Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C67 Beautiful Foreign Students

C67 Beautiful Foreign Students

0"Let me be clear with you, your illness is not something I can cure. Whether you can cure it or not is entirely up to you. At this point, his own mind was the best medicine, and the doctor only said that it would be supplementary. As for the medicine, I don't have any special arrangements. Just follow the doctor's instructions and take the medicine. "    


Liu Haofeng felt too soft-hearted. If it was any other doctor, he would probably ignore Wang An's situation. Of course, there would also be broad-minded doctors who felt that the doctor was responsible for the patient.    


The problem was that Wang An had never been Liu Haofeng's patient. He did not care about money and was not hospitalized here. He did not even have a basic medical waiting list!    


Wang An kept his head down. A light flashed through his dull eyes. He was struggling in his heart.    


Liu Haofeng shrugged and said, "It's your business whether I listen or not. In any case, don't come beg me anymore, it's useless even if you beg me. "    


With that, Liu Haofeng turned around and walked out. He was especially cold and even had an expression of disgust. Wang An's wife looked very dissatisfied. She wanted to say something, but was suddenly stopped by Wang An.    


Actually, Liu Haofeng knew very well that people like Wang An could only hear extreme things that he had to say. Ordinary persuasion was of no use to him.    


When Liu Haofeng left, Wang An finally raised his head. His eyes were twinkling. Apparently, he was still struggling with his thoughts …    


Half an hour later, Liu Haofeng was checking the pulse of a patient when Wang An came over with a wheelchair. However, he did not go closer. He only looked at Liu Haofeng from afar.    


Liu Haofeng didn't care about it at all. There were some things that needed his understanding, so no matter how much the doctor said, it would be useless. However, he believed that Wang An would not be so depressed in the future.    


After looking at it for a long time, Wang An silently left without saying a word …    


Zhou Pingli, on the other hand, couldn't help but walk forward and whisper, "Small Wind, what you said just now seems to be a bit too much."    


Liu Haofeng didn't think much of it. "No, he won't listen to anything good he says right now. Why don't we just provoke him a little?" I think he'll be here by tomorrow at the latest to make room for him in the hospital. "    


Zhou Pingli was surprised for a moment and looked at Liu Haofeng in confusion. He did not understand why Liu Haofeng was so confident. By the way, Small Wind, the hospital is planning to expand, but the funding isn't enough. You can see if there's any way to get some money through some channels. If we don't have enough money, what do you think about us renting the building next door? "    


Liu Haofeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wasn't the dean, what was the use of asking him about this? However, the building next to them was a bit run-down. It was only a few dozen square meters with a dilapidated three story building.    


Thinking about it, Liu Haofeng sighed: "Alright, I'll talk to the dean and see what's going on. Now, we have to control the entry and exit of patients, and we cannot receive too many foreign patients. This place is, after all, the School Hospital, and our main body is still a student. "    


"Of course," Zhou Pingli nodded in agreement, "For the students' side, we plan to have two doctors and three nurses in shifts every day, in charge of the overall affairs of the students. This kind of rotation also allowed us to have an extra day of relaxation. As for the night shift, I would like to schedule one a week. What do you think? "    


Ye Zichen frowned. Liu Haofeng really didn't like working nights, but there were a lot of patients in the hospital, so he couldn't do anything about it. "Alright, it's fine if you change shifts for one night."    


Zhou Pingli let out a sigh of relief when he heard Liu Haofeng's reply. Most of the patients in the hospital were still relying on Liu Haofeng. If he didn't show up, these patients wouldn't be able to sleep soundly. In the few days after Liu Haofeng's departure, the hospital had been in an uproar. Once Liu Haofeng returned, everyone quieted down.    


Six thirty in the afternoon, Liu Haofeng came out of the School Hospital and let out a heavy sigh. Every day was busy to the point of being disoriented, but the other doctors were very idle, so they felt that it wasn't fair.    


But there was no other way. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.    


"Dr Liu …"    


Just as he was deep in thought, a voice sounded out, causing Liu Haofeng's goosebumps to rise. Turning around, it was indeed the enchanting Yang Gang!    


Although they already knew that Yang Gangqiang was just pretending, this guy's acting was too charming, and they couldn't help but believe it.    


The corner of his mouth twitched slightly as he stopped in his tracks. He could only watch as Yang Gangqiang walked over with coquettish eyes as his stomach churned. Fortunately, it was just before lunch. Otherwise, he would have surely vomited.    


"Dr Liu …" What was worse was that Yang Gang even intentionally twisted his waist to act like a spoiled child. The pungent smell of perfume assaulted his brain, making him feel like he was in a dream!    


With a dry cough, Liu Haofeng tried his best to resist the urge to whip him and said: "Stop pretending, I know you are not."    


Yang Gang was stunned. He looked up at Liu Haofeng with a puzzled expression, "Dr Liu, what are you talking about? I don't know if I should pretend or not …" "Oh, I'm really not here for Lala …"    


Liu Haofeng was sweating like crazy, he really wanted to slap him. It was clearly an act, yet he still wanted to say something. No matter what, he was a man. How could he throw his dignity aside?    


