Global Check-in System

C2 Amazing Reward

C2 Amazing Reward

0"What's a Lucky Card?    


"Who cares! Let's use it first!    


"Use it!"    


Lin Fei didn't think too much about it as he said in his mind.    


The system notification sounded again.    


"The Lucky Card has been successfully used. The host will have unexpected luck in the next five minutes."    


"The next card location is on the third floor of Huangting International Restaurant."    


"What kind of lousy system is this!    


"I clearly said that I wouldn't go in there, but it still arranged for the next check-in location to be there!    


"Now this is just great!"    


After hearing the system notification, Lin Fei immediately wanted to curse out loud.    


Just as Lin Fei was about to turn around and consider how he should enter Huangting International Restaurant today, he was knocked back.    


"What the..."    


Lin Fei usually had a pretty good temper, but if he was provoked by someone without any rhyme or reason, he would, of course, fly off the handle!    


Moreover, he had just been dumped by his girlfriend today for a playboy. He was in a very bad mood.    


Lin Fei turned around furiously. He was prepared to scold that person and beat him up.    


But when he saw who it was, he was immediately stunned.    


It was a girl with long hair that draped over her shoulders. Whether it was her sparkling clear eyes or her flawless delicate face, Lin Fei knew that she was a beauty that could even topple cities and countries. If these were the olden times, kings would wage wars for her!    


Not to mention her perfect figure that made Lin Fei's nose bleed.    


However, there seemed to be a hint of anxiety on the girl's face. Her eyes were filled with fear and unease.    


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!    


"Sir, I'm really sorry!"    


The girl kept apologizing to Lin Fei.    


"It's okay," Lin Fei said.    


He didn't feel like arguing with her anymore. He quickly smiled and waved his hand, acting like a good-hearted fellow.    


However, before he could do anything else, the girl suddenly jumped into his arms without any warning.    


Then, he felt his lips being covered by a pair of wet lips, making him unable to speak. His eyes opened wide as he tried to wrap his mind around the sudden turn of events.    


'Oh my god!'    


'What's going on?'    


'Could this be the good luck brought to me by the Lucky Card?!'    


Lin Fei's eyes almost fell out of their sockets. He couldn't believe what was happening right now.    


"Don't look back. Hold me tight!    


"Someone is after me!    


"If you can help me get rid of them, I'll thank you later!"    


Just as Lin Fei's mouth was blocked by the girl's soft lips and he could not breathe, the girl suddenly let go and said in a low voice.    


Her eyes flashed with a pitiful look, like a wounded elf seeking protection.    


Lin Fei's heart melted. He could not refuse her even if he wanted to. He put his arms around her waist and held her in his embrace.    


"She went over there!"    


At that moment, a series of messy footsteps approached them from a distance and then left.    


"You can let go of me!"    


The girl whimpered in his arms.    




Only then did Lin Fei realize that he had lost his composure. He quickly let go of the girl, his face red with embarrassment.    


"Thank you for helping me get rid of them!    


"Tell me what you want. As long as I can, I'll fulfill my promise!"    


When the girl smiled, it felt like a thousand roses were blooming at the same time. Her beautiful face was deeply imprinted in Lin Fei's heart.    


"Will you really do anything?"    


Lin Fei also revealed a smile. He looked at the girl and grinned, revealing a naughty look.    


He was almost a hundred percent sure that this was the good luck brought by the Lucky Card.    


"Of course. As long as you don't ask for too much, I'll do anything!"    


The girl's expression stiffened for a moment before she smiled and said in an elegant yet natural manner.    


"Well, I want you to invite me to dinner on the third floor of that restaurant!"    


Lin Fei said without hesitation.    


If this beauty treated him to dinner, he would be able to enter the location of his check-in. No matter how he looked at it, it was a good deal for him.    


"Just this?"    


When the girl heard this, her brows immediately raised into crescent moons. Her eyes revealed a slight surprise.    


