Prince and I in Desert Island

C36 Disfigured Woman

C36 Disfigured Woman

0When he woke up, Auntie Lin had already made breakfast. Today I plan to take Amor and the others hunting in the pond.    


Because it had not rained for many days, many animals had to go to the pond to drink water. As long as we set up traps by the pool, I think we'll catch a lot of wild sheep.    


We can catch the wild sheep. It was made into smoked meat, or dried wild lamb. It can be stored for a long time.    


Although there were still a lot of cans on the ship, according to Amos, there were still a lot of canned goods on the island that Artest governed. But we can't eat cans every day. There's a toaster on board, and if we have flour later, we can make our own bread.    


Now I just want to store more food, because we can only deal with the other pirates here if we have enough to eat. I also want Wang Yao and Li Yan to have a better life.    


After breakfast, Amo had already assembled and was ready to leave. Because there was a special forces camouflage on board, I had them all put on camouflage clothes. Because I don't like their colourful outfits. It's like they're the best of the best.    


They looked much more comfortable in the special forces camouflage. This may have something to do with my military temperament.    


Wang Yao brought her small golden pistol with her. Li Yan also hung Aine's Sword on her slender waist.    


We spread out into the forest, and I told Amos to assign the good guys an ambush so they wouldn't hurt each other.    


When we reached the pool, we slowed down because it was almost noon and it was the hottest time of the day. Many animals would come here to drink, and now many birds had arrived and were chirping away in the trees.    


This was a primitive forest. There were very few grass in the forest, and all of them were thousand-year old trees that reached into the clouds. The branches of the trees were crisscrossed, and the spreading branches were like dark green clouds that covered the blue sky. There was also a huge camphor tree. Its bark was dark green, and its thick and grotesque branches coiled around the tree like dragons. When the breeze passed, the leaves rustled like a dragon's sigh.    


The sky was covered by layers of dense leaves. Occasionally, there would be light coming in, making the peaceful primeval forest seem even more mysterious and strange.    


We were close to the pool, and since there were some bushes near the wet pool, we hid in the bushes. Our position was about 80 meters away from the pool. It's not easy for the animals to smell us.    


Many small animals have come to the pool to drink water, but these animals are not our goal. We'll wait for the herd sheep to come and drink, wait for them to get into our lair. We'll shoot at the big ones, and we'll shoot a lot of them. Of course, if I can't even send one out, it's just that I can't bear to kill Ono.    


More and more animals came to drink. The wild boars were also social animals, but there were usually five or six of them. And most of the time it's Mother Pig with her little wild boar.    


The wild boar is a very annoying animal. When it drank the water, it used its beak to poke at the soft mud at the side of the pool, mixing up the water in the pool. And made that awful sound.    


It turns out that every time we come here and see the mud around the pool being turned over by the water, the wild boar is the culprit.    


Because we didn't feel that hot in the forest, Li Yan and Wang Yao broke off the branches of the shrubs and sat beside me on the ground, looking like they were on an outing.    


Originally, I wanted them and Auntie Lin to stay on the boat, but the two little girls wouldn't budge at all and insisted on hunting with me. I said you two ladies better forget about it, I'll thank the heavens if you don't cause me trouble.    


Wang Yao patted her chest and said that she was going to use the Desert Eagle Gold Lance to beat a wild sheep back, so I waited to see what they had got.    


Li Yan also said that I looked down on women and that sort of thing, it made my head hurt just thinking about it.    


He was even confident when he arrived. It had only been a few minutes since the two girls seemed to have forgotten what they were here for. But they felt good to be with me.    


Noticing that I was looking at them giggling foolishly, Wang Yao gave me a hard look and said, "You're dead for sure." Li Yan also rolled her eyes at me. I felt helpless.    


I continued to look around the pool until finally a wild sheep appeared. It was very careful, stopping after a few steps to look around with its head raised, very alert. "A second wild sheep appeared, followed by a third and a fourth …    


A large group of wild sheep seemed to be being chased by a group of people as they one after another walked towards the pond. There were at least fifty or sixty of them.    


I told Amor that when he saw the wild sheep, one in front and one in back, he would aim and fire as soon as I raised my hand, and after the first round the wild sheep would flee and the five of them would gather up the dead wild sheep and the rest would hunt them down.    


When all the wild sheep had entered the ambush, I raised my left hand and fired quickly, because there was no silencer. In an instant, intense gunfire broke out in the forest, and many wild sheep fell to the ground.    


I was ready to go over the bushes to hunt the wild sheep, Li Yan and Wang Yao also followed me closely, at first the wild sheep ran in disarray, I shot and killed a wild sheep, Wang Yao also shot a wild sheep in the leg, the injured wild sheep quickly ran in the direction they came from, all the wild sheep ran after it.    


I was pleased to see that a dozen wild sheep had been killed on the ground. Because they were all adult wild sheep, they had a lot of body size.    


