Prince and I in Desert Island

C1 They Just Got on the Plane

C1 They Just Got on the Plane

0Ladies and gentlemen,    


Welcome to CT-Airways flight dy from TT to me. The flight distance for this flight is _, and the estimated flight time is xx hours and xx minutes. He flew at an average speed of 1 km/h.    


In order to ensure the normal operation of the aircraft navigation communication system, please do not use the portable computer during take-off and descent. Do not use the portable telephone, remote control toy, video game machine, laser phonograph and electronic and audio receiver during the whole flight.    


The plane was about to take off, and there were cabin attendants to conduct a security check. Please sit down, fasten your seat belt, and put away the seat back and the small table board. Please verify that your handheld items are properly placed in the luggage rack or under the seat above your head. Smoking is prohibited throughout this flight, please do not smoke during the flight...    


Thank you!    


"Li Kai, hurry up! What are you dawdling for? The plane is about to take off!"    


"Mom, I don't want to go. Can you ask for my opinion on what to do?"    


"You've just returned from the army and can't find a suitable job. You'll be able to get in touch with some of the company leaders on this trip. "Hurry up!"    


I had to drag my suitcase to the gate with my mother.    


"Hello! "Please show your boarding pass and ID card."    


"My son Li Kai, he just returned from the army. He's handsome, isn't he? "I don't have a girlfriend yet."    


"Auntie, your son is quite handsome," the ticket collector said with a smile.    


"Mom, can you stop talking?" I said impatiently.    


"Alright, alright, be careful. Leave a message if you find a suitable one. Mom is still waiting to carry her grandson …" "Eh …" 'This brat … He ran away before he could even finish his words … '    


"Little lady, you're so beautiful! You're so polite! I want a daughter-in-law like you!" My mother was still blabbering on and on.    




"Move out of the way, the moment you find your seat, sit down. Let the passengers in the passage …"    


I looked at the seat number 27 on the plane ticket and started looking for my seat. The suitcase was too big to ship, and I didn't know what my mother had collected for me. I only had a cell phone and a charger, and a card that my mother had given me.    


What I want to say is that every soldier who has just left the army may relax his or her actions, but his or her heart is always tense. As the instructor said when he was discharged from the army, "A day is a day, a day is a day."    


I quickly found my seat. Number 27 was near the window, and I wanted to be near the window so I could look at the clouds. There had been no training or duty on the helicopter before, and the noise was so loud that there was no time to look down at the scenery from a high vantage point.    


I sat down quickly, because there were also passengers with big bags in the back.    


After a while, everyone packed and sat in their seats, except for Number 28, who was still empty.    


I was wondering if this person hadn't come or changed his signature... There was a little loss in his heart, and he didn't even have a speaker. At this moment, a person hurriedly ran in. The flight attendant politely went up to welcome him …    


"May I ask who is your seat?" Due to the geographical position, there was no need for a lady to call a girl …    




The voice caught my attention at once, because it was so clear and magnetic.    


Instinctively, I turned my head. At 10 o'clock, I saw a young man around 20 years old. He was 165 years old, weighed 55 kilograms, and had three layers on his body.    


"Stop," a voice said in my head. "Forgive me for not coming out completely from camp life. It's almost like an occupational disease for the office workers."    


"Please follow me." The flight attendant brought her to my side. She gave me a sideways glance, then handed her backpack to the flight attendant.    


She sat down next to me with a small LV bag and a cell phone in her hand. Without saying a word to me, he took out his iPod and listened to the music.    


I turned away from her quickly so as not to look embarrassed.    


"Sir, please fasten your seat belt and turn off your phone." The flight attendant said with a smile.    


I quickly fastened my seat belt and pressed the shut down button. After I shut down the phone, it occurred to me that I should call my mom or send her a text message or something, so I decided to restart my phone.    


At that moment, the small monitor in front of the seat started to light up, and an air stewardess appeared. She also said that the plane would take off in three minutes, so please turn off the phone and the electronic products that would interfere with the electronic signal.    


I think that's fine. I'll call my mother when I get there. I didn't think that it would be 8 years since I called my mother again.    


Many times in life is like this, many small things can be done when we are always neglected, only to do not only the special regret … I didn't understand that until later.    


He felt extremely uncomfortable when he took off because it was like taking an elevator. Moreover, it was an extremely fast elevator. After taking off three times, he didn't feel much, but he felt like he was in a big house …    


I was so bored that I wanted to talk to him, but I didn't disturb her when I saw her standing there with her earphones on.    


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