his body. Not only that, Wang Xiao could even use the Yongquan acupoint under his feet to force the poison out of his body. Fortunately, Wang Xiao had a deep understanding of the acupoints in the human body, so he thought of this method.    


Lee Kai was actually in a coma, in a coma, somewhere between a deep slumber and a clear mind. Wang Xiao used his Spirit Qi, inch by inch, to slowly force the poison mist in Lee Kai's body to the location of the Spring of Hell at his feet. The white needle under the man's feet had quickly turned black.    


It was poisonous gas. Since the poison gas had flowed out of the Yongquan Death Acupuncture Point, the originally white silver needles had now turned black. It seemed like his method was useful, and it worked.    


Seeing that he had hope, Wang Xiao sped up because there was still Liu Daquan. F * ck, two people were actually poisoned. Fortunately, there were only two of them. If there were a few more, it would definitely be too much work for them. who knows which damned thing dared to make a move against people from the Divine Monarch Sect.    


Drip! Drip!    


Drip! Drip!    


Within the room, the sound of water droplets could be heard. A few drops of black blood dripped down the silver needle to the ground. Those few drops of black blood were poison.    


Lee Kai's expression, at this time, had also gradually returned to normal, and the gap between him and a normal person wasn't too big. After some effort, he managed to preserve Lee Kai's life. Even without the help of the medicine, Lee Kai would not die.    


Just as Wang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, he continued with his treatment. There was nothing he could do, there was still one more on the side. With his previous healing experience, Wang Xiao was able to move quickly and easily. This time, he only spent half of the time.    


Di Loong's voice sounded at this moment. Brother Xiao, may I come in now? "    


Originally, he had already brewed the medicine, but because it was very hot, Di Loong waited outside for a while, until the medicine became slightly colder, and then asked if he could enter.    


"Come in." Wang Xiao wiped the sweat off his forehead. Although he was tired, and exhausted a lot of strength and mental and physical strength, he was able to preserve the lives of two of his subordinates.    


Fortunately, they had discovered it earlier. If they had delayed it by another half an hour, the two of them might really have died. Damn, these two fellows are really stupid, Wang Xiao really admired their intelligence. They were obviously poisoned, but the two of them actually didn't know what happened. They thought that it was just that their bodies weren't feeling well, so they decided to rest for a bit. Ai! How foolish and adorable.    




Di Loong opened the door and took the two bowls of medicine into the room.    


Wang Xiao took one bowl, touched the bowl, and realized it was no longer hot.    


Di Loong said: "Brother Xiao, after the medicine is done cooking, I am worried that it will be very hot and we won't be able to use it. I also don't dare to add cold water on top of that, so I placed the medicine in the fridge.    


Di Loong was a very considerate person, he was very careful in what he did.    


"Di Loong, you take the medicine for Liu Daquan." Wang Xiao said.    


"Alright." Di Loong nodded.    


Wang Xiao originally wanted to give it to Lee Kai to consume, but he realized that something was wrong with the soup, its color was not right. According to the recipe, the soup should have been dark black, but the soup in the bowl actually felt dark and red, as if it had been poisoned with blood.    


No, absolutely not. The more Wang Xiao thought about it, the more he felt that something was amiss.    


Could it be...    


Could it be that this pill was fake, or Di Loong made a mistake?    


At this time, Di Loong was planning to give it to Liu Daquan to consume, but Wang Xiao suddenly spoke out.    


"Di Loong, hold on."    


Di Loong stopped preparing the medicine for the patient, he turned around and asked Wang Xiao: "Brother Xiao, what's wrong?"    


"Di Loong, there's something wrong with this soup, the color is wrong, could you be mistaken?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Impossible, I definitely won't be wrong." Di Loong said in a serious tone.    


Seeing his serious face, Wang Xiao thought that Di Loong was not mistaken, after all, his life was in danger, who would dare joke around? Also, as a Deputy Sect Leader of the Divine Monarch Sect, there was no need to kill the two of them.    


"Brother Xiao, if you have any concerns, I will read the prescription to you." Di Loong said out all the medicinal ingredients in the medicinal formula one by one, and even revealed every single word of what Wang Xiao had instructed him to do previously.    


Wang Xiao nodded his head in satisfaction after hearing it, indicating that Di Loong's memory was indeed very good, without a single mistake. Then there was only one possibility, and that was that there was a problem with the medicinal herbs. If there was nothing wrong with Di Loong's prescription, the problem must be with the medicinal ingredients.    


"Di Loong, show me those medicinal herbs." Wang Xiao said with a serious expression.    


"Alright." Di Loong nodded.    


After leaving the room, Wang Xiao instructed two of his subordinates to take care of Lee Kai and Liu Daquan, and even tidy up the room. The members of Divine Monarch Sect had always been guarding outside, waiting for news.    


As the sect was small in number, they were very concerned about each other. It was just like a company. When there were only a dozen or so employees, as there were very few of them and everyone recognized them, their relationship was very good. But once the company grew in size, with hundreds and thousands of people, the spirit of solidarity died out.    


