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C368 The Ultimate Warrior

C368 The Ultimate Warrior

0However, the host was still the host, so he naturally had a good mentality. He quickly understood what Lin Fei meant.    


He quickly corrected, "That's right. This lucky sir's shooting has ended, but the passion he gave us tonight will never end!"    


"Everyone, let's get excited. For this god-like man, for his silky super long-distance projector technology, really, I think he shouldn't just be an audience, because he is a legend!"    


After the host finished speaking, the entire audience once again boiled up.    


At this time, Lin Fei saw that the event had ended, and he didn't care about the one million dollar prize money. He turned around and walked towards the side of the venue, but was stopped by the host at this time.    


The host said, "Hey, sir, you still have one million USD reward that you haven't received yet!"    


Such a huge prize money made everyone hold their breaths in an instant, and their eyes were filled with envy.    


However, Lin Fei only waved his hand with his back facing the host and said, "It's just one million dollars. Let the team donate it to those who need it more!"    


A whole million dollars was donated just like that. This magnanimity, this calmness, instantly made everyone respect Lin Fei, an eastern person.    


Even James, Curry, Thompson, Childe Wei and Brother Thick Eyebrows, who had already returned from the players' locker room to the players' rest area by the side of the court, all felt respect for Lin Fei at this time.    


Lin Fei's image instantly became infinitely tall in their minds.    


Jolakb was also sitting there, watching Lin Fei walk towards the empty seat beside him. His mouth was so wide that it could fit an egg.    


He originally wanted to let Lin Fei, the mysterious tycoon of the East, participate in the event and be happy, but he did not expect that he would bring him such a miracle.    


As a business genius of San Francisco, his brain turned and he seemed to have smelled the business opportunity from this scene. He felt that the investor he found this time was right.    


No, to be more precise, he didn't find an investor, but a legend.    


However, at this time, Lin Fei still hadn't returned to his seat and sat down. Reidy, who was sitting not far from him, stood up and walked towards him. He smiled and said, "sir, I wonder if I have the honor to meet you."    


Lin Fei was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Of course not. Hello, I am Lin Fei, from the Great Yan Empire. Actually, I know you!"    


It had to be said that from this distance, Reidy Kaka had a very visual impact. Although she often dressed exaggeratedly, her facial features were still quite delicate.    


Her appearance was definitely the top among the foreign girls. Whether it was her sexy red lips or her full chest, it gave Lin Fei a feeling of blood spurting out.    


"Oh, my God. Really? You actually know me?"    


Reidy covered his mouth with his hand and said in disbelief.    


Lin Fei felt that when women were shocked, this action did not discriminate between race and skin color. They naturally knew this action. This action seemed to be used all over the world.    


He smiled and said, I'm sorry." I am also your fan!"    




This time, Reidy started to get excited. He didn't think that this godlike man here tonight would actually be a fan of hers.    


At this moment, she was simply too happy.    


She walked over and hugged Lin Fei, then said, "Can I hug you for a bit?"    


Lin Fei was speechless, then smiled and said, "En, that superstar, aren't you hugging me now?"    


"Oh, oh!"    


Reidy seemed to have realized that he had lost his composure. He quickly stepped aside and said, "I'm sorry, sir. I was rude!"    


Lin Fei waved his hand and said, "It's okay. I like this kind of rudeness."    


Reidy was amused by Lin Fei's cold humor. He handed her a business card and said, "I live in Los Angeles. There might be a big concert next week. If you are interested, you can come to Los Angeles to play. I will welcome you very much!"    


Lin Fei took the name card and nodded with a smile. "Thank you for your invitation. I will definitely be there!"    


When the audience saw Reidy take the initiative to hug Lin Fei, it raised a wave of cheers and cheers.    


The two of them separated after saying that, but James walked over again.    


In fact, James and the others had already walked out of the locker room earlier and saw Lin Fei's legendary performance.    


However, they had never had the chance to praise Lin Fei.    


To be honest, Lin Fei's performance just now had stunned him. He really felt that it would be a pity if a basketball genius like Lin Fei did not play in the NBA.    


When he walked over, he happened to see Reidy giving him a hug. James was really envious.    


After all, Reidy was one of the most famous singers in the United States. There were countless people who wanted her to hug, including himself. On Lin Fei's side, Reidy actually took the initiative to give him a hug. It was unbelievable.    


"Hey, Elder Lin, you can do it!"    


Just as Reidy left, James patted Lin Fei on the shoulder and said.    


"What can I do?"    


Lin Fei deliberately asked with a blank expression.    


"I didn't expect you to be good at basketball. You are also good at picking up girls!"    


James praised.    


Lin Fei suddenly laughed and said, "Haha, of course, don't you see who I am?! Oh, right, isn't it illegal to be hugged by a beauty here?"    


Lin Fei looked at James with an innocent face and asked back.    


Although Lin Fei did not say it directly, the obvious expression on his face made James really speechless.    


James was so angry that he laughed. He punched Lin Fei's shoulder and said with a sneer, "You are ruthless, kid. I will teach you a lesson later!"    


However, Lin Fei pointed his fingers at his eyes and then at James' eyes. He grinned and said, "Old Zhan, don't worry. I will let Grimm take care of you!"    





