Prince and I in Desert Island

C34 Doubt

C34 Doubt

0When Momo and I were burying the bodies, Auntie Lin made canned mutton stew in the kitchen. Li Yan and Wang Yao and I went to the mangrove forest and caught a lot of fish and crabs.    


It had been a long time since Mo and the others had such a delicious dinner. They were all very happy to eat, but they were all very respectful to us. Perhaps there had always been a barrier in their hearts, a feeling that we were noble, that they were humble. This was the innate slavishness.    


It seems like I need more time to get along with Amo and the others like friends and brothers. I want to sincerely treat them and give them the understanding and respect they need. Over time they will be friends with me.    


In my eyes, they are not my slaves, nor are they my subordinates. I am not using them to protect me, to help me, to work for me. My idea was simple. It would be better to have a friend than an enemy. Even if they weren't friends, they wouldn't join the enemy forces to chase me down when I was alone and helpless.    


We are all human, ordinary people. If people don't offend us, we won't offend them. We just want to live. I have no right to deprive others of their lives or to dictate their thoughts. I just want to be united, because solidarity can make life more secure for each and every one of us.    


After dinner, Li Yan and Wang Yao helped Auntie Lin clean up.    


According to Arthur, the military had always wanted to build a military base on Ina's territory to do research on special weapons. Ina disagrees. So the army had been trying to join forces with the other four islands to deal with Ina. However, because of their geographical location, large weapons could never be transported here.    


They had been unable to contend with Ina in this region of the sea because they had no way of knowing what was happening on the island, nor did they know about the arrangement of the Miller Corps.    


Until Artest was captured by the military. They got the information they wanted from Artest. Inherited eye disease has always existed in the Aine family. Ina left the manor and hid in the cave for her eyes.    


The sabre men found our ship, killed its men, and blew up their ships.    


The military had always wanted the sword of Ina, because having the sword of Ina was equivalent to gaining control of the Miller family. They could build a military base on the island and create weapons of mass destruction. But they couldn't find her hiding place, so they used Atai as bait. They knew that Ina would not let Artest go.    


Atai's appearance in the nearby sea attracted Aine's attention. She was caught in the cave and was about to be executed by Atai. However, Atai had promised to sail for her and bring her back to the manor.    


When Atai was caught in the cave, he was followed by the special forces of the military. The army raided the cave when Artest was released to get the boat. My brothers and I dug up the cave, but the cliff wall was too high for her to see, so she couldn't move.    


Ina let me climb out of the cave with my sword. She doesn't want the sword of Ina to fall into the hands of the military. Because I don't have a boat, Ina. Let me hide Ina's sword in a tree hole.    


Ina, Linda, and the seal had lived in the cave before, so Ina believed that even if they died, Linda and the seal would find the sword. It was just that neither the seal nor Linda came after so long.    


I asked Arthur. Do you know Mary? The woman who wrote the will for Ina. According to Ina's suicide note, Linda should have been in the cave, but we didn't find Mary's body in Ina's bedroom.    


Arthur said he knew Mary, the seal's fiancée, and had been taking care of her. He had climbed down the cliff with his sword before the army struck, but the strange thing was that the rope had been cut off before he reached the ground. Fortunately, there was a tree, otherwise he would have fallen to his death.    


I say, did you dig a trap? Arthur nodded. He said the trap could only be entered by someone inside who had been laid out on a plank.    


I said to Arthur, "But the military seems to know where the traps are, because no one dies in them." Furthermore, the oil paper on the trap had never been moved.    


Arthur was puzzled. He said it was impossible, and no one knew that they had dug a trap other than the people inside.    


I said to Arthur, this means that one of you took over the military and laid a board for the military's special forces from inside. The military's special forces and that traitor had jointly raided the cave.    


The man at the first corner was loaded, but had been shot at close range. It meant that the person who had fired the shot was someone he knew well. The man had killed the guard at the corner and laid planks for the army. He led the military and rushed into the cave.    


Arthur thoughtfully said, "So that's how it is, the person who cut off my rope should be that spy from the military."    


I nodded.    


Arthur said, "But what happened when the army and Atai came running down here with wounds all over their bodies?"    


I said I didn't know. I wondered where Mary had gone, and who had cut off your rope. What was his purpose? He worked with the military to kill Ina, and he wants to kill you. What did he want to get?    


Arthur suddenly remembered something. He said that he had sneaked into Atai's boat and seen Atai kneeling on the ground to explain to the military. It seemed that when they reached the innermost cave and were about to rush into Ina's bedroom, a terrible red light came from her bedroom and all the people who were running in front were dead. The people behind them were also burned. They almost died in the cave.    


So that's how it was, I said. When I fought with Atai, there were scars all over his neck. I thought it was weird, but it was like Atai had been fried in a frying pan.    


Maybe that's why the wooden door to Ina's bedroom was open and no one went in, but I was surprised that nothing happened when we went in, and I didn't see the strange red light. What was it that could kill people so mysteriously when it emitted red light?    


Red light, could it be...    


I suddenly remembered that the Eye of Resurrection pendant was glowing red in my pocket. The red light didn't disappear until it hung around my neck.    


Ina also said in her will that the Pendant of the Resurrection Eye had magical powers. She wondered if the magical power of the Eye of Resurrection Pendant had stopped the special forces who were about to rush into the bedroom, and had even sent out a red light to burn them?    


There are many doubts now. Who was the traitor? Where was Mary's body? Who cut off Arthur's rope? What was the purpose of this traitor? I wonder if that traitor was killed by the red light? And why haven't the seals come looking for Einar yet? What did the red light come from? What is so special about my Eye of Resurrection?    


It seemed that in order to find out all this, one had to go to the manor house and look for the seal.    


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