Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C622 Japanese Attack Again!

C622 Japanese Attack Again!

0Maybach drove slowly through the rainstormed streets, the rainstorms rainstorming outside the windows. The entire sky was dark. The rainstorms mixed with the rubbish and dust on the ground and danced like a demonic wind.    


Chen Bei sat in the car with a cigarette in his mouth and slowly stepped on the accelerator. The car was filled with a faint smell of smoke. In this kind of stormy weather, it was very stifling.    


Looking at the black pressure and heavy rain that filled the sky, Chen Bei's eyes gradually narrowed. The strong wind... What a nice weather...    


Lyi Qingyan seemed to be unable to bear the smell of the smoke in the car. Her hand gently patted away the smell of the smoke in front of her nose... Then, she gently lowered the window.    


"Don't open the window!" Suddenly, Chen Bei's expression changed and he shouted. But... it was already too late!    


Lyi Qingyan had already lowered the window... The gap was about one centimeter...    


Through the gap, she could feel the storm and wind coming from outside. Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was blank... She could not react?! In this 0.01 second...!    


"Whoosh -!" An invisible blade shot through the gap in the window like a bolt of lightning!    


Chen Bei reached out and protected Lyi Qingyan in his arms. At the same time, the Dragon Tooth Dagger appeared in his right hand.    


"Clang!" There was a soft metallic sound. The invisible metallic edge was deflected back by the Dragon Tooth's attack...    


"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" The next second... Countless sharp lights flew over! Chen Bei's expression turned serious. The medicinal Dragon Tooths danced like lightning!    


"Clank Clank Clank!" Countless metal blades were instantly sent flying back by him!    


Chen Bei immediately left Duan Duan and fiercely closed the window!    


"Clank, clank, clank, clank!" The moment the window was closed, countless metal blades shot out in the dark of the night. All of them hit the glass window!    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes looked out of the car window in a daze... The metal that came crashing over... This time, she finally saw clearly...! It was a silver needle! Black silver needles!    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face turned pale, "What... are these?!"    


"Poison needles." Chen Bei replied calmly.    


When Lyi Qingyan heard these two words, her heart suddenly jumped... Poison needle?!    


Maybach continued to drive in the stormy night. The wind around him was raging and the wind howled. The sky was pitch black. It was almost impossible to see one's fingers in front of one's eyes! The scenery outside was blocked by the rainstorm, and visibility was extremely low!    


"What should I do? Hurry up and leave?" Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was a little pale.    


Chen Bei did not say anything. He just shook his head gently, indicating that she should not act rashly.    


Storm and wind swept across and attacked... Under such harsh weather, the other party occupied the right time and place! Now, even the other party was not clear who the other party was... If he were to get out of the car in such a reckless manner, he would most likely die!    


Outside the car, a violent storm swept across the place. It was accompanied by the unceasing thunder in the sky above the jet-black head of the car!    


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning tore through the void! In the endless night... A figure was as fast as lightning! From the silence of the night... It almost surpassed the speed of lightning!    


"Boom -!" A shocking thunder! Accompanied by the lightning tearing through the void, the entire sky suddenly lit up!    


A terrifying black shadow, like a terrifying demon, suddenly swooped down on the roof of Maybach's car!    


"Clang -!" A long, cold blade of a warrior chopped down like lightning! In this dark night, it was lightning!    


"Bang!" An intense and terrifying sound of metal colliding! The samurai saber instantly struck the roof of Maybach's car!! Sparks flew everywhere as the intense metal elements struck!!    


Inside Maybach, Chen Bei's pupils suddenly focused. He raised his head and stared at the top of the car. Through the bulletproof glass of the panoramic skylight... He could clearly see the demonic shadow on the roof of the car.    


At this moment, Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was completely white! Fear attack! It was another attack!    


The black figure on the roof was swift like lightning, and the samurai saber in his hand transformed into a terrifying killing intent as he suddenly hacked down on the roof of the car! Intense sparks flew in all directions! He... tried to use his terrifying brute force to split the roof of the car ~!    


