Prince and I in Desert Island

C16 White Bone of Cave

C16 White Bone of Cave

0"From the transparent fishing line connecting to the bell at the corner of the cave entrance, it shows that the person inside the cave is a very cautious person, this is to prevent others from launching a sneak attack." From the transparent fishing line connecting to the bell at the corner of the cave entrance, it says that the person inside the cave is a very cautious person, this is to prevent others from sneak attack. "So this place is a place where one man can rule over tens of thousands of people …"    


I suddenly realized that it was indeed impossible for people to enter this place while it was easy to guard this place from outside.    


"Then how do we get in? How did the people inside come out? " Wang Yao curiously asked.    


"If you want to go in, you have to get permission from the people inside." Auntie Lin said    


"But is there anyone inside? "How could they allow us …" Wang Yao had a harmless expression on her face.    


"I think there's no one inside. If we want to go in, we need to build two long pieces of wood," said Auntie Lin.    


We backed out of the cave and cut four logs about five meters long. I carried them to the trap and set them up. Then I tied the four pieces of wood together with the strap of the kabob to keep them from falling into the trap as we passed. I moved the bound pieces to the edge of the hole. He could hold onto the cave wall for safety when he entered.    


I walked at the front with Wang Yao behind me, Li Yan behind me, and Auntie Lin at the back.    


When I reached the second corner, I stopped and looked carefully. I shone my light on a long wooden board. I thrust my sword into the ground to see if there were any traps.    


I told Auntie Lin that there was no trap, only a long wooden board that should have been placed on top of the trap.    


Auntie Lin nodded silently. She said that the people inside the cave needed to quickly pass through the corner to pick up the guards, so they wouldn't set a trap here. The wooden board was placed inside. This meant that only the people inside were allowed to enter.    


Auntie Lin's analysis was very thorough. As we moved on and into the plank, I felt something was wrong. The plank had been laid flat on the ground, but there was a gap about five or six centimeters between it and the ground.    


I bent down and slowly lifted the wooden board. The moment the wooden board flipped open, Li Yan and Wang Yao let out high-pitched shrieks, because underneath the board was a pile of bones. The bones lay flat, the skull was shot through, and beside the bones was an MP5K submachine gun.    


I checked the magazine and found it was full. It meant that he had been shot in the head with a pistol before he could fire. And from the extent of the skull damage, he had been shot at close range.    


I'm wondering how the people outside managed to get past the trap and into the cave. If the people in the cave were being attacked, why was it that there were no bones around the first corner? I can't wait to go into the cave.    


I covered the plank and walked on. It was a very long passage, and after walking for a while I saw another skeleton, with a pile of shells on the floor. Unlike the previous one, his clothes hadn't completely rotted away.    


They continued moving forward, and there were bones every so often. At first, they were separated by quite a bit, from five to six meters, to two to three meters, and finally to one. Their weapons ranged from mpk5 to the AK47...    


Their clothes were rotting in varying degrees, and it had to be said that belts and shoes were the most durable things to test. The people guarding outside wore ordinary leather shoes, and the boots inside were exquisite combat boots.    


When we reached the entrance of the cave, I saw a tragic scene, all of them were bones of the dead, as well as a large number of weapons of mass destruction.    


In a cave that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, without using poisonous gas or smoke, how much strength would it take to completely defeat the guards who wielded a large number of weapons of mass destruction?    


I removed the bones that blocked the entrance to the cave. There was light in the cave, and I could make out everything in the cave. It was a natural stalactite cave, and the source of light was an exit from the cave. Near the mouth of the cave was a very high cliff, with a view of the sea. The cave was large and spacious, enough to hold fifty to sixty people.    


Inside were many boxes. The patterns on the boxes were exactly the same as those on the beach. Both had a sword inside their skulls, and beside the chest were five or six corpses. According to the clothes they were wearing, they should be female.    


In the middle of the cave was a simple table with some food on it. I opened one of the boxes to find something to eat. Inside were all kinds of cans, but the labels on them had blurred over time, so Li Yan and Wang Yao weren't so scared anymore. They helped me check the boxes and found that they were all things to eat, except for a case of wine that was still in good condition.    


"There's still a hole here." Wang Yao looked at me and said.    


I looked in the direction of Wang Yao's finger and found that there really was a wooden door. The door was hidden in the shadows, so I turned on the small flashlight and gently opened the door to a larger cave. Everything in the cave was luxurious, with all kinds of solid wood furniture, all European style, tables, chairs, dressing tables, and even beds, the tableware on the table was also very exquisite. There are many exquisite ornaments on the cave wall.    