Knowing that Wang Xiao had successfully saved Lee Kai and Liu Daquan's lives, and forced the poison out of their bodies, everyone was elated and excited. Because from this matter, they saw an omnipotent Sect Master. Their Sect Leader was omnipotent. Not only could he cure illnesses, he could also cure them. With such a Sect Leader, his life would be assured.    


Sects would inevitably fight and kill, overt or covert, and it was impossible to guard against. However, as long as there was a sect leader with great medical skills, his life would be even more secure in the future. Many people felt that their decision to join the Divine Monarch Sect was the correct decision.    


In the future, if he became ill or had incurable diseases, his medical care would be guaranteed, and the Sect Leader would be their free doctor. F * ck, this year's treatment is too expensive. Even if it's just a minor ailment, as long as I go to the hospital, I will have to spend at least hundreds and thousands of dollars. If it's serious, it's at least tens of thousands. If it's serious, then I'm sorry.    


Under Di Loong's lead, Wang Xiao arrived at the medicine storage room. This was a room in the backyard, and due to the poor lighting and the fact that it was an empty room, Di Loong had arranged for all the medicinal herbs that he had bought to be stored here. There were a few medicine cabinets in the room.    


Each cabinet was two meters tall and two meters wide. Furthermore, each medicine cabinet had dozens of drawers that weren't too big or small.    


"Brother Xiao, according to your request, I bought a lot of medicinal ingredients from the list. Brothers, use them for cultivation, for treatment, and in case of emergencies. Di Loong said.    


Wang Xiao was also very satisfied, he did things very quickly. If it was an ordinary person, they would have spent quite a bit of time. However, he was swift and decisive; he was indeed a person who did great things. Whether a person could accomplish great things, it could be seen from many details. If a person delayed even small matters or couldn't handle them well, how could a person accomplish great things?    


"Take out a portion of each of the medicinal ingredients from before." Wang Xiao said.    




Di Loong did as he was told and took out different medicinal ingredients from different drawers. There was a label outside each drawer, on which were written the herbs stored. After it was marked, every single type of medicinal herb was immediately apparent. Even those who didn't understand Chinese medicine could follow the instructions.    


A minute later, Di Loong took out a dozen or so medicinal herbs, and all of them were placed in front of Wang Xiao.    


After taking these medicinal ingredients, Wang Xiao also began to inspect them one by one.    



Polygonum multiflorum, menthol, rhubarb, root, these herbs are not expensive, relatively cheap. After inspecting the ingredients, Wang Xiao found no problems. However, when he picked up one of the Wood Spirit s, he noticed something amiss.    


There were several types of Lingzhi. When many people heard about Lingzhi, their first reaction was that it was very expensive. That's right, it was indeed very expensive. Moreover, the older they were, the more expensive they would be. However, very few people knew that the Ganoderma was split into Wood Spirit, grass spirit, and earth spirit.    


As for the classification of Ganoderma lucidum, since it was rarely mentioned in the medical books, there were very few people who knew about it. Wood Spirit s were the Ganoderma and Grass Spirits that grew on trees. They grew in the forests, and most of them grew on cliffs or in areas where there were few people.    


Wang Xiao had once heard of a kind of Lingzhi. This kind of Lingzhi was not the first three, but it was grown by a bacterium. It was said that this kind of Lingzhi was very rare and expensive. However, any type of Lingzhi would grow in an environment that was very pristine and free from pollution. For example, the Long White Mountains, the Great Xing'An Mountains, and the foreign region of Cepaglia.    


The last time Wang Xiao asked Di Loong to buy a Wood Spirit, they were all over ten years old and there were even more of them. This was because the use of lingzhi was very wide, and not only were it useful for cultivators, detoxifying it was also beneficial for one's body.    


An authentic lingzhi plant that was over ten years old would cost around two hundred thousand yuan. Wang Xiao observed that this stalk of Lingzhi was actually fake. It was grown using a high technology known as Jin Country. It was said that some unscrupulous merchants in the Jin Country used a type of bacterium, and then used a large amount of chemical medicine to grow it. Within three months, a stalk of Lingzhi would grow, and it would be exactly the same.    


Since it was cultivated using chemicals and the fungus itself was toxic, using too many of these Lingzhi would cause a person's mental state to be weakened, but it was unlikely for them to be poisoned. If it was that easy to be poisoned, this kind of fake lingzhi would be easily discovered.    


The Lingzhi was more than ten years old. Because it had been growing deep in the mountains for a long time and had experienced countless hardships, its appearance was somewhat rough like an old tree bark. Ganoderma lucidum, which can be grown with bacteria and chemicals, has a brighter appearance due to its culture in a greenhouse.    


So the problem was, even if they ate the fake lingzhi mushroom, they would not be poisoned, but why were Lee Kai and Lee Kai poisoned?    


"Di Loong, did Liu Daquan and Lee Kai take any medicinal herbs that could help them cultivate?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Brother Xiao, because we decided to focus on raising Lee Kai and Liu Daquan, the two of them consume it frequently, and a lot more of it than the others." Di Loong replied.    


"Let me see them all." Wang Xiao said.    


Seeing Wang Xiao's serious face, Di Loong immediately took out all of the medicinal ingredients.    


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