James was so angry that he turned around and left. He really did not want to talk to this guy anymore because he could not gain any advantage by talking to him.    


At this time, the Warriors also gave Lin Fei a thumbs up, especially Cute God Curry and Thompson.    


As soon as Lin Fei returned to his seat, Xi Mengwei, Lee Fei'er, Sun Yunxi and a few beautiful girls pounced on him and surrounded him, as if they were welcoming the return of a hero.    


On the side, Jolakb was pushed away by a few beauties.    


This scene was captured on the big screen above. The scene of Lin Fei being surrounded by five beauties was immediately seen by everyone, and the entire audience once again boiled up.    


This man was simply too awesome!    


Because he had money, reputation, and reputation, he could be considered the pinnacle and model of all men in the world. It was impossible not to be envious.    


The fifteen minutes of the midfield had finally come. In the past, everyone felt that these fifteen minutes were too long, but tonight, everyone felt that it had passed very quickly.    


Because these fifteen minutes felt that tonight was too fulfilling.    


The second half of the Great Christmas War continued. James, Curry, and Thompson once again began a tough fight. Both sides exchanged blows, and the excitement was much greater than the first half.    


However, it seemed that all the spectators were still immersed in the shock that Lin Fei had brought them earlier. Therefore, even the exciting second half did not seem as exciting in their eyes.    


Because that night, the light at the center of Chase was destined to belong to only one man.    


However, in Lin Fei's eyes, he actually felt that the second half of the match was really very exciting. He felt that this kind of intense competition was even more intense than the finals, because he could hear the sounds of bodies colliding on the side of the field.    


And James was so old that he gritted his teeth and played for more than 30 minutes. The fans looked like he was fighting fiercely, but in fact, Lin Fei knew that he wanted to present him with a wonderful basketball feast.    


And as time passed, the entire Great Christmas War was approaching its end.    


Although James had tried his best, there was still one minute left before the scale of the entire game was tilted to the Warriors' side.    


Especially in the fourth quarter, when the outer line of Curry Thompson exploded, the Warriors bloomed a little more, while on the Lakers' side, Thick Brow and Young Master Wei kept forging.    


James' two fists were hard to fight against four hands, and it was difficult for him to fight alone. He could only watch helplessly as the originally leading advantage was slowly flattened.    


In the final five seconds, when there were only five seconds left in the audience, Kuli, relying on an extremely far midfield score of three points, actually directly surpassed the score.    


108: 106, Lakers fell by two points!    


There were only five seconds left, but the best news was that the Lakers still had the final ball right in their hands.    


James knew that his chance to kill had come.    


When the coach was arranging his tactics, James did not say anything. He seemed unusually quiet. When the last pause ended, all his teammates on the team said, "Brothers, don't worry. Leave it to me. We will win this game!"    


And now, there were only two options in front of them. Two points to draw, and three points to kill. James did not want to fight with overtime. He was already old, and the Lakers would lose without a doubt if he fought with overtime.    


So the only way to win this game was to use three points to kill.    


The game continued, and Brother Thick Browed stood at the front line to serve. At this moment, everyone on the court felt as if their hearts were raised.    


The Warriors' tactics were very clear. They could accept that the Lakers would throw two points at an accelerated time, but they absolutely could not let the Lakers throw three points at a time like this.    


In fact, the tactics of both sides were very clear. This was the time to compete with superstars.    


When Big Brother Thick Eyebrow served, James was instantly surrounded by Grimm, Thompson, and Curry. He was simply unable to escape from catching the ball.    


However, at this moment tonight, although James' strength was almost depleted, his eyes were completely red from killing.    


He really looked like a crazy gorilla. He used his powerful strength to directly lean against Grimm and obtained a short opportunity.    


Big eyebrowed Brother also served the ball in an instant because he was worried about it. Moreover, there were only five seconds left. At this moment, he only believed in James.    


After Brother Thick Brow served, his whole body quickly slipped into the inner line. He stood under the empty basketball, and there was actually not a single Warriors player who went to defend him.    


The Warriors' tactics were executed quite thoroughly. They only defended three points and focused on defending against the gorilla. Grimm, Thompson, and Curry continued to surround him. At this time, Wilkins also came over.    


On the other side, James had no intention of passing the ball. After taking the ball, James sank and directly leaned against the strongest Glenn.    


Looking at the time jumping rapidly, when there were only three seconds left, he started to move the ball. He directly moved horizontally, put his hands together, and instantly made a shot.    


At this time, the three Warriors who were tensed up took off almost instantly, wanting to block James at the same time, but James actually made a fake move.    


After the fake move, the three people defending the opponent had almost completely covered his shooting space, but there was only one last second left, and he did not have any more time to think about it.    


He jumped forcefully, and the three people shot.    


It had to be said that James' strength was really too strong, hanging three people just like that, and he still made the shooting posture and threw the ball.    




The basketball streaked across the long void. Finally, after bouncing a few times on the basket, it fell into the net nest.    


Under the powerful defense of the Warriors, James finally withstood all the pressure and completed the ultimate move that could be called the century's best.    


The entire match ended, and James raised his knife and killed the match with his own hands.    


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