Prince and I in Desert Island

C25 The Treasure on the Beach

C25 The Treasure on the Beach

0Not knowing what they were doing, they dug around on the beach and sat down to rest after a while. Some of them went to drink water, some sat on the ground to smoke, and some just lay down on the beach to sleep.    


Atai ignored them and gestured to the white man with the paper in his hand.    


After a while, those who were resting came back and continued digging.    


I think that Atai must have obtained some treasure map and knew that there was a treasure chest buried on the beach, which was why he spent so much effort to dig this place.    


I thought suddenly of the map hidden in the scabbard of Aine's sword, the boxes drawn on the beach and the waterfall. Was Artest digging up the boxes marked on the beach?    


If Artest only lives here to dig up the treasure, then I am relieved. I hope he can dig up the treasure as soon as possible and take his men away.    


But if he had found anything on the beach, he would have gone to the waterfall to continue his search for another treasure chest, because no one could be satisfied with it.    


If Artest goes to the waterfall to look for another treasure box, he'll have to pass near the tree hole, and then we'll be in danger, and now I hope they haven't dug anything, and if they haven't, they'll leave.    


They're digging so aimlessly, I'm afraid they're going to dig up the bodies of the people we buried on the beach, as well as the remains of Einar Miller. Now I don't know what to do to stop them digging.    


They had dug very deep by noon, because I could no longer see anyone in the pit.    


I have to go back, I have to tell Li Yan and the others about the situation here, we have to discuss a plan together. By the way, I need to see the exact locations of the two treasure chests marked on the map.    


I slowly made my way around the bushes and headed deeper into the forest. Wait until they can't see me, then I'll speed up.    


When we got to the place where Li Yan and Wang Yao were hiding, I called them back to the tree hole. I told Auntie Lin everything I saw, and asked them to help me analyze Atai's purpose and discuss what we should do.    


I asked Wang Yao to take out the map from the scabbard. I spread it out and saw that there was a box drawn on the beach at the waterfall. However, he did not know the exact location. The map did not say what was in the box.    


Artest must be digging for boxes on the beach. However, he did not know the exact location of the box, so he could only search aimlessly everywhere.    


I think he would have moved on if he hadn't been able to dig that place in the morning, because he's not the kind of man to give up easily, and all I'm hoping for now is not to find the bodies of our people and the remains of Einar Miller.    


"Where are our colleagues?" Aunt Lin fell silent.    


"And there's also the beautiful Queen, Eina Miller!" Wang Yao pouted.    


"Can't we stop them? "Why would they stop?" Li Yan looked at me with sincere eyes. I could see that she was also particularly worried about the victims and Ina Miller whom Artest had dug up and where we were buried.    


"At the moment, I still can't think of a way. There are a lot of them, so if I try to stop them, they would just be throwing themselves into a trap. They wouldn't listen to us and instead expose us. "I'm not sure I can chase them away. They won't give up until they find the treasure chest," I said.    


"And look here, the waterfall is also marked with treasure chests. If they find the treasure chests on the beach, they will come to the waterfall. We won't be safe here then." I pointed at the treasure chests on the map.    


"Then what should we do? "When they come to the waterfall, they will find us." Li Yan said nervously.    


"Now I have to keep a close watch on their movements. Every morning and afternoon, I have to check their progress to see if they have found any treasure chests on the map. If we find out that they have already found the treasure chests on the beach but haven't left, then we have to hide in the forest far away from the waterfall and keep an eye on them until they have dug the treasure chests away from the waterfall …"    


"You guys need to be careful in the next few days. I think if they run out of water, they'll go to the waterfall to get it," I added.    


It's just that I didn't expect the water from the waterfall to flow down to the sea. Atai and the others have always been at the edge of the cliff to replenish the fresh water. Actually, Atai and the others never went to the waterfall, only Atai went to the cave and brought the military's special forces to besiege Ina Miller. After the military left, he didn't dare go to the cave. In his heart, he had always thought of the cave as his nightmare. That was also the reason why he didn't dare to live on the island.    


"Okay, we will be careful. But since you're so close to them, you have to be careful. They're all perverts that kill without blinking an eye." Li Yan looked at me with concern.    


"Don't worry, these few days they've been busy digging for treasures, not even carrying guns. They didn't know we were on this island, so I'll be careful!" I comforted Li Yan and the others.    


"That's good. They are all very crafty. I won't allow you to be careless. If they catch you, what should we do?" Little Princess Wang Yao said with displeasure when she saw that I was too relaxed.    