I looked into each corner of the room with the little flashlight and saw a skeleton beside the bed. He was leaning back against the bed, and he was dressed in enough clothes to show the brilliance of her life and the delicacy of her life.    


She wore a simple, long, plain, white silk dress, embroidered with dark brown silk threads to create a delicate, powerful branch. Peach colored silk was embroidered with blossoming plum blossoms, and from the hem of the dress to her waist, a broad, purple leather belt tightened around her waist, revealing her slim figure. On the contrary, she gave off a feeling of elegance and elegance. He was wearing an exquisite gold and jade bracelet and had a head of surprisingly long hair tied with purple and white ribbons, forming a slightly complicated hairstyle.    


Judging by the color of her hair, she should be a foreigner, around 1.65 meters tall. Based on her attire, she should be around 30 years old.    


On her left hand was a small gold pistol. His skull was running through the wound from left to right, and she had shot herself. I was wondering what it was that made such a noble, meticulous, caring person so desperate to shoot herself, so beautiful and luxurious in her life.    


I motioned Wang Yao and Li Yan over to help. We carried her bones to bed and covered them with quilts. That's all we can do. A former King should not have such an outcome.    


As he lifted her, the small pistol dropped to the ground. I picked it up and gave it to Wang Yao. This is the IMI limited production of 0.44 Desert Eagle Gold handgun. Everyone knew that the Desert Eagle was extremely powerful. However, because of the heavy recoil, the gun had always been kept by weapon enthusiasts. However, the modified 0.44 Desert Eagle could be considered perfect! I took off her knife and gave it to Li Yan.    


The dainty dagger of the Desert Eagle who took the gold is not to steal my love. I would like to give her beloved object to two beautiful brave girls, that is the continuation of the legend.    


I don't know what happened here. If one day I unravel this mystery, I think I will do something about it.    


We found two boxes of bullets in the dresser drawer. There was a yellowed album on the dresser. Due to the light, the person above could not be seen clearly. I let Liyan take it. Maybe he can help us unravel the mystery. There were a lot of clothes in her closet. She must have been a beautiful woman when she was alive.    


Of course, there was a jewelry box on the dresser, and there were some fine antique jewelry inside, but we were people with a bottom line, not mercenary tomb robbers. We just wanted to live. We are grateful for everything she has left us. I am willing to believe that this is the will of heaven.    


Just as he closed the wardrobe door and prepared to leave … I noticed that there was a scabbard on a shelf beside the wardrobe. I carefully removed the scabbard, which was made of the same material as the sword in my hand. I wanted to insert the sword into the scabbard and try to see what had blocked the opening.    


I gently pull him out, and the light looks like a map.    


As the light was dim, we could not see clearly, so we withdrew. He took out the leather map and inserted the sword into the scabbard. It fit perfectly. So it turned out that she was the owner of this sword.    


It occurred to me that she shouldn't stay in this dark cave. I wanted to remove her bones from the cave and bury them in the ground.    


I told Li Yan and Wang Yao my thoughts. Wang Yao and Li Yan also agreed with me, but they were somewhat fearful of the corpses. Auntie Lin is still checking outside because we need to find out more things we need.    


I wrapped her in a sheet and asked Liyan to put away the cosmetics, the perfume, and the jewelry box on the dresser. I wanted her favorite objects to be buried with her.    


After doing all this, I went out to ask Auntie Lin if she had found anything. Auntie Lin found salt and some cooking tools, and she said that some of the ingredients and seasonings had already deteriorated. She also found some cases of bottles of red wine, a case of white wine, and a case of clothing and shoes that were specially provided by the army. They were well-preserved, but generally a little too large.    


I went in and carried her remains. I wanted her to leave the cave.    


Li Yan and Wang Yao carried some salt, Auntie Lin picked up some utensils that could be used for cooking, and when we reached the first corner, Auntie Lin and Wang Yao laid down a plank, and we walked out from the plank.    


I laid her remains flat on a rock, then went to get her clothes and red wine. Since it was a particularly large wooden box, I picked out some clothes and shoes that were a little smaller in size and put them in a small box. I went to her bedroom to check them out. There was a flag with a skull on the wall above her bed. I took it off.    


The instant I took off the flag, I saw a window indentation in the wall of the cave. Inside was an exquisite box …    


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