I'll get the people I'm going to hunt back. I feel it's about time, because we have to move these wild sheep to the seaside. He had to clean the internal organs and separate the meat from the skin.    


"Wang Yao went to chase the wild sheep." Li Yan ran to my side and gasped.    


"Which way?" Li Yan pointed in a direction.    


I quickly ran in the direction Li Yan had pointed. Li Yan followed closely behind me, and Mo watched me carry the gun into the forest and leave five people behind. The rest of them followed me and ran in the direction of the wild sheep.    


After running for a long distance, I still didn't see Wang Yao, but I saw the bloodstain on the ground. It was left by the wild sheep that Wang Yao had shot. I ran along the bloodstain.    


I was burning with anxiety because there were many dangerous animals in the forest, like the black bears in the mangroves on the beaches, and there were also many large pythons in the dense forest. They are all deadly.    


Amo and Arthur were also following us with their men. Amo and the others didn't know what was going on, but they felt that they should protect my safety. In their hearts, I was now the head of the Miller family.    


The sword of Ena in my body is a symbol of supreme power and status, a token of the head of the Miller family. Therefore, when the Miller family saw the sword of Aine, it was as if they saw the head of the Miller family. It was just like the gold medals that the emperor himself had won.    


"Bang!" I heard a gunshot. It was the sound of a small caliber Desert Eagle. I grabbed Liyan and sprinted off in the direction of the gunshot.    


After running for a long time, I saw an open field. Wang Yao had her back to me. There was a dead wild sheep at her feet. She couldn't see any other wild sheep, so she probably ran away.    


I was relieved to see that Wang Yao was fine. I slowed down my pace and walked towards her, thinking that this silly girl was really strong.    


"Wang Yao, you scared my sister to death. Are you alright?" Li Yan said as she slowly walked with me towards Wang Yao. Due to the heavy heaving of Li Yan's chest, I felt my mouth go dry.    


Wang Yao didn't say anything, but kept her back to us. I felt something was wrong, because I could feel her pointing the gun in the same direction.    


Li Yan and I ran over to her side. Her face was covered in wet sweat. When I arrived beside her, she didn't even look at me. She just stared in one direction with her eyes. The small golden gun in her hand was also pointing in that direction.    


I looked in the direction of her gun and saw a grove of trees. Nothing.    


"What about the fool? Angry? "It's my fault …" I wiped the sweat from her face with my sleeve.    


"Come out, come out!" Wang Yao suddenly shouted.    


I was shocked. I thought that Wang Yao had suffered some kind of stimulation. Did she pass out from exhaustion or something?    


Li Yan pulled out her gun and pointed it in the direction of the forest.    


I am very confused, what is the point of singing like this? I was wondering if the little princess and the beautiful air stewardess had taken the wrong medicine. Or did he forget to take his medicine when he went out?    


"Don 'thideit." "Don't hide anymore, I saw you coming out," Li Yan said calmly.    


I looked towards the forest and saw that there was nothing. I instantly collapsed. These two girls had really gone mad. My emotions were extremely unpredictable. The two beauties suddenly went crazy like this.    



"What's wrong with the first wife and second wife? "What is it?" I asked Li Yan Wang Yao.    


Li Yan and Wang Yao were still in the same position, as if they hadn't heard me. I'm like air.    


"Comeout, lastchance, orI llshoot. "Come out, one last chance, or I'll shoot!"    


At this time, Amo and Arthur also arrived. They were extremely tired, all of them panting like dogs. When they saw Li Yan and Wang Yao pointing their guns in the same direction, they also quickly pointed their guns at the forest.    


I was really helpless. Just as I was about to say something, a person walked out of the forest. A woman, because she was wearing a dress.    


Because her face was covered, it was impossible to see her facial features. Her phone was also holding a gun as it was pointed at Wang Yao.    


I stepped quickly in front of Wang Yao, and I saw that she was limping, her gun pointed at my head.    


Wang Yao once again stepped in front of me. She was smaller than me, so I suddenly became a soft boy who was being protected by a little girl.    


Amor and Arthur all pointed their guns at her, but she showed no fear. She saw the sword of Ina on my body, and her eyes were strange.    


Suddenly she lunged at me like a madman, screaming.    


She was being controlled by Arthur Amo, and she was struggling to keep her eyes on me.    


"Whoareyou, andwhyisna: 'swordonyou, andI' mgoingtokillhim?" "Who are you, and why is the sword of Aine with you? Where is Atai, I will kill him." The masked woman roared.    


When I understood what she meant, I was surprised. She knew that the Sword of Aine still knew Atai. Then who was she?    


"Whoareyou? Doyouknownamile? What 'stherelationshipbetweenataiandyou? Who are you? You know Einar Miller? "What does Artest have to do with you?" Li Yan asked, before I could even open my mouth. She seemed to understand what I was thinking.    


The masked woman, tears streaming down her face, lifted the cloth from her face. It was a burned face, the muscles of which were so contorted by the constriction of the scar that only her facial features could be seen.    


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