Global Check-in System

C39 All of Us will Resign

C39 All of Us will Resign

0"Manager Wei, what are you doing? Can't you hear me?"    


Seeing that Wei Qiang didn't respond, Chen Biao stepped into the office and questioned him.    


Obviously, he was about to scold Wei Qiang.    


Recently, the company's performance had not been good at all, so he was under a lot of pressure. Naturally, his mood wouldn't be good. He couldn't tolerate any mistakes.    


But before Wei Qiang could reply, Chen Biao saw Lin Fei and Wang Jie sitting on the sofa with their legs crossed, looking at him with interest.    


"It's you guys..."    


Chen Biao was stunned for a moment. He just fired them a day ago. However, looking at the relaxed expressions on their faces, he could not tell what they were here for.    


Immediately after, he said with an ugly expression, "Manager Wei, call the security and kick these two annoying trash out!"    


He was in a lousy mood today. He did not know what the two of them were here for, nor did he have any interest in knowing.    


If they wanted to come back to work, they must be dreaming. If they were here to ask for the rest of their salaries, that was even more impossible. The company's budget was already tight. Paying them was out of the question.    


Therefore, no matter how one looked at it, Lin Fei and Wang Jie were people Chen Biao did not want to see right now. They greatly displeased him.    


Despite giving his order, Wei Qiang, who used to be swift and decisive, actually stood still on the spot. He even started to stutter.    


"Wei Qiang, are you f*cking deaf?"    


Seeing that Wei Qiang didn't move, Chen Biao blew his top. Why was everyone looking for a beating recently?    


"President Chen, I—"    


"Why are you not doing I ask? Do you want me to find someone else to fill your position?"    


Wei Qiang felt wronged when he heard Chen Biao's furious roar. He was about to explain the purpose of Lin Fei and Wang Jie's visit when Chen Biao shouted at him.    




"Why haven't you left yet? What are you dawdling about here for? Do you want to get fired?!"    


Wei Qiang wanted to say something, but Chen Biao was getting angrier and angrier. He did not give Wei Qiang a chance to speak at all, making him all the more aggrieved.    


Lin Fei and Wang Jie just sat there silently, shaking their legs and watching the show leisurely.    


The two of them didn't seem to be in a hurry. Besides, they were here to have fun today. They didn't even need to do anything and were presented first-class seats to watch their live performance. Why not?    


Lin Fei and Wang Jie didn't mind watching the show for a while longer.    


"President Chen, they are here to ask for rent!"    


Wei Qiang could not hold it in anymore, almost shouting at Chen Biao.    


"What? They are here to ask for rent?"    


Chen Biao's heart jumped when he heard that. He frowned and stood rooted to the ground. He indeed owed half a year's rent, and Wei Qiang was also aware of it.    


All his money was invested in the goods, so there was no loose cash in the company's account. This was also the reason why he was in debt.    


To be honest, his company was just a small company in Mo City. If the funds were not returned in time, his company would face the risk of bankruptcy. At this point, he could not afford any trouble at all.    


Recently, he had been having a headache over not being able to pay his employees, so when he heard the word 'rent,' he immediately became a little sensitive.    


It would be fine if they asked for rent, but to come and ask for money from him at this time was simply kicking him in the balls!    


However, he finally reacted a second later. Staring at Lin Fei and Wang Jie, he frowned and coldly smiled at Wei Qiang. "Hmph, these two want rent? Wei Qiang, are you kidding me?"    


"President Chen, I'm not mistaken. Wang Jie showed me the property ownership certificate just now. This building is under Lin Fei's name!"    


Wei Qiang reported to Chen Biao.    


"What? This floor is Lin Fei's property?"    


This time, Chen Biao's expression changed drastically. He had seen Lin Fei drive a Ferrari when he quit the job. Although Lin Fei was his employee once, he was not sure about his real identity.    


If Lin Fei was really a rich second generation, then he couldn't rule out the possibility that Lin Fei would use this method to make trouble.    


But before he could digest the shock, Wei Qiang said, "President Chen, it's not this floor alone but the entire building!"    




Chen Biao shook his head in denial. "Hahahaha, that's impossible, absolutely impossible. The certificate must be fake!    


"Wei Qiang, don't pay attention to their farce. Call the security and kick them out!"    


