Global Check-in System

C10 Ferrari 812

C10 Ferrari 812

0For a moment, the two sides were in a deadlock!    


The atmosphere became somewhat uncomfortable and tense!    


"Mr. Landlord, I wonder how much Mr. Lin Fei owes you for the rent?"    


Xi Mengwei also noticed the awkward atmosphere between the two of them. Hence, she quickly walked over to Zhang Hai to mediate their conflict.    


"Not much, not much. It's only 3,200 yuan."    


Zhang Hai narrowed his eyes into a thin slit. There was a flash of shrewdness in his gaze as he looked at Xi Mengwei.    


This guy was very cunning. He had been planning to threaten Lin Fei on purpose if he did not pay the rent. He wanted this beauty who came with Lin Fei to hear about this.    


When he first came out, he had already seen through Xi Mengwei's identity at a glance. Judging from her looks, she should belong to a well-off family. Then, he began to think of a plan, wondering if she would take the initiative to help Lin Fei pay the rent.    


He did not expect things to develop so smoothly. As the landlord, he couldn't care less about embarrassing Lin Fei. He only wanted his money.    


"3200, right? I'll pay for him!"    


Xi Mengwei did not say anything more and took out her phone to transfer the money.    


However, her words made Lin Fei, who was especially concerned about his reputation, feel a little hot. His face reddened in embarrassment.    


They had not known each other for long. Furthermore, Xi Mengwei had only come here to stay for a night.    


But now, they had not even entered the house yet, but she had to help him pay the rent first. This really made Lin Fei lose face. He wished he could dig a hole and his himself.    


"No, you can't take her money!"    


Seeing Zhang Hai happily take out his phone and prepare to accept Xi Mengwei's transfer, Lin Fei quickly stopped him.    


He was a person who cared a lot about his dignity. He did not want to lose face in front of Xi Mengwei. After all, he still wished to leave a good impression in her mind.    


On the other hand, Zhang Hai cared about money as much as his life. When he got stopped by Lin Fei, he immediately retorted, "Why not? Then why don't you give me money?"    


Lin Fei was rendered speechless by his question.    


"Why have you gone silent now?    


"Young man, don't be embarrassed. Seeing that a beauty is willing to pay for you, you should consider it as a blessing.    


"The thing about face is that it's worth nothing. Don't be so proud, okay? In this world, you have to accept your fate when you are poor!"    


While Lin Fei was at a loss for words, Zhang Hai became even more riled up. He stared at him with disdain and threw a whole speech in one breath.    




"Zhang Hai , don't go too far!"    


Zhang Hai 's words had seriously provoked Lin Fei. He clenched his fist and was prepared to punch him. He had to bring this guy down a peg or two.    


However, Xi Mengwei had already transferred the money to Zhang Hai by then. The landlord knew that he had overstepped his boundaries, so he quickly ran away.    


Lin Fei originally wanted to give chase and beat him up to vent the resentment in his heart, but he was pulled back by Xi Mengwei.    


She gently shook her head and said, "Mr. Lin Fei, there's no need to bicker with such a person. He's not worth it!"    


Lin Fei thought about it and agreed with her words.    


Damn it. He was worth billions now. How could he still argue with such a small townsman?    


It seemed that he had acted beneath his status and made Xi Mengwei look down on him even more.    


"Thank you, Mengwei!"    


Lin Fei turned his head to look at her and showed his appreciation with a smile.    


"If you want to thank me, you have to be sincere. You can't just say it with your mouth. Show it with your actions instead.    


"I don't have high requirements. How about you give me an office building in Global International Financial Center?"    


Xi Mengwei said jokingly. However, one had to admit that she really had a huge appetite.    


"One floor is nothing. A beauty like you deserves ten floors, but you have to agree to one of my conditions."    


Lin Fei smiled evilly. He did not reject her, even countering her with an offer of his own.    


Seeing Lin Fei's crafty smile, Xi Mengwei knew that this guy was definitely up to no good.    


Still, she was curious what he would demand of her. She casually asked, "What condition?"    


"Marry me!"    


