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C402 Saving People

C402 Saving People

0The heat continued to flow through Lin Fei's body. As it continuously opened up the closed blood apertures and blocked meridians in his body, it also forced a large amount of black impurities out of his body.    


After about fifteen minutes, Lin Fei felt the hot warmth in his body gradually dissipate, and what replaced it was a comfortable feeling all over his body.    


When he got out of this, he felt that his body became as light as a feather, especially when he took a breath. He felt as if his body had turned into a feather, as if he could float up when the wind blew.    


This feeling was very strange. It was as if he could break away from the gravity of the earth and get rid of the restraints of gravity, making Lin Fei feel restless.    


He raised both his hands and pointed his fingers like a sword according to the fusion of memories in his mind. With a light leap, he instantly stepped onto the surface of the artificial lake in front of him.    


In the end, he felt as if he had landed steadily on the surface of the water in an instant. He actually stood strangely on the surface of the water and did not fall.    


Then, Lin Fei walked forward step by step on the surface of the water like a dragonfly touching the surface of the water.    


This scene instantly made Lin Fei feel very funny and interested. He kept running and jumping on the surface of the artificial lake. He even rolled on the surface of the water. The originally fragile surface of the water was now like a solid mirror as he walked on it.    


This Qing Gong that could only be seen in television dramas actually appeared on his body now. This feeling was really magical. However, after playing for a while, after that fresh feeling passed, Lin Fei also felt that it was meaningless.    


He ran from the surface of the water to the grassy shore and laid there to rest. Only then did he realize that his entire body actually had a stinky smell. He lowered his head and saw that there was actually a thick layer of black impurities on his skin. He remembered that it was the impurities that had been forced out of his body by the hot warm current that had flowed through his body.    


"Hehe, looks like there are really a lot of impurities in this person's body!"    


Lin Fei was somewhat disgusted by his own feelings. He hurriedly got up and went to the side of the artificial lake, preparing to wash his hand and face first. Otherwise, with this smell, it felt like he had fallen into a latrine. How was he going to return to the hotel later?    




"Help me...!"    


However, just as Lin Fei arrived at the edge of the artificial lake, a cry for help suddenly came from the opposite side of the artificial lake.    


Lin Fei looked over and saw that there were waves of violent ripples in the lake in the distance. Vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of someone falling and struggling in the water.    


"Someone fell into the water?"    


Lin Fei did not say anything. He jumped up and looked in the direction of the water. He sped up and stepped on the waves.    


About ten seconds later, he had arrived at that position. He looked closely and found that there was a figure struggling in the lake.    


"Someone really fell into the water!"    


After Lin Fei confirmed it, he went straight to that figure.    


Although Lin Fei's eyesight was extraordinary, the figure kept rising and falling in the water. He could not tell whether it was a man or a woman.    


But at this moment, whether it was a man or a woman, they had to save her first!    


Lin Fei's current arm strength was already shocking. He ran to that position and picked up the person who fell into the water. Then, he threw him to the shore of the lake at an extremely fast speed.    


Lin Fei didn't even look at that person's appearance. He turned around and once again stepped on the water surface and floated away. Very soon, he disappeared from the surface of the water.    




The one who fell into the lake was a blonde woman, and the one who called for help was her mother. The mother and daughter originally couldn't do it by the lake, so the blonde woman got excited. She wanted to go to the lake to kick the water, but couldn't find the slippery ground by the lake. That was why she accidentally fell into the water.    


The mother couldn't swim at all, so she could only call for help in a moment of desperation.    


At this time, almost no one could be seen in the entire park. She originally thought that her daughter would not be saved. She did not expect that at this time, a person suddenly ran over from the surface of the water.    


That's right, that person ran over from the water. Before she could react, he picked up her daughter who fell into the water and threw her onto the shore.    


Without saying anything, he turned around and left!    


This scene was simply too inconceivable, to the extent that the mother was shocked for a long time.    


"Cough cough!"    


It was only until the choking cough that came from her daughter who fell into the water that she woke up from that state of shock.    


"Annie, are you alright!?"    


Her mother looked at her 15-16 year old daughter and quickly squatted down to help her sit up. She used her hand to pat her back, causing the water in her throat to come out and ask anxiously.    




The young girl, Annie, was probably frightened out of her wits. She immediately rushed over and hugged her mother.    


It was only after a long while that she recovered a little. She looked at her mother and asked, "Mommy, who saved me just now? Why do I feel like I suddenly flew up from the water?"    


Hearing this, her mother immediately recalled the unbelievable scene from before. She immediately sighed and said, "Annie, you're right. You really flew up from the water!"    


Annie: "???"    


When Annie saw her mother's dazed look, she thought that her mother had suffered a serious mental blow because she fell into the water. She immediately comforted her, "Mom, I'm fine now, you don't have to worry!"    


However, her consolation did not have any effect. Her mother's expression did not improve after she comforted her.    


"Annie, do you believe that someone can run freely in the water without being affected by gravity?"    


At this time, her mother asked again. She did not seem to be joking, and she looked very serious.    


"How is that possible? Mother, people like Spiderman and Harry Potter only exist in television and novels. There can't be such a magical character in this world. Really... Those are just heroic characters that exist in people's imagination! "    


Annie denied it immediately.    


After saying that, she touched her mother's forehead and said, "Mom, don't tell me you got a fever from fright. Why are you spouting nonsense?"    


But at that moment, her mother looked at her calmly and said, "Annie, I'm not talking nonsense. Really, you believe me. Just now, I saw with my own eyes that the person flew over from the water and then pulled you up and threw you onto the shore. He turned around and flew away from the surface of the water! "    


Annie opened her mouth wide in disbelief. However, seeing that her mother didn't seem to be joking, she only nodded her head in agreement.    


After all, the matter of her being rescued earlier was indeed too strange. Although she was unconscious due to suffocation and lack of oxygen at that time, her body still had memories of her muscles that had been forcefully grabbed on her left arm.    



No matter what, this night, the mother and daughter were destined to not be peaceful, because this matter had already broken their fixed worldview.    




Lin Fei returned to the hotel and washed himself properly. He washed away all the stinky impurities on his body, and only then did he realize that his skin had become as smooth as a baby's.    


Looking at himself in the mirror who had become handsome again and had extraordinary charm, Lin Fei was quite satisfied and made a handsome pose.    


After a good sleep, it was already the morning of the second day when he woke up.    


After getting up, Lin Fei found that Liu Qing and the other three were busy until late last night. They did not return to the hotel and directly stayed in the welfare organization where the children were.    


After that, he called to ask about Ah Hong and Ah Jian's situation. He found that their situation had stabilized and that they were fine. He was relieved.    


After walking out of the hotel, Lin Fei felt refreshed after a night's rest. He was not in a hurry to go and help Liu Qing. Instead, he chose to go straight to the mission spot, the Hollywood outdoor theater.    


Coincidentally, a few women were busy right now, so he might as well take the opportunity to make a card call.    


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