"What should I do...?" Lyi Qingyan's heart was completely suspended as she said in panic.    


Chen Bei's eyes narrowed as he stared at the black figure on the roof of the car.    


"Don't worry. This is military-grade bulletproof glass. He can't break it." Chen Bei comforted him with a calm voice.    


No matter how Chen Bei comforted her, Lyi Qingyan's heart still could not calm down. Her heart was beating fast. The terrifying black shadow was above her head. No one could remain calm.    


"Sit tight." Chen Bei suddenly stopped blocking. S-class movement mode!    


Suddenly, Maybach's engine roared. A strong feeling of pushing came over. In this rainstorm assaulting street, Maybach sped up fiercely!    


Chen Bei kept swinging the car in the direction of the rainstorm. It was a violent drift. He tried to shake off the black shadow on the car roof!    


However, the black shadow on the roof was like a forest, firmly fixed on the roof of the car. It was almost inseparable! There was no way to shake it off!    


Above his head, in the night sky of the rainstorm that was thousands of meters high, a bolt of lightning was brewing! Thunderclouds covered the sky... Within the pitch black clouds, lightning continuously interweaved!    


"Be careful!" Lyi Qingyan, who was sitting in the back seat, felt that something was wrong and hurriedly reminded.    


Chen Bei's eyes narrowed. He also felt a trace of complicated crisis.    


The black shadow on the roof was inseparable, but his knife could not break the bulletproof glass... Then? What was he doing?! What was he waiting for?!!    


At the same time, in the night sky that was thousands of feet high, the lightning in the black clouds was also brewing... It was as if there were countless electric currents flashing!    


All of a sudden! Chen Bei reacted! Not good!    


Chen Bei's face turned serious. He immediately opened the electronic watch on his left wrist.    


On the electronic watch screen, countless buttons appeared... Chen Bei pressed it directly and turned on the interference of the electric current.    


"Boom!" There was a loud thunder and lightning! The pitch-black night sky was pierced by countless lightning bolts, and it suddenly lit up! The storm raged and the wind howled!    


On top of Maybach, the black shadow suddenly raised the shining katana in his hand and shouted in Japanese, "Lightning! "Boom! The purple lightning in the night sky is like a demon as it attacks towards the katana in the black shadow's hand!!    


It was as fast as lightning! Because they were lightning to begin with!    


In that instant, Lyi Qingyan's pretty face turned completely white... She had never seen such a terrifying and shocking scene in her life! Countless lightning interweaved and attacked Maybach! This... This was simply a demon, a demon from the sci-fi world!    


The samurai sword in Ninja's hand on the roof of the car instantly turned into a terrifying lightning attraction needle, attracting countless tens of thousands of volts of high-voltage lightning in the night sky! It was as terrifying as a devil coming out of a cage!    


All of a sudden! The black shadow stabbed the katana into the roof of Maybach's car... Then... He turned into a shadow and disappeared into the night. Flee!    


The lightning guiding target had been completed. The next moment was the moment to enjoy this shocking special effect!    


In the middle of the stormy night, countless pairs of eyes opened in the blink of an eye... They stared at Maybach like a demon! They were all admiring... They were appreciating this eerie scene of art!    


"Boom! Boom!" Countless bolts of lightning struck the katana on Maybach's roof in an instant! The extremely high lightning pressure that reached tens of millions of volts instantly struck Maybach!! Maybach's engine instantly exploded and turned off the engine!! The entire car suddenly stopped in the middle of Stormeye!    


At the moment of the horrifying lightning attack, inside Maybach, Chen Bei's watch... Suddenly, a burning red light came out! Electrical interference spread - it was fully activated!    


The modified Maybach Mini Nano Engine was instantly activated! An invisible infrared interference enveloped the area! It formed a natural protective barrier that enveloped the entire space within Maybach!    


