Global Check-in System

C26 A Guy Who Was Blinded by Love

C26 A Guy Who Was Blinded by Love



Lin Fei's words made Chen Jing so angry that she stomped her feet, but she did not dare to ignore him.    


He was right. In this era where service was the most important thing, the sales industry was all about service, not to mention that they were selling high-end villas here. They had to entertain big clients every day, so requirements for the quality of their services were much more demanding.    


On her first day here, the manager had repeatedly warned her that she must receive every customer sincerely and not slight them in any way. There must be no complaints made about her.    


If Lin Fei really complained about her, it would be difficult for her to resolve the issue. Although her cousin would protect her and she would not be fired, she might be demoted. As a result, her salary would also be lowered.    


"Sir, what do you need?"    


Chen Jing rolled her eyes at Lin Fei and spat through gritted teeth.    


Seeing Chen Jing so angry, Lin Fei's heart was bursting with joy. He laughed and said, "Introduce all of your residential areas to me. I can only make a decision after I know all about them."    




Chen Jing was once again so furious that she could not speak a complete sentence.    


"What? If you continue to be unreasonable, you don't need to introduce anything. I'll just go make a complaint!"    


Lin Fei glared back at Chen Jing, who was about to flare up.    


Chen Jing had no choice but to admit defeat when she saw the surrounding customers looking at her. She obediently introduced the situation of the entire residential area to Lin Fei.    


"Our residential area is divided into five levels: A, B, C, D, and E. Area A is of the lowest level, and the prices there range from 80 million to 100 million. Area E, on the other hand, is of the highest level. The villas there range from 150 million to 200 million..."    


Seeing Chen Jing obediently explain the different areas, Lin Fei suddenly felt like laughing.    


He thought to himself, 'I was talking to you nicely, but you insisted on showing off and wanted to see me make a fool of myself. You better learn from your errors and mend your ways.'    


Lin Fei felt that there were some people in this world who were just too despicable. They wouldn't listen if you talked to them politely, so you had to show them who the boss was.    


After Chen Jing's introduction, Lin Fei had a general understanding of the reward he got from the check-in earlier.    


This time, he got 10 villas in Area E. According to Chen Jing's description, the reward was worth 1.5 billion yuan, at the very least.    


1.5 billion!    


Just thinking about it stunned Lin Fei.    


'Damn it, this Global check-in System is really awesome. Every time it gives a reward, it's worth more than 1 billion!'    


Lin Fei felt that his vulnerable heart could not bear the repeated shocks. He better develop an immunity to the system.    


He watched Chen Jing introduce the situation of Moon Bay High Class Villa District to him unwillingly. A thought suddenly popped up in his mind, 'I wonder what her expression will be when she knows I own ten villas here.'    


"I have already introduced the overall situation of Moon Bay High Class Villa District to you. If you don't have any other questions, please look around yourself!"    


After giving a rough introduction to Lin Fei, Chen Jing did not call him by his name anymore. Instead, she casually said a few words and turned around to leave.    


She felt that she must have forgotten to praise her ancestors today. Not only did she not receive any big clients, but she also attracted such a poor person. She had wasted a precious chance. She did not want to waste another second on Lin Fei.    




Lin Fei reached out his hand and shouted at Chen Jing.    


When Chen Jing turned around and looked at him impatiently, he said with interest, "Who said I don't need anything else? Come over here. Introduce Area E to me. The more detailed, the better!"    


Lin Fei actually wanted to know more about Area E. After all, he had some properties there. He did not mean to make things difficult for Chen Jing.    


However, when these words fell into everyone's ears, not to mention Chen Jing herself, even the other ladies thought that Lin Fei was doing it on purpose.    


If Lin Fei had asked Chen Jing to introduce to him the villas in Area A, even if he didn't buy them, it would still make sense.    


But he actually chosen the most expensive Area E when he could not possibly afford it. It was simply a waste of her time. This was really infuriating.    