"I will definitely be careful. Don't worry, you little fool!" I pinched her little cheek and said to her …    


"Un, that's more like it. You are our guardian, we will only be fine if you are well." Wang Yao said gently.    


I know I'm keeping everyone safe, and what I'm saying is to keep them from worrying too much about me. I have to protect them, even at the cost of my life.    


It's my duty, a man's duty.    


Although we are not related to each other, Wang Yao and Li Yan are not my girlfriends now, but fate has bound us together, as the only man I cannot and should not run away from, this is the principle of being human. If any of them were hurt by my carelessness, I wouldn't forgive myself even if I died.    


I remember in Zhou Xingchi's movies, the cheongsam man said before he died, holding the charterer and the charterer by the hand and saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Now I knew what he meant.    


People do not live properly for their own, more for the people they love and love, they are my efforts and perseverance. If a man does anything for himself, he must be very lonely. Even if he was alive, he would still be a walking corpse.    


Many people think that choosing to join the army is the only choice of way out, because there isn't a fight going on right now. They think that the country is raising a bunch of simple-minded, well-developed idlers, that even after they retire they won't be taken seriously by anyone, and some people even look down on us. Only the security profession gives priority to us, and in their eyes, we're only fit to be watchdogs. So many retired soldiers return to society feeling particularly sad.    


The longer a soldier returned, the more nostalgic he would be for the life of the military camp and the camaraderie of his comrades. Only where there is no discrimination. It will take us a long time to integrate into society when we get home.    


Sometimes, family members would ask a particularly strange question. For example (how much money have you made in your years as a soldier?) It should be fun to be a soldier. You don't need to do anything. You can drive a free car and eat well. Is there a KTV in the army?)    


They see being a soldier as a profession, a career in the country, and a salary." I was really speechless about it.    


I once saw a story about a little girl falling into the water. A lot of people were watching, but no one came down to save her. Everyone sent a message to their friends on their cell phones. A security guard jumped into the water without hesitation to save the little girl. His entire body was drenched, and no one helped him during the whole process. After he was rescued, the mother carried the little girl to the hospital without saying a word of thanks. The surrounding people also looked at him with disdain, while the security guard returned to his post and continued to stand guard in the cold wind.    


When there was no danger, the soldiers were all simple-minded and idle. When there was danger, people would moral kidnap and think that the country had raised you for so many years. You should be the first to rush in and fight with the thieves, the first to jump down and save them.    


There's no reason because you're a soldier. You have to come up when you're needed. Go where it's cool.    


That's why I was home all the time, and my mother arranged the trip for me when she saw I was sulking at home, but she also wanted me to be a security guard at W Group. Speechless    


No matter what others think of me, I must protect them now. Even if they despise me as a security guard when I go back in the future, it doesn't matter.    


After bringing some bear jerky with me, I continued to the seaside to monitor Atai and the others. When I arrived at the seaside, they had already moved to another location to dig. It was obvious that the first location hadn't been dug yet. Now they were behind the big rock, where everyone was, and Atai and the white man were still studying the map.    


I crawled through the bushes to their tent, where I belonged to their blind spot, and checked their tent, which was filled with sleeping bags. Nothing else. The gun was still outside the tent. There were still a lot of cans in the box on the floor. I took a few and took them with me.    


I want to give Li Yan and Wang Yao a surprise.    


I approached the bushes slowly, skirting them. They didn't notice me moving in the forest. I went back to where Liyan and Wang Yao were hiding and whistled, mimicking the sound of a bird. That's what I told them when I left.    


Soon, they walked out from the bushes. After being modified by Auntie Lin, they were now wearing a tight camouflage dress that fit perfectly. The tight camouflage dress completely outlined their beautiful bodies. That's right. I was a little distracted again.    


When we went back together, I stared at them intentionally or unintentionally. The two beauties noticed my sinister gaze and looked at me in disdain. Afterwards, they quickly ran away, leaving me in a mess within the forest.    


I quickly caught up to them and fawned on them, but they still ignored me. I said to see what presents I had for you.    



Hearing that there was a gift, the two little beauties immediately changed from the cold expression of a oneesan to a loli acting coquettishly.    


"Dang Dang Dang, Dang" I took out a can of beef and luncheon meat and shook it in front of their eyes.    


They were expecting more than I could ever have imagined,    




They came and snatched the can from my hands and ran to Auntie Lin with it in their arms, leaving me in a mess in the wind.    


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