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C190 The Real Eastern Kung Fu

C190 The Real Eastern Kung Fu

0Bai Shanshui was also drunk when he saw Lin Fei still laughing.    


Being surrounded by so many strong guards, even Bai Shanshui, who was used to big occasions, felt his legs go weak.    


But Lin Fei now looked like he was completely fine.    


Who was he? He had escaped death in the pirate nest, fought the big black bear alone on the deserted island, and wiped out a group of pirates by himself. He had beaten the number one assassin in the underground world to submission.    


Would such a person be afraid of a few mere security guards?    


Of course not!    


Xi Mengwei, Lee Fei'er, and Liu Qing had long seen Lin Fei's ability, so they did not panic at all. Instead, they looked at the burly and burly security guards around them with sympathy.    


As for the daughter of Bai Shanshui's friend, Liu Yuan, she naturally stood behind Bai Shanshui and was extremely afraid.    


"Uncle Bai, I told you to leave just now, but you didn't. Now it's good. You can't leave even if you want to!"    


She was flustered and exasperated. At this moment, she looked at the fierce-looking security guards around her and actually blamed Bai Shanshui.    


However, since things had already come to this point, Bai Shanshui could only blame himself. Just now, he didn't listen to her opinion and had a look of regret on his face.    


"Brothers, it was this guy who was looking for trouble just now. Everyone, let's teach him a lesson!"    


At this moment, one of the two security guards who was casually pushed away by Lin Fei suddenly pointed at Lin Fei and shouted.    


When everyone heard this, they instantly raised their fists that were like sandbags and swung them towards Lin Fei.    


"Second brother, I'll help you block it!"    


One had to admit that Bai Shanshui was indeed a model example of big brother. At this moment, he had actually overcome the fear in his heart and rushed forward to block Lin Fei.    


Lin Fei was touched, but he naturally wouldn't let Bai Shanshui take the risk. With just a pull of his right hand, Bai Shanshui was instantly pulled behind him.    


"Big brother, these few people are still not enough to fill the gaps between my teeth. Listen to my arrangements and bring them to the side!"    


Lin Fei quickly said to Bai Shanshui.    


However, his hands did not stop moving. He threw a punch at the security guard who rushed over first.    




The two fists collided fiercely in the air once again, producing a solid muffled sound.    


Then, the robust security guard was sent flying by the impact.    


He also knocked away the other two security guards who had rushed up. The three of them fell to the ground with a bang. They were confused and could not get up.    


The strong security guard who had exchanged blows with Lin Fei immediately clenched his fist. He rolled on the ground and howled in pain. His wrist had been completely crippled.    


Although the other two security guards did not fight Lin Fei head on, their companions' bodies had hit their waists and stomachs. They were also lying on the ground in extreme pain.    


Looking at the tall and heavy Dongfang brat whose body was completely different from theirs, with just one punch, the three security guards instantly lost their ability to fight. The other security guards immediately retreated. Their eyes were filled with fear towards Lin Fei.    


At this moment, Bai Shanshui and Liu Yuan were staring at Lin Fei with their mouths agape, as if they were looking at a monster.    


He wasn't a very strong person, so how could he possess such powerful strength? This... this didn't make sense at all.    


"Big brother..."    


"Big brother, what are you still standing there for? Take them away!"    


Seeing that the other security guards were temporarily stunned by him, Lin Fei took the opportunity and turned to Bai Shanshui.    


"En, oh, okay!"    


Bai Shanshui was thinking about this unscientific question, and his mouth was wide open. He was still stunned there, but after being reminded by Lin Fei, he finally reacted and immediately nodded.    


In fact, Xi Mengwei, Liu Qing and Lee Fei'er, who were already used to this kind of scene, had long gone further away.    


Because they were afraid that if blood splashed on them later, it would not be good.    


"Liu Yuan, let's go!"    


Bai Shanshui did not hesitate anymore. He knew that not only could he not help Lin Fei, but he could only cause more trouble for him. He pulled Liu Yuan, who was already stunned, and walked in the direction of Xi Mengwei and the others.    


"Mmm, where is Uncle Bai going?"    


Perhaps because she was frightened by this scene, Liu Yuan did not know why she would say such a thing.    


