Prince and I in Desert Island

C21 The Pirates of the Island

C21 The Pirates of the Island

0"help me"    


I turned in the direction of the voice and saw that the dying white man was struggling desperately, crying for help.    


I quickly helped him up. His lungs were badly injured, and as he breathed, his mouth foamed up and I wiped it away.    


It was as if he had grasped onto the last straw of hope. Grasping my hand, begging me to save him, blood kept pouring from his right chest.    


"I'm sorry, I can't save you. Your lungs have been pierced, we don't have anything to stop the bleeding." I regretfully told him.    


Li Yan told him what I said in English.    


He closed his eyes and thought for a long time. It was unknown what he was thinking about. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and spoke …    


"Tofinditainamanor, Artestwellkillyou"    


"Go to the Ina manor and find Ina. Atai will kill you here." Li Yan explained.    


I asked Li Yan to ask him where Atai was, how many people he had, and whether the military was with him.    


"Where isatai? Howmanageople? Isthemilitarywith him? " Li Yan asked.    


When the white man struggled to sit up, I helped him up, and he looked at me.    


"Ataidoesnothashowniterynow, themilitaryattackedtheecaveandleft, hehas24peoplenow." he said with difficulty.    


I asked Li Yan what she meant by this. Li Yan told me that Atai didn't have his own territory now. He still had 24 people. The army had attacked the cave and left.    


The white man began to cough. Blood was coming out of the corner of his mouth.    


"Aureouokay!" Li Yan asked in concern.    


"Iwanttogoghome, Imissmemanddad, forthemIamthorry, IamdeadafterIamburiedinthesea, mysoulcangobacktomytometnbyGold 'sship." Then the white man shut his eyes    


"I want to go home. I want to go to my parents. I'm sorry about them. If I die, please bury me by the sea so that I can take the God's boat back to my hometown." Li Yan explained. She was clearly very depressed.    


We don't want to go home, we don't want our families, we want to live the lives of ordinary people, go to work every day, struggle to get married and have children. Fate always likes to joke,    


Everyone wants their lives to be a little happier, a little less painful, a little more smooth, a little less frustrating, but fate always seems to tease and torment, always giving us more frustration, pain, and frustration." In this world, it was impossible for one to be proud and happy, and everything would go according to one's wishes. Faced with setbacks can be like a valley, great wisdom and foolishness, maintaining a calm and peaceful state of mind, is a thorough understanding of the magnanimity of life. If we want to maintain a healthy state of mind, we need to sublimate our spirit, cultivate morality, accumulate energy, and be witty and optimistic. As Marx said, a good mood is better than ten medicines to relieve mental fatigue and pain.    


Since fate has brought us to this desolate island, we should live happily and bravely.    


We found a place to bury the white man and put a cross on his grave with two pieces of wood. God take him home.    


Now I have some information. The man with the hair shawl was Atai. He had 24 people, the manor was not attacked by the military, and the manor was guarded by seals.    


I wondered if Atai didn't know that Ina was dead, that the white man had asked us to go to the manor house and join Ina. Impossible, it was he who had led the military to attack Ina.    


There was only one possibility: Atai's men were not involved in the attack. Artest did not tell his men about his attack on Aine.    


So none of his people knew that Ina was dead. Maybe the military and Artest weren't sure if Ina had escaped.    


In her letter, Ina also said that if her body was not found. The military would not dare to attack the manor.    


But I was curious. When we entered the cave, the door to the bedroom was very hidden, but it was impossible for the military to not notice that there was a cave there. Ina's bedroom was not turned over. And where was Mary's body in the bedroom?    


This obsession had been bothering me ever since Atai told me before he died that strange things had happened in the cave when people from the military fought their way to the cave and tried to enter Love's bedroom. The military had suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat. Atai had also nearly lost his life.    


Returning to the tree hole, Auntie Lin cooked crab soup. We hadn't eaten rice for a long time, so we really missed the scene of the family eating together, even if it was just ordinary rice, a plate of normal potato paste, a plate of homemade mah tofu, and a bowl of simple green vegetable soup.    


Our ordinary life is always envious of the rich people driving a luxury car to eat and drink red wine life, every day red light, green paper, drunk. Arriving at the deserted island, he realized that true happiness was a family living a normal life, safe and healthy.    


Ordinary is true, as calm as water is our innermost desire.    


Wang Yao was always very happy. She had been living a life of luxury since she was young, always coming and going as she pleased. In her world, there was only what she liked or didn't like that wasn't what he wanted or didn't want, because she already didn't have a goal and there was no need to pursue it. As long as others had what she had, she had what others didn't have.    