"What? Is that too much?"    


Lin Fei frowned and asked.    


"Not too much, not at all!    




The girl quickly extended her arm.    


Actually, she was also tired from all the running just now. She was also feeling a little hungry.    


She was surprised that the boy in front of her was not greedy at all. He did not make her do anything weird. However, she was even more astonished by his gentlemanly demeanor.    


He was clearly thinking of her by asking for dinner!    


As she thought of all kinds of scenarios, the girl instantly had a good impression of Lin Fei.    


The two walked side by side towards the entrance of Huangting International Restaurant.    


The girl was not short at all. Lin Fei was already 1.8 meters tall, but despite wearing a pair of shoes, her head was level with his eyes.    


"Xi Mengwei!"    


"Lin Fei!"    


The two of them introduced themselves in a simple manner. After a few steps, they arrived at the entrance of the restaurant.    


Lin Fei glanced at the two security guards at the entrance, who were staring at him. At this time, there was an unwelcoming look in their eyes.    


He was just thinking about how to solve this problem when he saw Xi Mengwei take out a card from her pocket.    


"Go, help me arrange a table. We're going to the third floor!"    


The two security guards were about to go up and send Lin Fei away. However, when they saw the card in Xi Mengwei's hand, they froze on the spot.    


The card in Xi Mengwei's hand had a picture of a qilin on it.    


This was a qilin card, no longer just a VIP card. It was a symbol of identity and status.    


In the entire Mo City, there were only two people who had this card. One was the boss of this company, while the other was his daughter.    


When they first joined the company, their security chief had told them almost every day that they must show respect to the person who had this card.    


"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and go!"    


Xi Mengwei's expression darkened when she saw the two security guards standing there in a daze.    




One of the security guards took the card from Xi Mengwei's hand and was about to speak when he was glared at by her.    


Perhaps he had stayed here for a long time, so his reflexes were quite swift. He immediately understood what Xi Mengwei meant.    


The security guard extended his arms and invited them in. "Sir, Madam, please come in!"    


Lin Fei naturally noticed that Xi Mengwei's identity was extraordinary, but he did not say anything. He walked in with her and entered the restaurant.    


With Xi Mengwei's identity, everything naturally went smoothly.    


Soon, there were specialized restaurant staff who brought them to the third floor and arranged for them to be placed in the most luxurious private room. They all acted as cordial and respectful as possible.    


Ding! The check-in has succeeded. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the reward, 10 floors of the Global International Financial Center Office Building!"    


Just as he entered the room and sat down, the system in Lin Fei's mind notified him of his successful check-in.    




'Global International?'    


'10 floors?'    


'Oh my god!'    


How valuable that must be?!    


It was equivalent to a fixed vault!    


Lin Fei knew that it was the best office building in the most prosperous area of Mo City.    


In the past, Lin Fei did not even have the qualifications to enter the building, let alone owning his own place there. He could only stare at it from afar.    


This reward was simply too good. It made his brain feel a little lack of oxygen for a moment. He felt that even his breathing became somewhat uneven.    


"System, are you sure this is true?"    


Lin Fei did not dare to believe it at all. He quickly asked the system in his mind. After all, it sounded too good to be true.    


"The system's reward is never wrong. You don't need to doubt it. The relevant information will be delivered to you in ten minutes. Please check and accept it."    



The system's answer was definite. Lin Fei had no chance to doubt it even if he wanted to, because the answer would be revealed in ten minutes. He just had to sit tight and wait for the surprise.    


"Do you have any more questions?"    


This time, the system actually took the initiative to ask.    


"I have no more questions!"    


Lin Fei replied in his mind.    


"Okay, the next check-in place is the bedroom in you rented apartment."    


This system was quite nice, informing Lin Fei the location of the next check-in.    


As Lin Fei sat opposite Xi Mengwei, he could not help but reveal the happiest smile he had had in the past eight years since he came to this city.    


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