Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C616 Powerful Showdown

C616 Powerful Showdown

0"Hehe, kid, your magic treasure is just like that." Bei Mingyun sneered disdainfully as he slowly approached from fifty meters away, the sword aura slowly shrinking bit by bit.    


Liu Haofeng didn't say anything. At this moment, he didn't have the energy to talk. The tip of this ray of sword light was strange. When placed against his chest, it was actually filled with a strong sucking force, as if there was a wall in front of him instead of a ray of sword light.    


As Bei Mingyun approached, the sword gleams were compressed more and more. The power of the sword gleams also became stronger and stronger, forcing Liu Haofeng to retreat step by step, which made him even more shocked.    


It was evident that Bei Mingyun, when paired with the Dragon Slaying Sword, possessed extraordinary strength. Bei Mingyun already had Late Nascent Soul himself, and with this super treasure sword, his strength could be said to be a strong alliance, his strength was at least equal to Efferent Phase!    


However, with the girls behind him, Liu Haofeng could only grit his teeth and fight back. His dantian instantly sunk and his nascent soul quickly rotated. A thick golden energy once again surged around Liu Haofeng's body.    




Roaring furiously, he threw out the magic treasure in his right hand. It did not increase in size. Instead, it was aimed straight at Bei Mingyun's head like a hidden weapon. Soon after, his right hand suddenly loosened its grip on the sword and tore downwards with all its might.    


Rumble …    


Two bolts of heavenly lightning struck down fiercely from the sky, aiming straight for Bei Mingyun's head. However, because Liu Haofeng had loosened his grip, the sword beam followed suit and blasted him flying with a bang.    


Bei Mingyun's brows slightly raised, but he did not put away his Longsword, nor did he retreat. Instead, he raised his left hand, and a white light met the lightning in the sky.    


As for the magical equipment that flew over, he didn't care about them at all. He only activated his shield to block them.    


Bang bang!    


The lightning above struck the white palm imprint, exploding out with rainbows that sparkled like fireworks in the sky.    


Bei Mingyun was slightly disdainful, with just the power of the lightning …    


However, before he could recover his wits, his expression changed as he withdrew the Longsword. Unfortunately, they were a step too late. The Ghost Seal that was smashing towards them suddenly swelled up and formed two golden walls that pressed down.    


"Bang …"    


There was a muffled sound, and Bei Mingyun was also knocked flying backward, making him even more shocked. This brat's strength was indeed not to be underestimated. He was actually able to shatter his protective shield!    


The two of them looked at each other from a distance of over 100 meters. Liu Haofeng was slightly out of breath as he stared coldly at Bei Mingyun. This old man was truly difficult to deal with, especially so for the Dragon Slaying Sword.    


"Kid, you're quite capable!" Bei Mingyun no longer had his original mischievous smile. This kid had too many magic treasures, and the power of the magic treasures far exceeded his expectations.    


He originally thought that the Dragon Slaying Sword would be able to pierce through Ghost King's armor, but he didn't expect that it wouldn't succeed even after two stabs. Furthermore, the fact that the Ghost Seal and the Fierce Ghost Token could attack together was far beyond his expectations.    


"You're not bad either!" Liu Haofeng snorted coldly. Suddenly, he exerted force through his legs and rushed forward again. He had to end this quickly!    


"Humph!" Bei Mingyun did not welcome him, but raised his Dragon Slaying Sword and chanted something. With a buzzing sound, the Dragon Slaying Sword rapidly expanded. The white sword light condensed into a round shield that quickly rotated to meet the incoming attack.    


Following that, Bei Mingyun once again thrusted out his Longsword, accurately piercing into the center of the circular shield.    


Seeing the shield coming towards him, Liu Haofeng wanted to retreat in regret. But since things had come to this point, it was impossible to retreat. Leaving his back to the enemy was definitely not something a warrior should think about.    


Gritting his teeth, Liu Haofeng spun around and formed a golden arrow around his body.    


Boom! *    


It struck the center of the shield just in time to confront the sword ray on the other side.    


Ding ding ding …    


The rotations of the two sides were accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of metal scraping against metal. Slowly, flames began to emit from them. Colorful sparks flew everywhere, as if a gold diamond was cutting something.    


Below them, Gu Lianmeng and the rest were astounded, especially Murong Xueer, who was already dumbstruck by what she saw. This kind of battle scene had never been heard of before. They were actually clashing against each other with such powerful Zhen Qi!    


The fire became bigger and bigger, gradually covering the golden diamond. However, the other side of the shield blocked it, causing Bei Mingyun to not be harmed at all.    


Liu Haofeng felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter. Not good, the toughness of this shield was beyond his expectation.    


Opposite of him, Bei Mingyun was trying his best to control the trembling Dragon Slaying Sword with a grave expression. He was overwhelmed with shock.    


This brat had clearly just broken through the Infant Stage, how was it possible for him to be so strong, to actually be able to contend against his Late Nascent Soul?!    


He couldn't leave this person alive, or else he would become a huge threat in the future!    




Just as Bei Mingyun was thinking, an angry roar came from within the rotating golden light. A golden light penetrated the drill bit and, like a laser beam, bombarded the shield layer by layer.    


Boom! *    


The shield finally couldn't take it anymore and shattered into pieces. The Dragon Slaying Sword was blown away with a hum and Bei Mingyun retreated in horror.    


The fire burned fiercely and the golden diamond stopped. Liu Haofeng majestically floated in the air like an invincible war god.    


