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C340 The Style Suddenly Changed

C340 The Style Suddenly Changed

0Lin Fei saw that the person had been taken away, so he didn't have any more concerns. He started to size up the ten boxers surrounding him.    


These ten boxers had different skin colors. They were tall, short, fat and thin, and had different shapes. However, the brutal aura they gave off was exactly the same as the way they looked at Lin Fei.    


Among them, Violent Dragon seemed to be the strongest. The rest of the boxers were weaker than Violent Dragon in terms of strength and momentum.    


Of course, those who could survive in this kind of place naturally did not have true weaklings. This was because this was a world where the strong prey on the weak.    


However, even though they were ferocious and violent at this moment, they gave off a very oppressive feeling. To Lin Fei, they were just small shrimps. Although they still had weapons in their hands, he was still bare-handed. But this was not important.    


Lin Fei looked around and roughly estimated their strengths. Then he smiled at all of them and said, "Alright, come on. Let's attack together, so that I won't be in trouble one by one!"    


Lin Fei said it casually, but the host was shocked when he heard it.    


The black fist fighters who looked like wild beasts at Lin Fei seemed to be ready to attack. Once he announced the start of the competition, they would rush forward and chop the eastern man in the middle into pieces.    


He had never encountered such a situation. His hand that was holding the microphone began to tremble. He even felt a sense of guilt because of this incident. He felt that he had called for the competition. It was the same as him killing the oriental man.    


He even started to blame Lin Fei in his heart for not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth and coming here to earn this kind of money.    


However, the atmosphere of the entire scene was getting better and better. The gamblers were also getting more and more excited. Once they were excited, they naturally could not control their own hands when betting.    


Thus, behind his phone, Shawn saw the gamblers' bets on his platform soaring crazily like a straight line. He originally planned to only earn him one billion US dollars tonight, but now his platform's bets had exceeded 1.5 billion. This was unbelievable, far beyond his expectations.    


Although the data on the backstage showed that the number of bets was still soaring, Sean felt that the atmosphere had reached its peak and the competition could begin.    


Because the situation here was like a fully drawn bow. If he didn't release the arrow, he was afraid that there would be a situation where the bowstring would break.    


So Sean directly signaled the host to announce the start of the competition. Although the host felt a strong sense of guilt in his heart, at the moment when the boss said it, he could only do it because he knew that he could not afford to offend this boss.    


"The competition... begins!"    


The host took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions. Then, with his loudest voice, he finally shouted these four words.    




In the next moment, before the boxers on the stage could even start moving, the surrounding audience and gamblers instantly exploded.    


It was as if they had waited for this moment for too long!    


Not only that, nearly 80% of the gamblers had already bet all the money they had on them, so they really wanted to wait for the result.    


"Kill him!"    


"Kill him!!"    


"Chop him to death!"    


"Chop him to death!"    


... ""    


In an instant, everyone cheered for the ten boxers, because as long as they killed Lin Fei, the remaining time would be the time for them to count their money and celebrate.    


The ten boxers led by Violent Dragon also instantly moved when they heard this.    


At this moment, their eyes were all red, as if they were wild beasts that wanted to eat humans. This was a kind of almost instinctive slaughter that they had cultivated over the years in this black boxing arena. Because once they chose to walk onto this boxing arena... This meant that either you die or I die.    


The first one to lunge at Lin Fei was naturally Violent Dragon. At this moment, he was holding a huge axe in his hand and fiercely swung it at Lin Fei's head.    


He was the one who wanted to kill Lin Fei the most, because Lin Fei had made him lose all his face on the fighting stage just now. It had made him lose all his prestige and prestige, and destroyed all the glory and power he had earned with his punches.    


Another black boxer was holding a huge iron hammer. He was standing behind Lin Fei, and he swung the huge iron hammer at Lin Fei's back. As for the rest of the people, some of them held sabers and some held iron rods. At this moment, they were also attacking Lin Fei.    


Although this place was called a boxing ring, this fighting style was no longer a boxing style. It was completely a massacre to deal with Lin Fei.    


Seeing this scene, the surrounding gamblers were so excited that their voices became louder. Many of them were even dancing with excitement.    


Seeing Lin Fei being surrounded in an instant, even Shawn and Ms. Shawn in the private rooms on the third floor felt their hearts skip a beat.    


After all, they had made a big bet this time. If Lin Fei was really killed by them, they would have killed him directly. If Lin Fei won, they would lose at least 1.5 billion dollars. If ___ won, then they would earn 1.5 billion, or even more.    


With such a big deal, they were naturally on tenterhooks. Of course, it wasn't because they were worried about Lin Fei's death, but because they were worried that they would lose money.    


But soon, Lin Fei would use his actions to tell them that these were just small shrimps in his eyes. They might not even be small shrimps.    


Although Lin Fei had no enmity with these black boxing players, he couldn't be blamed for coming here today. Therefore, their ending had already been decided by him. Perhaps it could be said that it was to help them free themselves.    


The pincer attack from the axe and hammer approached in an instant, almost making it impossible for Lin Fei to dodge. However, at this moment, a relaxed smile appeared in his eyes.    


Because in his eyes, the speed of these people was as slow as a snail crawling. In the eyes of ordinary people, perhaps they were as fast as lightning, but in his eyes, they were too slow.    


Therefore, under this kind of speed, Lin Fei only slightly twisted his body and changed a few body movements. All of their attacks instantly missed.    


The boxing stage instantly fell into chaos. In the blink of an eye, Lin Fei had dodged dozens of attacks in a row, but they were all neutralized by him one by one.    


In fact, if Lin Fei really wanted to attack, these few shrimps would have fallen to the ground a long time ago. However, in order to give the white tiger enough time to escape, Lin Fei didn't use his killing move.    


Not only did he not use any killing move, he even pretended to be forced by them into a miserable state, as if he was powerless to defend himself.    


Just like that, a group of boxers with all kinds of weapons kept chasing and chopping at Lin Fei on the boxing platform. Even the entire boxing platform was almost destroyed by them.    


Lin Fei also seemed to have been forced into a corner by them. The further they went, the more he barely dodged those attacks that were getting more and more fierce. Several times, Violent Dragon's axe was slashed at his head.    


But no matter what, he was still not injured in the end.    


The atmosphere of the entire scene had entered a white-hot stage. Almost everyone's attention was focused on the boxing ring.    


No one noticed that the white tiger had already fled the underground black boxing ring with Xu Xinjia. Along the way, the white tiger also encountered some obstacles, but it was killed by him unexpectedly.    


The moment it left, the white tiger called Lin Fei.    



Thus, the next shocking scene appeared on the boxing arena. The eastern man was constantly being attacked by the ten boxers. It seemed like he could not hold on any longer. At this moment, he suddenly took out his phone and picked up the call.    


This also caused the atmosphere of the entire scene to suddenly change.    


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