Wei Qiang originally thought that Chen Biao would be shocked when he heard these words, but he actually treated it as a joke.    


If it was this floor, perhaps Chen Biao would really believe it. However, if the entire building was now owned by Lin Fei, he would never buy it even if he was beaten to death.    


This was because the lowest valuation of the entire building was one billion. He believed that no rich man would casually give one billion to his children to play with.    


Even if Lin Fei was a hidden rich second generation, his father would not let him casually buy the property and squander money.    


He didn't even need to look to confirm that their real estate certificates were fake.    


Moreover, he had just invited Director Gu to a meal last month. He definitely wouldn't come to ask for rent without notice.    


Chen Biao looked at Lin Fei and Wang Jie and revealed a smile as if he had seen through their ruse.    


Seeing Chen Biao's confidence, Wei Qiang felt relieved himself. He felt that these two guys had come up with this idea to ask for the rest of their salaries. They would cheat the company by mentioning unpaid rent. He was nearly duped by them!    


After all, the company's rent for half a year was not a small amount.    


"You two dare to trick me? Just you wait!"    



After Wei Qiang finished speaking, he went out to call for the guards. He had decided to teach these two a lesson today. They had forced him to make a fool of himself.    


However, Lin Fei and Wang Jie didn't say a word. They just quietly watched the two of them perform to their heart's content.    


Soon, Wei Qiang returned with a couple strong young employees behind him. It was obvious that he was going to beat Lin Fei and Wang Jie up today.    


Dahe Pharmaceutical was a small company. Hence, they did not have the luxury of paying security guards. In the end, Wei Qiang could only make do with a few young employees.    


"Beat them well and then throw them out!"    


Wei Qiang stepped into the office and pointed at Lin Fei and Wang Jie, who were sitting on the sofa.    


However, the imagined scene of a few employees rushing over and beating Lin Fei and Wang Jie to the ground did not happen at all.    


"Hey, Brother Fei, Brother Jie, why are you guys here?"    


Almost at the moment Wei Qiang finished speaking, the employees ran over to Lin Fei and Wang Jie and greeted them warmly.    


In the past, they were colleagues, but because of the expensive dinner last night, it was impossible for them to attack Lin Fei and Wang Jie.    


Lin Fei and Wang Jie did not announce their arrival at the company earlier. Instead, they went straight to Wei Qiang's office. Therefore, the employees did not know about they were here.    


Otherwise, they were sure that all their colleagues would come over and greet them warmly. After all, Lin Fei had really brought them to see the world last night.    


They were naturally excited to see Lin Fei and Wang Jie again. They even rushed to ask them if they would like tea before leaving to prepare it for them.    


When Wei Qiang saw this, he immediately felt that something was not right.    


"What are you guys doing? Didn't you get what I said?"    


His expression had turned to fury when the employees disregarded him blatantly. He shouted at them to release his embarrassment.    


Chen Biao's expression at this moment was even more obvious. These employees didn't even show such respect to him. Yet now, they actually acted like they had seen their ancestors in front of Lin Fei and Wang Jie.    


Initially, he wanted to find a few people to teach Lin Fei and Wang Jie a lesson. But not only did they not beat them, they even went over to greet them. Wasn't this a direct slap in the face for a boss like him?    


However, Wei Qiang's words did not have any effect. The few employees he had brought did not pay him any attention at all. Instead, they continued to play house with Lin Fei and Wang Jie.    


How could Wei Qiang accept such a situation? President Chen was also here. If this continued, he was afraid that he would really lose his job today.    


"Damn it, you guys don't want to work anymore?"    


Wei Qiang yelled and threatened the employees. However, they still did not pay him any heed.    


This time, Chen Biao could not stay calm either. Ever since he became the boss, he had never been slapped in the face like this.    


"If you don't listen to General Manager Wei's orders, do you believe that I will fire you immediately?"    


Chen Biao warned through gritted teeth.    


Chen Biao's words had the opposite effect, stimulating the pride of the employees. They all looked at Chen Biao at the same time and said in unison, "I don't believe you. You think you are great just because you are the boss? We're not doing it, get it?"    


Once they disagreed with their boss, they would resign on the spot!    


Chen Biao was upset. He felt that despite being the boss, he could not even control his employees at all.    


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