Global Check-in System

C30 A Lifetime of Extravagant Hope

C30 A Lifetime of Extravagant Hope

0Xi Mengwei was gone, while Lin Fei now owned a villa. There was nothing left for him to miss in this rented apartment.    


He packed up some important stuff and went downstairs.    


Now that Lin Fei was leaving this place, this was sort of a final farewell to his past life. He would never return.    


Driving out of the neighborhood, Lin Fei parked his car at the grocery store. He walked inside with a smile.    


"Yo, Fei, you're really rich now. You drive such a good car, so young and promising!"    


As soon as Lin Fei walked in, the shopkeeper looked at Lin Fei and praised him with a smile.    


Lin Fei did not say anything to refute her. He just nodded and smiled at her.    


"By the way, where is Yiyi? I haven't seen her in a while. Since you have such a cool sports car now, why don't you take her for a ride downtown?"    


The shopkeeper felt curious. He was alone yesterday and today too.    


"Haha, we broke up!"    


His voice did not carry any sorrow or grief. Obviously, Lin Fei did not feel sad about Lau Yiyi breaking up with him.    


That kind of woman was not worthy of him crying for her.    


When the shopkeeper heard this, her expression changed. She said with some displeasure, "Fei, that's your fault. Yiyi has been with you for so many years. Now that you are rich, why did you abandon her? I hate this kind of heartless man the most!"    


"You're thinking too much. I did not break up with her. Instead, she left me before I got rich!"    


Although this matter did not have much to do with the shopkeeper, Lin Fei still felt that it was necessary to explain it to her. He hoped that she wouldn't misunderstand him.    


"Really? Yiyi is such a cold-hearted person?"    


The shopkeeper frowned.    


"Aye, let's not talk about this anymore. Just mentioning it makes me annoyed. I'm here to thank you!"    


Lin Fei waved his hand, indicating her to drop the topic. Since she was out of his life, she should stay out of it.    


"Thank me? What are you thanking me for?"    


The young shopkeeper was confused.    


"Didn't you give me two bottles mineral water yesterday? That's why I came to thank you today!"    


Lin Fei grinned.    


"Don't mention it. Why are you being so polite? But still, how are you going to thank me?"    


The shopkeeper looked at Lin Fei with a curious smile.    


"Give me the most expensive mineral water here. I won't owe you money this time. Haha!"    


Lin Fei laughed out loud.    


"Hahahaha, so that's how you are going to thank me?"    


The shopkeeper looked at Lin Fei and covered her mouth, laughing. Lin Fei felt that she looked quite pretty this way.    


Lin Fei scanned the code and walked out of the door with a bottle of mineral water. At this time, a number that shocked the shopkeeper came from the voice broadcast of the WeChat payment.    


"WeChat payment received, 100 thousand yuan!"    


The shopkeeper thought that she had heard wrongly and immediately tapped on it to confirm again. But it was true. This guy bought a mineral water bottle for 100 thousand yuan.    


The shopkeeper quickly chased after him and shouted at Lin Fei, "Fei, Did you make a mistake? Why did you pay so much?"    


Lin Fei had already put the mineral water away and was sitting in the driver's seat.    


He stuck his head out and smiled at the shopkeeper. "That's right. This is my thanks to you!    


"As the saying goes, receiving drips of water when in need, and I shall return the kindness with a gushing spring. I've always been a person who remembers kindness and resentment. The two bottles of water that you gave me last night are worth this number in my eyes!    


"Also, I might never return to this neighborhood again in the future. This money can be considered as thanks for taking care of me over the years. Thank you and goodbye!"    


Lin Fei started the car and drove towards the main gate. The shopkeeper stood there watching as the car disappeared, and there were tears of gratitude in her eyes.    


For some reason, when she saw Lin Fei leave, a feeling of reluctance to part rose in her heart.    


Lin Fei was a good man. It was a pity that being with such a good man could only be her extravagant hope for the rest of her life.    


Even though she had liked him for a long time, it was now buried in her heart forever.    




When Lin Fei arrived at the entrance of Huangting International Restaurant, it was already 6:10 PM. He was ten minutes late since the reservation started at six.    


After parking the car, Lin Fei saw that Wang Jie and his ex-colleagues had all arrived.    


These guys had never been willing to spend money at this fancy restaurant before. However, since someone else was giving them a treat today, they were all well-prepared. Each of them had finished their work early and came here in advance.    


When they saw Lin Fei, they immediately surrounded him. To be honest, they had been worried whether Lin Fei would come or not.    


"Lin Fei, are you sure that so many of us are eating here tonight?"    


A woman glanced at Lin Fei in suspicion.    


Her name was Wang Yan, one of Lin Fei's former colleagues. She was a nice girl, and she had been kind to him.    


"Of course, Yan. When have I ever lied to you?"    


Lin Fei looked at the suspicious Wang Yan and patted his chest.    



Lin Fei knew the reason why Wang Yan was worried. She wasn't looking down on him or anything; she was just worried that he was trying a bit so hard to boost his self-esteem that he might end up wasting too much money.    


After all, this place were too costly. If they all ate here tonight, Lin Fei would probably have to spend more than 100,000 yuan.    


More than 100,000 yuan on a single meal. That was simply insane!    


That was their previous year's salary!    


Now that Lin Fei had to spend so much in one night, how could she not worry?    


"That's right. Little Yan, don't worry. I've already told you that Lin Fei is rich now. This bit of money is nothing to him!"    


Wang Jie glanced at Wang Yan and reassured her.    


Others might not know, but he knew that Lin Fei had won 100 million yuan. A meal was indeed nothing to him.    


"Alright, let's not just stand here anymore. Come on, let's all go in and have a good time."    


Lin Fei did not waste any time. He waved his hand and led everyone into the Huangting International Restaurant.    


The security guards at the entrance were still the same two as last night. When they saw that it was Lin Fei, they immediately bowed in respect. There was even a hint of gratitude in their eyes.    


Although Lin Fei's attire today was the same as yesterday, in their eyes, his identity had undergone a tremendous change.    


Most importantly, they already knew that Manager Cai on the third floor was fired last night. They were lucky enough to avoid the disaster.    


They thought that Lin Fei had forgiven them. He didn't tell on them, which was why they were able to keep this hard-earned job. Hence, they were grateful to Lin Fei.    


However, they did not know that Lin Fei had no idea Cai Changsheng had been fired.    


Lin Fei put his hands behind his back and nodded at them, looking a big boss.    


Even his former colleagues behind him looked at Lin Fei with admiration.    


His aura was not something that could be faked with money. It was an inborn temperament.    


Therefore, it could only prove one thing. Lin Fei had always kept a low profile in the past. He did not flaunt his nature to others.    


"He's so handsome and manly!"    


Wang Yan looked at Lin Fei from behind. At this moment, she felt like she was infatuated with him.    


In fact, she had always admired Lin Fei. However, she did not dare to express her feelings, feeling that she was not worthy of him.    


When she looked at the man now, she felt that the distance between them had become even further.    


An outstanding man like Lin Fei could only be her lifelong dream. She could only hide that extravagant hope in her heart forever.    


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