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C372 Let's Go Again

C372 Let's Go Again

0As a matter of fact, the Yimo were sincerely grateful to Lin Fei. Just like what he said, he wanted to test Lin Fei's courage at first, but he didn't expect it to have such an effect.    


The Yimo didn't dare to speak nonsense the entire time. They followed Lin Fei like a little brother. Soon, they entered the underground black boxing arena.    


Standing in the box, they looked at the boxing arena below. Lin Fei suddenly felt like he was back in his old world. He suddenly looked at the Yimo beside him. He grinned and said, "Did you know that Shawn stood in this position and told me that day? I might not be able to live past tonight, but guess the result? "    


When the Yimo heard this, their scalps immediately jumped.    


He was a smart person. Lin Fei actually dared to beat up a gang leader in front of so many people. How could he not have some real ability?    


In the end, the Yimo admitted defeat on the spot and said, "big brother, from now on, you are me, big brother. I will listen to everything you say!"    


The Yimo felt that Lin Fei was too narrow-minded. They had only tested him a moment ago, so why did he remember it until now?    


However, for some reason, he felt that he didn't dare to fight ___ despite having so many brothers present. This was too strange.    


Lin Fei saw that his attitude of admitting his mistake was not bad, so he didn't bother with it anymore.    


At this moment, he stretched out his hand and gave the Silver Desert Eagle to the Yimo. He then said, "Congratulations, you got it right, so I will return this to you!"    


Actually, although the Yimo appeared to be convinced by Lin Fei's aggressiveness on the surface, they were still unconvinced in their hearts. However, when they saw the Silver Desert Eagle, they were completely convinced.    


At the same time, a chill ran down his spine.    


This was because the Desert Eagle in Lin Fei's hand was none other than his own spear. That was his weapon. It was clearly placed on his waist, but now it had appeared in Lin Fei's hand.    


He didn't even know when Lin Fei took away his spear.    


Lin Fei had knocked on the ground first, then returned the spear to him. Obviously, he was telling him that he could take your life anytime he wanted.    


Therefore, Lin Fei didn't only give him a spear, he also gave him his life.    


"Thank you, big brother!"    


The Yimo quickly received the spear with both hands respectfully, then bowed to Lin Fei. At this moment, his clothes were drenched in sweat.    


After that, Lin Fei looked more like a big brother in the underground black boxing arena. The temperament that he portrayed made even the people of the Mo City admire him.    


The Yimo were actually older than Lin Fei. He looked at Lin Fei who was so young. There was an ancient feeling that made him feel inferior to ___. He really did not understand it. How did he train himself to be so mature at such a young age?    


But how could he understand that when he killed a group of pirates by himself, when the world's top killers were willing to submit to him, when the most ferocious underground gangs in London had to bow their heads to him... This kind of powerful aura naturally formed, as if it was born naturally.    


Although this analogy was somewhat inappropriate, Lin Fei's life was something that no one could replicate, much less surpass.    


The underground black boxing competition was still in full swing. Lin Fei also sat in his private room and watched a few matches.    


Although he did not like this kind of fighting and killing, he did not sympathize with these guys.    


The path of life was always chosen by oneself. Since he had chosen this path, he would have to bear the cruel result of being beaten to death on the boxing stage.    


Behind him, the Yimo even arranged for beautiful women. A few gorgeously dressed blondes were invited into the private room by him, allowing Lin Fei to enjoy to his heart's content.    


However, Lin Fei only said one word, "Scram." The few women were quickly chased out by the Yimo.    


The Yimos felt that Lin Fei did not seem to be interested in anything and was not easy to serve. He felt that he was asking for trouble and had invited a god.    


Just as he was having a headache, he saw Lin Fei stand up. He waved his hand at the black man who picked him up and said, "Let's go, take me back to the hotel!"    


When the Yimos heard this, he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.    


However, before Lin Fei left, he told him that he could not mess up his business in San Francisco and that he should not bully the people of the east. Yi Mo City nodded repeatedly. He wished that Lin Fei could leave as soon as possible and agree to anything.    


Seeing the young man pulling Lin Fei away, the Yimo finally relaxed. Although Lin Fei had decided to let him go in the end, he still stayed with Lin Fei. He still had a feeling that he was on his back, and it wasn't easy at all.    


This guy was simply too terrifying. In the words of the Yimo, he was more like a devil.    


On the carriage, the shock in the black man's heart was like a huge wave that surged to the heavens. It caused a buzzing sound to reverberate in his heart.    


The man in front of him was truly unbelievable. After going to the most ferocious underground organization in San Francisco, he felt like he was traveling. Good fellow, he did not feel any pressure at all!    


He estimated that there were not many people in this world who were as ruthless as him!    




When Lin Fei returned to the hotel, it was only about 12 o'clock in the afternoon.    


Xu Xinjia was the one who was most worried about Lin Fei's safety. Of course, the other four women were also worried about Lin Fei's safety. However, Xu Xinjia was the one who was most clear about how cruel and vicious the underground forces of San Francisco were, so she was most worried that something would happen to Lin Fei.    


She immediately hugged Lin Fei and gave him a warm hug.    


She didn't want to ask what Lin Fei had experienced, nor did she dare to ask. At this moment, she only wanted to give this man a warm hug and give him more love.    


Lin Fei used his hand to stroke her hair and said gently, "It's fine. I'm back, right?"    


After a period of comforting, Lin Fei saw that it was still early, so he decided to leave today and go to Los Angeles. He liked to leave whenever he wanted to and did not like to drag things out for too long.    


Now that the matters in San Francisco had been settled, the team didn't need him to do anything, so it was time to go to Los Angeles.    


Now that it was almost the end of the year, Lin Fei decided that after the Los Angeles check-in ended, he would return home to celebrate the Spring Festival.    


No matter where the next mission spot was, he decided to go home to celebrate the Spring Festival first. This was the tradition of mainland. No matter how far they went, they had to go home and have dinner together. Everyone sat together, and it was lively and lively.    


He was just thinking if he would scare the old lady when he brought back so many beautiful daughter-in-law for his mother.    


Moreover, Shan had recently sent over the construction progress of the Qingshan village because of the sufficient funds. The progress of the entire project was very fast, and was approaching the end. Lin Fei estimated that he would be able to live in a new house when he returned home this year.    


Standing on the spacious deck of the yacht, Lin Fei took one last look at San Francisco, then at the fisherman's dock. He waved his big finger and said, "Ladies, let's go. Next stop, Los Angeles!"    


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