The tens of millions of volts of ultra-high voltage electric current within the car were instantly dispersed by the infrared ray and spread to the surrounding ground!!    


Tens of millions of volts of super high voltage were enough to drive the entire skyscraper! This current could split a person into pieces, not even leaving any bones! This was a fatal blow!    


However, countless super electric currents were dispersed by the infrared interference barrier of the watch!    


The tens of millions of volts of high-voltage electric currents were spread to the ground... The ground at the bottom of Maybach was unable to withstand such high-voltage energy... The ground instantly cracked and a puff of smoke rose up!    


"Boom, boom, boom -!!" Suddenly, several more bolts of lightning struck over!! They were so terrifying that they looked like terrifying demons dancing in the air as they attacked!    


"Zi Zi -!" The terrifying electric current suddenly struck Maybach, and the entire Maybach was surrounded by millions of volts of electricity! The entire car was circulated by a violent purple electric current. It was tightly wrapped! In the dark of the night, the pitch-black Maybach was surrounded by tens of millions of volts of lightning. It was an extremely terrifying scene! This was a sure-kill situation!    


Lyi Qingyan sat in the back seat. She was completely stunned. Her pretty face was white and her long hair was messy. A few strands of sweat had already wet her hair. Looking at this terrifying scene, her breathing seemed to have stopped. She could even faintly feel a wave of pain and numbness coming from the car seat. She knew that it was the power of the electric current. When millions of volts of electric current completely flowed through the human body, There was only death...    


Suddenly, the window of Maybach's car instantly lowered! The dagger in Chen Bei's hand suddenly flew out.    


The cicada's wing dagger was made of metal. As the metal dagger flew out, the terrifying electric current surrounding Maybach was instantly attracted to it. Countless intense electric currents were suddenly attracted to the cicada's wing dagger. Maybach instantly returned to silence!    


"Clang!" The dagger cut through the night sky and brushed past a stone block dozens of meters away!    


"Boom!" Countless tens of millions of volts of electricity instantly struck the stone block. The huge stone block was instantly smashed into pieces!    


The dagger flew back with a light spin. It was as fast as lightning! It directly shot towards the samurai blade that was crossed on the roof!    


"Clang!" The samurai sword was hit by the dagger, and it flew violently onto the ground that was under the assault of the rainstorm!    


The dagger spun and flew back into Chen Bei's hand. The window was closed.    


At the same time, in the stormy night, The samurai sword that was shot down to the ground once again attracted lightning. The violent lightning ruthlessly struck the samurai sword's body. The ground under the samurai sword cracked and collapsed. A huge hole was directly struck out! It was enough to see the terrifying might of the lightning!! This is the power of nature! Manpower is simply impossible to resist!!    


The lightning attack disappeared, but Maybach still stopped in the middle of the stormy night. Chen Bei tried to light the fire. But he couldn't light it. The car seemed to have malfunctioned after being struck by the lightning. I can't light it anymore.    


Suddenly! Chen Bei's pupils contracted. He scanned his surroundings.    


Outside the car, it was pitch black. There was only the light of lightning interweaving... The rain poured down, the wind howled!    


The murderous gazes seemed to be opening!    


In the rainy night that was covered by the rainstorm, one could only hear the howling of the wind and the sound of rain and sand being swept up on the ground...    


All of a sudden! In the dark night of the torrential rain, countless cold lights flashed in an instant! Under the reflection of the thunder and lightning in the night sky, the cold lights flickered with a terrifying bloody killing intent!!    


The samurai saber! Countless samurai sabers flew like tens of thousands of swords, piercing towards Maybach in an instant!    


"Clank, clank, clank, clank -!" The violent sound of metal exploding echoed in the stormy night, and sparks flew in all directions! Tremor, terror!!    


The countless samurai blades were like terrifying sharp teeth. They attacked in an instant and then disappeared in an instant...    


Within Maybach, there was silence! All that could be heard was the violent storm outside the window!    


