The Ace Bodyguard

C206 Return to China

C206 Return to China

0He didn't know whether or not he would be able to find out who exactly harmed the Female Boss after hearing what Rofu had said. On the volcano above the Jin Country, Wang Xiao had only seen the corpses of his other brothers, but not the corpses of the Female Boss s.    


So Wang Xiao had been fantasizing this entire time, that maybe Female Boss hadn't died yet. Of course, if Female Boss hadn't died, that would be the best outcome.    


There were a lot of beauties on the plane, but it was a pity that Wang Xiao was not in the mood to look at these beauties.    


A man sat in the front row of Yang Lei. After realizing that Yang Lei was very beautiful, the man purposely lifted his hand to caress his hair, revealing the Bai Da Jadeite watch on his wrist.    


This Posturing Man seemed to be pretending to be rich, as if he wanted to tell Yang Lei that he was a successful entrepreneur.    


Towards this man's posturing, Wang Xiao didn't pay any attention to it. In any case, in this era, everyone was posturing.    


Although the man kept revealing her watch, the Bai Da Emerald, on his wrist, Yang Lei didn't mind at all. As long as she was willing, even if it was ten pieces of Bai Da Emerald, she could still sell it.    


The man had pretended to be cool for a long time, but still did not attract Yang Lei's attention.    


Wang Xiao was sure that the man in front of him was a parvenu, he definitely wasn't that kind of descendant. A nouveau riche acting tough was nothing more than letting others see their watches, the money in their handbags, the rings on their hands, and so on.    


When the children of influential clans pretended to be powerful, what they valued the most wasn't wealth, but temperament. It was their presence that made others feel that they were different from the masses, definitely not ordinary people.    


Since she had boarded the plane, Yang Lei had always been weighed down with matters of the heart. From start to finish, she did not say a single word to Wang Xiao, nor did she even glance at him once.    


However, Wang Xiao wasn't too concerned about all of this. As long as Yang Lei could quietly sit on the plane, as long as Yang Lei could return with him to Hua Xia, she didn't care about anything else. After returning to the Huaxia, no matter how willful Yang Lei is, you won't care. Of course, he won't have that much time to care.    


At this moment, the flight attendant was pushing a cart as she slowly walked along the aisle of the passenger cabin, distributing drinks and food like bread to the passengers.    


For most of the men on the passenger plane, drinks, and bread were not important. What was important was having a good look at the flight attendants up close.    


When the air stewardess came to the Posturing Man's side, this Posturing Man began to act cool again. He purposely revealed the Bai Da jade on his wrist, worried that the flight attendant wouldn't notice, so he looked at the watch on his wrist and said to the flight attendant, "Hello beauty, I don't like orange juice. Can you give me a glass of milk?"    


"Yes, sir." The flight attendant politely gave the Posturing Man a glass of milk.    


The Posturing Man shook his hand, purposely shaking the Baida Jadeite he was holding in his hand at night. "Beauty, hello, I don't like milk either. Actually, I prefer drinking boiled water more because I have always emphasized on hard work and saving. The country now advocates hard work and saving, so this is a kind of virtue, a traditional virtue. I don't forget the original virtue."    


The Posturing Man was too funny, wearing the precious Bai Da Emerald, they actually gave their grandpa some talk about thrift and hardworking.    


This was equivalent to some leaders drinking Maotai wine and calling out to the people to serve them. They smoked Chinese cigarettes and said that they were working in the countryside to reduce poverty, while driving expensive cars. They also called out the local financial difficulties.    


"Sir, alright. I'll give you a glass of water, but for the safety of the passengers on the plane, the water is cold." The flight attendant said politely.    


Wang Xiao realized that the air stewardess had a very good personality. If it was him, he would have slapped her a long time ago. But if you do, the airline will let you go the next day.    


Posturing Man said to the flight attendant with a smile. "It's alright, I'm a very casual person. I don't have too much interest in life."    


After receiving the white water from the flight attendant, the Posturing Man continued to say, "Beauty, your personality is really good. Not only are you beautiful, your personality is also very good."    


"Thank you. Thank you for your praise. Serving the passengers is our goal." The flight attendant replied politely.    


Posturing Man said: "But in your industry, it is actually very tiring. Not only is it tiring, it has no future. "It's not easy to live a poor life with just a little bit of salary a month."    


When the others heard Posturing Man's words, they started to think. The heck, if there really was a salary of nearly twenty thousand dollars a month, would he still be considered poor? If they could get this kind of salary and still call themselves poor, then they might as well just jump off the plane.    


"Actually, as long as you like this industry." The air stewardess smiled politely before pushing the car forward.    


Posturing Man was very disappointed. He had been acting cool for so long just now because he wanted to show off in front of the flight attendant how rich he was and then deeply attract the flight attendant. It was just that he did not expect the flight attendant to ignore him.    


Could it be that she wasn't handsome, or that the flight attendant didn't know how to recognize his Bai Da jadeite? Posturing Man looked at the Bai Da jadeite on his wrist with a heartache. The more he looked, the more his heart ached. F * ck, what bad luck! I finally had the courage to lose an arm and I bought a piece of jade from Bai Da. I wanted to put on a good show.    


But who would have thought that she would be so unlucky to meet an ignorant air stewardess?    


When the air stewardess came to Wang Xiao's body, he had only casually asked for a drink. He did not act pretentiously in front of the air stewardess like he was a Posturing Man, because there was no meaning to it. Furthermore, Wang Xiao was not a man with this kind of personality.    


