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C19 Unbelievable Boss

C19 Unbelievable Boss

0Wu Lili was almost scared to tears when she saw Liu Daming suddenly go crazy and vent his anger on her.    


The other colleague also felt the same. They never knew that Liu Daming, who was so easily bullied, actually had such a violent side to him.    


On the other hand, Lin Fei, who had been watching coldly from the side, felt especially good in his heart.    


In the workplace, there would always be guys bullying honest people. They treated other people's kindness as weakness.    


He felt that Liu Daming's way of doing things was perfect. When he could not bear it any longer, there was no need to continue enduring.    


In an instant, the entire company turned quiet, and the atmosphere became somewhat oppressive.    


"Who is so impressive?"    


A figure walked in from the company's main door and glanced at Wu Lili and Liu Daming from afar.    


The person was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was short and stout.    


Although he looked like a typical middle-aged greasy uncle, he was dressed in a branded suit, showing that he was different from the rest.    


"Mr. Bai!"    


"Mr. Bai!"    


As soon as he walked into the office, the staff inside greeted him politely one after another.    


Indeed, he was the boss of the Lianjia Real Estate Agency and the biggest shareholder, Bai Yiping.    


"Mr. Bai, someone bullied me just now. You have to seek justice for me!"    


When Wu Lili saw Bai Yiping, she immediately leaned towards him with a look of grievance. She even forced out a tear or two.    


While leaning over, she hugged Bai Yiping's arm and acted coquettishly.    


Even a blind man could see that Wu Lili's actions were very unusual. They must be having a dubious relationship.    


"Lili, don't be afraid. I'm here. I want to see who has the guts to make you unhappy!"    


Bai Yiping used one hand to hook Wu Lili's chin, while his other hand naturally wrapped around her waist.    


One must know that Bai Yiping had a wife, but now that the two of them acted so intimately in front of everyone, they clearly had no qualms.    


Their relationship was instantly made clear to Lin Fei, a bystander.    


In fact, it was true. Bai Yiping was a lustful guy, and his relationship with his subordinate, Wu Lili, was abnormal. It was no secret in the company.    


However, everyone lived on his money. Even if they knew about it, no one dared to say anything.    


Moreover, the reason Wu Lili was so domineering was because of her relationship with Bai Yiping.    


With his backing, Wu Lili's confidence soared. She actually hugged Bai Yiping's arm in front of everyone and used her full breasts to rub it.    


Then, she pointed at Liu Daming and said coyly, "Mr. Bai, it's him, Liu Daming. He was acting rudely and even scolded me!"    


Wu Lili's flirty expression made Lin Fei feel disgusted.    


However, Bai Yiping was delighted with her performance. He even pinched her plump butt. Then, he signaled for her to be at ease with his eyes and turned to look at Liu Daming.    


"Liu Daming, how dare you make Lili unhappy? Quickly kneel down and apologize to her!"    


Bai Yiping did not ask for the reason at all and directly Liu Daming. He was even more absurd than Wu Lili.    


However, Liu Daming had no choice. After all, the other guy was the boss and the owner of this company. Liu Daming couldn't afford to offend him.    


"Mr. Bai, listen to my explanation first. This is what happened—"    


Liu Daming looked at Bai Yiping humbly and prepared to explain to him.    


Before he could finish his sentence though, Bai Yiping shouted angrily. "Shut up!    


"Liu Daming, you don't have to explain anything. Apologize to Lili, or you don't have to come to work tomorrow!"    


Bai Yiping's meaning was clear as day. Liu Daming had provoked his woman, and that was reason enough. There was no need to say anymore. He could only apologize unconditionally.    


"Mr. Bai, I—"    


Liu Daming looked aggrieved at Bai Yiping. He still wanted to insist on explaining the situation to him.    


However, Bai Yiping remained cold and callous, interrupting him once again. He ruthlessly said, "Don't waste my time. I'll count to three. If you still don't apologize, then scram on your own. Don't say I didn't give you a chance!"    


After saying that, he really started counting.    








Seeing that Bai Yiping was really going to fire him, Liu Daming became a little anxious.    


Before coming here, he had imagined getting a promotion in the company and a handsome commission from Lin Fei. From then on, he would be able to hold his head high in front of others. But how did it suddenly turn into this!    


"Could this be the will of heavens? This is my life!"    


Liu Daming sighed in his heart.    


Wu Lili looked at the anxious Liu Daming and raised her neck high like a proud swan.    


That arrogant look really made Liu Daming want to kick her butt hard.    





Bai Yiping finally counted the third time.    


'What should I do? Do I really have to lower my head to Wu Lili, that vixen, and apologize?'    


Looking at Bai Yiping's cold expression, Liu Daming started to feel weak in his heart.    


In the end, Liu Daming overcame the weakness in his heart. He felt that he could not lose his integrity and dignity for a bit of money.    


In a person's life, there were some things that could be done while others that couldn't be done, no matter the circumstances. He chose to save his self-respect.    


"Wait a moment, Mr. Bai. Can I say something?"    


Just as Bai Yiping was about to fire Liu Daming, Lin Fei, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly opened his mouth.    


He could not stand Bai Yiping's sloppy way of handling matters.    


He had never seen anyone bullying others to such an extent. It was really bullying to the extreme!    


Bai Yiping looked at Lin Fei and frowned. It seemed that he had not noticed him at all from the beginning until now.    


Wu Lili, who was standing next to him, pursed her lips and smiled. She whispered in his ear for a while and briefly explained her guess about Lin Fei's identity.    


Bai Yiping's face regained its indifference. He shouted, "Who do you think you are? Get lost! You have no right to talk here!"    


Lin Fei did not get angry when he heard that, but Liu Daming did.    


Lin Fei was his distinguished guest. He would not allow anyone to disrespect him, not even his boss.    


He yelled at Bai Yiping. "Bai Yiping, are you f*cking crazy? Come at me if you want. Don't be rude to my client!    


"You think you're great just because you're the boss? I'll f*cking quit today, okay? With a boss like you who doesn't know right from wrong, the company will be finished sooner or later!"    


Liu Daming was fuming. He pointed at Bai Yiping's nose and scolded him loudly, scaring Bai Yiping and the other employees.    


Ever since Liu Daming entered the company, they had never seen him so furious.    


But today, not only did he scold the boss's lover, but he even scolded the man himself. Did the sun rise from the west today?    


"Liu Daming, you..."    


Getting berated by Liu Daming like this, Bai Yiping was angered to speechlessness.    


However, Liu Daming looked like he wanted to hit someone. The shorter in build, Bai Yiping, became scared under his overwhelming aura.    


"You what? You don't deserve to be the boss. You can fool around with your lover in private, but not here. Do you even know what you are doing?    


"Do you know how big of a client Mr. Lin is? I'm afraid it'll scare you to the point of peeing your pants. How dare you offend him? I think you don't want to live anymore!"    


Liu Daming's fury was reaching the heavens. For a moment, he could not vent his emotions at all. He did not give Bai Yiping any face and once again cursed at him.    


He knew that there were disappointing employees, but it was his first time meeting such an unbelievable boss.    


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