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C38 This Is Such a Coincidence

C38 This Is Such a Coincidence

0"Get out. Knock on the door before coming in. You've been working here for so long. Don't you know this rule?"    


On the fifth floor of the Yinhui Building, in the office of the general manager of Dahe Pharmaceutical, Wei Qiang, was working on his desk. He shouted at the newcomers without even raising his head.    


When Lin Fei and Wang Jie came in, they pushed the door open and entered without knocking. This went against the rules set by Wei Qiang. Naturally, he was unhappy at their rude behavior.    


However, Lin Fei and Wang Jie did not pay any attention to Wei Qiang's scolding at all. Instead, they just stood there and stared at him with smiles on their faces. They did not go back.    


Seeing that they didn't make any movements, Wei Qiang raised his head in annoyance. He was stunned for a moment, but then a mocking smile appeared on his face.    


"Humph, it's you guys. So you're regretting your actions now? You guys want to return to the company to work again, right?"    


Wei Qiang smiled coldly, the mocking expression on his face becoming even more exaggerated.    


Before Lin Fei and Wang Jie could speak, Wei Qiang continued on his own, "Lin Fei, weren't you quite confident yesterday? Didn't you say you wanted to leave yourself? Now you know you're wrong? But there's nothing we can do. It's too late!"    


Lin Fei and Wang Jie knew that this guy must have misunderstood, thinking that they came to beg him for the job.    


However, although the two of them understood this in their hearts, they did not speak. They just quietly watched him act like a clown.    


They wanted to wait until he finished acting all high and mighty before giving him a real shock. Only then would it be exciting enough.    


Seeing the two duo's bitter faces, who didn't even dare to say a word, Wei Qiang got even more pleased with himself. He put his hands behind his back and assumed an even higher position.    


He stretched out his hand and said, "However, if you really want to come back to work, it's not impossible. As long as you kneel down, kowtow to me, admit your mistakes, and call me grandpa three times, perhaps I'll be merciful. I'll put in a good word in front of President Chen and make him agree to let you come back to work. Haha! Hahahaha!"    


After Wei Qiang finished speaking, he burst into laughter, as if he had gone mad. He was really having the time of his life.    


In fact, it was impossible for him to help Lin Fei and Wang Jie plead for mercy. At this moment, he wanted to humiliate the two of them and then get the security guards to chase them out. This was the plan in his heart.    


Unfortunately, the scene of Lin Fei and Wang Jie begging for his help did not play out as he imagined.    


Instead, Lin Fei and Wang Jie looked at him as if they were watching a clown acting in a circus, amusing the spectators. They looked at each other and smiled. Then, they sat on the sofa opposite his desk and crossed their legs comfortably.    


Lin Fei even started whistling. Obviously, he could not be anymore relaxed. It was if he was sitting in his own drawing room.    


Wang Jie looked at Wei Qiang and grinned. "Idiot. Alright, that's enough of your acting. Don't f*cking talk nonsense to me. Call Chen Biao now."    


They had come to look for Chen Biao. However, he was not in the office, so they had to make do with Wei Qiang.    




"Hahahaha, Wang Jie, have you gone f*cking crazy after losing your job? You still want to come back to work with that attitude? You guys are just daydreaming!"    


Wang Jie's words were like a bolt out of blue, instantly making Wei Qiang's face turn extremely ugly. But then, he started laughing maniacally again.    


Wei Qiang felt that it must be because Wang Jie and Lin Fei were fired yesterday. They had suffered too much. That was why they came to the company today to look for trouble.    


"Wei Qiang, you're thinking too much. Who told you I wanted to come back to work? You're in over your head. Let me tell you, Brother Fei and I are here to collect rent today!    


"Hurry up and call Chen Biao. Tell him that he has ten minutes. If he does not come back in ten minutes, he will not be able to keep this floor any longer!"    


Wang Jie's attitude was even more disrespectful this time. He no longer kept any pretenses.    


"You guys are here to collect rent?"    


Wei Qiang felt that his mind was a little muddled. He really didn't understand what Wang Jie meant.    


"What rent? Wang Jie, you are an unemployed wanderer now. Why do you want to collect rent? Who are you trying to scare? Do you think I grew up being scared?"    


After thinking in his mind for a moment, Wei Qiang shouted at Wang Jie. They must be living in a fantasy if they could scare him with all that bullsh*t.    


He did not believe Wang Jie at all. The company was indeed in debt for half a year. However, the rent had always been taken by Director Gu. It had nothing to do with Wang Jie.    


"See for yourself. I don't want to waste my time talking to you!"    


Wang Jie had learned how to handle things from Lin Fei. He didn't want to waste his breath talking to him, so he directly unfolded the property ownership certificate in front of Wei Qiang.    


"What? Lin Fei?!"    


"Can you see who's the owner of this building now?" Wang Jie asked.    


Wei Qiang took the property certificate and read it carefully. An instant later, his eyes widened like saucers, and his mouth was wide enough to fit an egg.    


"How, how is this possible?"    


Lin Fei was the owner of the entire Yinhui Building building. This building was worth at least 1 billion yuan, for god's sake. Wei Qiang was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that this was real. He even started to stutter when he spoke.    


"How is this impossible? Do you think we'll fool you with a fake property certificate? Humph, Wei Qiang, you're getting old. Brother Fei and I don't have the time to bicker with you!"    


Wang Jie smiled coldly at Wei Qiang. He pointed at the property certificate and said to Wei Qiang, "Can't you see the government's seal, the special seal for the city's property management center. Open your dog eyes and see it clearly?    


"You're really funny to actually suspect us. Do you think we're as boring and free as you?"    


Wei Qiang wanted to believe it was all a lie, but after hearing what Wang Jie said, he had no choice but to believe it, even though he did not want to.    


Wei Qiang looked at Lin Fei with incomparable shock. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.    


Thinking of how he had mocked and ridiculed a person with a value of one billion previously, his face turned red with embarrassment.    


He really felt like he was just a circus clown, dancing in front of them for their entertainment. There was no sense of shame at all.    


"What are you looking at? Didn't you hear me? I asked you to call Chen Biao!"    


Seeing Wei Qiang staring at him with shock, Lin Fei reminded him with a cold smile.    


Wei Qiang avoided Lin Fei's eyes, not daring to meet his gaze. He lowered his head and went to get the phone to call Chen Biao.    


He had no choice but to call his boss. After all, he, as the general manager, was unable to handle this matter.    


"Wei Qiang, I asked you to tidy up the sales report for this month yesterday and put it on my desk. Why haven't you brought it over? What are you doing all day long?"    



Right at that time, Chen Biao's slightly angry voice suddenly came in from outside the office.    


"What a coincidence!"    


"I was looking for him, but he came by himself!"    


Lin Fei and Wang Jie looked at each other and smiled.    


The nervous expression on Wei Qiang's face suddenly relaxed. He heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.    


Lin Fei and Wang Jie were here to find Chen Biao, not him. Now that the main character was here, he would naturally take charge of everything. It was not his place to intervene in this matter.    


Wei Qiang was even secretly laughing in his heart, 'F*ck, you wanted to scold me? Just wait and make a fool of yourself!'    


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