Chen Jing looked at Lin Fei and clenched her fists. She was so angry that her body slightly trembled. Then, she shouted, "Lin Fei, you poor bastard. If you want to complain, go ahead and complain. I won't serve you anymore."    


After she finished speaking, she could not help but feel aggrieved in her heart. She actually ran to the front desk and cried sadly.    


Her colleagues who were waiting for clients went over to comfort her. At the same time, they glared at Lin Fei.    


Lin Fei shrugged, indicating that he wouldn't like to see this either.    


In fact, what he said was the truth. He really needed to know more about the villas in Area E. After all, he was probably the biggest owner in Area E now.    


Was it wrong for the owner to know more about his own properties in advance? Facing Chen Jing's sharp gaze, Lin Fei could only show an innocent look.    


"Jingjing, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?"    


At that moment, a suited man walked out of the office area in the inner hall. When he saw the crying Chen Jing, he hurried toward her.    


This man was about 28 years old. He was the senior executive as well as cousin Yi Chen that Chen Jing had mentioned earlier.    


"Manager Yi, you finally came. Just now, Jingjing was bullied by a guy!"    


One of the colleagues comforting Chen Jing looked at Yi Chen and tried to curry favor with him.    


"Jingjing, tell your cousin who dares to bully you? I will definitely teach him a lesson."    


When Yi Chen heard that, he immediately clenched his fists.    


From Yi Chen's agitated expression, Lin Fei instantly figured out that this guy was a pursuer of Chen Jing. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so excited.    


"Cousin, it's him. That guy. He clearly isn't here to buy a house, but he still insisted on me introducing them to him.    


"But that's not all. Once I introduced Moon Bay High Class Villa District to him, he said that he wasn't satisfied and wanted to complain about me. I was almost angered to death by him!"    


As soon as she heard that Yi Chen was here, Chen Jing instantly looked up. She pointed at Lin Fei and cried pitifully.    



"Damn it. Women are so annoying. She clearly started it first, but now it's all my fault!"    


Lin Fei looked at the unreasonable Chen Jing and really wanted to curse out loud.    


"Alright, there, there. Jingjing, don't cry. With your cousin here, no one can bully you. Don't worry!"    


Yi Chen pulled Chen Jing's head into his arms and patted her hair gently to comfort her.    


Then he shouted at the security guard at the door, "Security, come here. What are you guys doing? How dare you let someone dressed like this in here? You don't want your job anymore, do you?"    


When the two security guards heard Yi Chen's words, they were frightened out of their wits. They quickly ran towards Yi Chen.    


"What are you guys waiting for? Throw this trash out. Do whatever you want. If anything goes wrong, I'll handle it!"    


After the security guards arrived at the scene, Yi Chen pointed at Lin Fei and ordered the two security guards to throw him out without listening to his side of the story.    


Lin Fei felt that this guy didn't look stupid. Why was he so reckless and impulsive?    


He was probably blinded by love.    


"Aye, it's true that beauties have always been the source of trouble since ancient times!"    


Lin Fei looked at Yi Chen, who was glaring at him, and could not help sighing in his heart.    


The two security guards rushed toward Lin Fei like two whirlwinds. Everyone in the sales department was waiting to see Lin Fei's tragic ending.    


"You have to pay the price for acting tough! You shouldn't have offended someone you can't afford to!"    


This was definitely the true thoughts of the surrounding onlookers.    


However, the person in question, Lin Fei, did not look anxious at all. Instead, he just stood there, cool as a cucumber.    


"That staff member should be here by now, right?"    


Lin Fei muttered to himself.    




The two security guards lunged at Lin Fei ferociously, their outstretched hands almost touching Lin Fei's collar. However, right at that instant, a sweet voice suddenly came from outside the sales department.    


The two security guards were stunned on the spot.    


A tall woman with a perfect figure quickly ran in from outside the door and headed straight for Lin Fei. She looked to be around 25.    


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