Yang Lei politely thanked the air stewardess, "Thank you, but I don't need it."    


She was in no mood, no appetite, no drink, no food. On the plane, in addition to providing beverages, there was actually very little food provided. However, there were also some specially-made breads that were provided on the plane.    


"Yang Lei, eat something, or drink a little." Wang Xiao said with concern.    


"I don't need you to care." Yang Lei said in anger.    


Wang Xiao asked the air stewardess for a drink, and then personally handed it over to Yang Lei.    


Originally, she didn't want to accept it. Originally, she wanted to reject Wang Xiao, but when Yang Lei gave her a concerned look, she didn't have the heart to reject it. "Don't daydream, I will forgive you and give you a favorable impression." After taking the drinks, Yang Lei said.    


Wang Xiao slightly smiled and said: "I never thought of getting your good impression, I was just worried that you would get hungry."    


"You really don't know how to talk." Yang Lei's lips slightly rose. She felt that Wang Xiao really didn't know how to speak, how could Wang Xiao not try to make his happy? Couldn't he say something sweet?    


Although Yang Lei was not an ordinary woman, she was the CEO, the beautiful CEO, but she was still a woman after all, so she liked to listen to men's sweet talk. If Wang Xiao had said a few sweet words to her, she might have forgiven Wang Xiao for her actions earlier, but it had been so long since Wang Xiao said anything.    


Not only did Wang Xiao not say anything sweet to her, he did not try to make her happy, and his actions just now were so overbearing as he forcefully pulled his into the airport. Yang Lei was already very generous, and did not want to haggle with Wang Xiao.    


"Beauty Yang Lei, it was my fault just now, please don't be angry, okay? Let's have a drink first. " Wang Xiao tried to say something good.    


"That's what you said." Yang Lei asked.    


"Yeah, what's wrong?"    


"What you said doesn't sound good at all. Don't you know what kind of man you are? Don't you know how to coax women to be happy?" Yang Lei said.    


Holding the drink in her hand, Yang Lei didn't drink it. She was waiting for Wang Xiao's sweet words and wanted Wang Xiao to lie to her.    


Wang Xiao finally understood that no matter which girl it was, they would need a man's sweet talk. He finally understood why some ungood-looking men were able to pursue beautiful women. However, some handsome men would only be able to find ugly things. As long as they had a good mouth, they wouldn't have to worry about not having a girlfriend.    


"Yang Lei, although my actions just now were a little crude, it was due to my concern for you. I cared about you a lot, if I didn't care about you, I wouldn't have acted so impulsively."    


He didn't want Yang Lei to starve and thirsty, so he gave in on his own accord.    


"Then why did you hit that black guy just now?" Yang Lei asked.    


"Because he spoke to you." Wang Xiao's answer was very simple.    



"Don't tell me that if you have someone that I can talk to, you will treat them as your enemy?" Yang Lei continued to ask as she held the drink in her hand.    


"Anyway, I just didn't like that black guy. Who asked him to talk to you, he actually wanted to get something out of you."    


Although Wang Xiao's explanation was simple and unreasonable, Yang Lei was still very satisfied with this explanation.    




When the Posturing Man sitting in front of the two heard the conversation between Wang Xiao and Yue Yang, he couldn't help but laugh.    


After turning his head, the man said to Wang Xiao: "Bro, what kind of era is this, do you think it's still a primitive society? Now, it's a civilized world, and not everything can be resolved with a fist.    


Shut up!    


Shut up!    


Wang Xiao and Yang Lei asked Posturing Man to shut up at the same time.    


Posturing Man felt that he was asking for trouble. He originally wanted to show that he was a man with self-restraint and a man with self-restraint in front of Yang Lei. Then, he made Yang Lei feel that the man beside her, compared to you, was like a jade head. Only, the Posturing Man did not expect that Yang Lei did not like it.    


"Then tell me honestly, where have you been these past few days?" Yang Lei continued to ask.    


In the past few days, Wang Xiao had actually disappeared soundlessly and the phone was turned off, causing her to be worried.    


"Because you've always despised me for not having enough money and not thinking of making progress, I wanted to go out and do something so that you would have a whole new level of respect for me."    


Wang Xiao casually made up a reason, because there was no need for him to tell Yang Lei the truth. That kind of thing, it was better if Yang Lei didn't know about it.    


Posturing Man felt that the time had come, and turned to tell Wang Xiao again. Brother, the current society is a material society. Without money, if we can't let the beauties by our side live a good life, then this kind of man would be a failure. However, even if some poor people want to go out and adventure, it's not that simple to achieve their goals. "    


Wang Xiao looked at Posturing Man in dissatisfaction. He really wanted to punch him, and he kept hearing his voice.    


Yang Lei said to the Posturing Man in dissatisfaction: "The two of us won't allow you to interrupt us while we speak, go to the side."    


After receiving another closed-door soup, Posturing Man indicated that he was injured and why he was treated so unfavorably.    


Due to the fact that he had pretended to be cool several times, the beauties had all ignored him. Therefore, this man started to reflect on why he had failed several times. Was he not handsome enough, or did he not pretend to be handsome enough?    


After Yang Lei drank a mouthful of the drink, she continued to look at the blue sky and white clouds outside.    


As for Wang Xiao, he was thinking about what had happened in the Female Boss and the danger the sect was in.    


Suddenly, Wang Xiao felt something amiss on the plane.    


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