Taking a deep breath, Liu Haofeng looked around to make sure no one was passing and then continued to speak calmly: "I know you aren't. Don't pretend to be disgusting. Speak, what do you want to talk to me about? "    


The smile on Yang Gang's face froze for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal, "Dr Liu, I'm not looking for you, someone is looking for you. Come with me, someone really wants to see you. "    


After saying that, he looked at Liu Haofeng with a hint of doubt in his eyes. He wasn't sure if Liu Haofeng really saw through it or not.    


Liu Haofeng slightly frowned as he looked at Yang Gang's charming and alluring back. He hesitated for a moment, but finally followed Yang Gang. He really wanted to know what kind of goal this demon had, and what was worthy for him to give up his pride as a man to hide here?    


What made Liu Haofeng surprised was that he didn't walk out of the school gate, but went to the more gloomy and ancient apartment for foreign students.    


"Foreign?" Liu Haofeng muttered as he followed Ye Zichen inside, while the doubt in his heart increased by a few points.    


The apartment building outside the foreign student building looked simple and unadorned, even a little scary. Taking a ghost film at night was actually a good choice. However, the interior was well decorated. The entire building was air-conditioned and very neat.    


Walking to the third floor, Yang Gang stopped walking and turned around to face Liu Haofeng with a charming smile, "Dr Liu, I hope you can give us some face later. Don't be angry."    


Without waiting for Liu Haofeng's reply, Yang Gangqiang turned around again, which confused Liu Haofeng even more. He knew he was going to get angry, but he still brought him over? There was definitely nothing good to do!    


He knocked lightly on the door. Not long later, the door opened and a girl came out!    


More accurately, she should be a great beauty! She had a tall figure, golden hair, blue eyes, and white skin. Even though she was wearing a flowery nightgown, it didn't cover her impressive figure nor her noble and elegant temperament.    


Especially the two Jade Rabbit on his chest. They were so big that they were almost outrageous. They were probably even bigger than Zhong Yawei's!    


"Young …"    


Yang Gang wanted to say something, but the girl raised her hand and interrupted him. She stared at Liu Haofeng with a frown and asked with a slightly awkward Chinese: "You are Liu Haofeng? It's shorter than the pictures! "    


Liu Haofeng twitched. Compared to the blue-eyed girl in front of him, he was indeed a little short. Of course, it wasn't that she wasn't as tall as a girl, but she was similar to her. If the other party was on a boat with high heels, the disparity would be obvious!    


It was no wonder that they were looked down upon. Men were shorter than women, and the pressure was not ordinary. Even if they stood on their tiptoes, they wouldn't be able to reach …    


"Come in!" The girl's tone was tough, even rebellious. It was obvious that he was someone who did not follow common sense.    


Liu Haofeng hesitated for a moment before following her in. He had never been to a foreign room in his life, so it would be a huge loss if he didn't enter. He wanted to see what this beautiful foreign woman was looking for him for!    


The living room was very spacious. Although it couldn't compare to Liu Haofeng's dormitory, it was relatively rare in school, especially for students to live in.    


The decorations were simple, not as fancy as Chinese's. Most of them were foreign oil paintings or cross-stitch embroidery, which looked quite pleasing to the eye.    


The girl sat down on the dark sofa, crossed her pure white legs, and took a sip of coffee. Her expression was filled with disdain. I just wanted to tell you that I really hate you for causing so much trouble at school. "    


Liu Haofeng was shocked, this reason was really strong!    



Since the other party didn't want to give him face, Liu Haofeng didn't need to flatter him too much. He said calmly: "My business doesn't seem to have anything to do with you."    


"It does!" The girl raised her head and glared at him, "I just want to study here safely. I don't want to attract the attention of others! You've already affected me by causing so much trouble. "    


So unreasonable!    


Liu Haofeng couldn't help but take a glance at her. This girl is comparable to Gu Lianxuan. Her status is definitely not low and her temper is definitely not small. " I don't think I have anything to do with you, so I don't need to worry about you. "    


"You …" The girl didn't expect him to dare to say such words. Her blue eyes widened in anger, and she viciously gritted her teeth, "Didn't you, Chinese, say that you're willing to help others? Why don't you have any morals at all?"    


"Morality?" Liu Haofeng shrugged. "I don't think you have the right to talk about morality. Your people are hiding here, so their goal shouldn't be that simple."    


The girl's expression changed and she couldn't help but stand up. She wanted to get angry, but then she quickly turned back into a smiling face. You're very smart and you know a lot. "    


"Nope." Liu Haofeng sat down and grabbed the coffee that the girl drank a moment ago. He took a sip and muttered with a frown, "Your foreign coffee tastes really bad!"    


The girl's pretty face instantly blushed a little. She gritted her teeth as she stared at Liu Haofeng and cursed, "Shuit!"    


The moment the words left his mouth, Liu Haofeng actually laughed: "You must be from Mi Guo. I really didn't think that someone from Mi Guo would come to this small place. Tsk tsk, it's rare."    


The girl was surprised. This fellow was trying to identify her identity after hearing her accent! Suppressing her anger, the girl plopped down beside Liu Haofeng and looked at him sideways. "James. Ai Li, you can call me Ai Li, or you can call me by my Chinese name, Xiao Aili. "    


These words were undoubtedly a sign of weakness towards Liu Haofeng, which surprised him a little. Although this girl's temper wasn't good and she was rather arrogant, she was always able to maintain her rationality. This kind of person, it should be some great clan, why would he come here?    


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