"Hehe, I'm not leaving. Don't tell me I'm going to stay there and be a human sandbag? What an idiot. He's even the champion of the New Silk Road Model Competition. I really don't know how much money he spent!"    


Before Bai Shanshui could reply, Xi Mengwei spoke from afar. She even revealed a look as if she was looking at an idiot.    


Xi Mengwei could not stand this Liu Yuan just now because she actually dared to look at her like that. She was simply courting death.    




Liu Yuan was walking quickly towards Xi Mengwei's side with Bai Shanshui, but when she suddenly heard Xi Mengwei say this, she was so angry that she stomped her feet.    


However, Xi Mengwei did not want to let her go just like that. Xi Mengwei decided to treat someone like her who treated good intentions like a donkey's liver and lungs.    


"What are you talking about? To be honest, only I was not interested in that year. Otherwise, I would have participated in that model competition. What do you have to do with the championship?"    


"That little quality, that little bit of recuperation, and the championship. I really want to ask those judges if there is something wrong with their brains!"    


Little Pepper Xi Mengwei had a hot personality to begin with. Coupled with her glib tongue, no one could stop her from speaking with a sharp tongue.    


"You, Uncle Bai, look at her..."    


Liu Yuan was not old to begin with. As a young lady, how could she bear such words? She was almost cried by Xi Mengwei.    



"Hahahaha, good!"    


Lee Fei'er, who had long disliked her, immediately felt delighted when she saw this. She clapped and cheered at the side.    


Bai Shanshui was also very embarrassed at this time. After all, Xi Mengwei was not his person, so she could not care.    


Furthermore, he also knew that this girl was Xi Beixiong's daughter. Even in Mo City, he had to give her some face.    


So he could only look at Liu Qing as if asking for help.    


After Liu Qing understood, she used her hand to touch the overbearing Xi Mengwei and said, "Mengwei, it's okay!"    




Only then did Xi Mengwei let out a cold snort and gave up.    


"Well, let's not fight among ourselves now. Let's take a look at Lin Fei first!"    


Seeing this, Bai Shanshui hurriedly changed the topic and took the opportunity to point at Lin Fei and say.    


It was obvious that the main problem now was not their internal conflicts, but the external conflicts.    


More than ten security guards surrounded Lin Fei. Although they were a little afraid, they still felt that they had the advantage in numbers. They surrounded Lin Fei and waited for an opportunity to attack him. They wanted to win by numbers.    


However, they kept probing him. They even took out the high-voltage electric baton that they wore on their waists, which could make people faint in an instant.    


However, Lin Fei seemed to have no pressure at all. He waved at the security guards with a smile and said, "Alright, come on. Don't waste my time here. Come here. I will let you have a good look today. What is the true Eastern Martial Arts! "    


Lin Fei's actions carried a certain degree of provocation. Those fellows finally couldn't hold themselves back and attacked.    


Each of them waved their electric baton and rushed forward. The electric baton in their hands even produced the sound of electric current sizzling.    


But unfortunately, they were too slow in Lin Fei's eyes.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


"Sizzle... Sizzle..."    


There was a muffled sound of a fist striking thunder, coupled with the sizzling sound of electric currents from the electric baton. Quite a number of security guards were lying on the ground in a disorderly manner.    


They were either sent flying by Lin Fei's fist or knocked out by the electric baton in their own people's hands. In short, they had all lost the ability to resist.    


The last security guard was also looking at his miserable condition. He looked at Lin Fei, and his eyes were filled with fear as if he had seen a devil.    


But in the end, he still gritted his teeth and rushed towards Lin Fei.    




A fist that was as fast as the wind rushed towards his face.    




The fellow was so frightened that he lost his balance. He couldn't help but let out a scream.    


At this moment, he even closed his eyes, waiting for the miserable result of being blown away.    


However, Lin Fei's fist finally stopped three inches away from his left cheek. It didn't hit him.    


However, after that guy opened his eyes, he was so scared that he fell to the ground and fell to the ground.    


"Get your ass in there. Call someone who can speak, or else they will be your end!"    


Lin Fei withdrew his fist and blew at his own fist. He said casually.    


However, when the burly security guard heard this, he immediately nodded his head and scrambled towards the interior of Du Leili's garden.    


(Not finished yet)    


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