Countryside Magic Doctor

C506 Open the Door

C506 Open the Door

0But it's good that these are for ordinary people.    


For the few Cultivators, the door in front of them could be said to be invisible. It was like a paper door that could be broken with a poke.    


"Old man, open the door for me." Hee Feng dug his nails and said to Piao Miaozi.    


"Okay, okay, okay." Piao Miaozi quickly said. Then, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to open the door.    


In fact, Hee Feng already knew what was inside. A pile of huge skeletons that looked like dinosaurs. However, it was just a skeleton of a dinosaur. He was afraid that he did not need to treasure it so much.    


After all, although dinosaurs were few in number, due to their huge population, one could be dug out from a certain place every once in a while.    


Rare things were precious, so naturally, they were not too precious.    


Even if they didn't meet him, there were some places where dinosaur fossils could be dug out, and they wouldn't even be able to make the headlines.    


This was the difference!    


Therefore, the thing inside was definitely not just a simple dinosaur fossils. It should be hiding a bigger secret.    


Although Piao Miaozi was a little unreliable, his strength was still quite reliable. After all, after cultivating for so many years, most of the people in the same era as him had died. How could he not be powerful?    


Standing at the mouth of the wind, even a pig could be blown to the sky.    


This time, Piao Miaozi did not violently open the thing. Instead, he slowly twisted the valve on top of it. Hee Feng observed his surroundings and found that this valve was not twisted by human strength.    


Although there was a switch on top that could be twisted, but a huge switch that was several meters wide was not something a person could hold.    


It was like the hub of a large reservoir, driven by human strength. Do you think it's possible?    


He carefully observed it and found that this valve was only a backup switch. If he wanted to open it, he needed to rely on electricity to start the engine inside to slowly open it.    


However, when Hee Feng looked at the engine over there, he was surprised to find that the engine had long been broken, or rather, it had been abandoned.    


The heart of the engine, the high-speed rotating turbine, was directly taken out, leaving only an empty shell there. Even if it was connected to electricity, it could not be used.    


Piao Miaozi exerted force. Although the old man looked old, his strength was not small at all. Even Sun Monkey, who could lift 18,000 kilograms of Jingu Bang in Journey to the West, probably did not have as much strength as him.    


After all, after careful examination, 18,000 kilograms did not seem to be much. It was merely eight or nine tons. At this point, it was not even enough to weigh a small excavator.    


It was like a novel describing the scene of Sun Wukong swinging the Korean and causing mountains to collapse. It could only be said to be nonsense!    


It could not withstand even the slightest bit of investigation. It could only be treated as a joke or a myth!    


As the valve had rusted and steel was produced, it had experienced decades. It was inevitable. Moreover, this place was somewhat humid and had not been maintained for many years. Therefore, when Piao Miaozi twisted it, it was unavoidable. Huge pieces of rust began to fall slowly.    


Si Sisi, when the valve was gradually opened, there was a sound of breathing coming from the huge metal door under the dim oil lamp.    


Hee Feng walked to the ventilation hole at the side and found that some of the small holes on the door had already been opened. The sound came from there, like a whistle. When the air slowly flowed, there would be some sounds.    


He heard similar ghostly cries around him in winter, which was the sound produced when the wind blew past the wires, so he did not need to be too afraid!    


"Why is the old man so slow? Isn't it just a valve? Can you speed up a bit? It's going to be dark soon! " Hee Feng moved closer to the ventilation hole and looked inside while saying to Piao Miaozi impatiently.    


"Got it, got it." Piao Miaozi suddenly accelerated his twisting speed.    


He still had to obey the orders of those who were stronger than him.    


Along with the creaking sound of steel rubbing against each other, the valve was being twisted rapidly. No one knew how many times it had been twisted. Anyway, the more it twisted, the smoother it became. Piao Miaozi's hand finally stopped.    


He no longer exerted force on it, but based on inertia, the giant valve was still spinning rapidly, just like a bearing.    


It was spinning rapidly!    


Not long after, a clanging sound was heard. Along with the sound of chains moving and a series of gears turning, an outstanding piece of art from the Great Industrial Age was opened just like that.    


As the door was opened, a thick layer of rust covered the front of the door. They were shaken and smoke rose in the air. Hee Feng waved his hand and the thing disappeared in an instant.    


Piao Miaozi played his only role as a pathfinder and went in to explore.    


"Damn!" As soon as Hee Feng took a step forward, he heard Piao Miaozi making a fuss.    


"I say, old man, what are you doing? What's there to make a fuss about? Can you stop acting like you've never seen the world before? " Hee Feng said snappily.    


Then, he held Yun Zhu's hand and slowly walked in. After walking in, Hee Feng couldn't help but be attracted by the thing in front of him.    


There was a kind of rotten smell in the air, along with some moldy smell. It did not smell good. It was like an old house that had been lost for a long time. The smell inside was faintly accompanied by the choking rust.    


People with mysophobia would never enter this place!    


"Old man, there's a switch for the lamp over there. Turn it on!" Hee Feng said to Piao Miaozi.    


"Ah, is that so? Then I'll open it!" Piao Miaozi hurriedly said. Then, he rubbed his black hair and walked inside for a while. After that, he touched the electric switch. With a swoosh, he pulled it up.    


After the electric switch was pulled up, squeaking sounds were accompanied by the sound of electric currents. The large sealed secret room began to light up the lamps one by one.    


Several light bulbs that had been in the past few decades exploded in a series of piercing sparks. However, there were also a few tenacious light bulbs that had experienced the test of time. They lit up!    


However, when the light bulb lit up, Hee Feng suddenly heard a dragon's roar in his ears, as if there was a real dragon hissing in his ears.    


He could not help but widen his eyes and look at the scene in front of him in surprise. He then asked Piao Miaozi, "Old man, did you hear something just now?"    


Piao Miaozi nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I heard it. I just didn't dare to confirm it."    


"Yun Zhu, what do you think this sound is?" Hee Feng asked Yun Zhu who was standing at the side.    


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