The outer layer was a burning golden flame, the inner layer was a golden shield, and beyond that was the white armor, Ghost King. He wore a crown on his head and held both Ghost Seal s in his hands. His eyes shone with a cold light.    


Speaking of which, he really had to thank Bei Mingyun for stimulating all the power in his body. At this moment, Liu Haofeng felt that he had never been this strong and this was the first time he had ever been so fond of fighting!    


"Bring it on!"    


With a roar, Liu Haofeng once again took the initiative to fly over. The burning flame tore through the space and formed a rainbow.    


Bei Mingyun did not dare to be careless. He took a step back and waved the Dragon Slaying Sword as he shouted, "Dragon Slaying!"    




The Dragon Slaying Sword hacked down rapidly, forming a white dragon. It roared and spiraled towards Liu Haofeng with its mouth wide open.    


Liu Haofeng rushed forward without any hesitation. At this moment, there was only one word in his mind: fight!    




Rushing forward, the Ghost Seal in his right hand flipped and a large seal flew out. The golden wall welcomed the dragon head.    


Boom! *    



The dragon head hit the wall and was knocked back a few meters before charging back again.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


That dragon head was like a living creature, rushing towards the golden wall and vowed to break it.    


After two consecutive assaults, the golden seal was finally broken. However, the dragon head did not completely dissipate as it continued to charge towards Liu Haofeng with a roar.    


Liu Haofeng harrumphed in his heart. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and a golden shield was formed on the other side.    


Boom! *    


The dragon head collided with the shield that was still growing, and was instantly repelled and dispersed. At the same time, Liu Haofeng was also knocked back and his blood was slightly churning.    


"Die!" "Without waiting for Liu Haofeng to adjust, Bei Mingyun had already started his attack, hacking away at the Dragon Slaying Sword." "A God-Slaying Dragon!"    




Liu Haofeng didn't have the time to retreat. He looked at the huge sword ray that suddenly appeared above his head in shock. He instinctively raised his hands and smacked the sword ray like swatting a fly.    


"Ga Ga …"    


The sword ray was like a coiling dragon as it fiercely rubbed against Liu Haofeng's hands, causing a fiery heat to erupt.    


Liu Haofeng was even more shocked. How was this possible? The sword light could actually circulate? Doesn't that mean that the sword light was constantly being replenished?!    


As expected, Bei Mingyun had been suppressing the Dragon Slaying Sword. His expression was especially serious. It was obvious that he had been channeling his power into the sword ray.    


The white sword radiance surged faster and faster, like dragon after dragon. The strong friction tore off the golden shield on Liu Haofeng's hands and gradually pressed it down towards the top of Liu Haofeng's head.    


One meter!    


The top of his head was starting to feel hot, like a fire was burning on top of it.    


Half a meter!    


Liu Haofeng gritted his teeth and his eyes instantly turned blood-red. He felt as if his head was about to explode and his consciousness was rapidly expanding.    


Twenty centimeters!    


This won't do. If this goes on, he would die for sure. Before the sword light even arrived, his head seemed to have been split in two. The two sides of his consciousness could not even connect!    




With a loud roar, Ghost King Guan slightly trembled and the Ghost Ring in his right hand also shook. A white light burst out from the tip of Ghost King Guan's head.    




A golden light flashed, and a hole the size of a fist appeared in the sword light. However, the sword beam did not completely shatter, and it continued to press down on him.    


Boom! *    


Liu Haofeng was pressed so hard that he sank into the ground until his knees went down and his face became even gloomier.    


The most important thing about this terrifying power was that this sword ray was at the same time as the electric saw. As it rotated, it was also abnormally sharp.    


"What should we do?" Gu Lianmeng was very anxious as she watched Liu Haofeng descending lower and downwards, the soil slowly covering his thighs while Bei Mingyun still had no intention of stopping.    


At a glance, one could tell that Liu Haofeng was at a disadvantage. At any moment, he could be hit on the head by the sword beam. If he didn't die, he would at least be seriously injured!    


Lan Luo and the other girls were anxious as well, but they didn't know what to do. It was useless for them to rush over based on their strength, it was like an ant bumping into an elephant.    


"Quick, take out all of the Yellow Talisman s!" Gu Lianmeng decisively took out two Yellow Talisman s from her pocket.    


The other sisters also reacted, they took out their Yellow Talisman s and looked at each other, chanted a spell, and threw it towards Bei Mingyun.    


A total of ten Yellow Talisman floated up in an instant. Bei Mingyun didn't notice that Liu Haofeng was still pressing down on him. When the Yellow Talisman floated more than ten meters away, it finally reacted and its expression immediately changed.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The Yellow Talisman exploded like a bomb, scaring Bei Mingyun so much that he had to activate his protective shield to defend himself. With this distraction, Liu Haofeng, who was below him, immediately felt a lot more relaxed, and hurriedly increased his efforts to resist, sending the sword beam flying.    


Bei Mingyun was forced to retreat. His right hand that was holding onto the Longsword slightly trembled. Clearly, he was also numbed by the shock.    


Liu Haofeng floated into the air again, but it was not good. His face was slightly pale as he gasped for breath. The consumption was simply too great. Furthermore, after being struck so many times, the nascent soul could no longer take it.    


"Humph, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!" Bei Mingyun stared at Liu Haofeng coldly. His murderous aura became even stronger.    


Liu Haofeng didn't answer and his expression was especially serious. If he continued to fight, he would definitely lose. This old man was too strong!    


"However, you still have to die!" Bei Mingyun gently waved the Dragon Slaying Sword, "Today, I will kill this so-called genius, haha …"    


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