After Lin Fei said that, he immediately sped into the corridor, not daring to wait for her reaction.    


"Humph, dream on!    


"Hey, stop right there!"    


Xi Mengwei was stunned for a moment before the words clicked in her mind. She rushed up to Lin Fei, but he was already gone. She chased after him while shouting.    


The two of them went up to the fifth floor just like that. Their actions looked like a couple flirting with each other rather than a serious fight.    


Lin Fei lived in a small apartment with a bedroom and a living room.    


Although the place was not big, it was clean and tidy. Xi Mengwei did not feel bad when she entered the house.    


Lin Fei used to live with his ex-girlfriend here, but she was not the one who cleaned this place. It was Lin Fei himself.    


He liked cleanliness, so he was the one in charge of maintaining the house. No matter how tired he was at work, he would not slack off in the chores.    



"Um, Mengwei, sit on the sofa for a while."    


After entering the apartment, Lin Fei signaled Xi Mengwei to sit on the sofa while he rushed to the bedroom.    


He had suddenly remembered that there were many photos of Lau Yiyi and him on the bedroom wall.    


Since they had already separated, there was no need to keep these things to affect his mood. He had cut her off from his life.    


Lin Fei walked into the bedroom and was about to get rid of everything related to Lau Yiyi when the system sound suddenly rang in his ears.    


"Ding! Check-in successful. Congratulations to host for obtaining a Ferrari 812 sports car!"    


Lin Fei was originally in a hurry to throw away Lau Yiyi's stuff. After all, he did not want Xi Mengwei to see these things.    


As a result, he forgot about the system's reminder earlier that this was the next check-in location.    


He did not expect that once he stepped into the bedroom, he would trigger the check-in. Only then did he realize what had happened.    






'Ferrari 812...    


'Isn't that the f*cking 5 million dollar sports car?'    


Lin Fei was shocked when he figured out what was going on. He muttered to himself in his heart.    


However, the system assumed Lin Fei was talking to it.    


"The host is right. This is the latest Ferrari model, 812. The market price is 5.3 million!"    




"It really is true!"    


Men were born to pursue passion, excitement, and speed. When Lin Fei heard the confirmation from the system, his heart couldn't help but beat wildly in his chest.    


The sports car in red color made Lin Fei feel excited just thinking about it, let alone owning it.    


That was the dream of all the men in the world. And it had happened to him, just like that.    


"This system is f*cking awesome. It allowed me to live a life that I couldn't even imagine in the past. It's really amazing!"    


Lin Fei was shocked once again. In fact, he still couldn't believe it.    


Who would have thought that the system would answer again? "Of course. If it isn't powerful, can it be called a Global Check-in System?    


"Host, don't be too excited. You just need to follow the mission spot and complete each mission one by one. The rewards after that will be rich enough to make you doubt your life!"    


Lin Fei was initially in awe, but then he felt that there was something wrong with the system's tone.    


Damn it, he was the host and its owner, but its tone just now was full of disdain. Was this how a system should behave?    


Lin Fei felt that he had to show who was the boss here, or else, it would become more and more arrogant in the future.    


Thinking of this, Lin Fei shouted coldly, "Who the fuck is excited? Shut up. Did I let you speak?    


"If it's not necessary next time, don't speak without my permission. Otherwise, I'll format you. Do you hear me?"    


The moment the system heard the word format, it immediately trembled in fear.    


It quickly replied, "Understood, Host!"    


As a system, formatting was equivalent to death. Lin Fei used this point to instantly subdue it.    


"How do I receive the reward?"    


Lin Fei asked coldly.    


The system answered promptly like a well-behaved child, "Host, the sports car is parked in the parking space downstairs. The car keys will be delivered in ten minutes. Please check and accept!    


"The next mission spot is the Moon Bay high-end villa sales hall. May I ask, Host, do you have any other questions?"    


It was much more honest now, and even its tone became polite. It seemed that there were some things that needed to be cleaned up once in a while.    


"Mmm, there's nothing more!"    


Lin Fei felt pretty satisfied with himself.    


When the system heard that, it quickly hid in the depths of Lin Fei's brain, not daring to make any more noise.    


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