On the desert island, she had shed her Princess aura and become an ordinary girl, eager to eat a packet of phoenix claws or a slightly larger crab. When there was no fresh water, she treasured every coconut, every piece of coconut meat, every drop of coconut juice. She began to understand how difficult it was to come by something she had barely paid attention to before.    


I remember she didn't even know what she wanted to eat on the plane. She just saw me eat so much before she picked up a white chopped chicken set like mine, but before she could eat anything on the plane, she was wrecked.    


She was now holding a tin can in her right hand, tasting Romanee-Conti, and holding a eaten crab leg in her left hand. She was reciting her own words like a poet.    


Fantastic Beach    


An isolated island    


Three beautiful princesses    


A bad warrior    


The tree hole is our villa    


The forest be our garden    


The sea be our swimming pool    


fish and shrimp from a desert island    


It's a rare delicacy for us    


Unexpected white rabbit    


Is the princess' favorite pet    


The princesses were drinking Romanee-Conti.    


Eat the delicious crab    


Sing a beautiful song    


Talking about happy topics    



No worries    


We're hooking up with time    


No worry    


We are laughing with fate    


No worries    


We're hiding with the pirates.    


Wang Yao is too cute, her every move always makes us very happy, she is not spoiled by the princess, the young miss' temper and gold picky. She was just an ordinary girl. She was naive, gentle, exquisite, pure, kind and beautiful.    


Li Yan was a girl from the inner and outer court. She might have been born into a village in the middle of the city. Her personality was tough and strong, but she had changed a lot after coming to the deserted island.    


She also wanted to lead a normal life like a girl. She longed to be protected by others, to have a relationship that would never break up. There were plenty of suitors from school to work, but she couldn't tell if someone liked her looks or really wanted to spend her life with her, so she never dated a boy.    


Her lack of security and distrust of boys stemmed from her father's betrayal and abandonment as a child.    


According to Liyan, her father had abandoned her when she was young because her mother was sick and had to undergo an operation that required a lot of money and had a low success rate. He had married another woman and had a baby. At first her father came to see them give her a bit of her living expenses, but then he slowly left them alone. Liyan and her mother had been living together ever since she was young, and her mother worked early in the morning and in the night to save money for her school.    


Perhaps it was due to the blessing of the heavens that her mother didn't have surgery, but she didn't have any disease either, until she graduated from university to prepare for work, her mother finally couldn't take it anymore, her mother fell ill and Li Yan still hadn't found a suitable job, she borrowed some money from her neighbor and sent her mother to the hospital, she continued to look for work, and many scouts and directors wanted to take pictures with her on the premise of accepting the unwritten rules. Li Yan did not choose to sink into depravity,    


As she was eating the steamed buns with the plain water, she saw the advertisement for the air stewardess' recruitment. Thus, with the thought of giving it a try, she gave her name and filled in the information. Unexpectedly, she received a notification of the interview while taking care of her mother at the hospital. Because of her beautiful appearance and her prestigious university degree, she was easily accepted into the university. She was paid to train for three months before she officially went to work.    


She cherished her first job, being enthusiastic, patient, meticulous with every passenger, and always getting good reviews from them. The leader saw her work and made her the foreman. What she got was not congratulations from her colleagues, but empty gossip. Her colleagues were all talking behind her back about her illegitimate relationship with the leader. She thought about leaving, but when she thought about her mother in bed, a woman who had dedicated her whole life to herself, she couldn't afford to lose her job.    


She offered to resign as a foreman, and the leader asked her why. She lied and said that she wanted to be an ordinary flight attendant if she wasn't used to being a foreman, because she had too many things to do. The Leader shook his head helplessly as he respected her decision. The first day she returned to her normal flight, something happened to the plane.    


The one who took her place was the one who had seen Xu Lu in the photo album. And the person who said that she was the leader of the unwritten rules was also Xu Lu. Xu Lu hurt her, but that day, she saw Xu Lu's luggage, Li Yan, crying sorrowfully.    


Li Yan was the kind of person who retaliated with her virtue. She retreated step by step as she was slandered by others.    


In Li Yan's heart, she had always thought that Xu Lu had already died. In her heart, she had already forgiven Xu Lu, until she met her again at the Ina manor.    


Li Yan told her story. She said that the only person she was worried about right now was her mother in the hospital, and she comforted herself by saying that if the plane accident insurance company gave the family a sum of money, she would have the money to operate on them. However, her mother didn't know that she was still alive.    


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