Lyi Qingyan's long hair was already wet with sweat. She tightly clenched her hand and at this moment, her heart was hanging up... Because she felt the pressure of death.    


Chen Bei gently held her hand and gave her a calm look, "Don't be afraid. I am here."    


These six short words seemed to carry tremendous power.    


When she heard these six words, Lyi Qingyan's messy state of mind suddenly quieted down. At this moment, in Lyi Qingyan's eyes, it was as if... The entire dangerous and terrifying world had suddenly become safe...    


All of a sudden! In the dark and stormy night... Countless blade lights flashed once again!    


"Clank, clank, clank -!" The intense blade-lights struck Maybach's body! The intense sparks flew away! In the middle of the stormy night, it seemed to tremble in fear!    


The saber radiance attacked! After that, it instantly disappeared into the dark night! Silently!    


"Wait for me in the car." Chen Bei's voice was very solemn. After he finished speaking, he rushed out of the car in an instant and rushed into the rainy night.    


The storm raged, the wind howled and shook! The violent typhoon kept howling! Chen Bei stood beside Maybach. His body was completely drenched. His clothes were wet and stuck to his body, revealing his muscular body...    


He stood in the middle of the storm. His eyes were unusually solemn as he scanned the surrounding night!    


Suddenly, his eyes focused! He raised his right hand abruptly!    


In the darkness of the night, a ghastly samurai blade instantly flashed! It stabbed towards his neck!    


"Clang!" A violent metal explosion sounded! The medicinal Dragon Tooth in Chen Bei's right hand appeared and sealed this attack! And that samurai blade also silently hid in the dark night storm!    


This was a group of terrifying assassins who were well versed in the night! Their control and familiarity with the night had already surpassed the realm of ordinary people!    


The dark of the night, the torrential rain, the violent winds and lightning! All of this had long been planned and planned by them! This was a murder plot that had been planned for a long time! The timing, the location, and the people! At this moment, even Chen Bei was a little solemn.    


This was a battle that did not belong to him. All the time, geographical advantage, and... they were all leaning towards each other! At this moment, he could only expose himself in the middle of the storm of killing and quietly wait for the other party's arrival! At this moment, he was the target!    


However, he was not afraid! Because he was Dragon King! In this world, very few people dared to use Dragon King as a target! Since the enemy wanted to snipe, then let them do it!    


In Maybach, Jennifer's blue eyes stared at the storm of night. Her beautiful eyes were incomparably solemn. Even she did not expect that tonight, Dragon King would actually be sniped by someone. This was an absolute must-kill sniping. There was no way to break it. However, the person who was sniped was Dragon King. Then this sniping... who exactly was it that sniped who?!    



Under the assault of the storm, Chen Bei stood alone in the dark night. His expression was incomparably solemn as he listened to the sounds in the rainy night.    


Suddenly! Chen Bei's eyes suddenly focused! He raised his right hand again, and the Dragon Tooth suddenly appeared in front of him.    


Clang! A violent sound of collision could be heard! A terrifying samurai blade silently appeared in the dark night and fiercely collided with the Dragon Tooth dagger in front of Chen Bei!    


Immediately after, another samurai blade suddenly stabbed over! It pierced towards Chen Bei's neck!    


Chen Bei's body suddenly flashed and he barely dodged it.    


But just as he dodged, a cold light flashed in front of Chen Bei in an instant! Another warrior blade instantly hacked over!    


Chen Bei's body suddenly flashed, and he turned into an afterimage. He suddenly flashed back several meters!    


"Clang!" The samurai saber missed again!    


In an instant, the samurai saber disappeared into the night once again!    


Chen Bei's eyes were very serious. The opponent's control over the night had reached the limit. He could use the storm and wind to cover it up... To appear soundlessly... And to disappear without a sound... It was impossible for anyone to detect it... Even the sound of the blade light could not be heard! This, was too dense!    


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