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C216 High-quality Women

C216 High-quality Women

0The two of them just stood there in a daze, not knowing how to talk for a moment.    


Especially when Lin Fei thought of the beautiful scene that might appear next, his heart unconsciously started beating wildly.    


His heart rate increased, and the blood in his body naturally started to spurt out. It made him feel very unnatural.    


"Damn it, this is too disappointing!"    


"F * ck, I'm not a virgin, so I don't need to pretend to be a virgin!"    


"We're both fucking adults!"    


"It's not like I haven't seen the world!"    


Lin Fei secretly cursed himself for not being tough enough, but his heart could not slow down.    


"Hey, hey, hey. I've been looking forward to this day for months. Now this beauty is standing in front of me. Can I be a little angry?"    


Lin Fei encouraged himself in his heart and tried his best to calm himself down.    


"I'm not afraid of even the cruelest assassin in the world. Do you think I'm afraid of a woman?"    


"Yes, I can't be afraid at this critical moment!"    


Through this kind of self-encouragement, Lin Fei finally mustered up his courage. He stole a glance at Liu Qing, who was standing in front of him.    


However, he suddenly realized that Liu Qing's face was currently red, and her entire person was very unnatural. Even though the two of them were two meters apart, Lin Fei seemed to be able to clearly hear her heartbeat.    


Furthermore, her breathing was also especially rapid.    


She had an invisible hormones spreading out, constantly teasing Lin Fei's heartstrings. At this moment, she was exceptionally charming and charming.    


This caused the passion that Lin Fei had just forcefully calmed down to once again burn like a raging fire.    


And the fire became stronger and stronger.    


He felt that if this stalemate continued, his nose would start bleeding.    


"En, that... sir..."    


"We... have we always been standing here?"    


At this moment, Liu Qing's voice suddenly sounded.    


Her voice was very, very small, as thin as a mosquito. It did not fit her royal sister's style at all.    


Actually, she did not mean to be so quiet.    


Even after saying those words, she didn't dare to raise her head to look at the man in front of her in the eyes.    


It was as if in front of this man, all of her previous confidence had disappeared. She felt that this was like an unrealistic dream.    


Once the voice was loud, it would wake this dream up.    


However, the natural charm that came from the voice made Lin Fei's bones go numb in an instant.    


The feeling of merging the charm into his bones had hooked Lin Fei's soul in an instant.    


Lin Fei could no longer control the beast in his body. He went forward and picked Liu Qing up for the princess and strode towards the room.    


Liu Qing also obediently leaned her head against Lin Fei's neck.    


This man's broad chest made her feel unprecedentedly safe. She also felt a deep infatuation and infatuation.    


That male hormones made her eyes lose focus, so she directly kissed Lin Fei's neck.    


The rapid and wet breath blew on Lin Fei's neck, instantly making Lin Fei's heart race. It almost made Lin Fei's body turn into a piece of iron, and his footsteps upstairs also became faster and faster.    


This scene attracted the attention of many passers-by.    


They looked at the two of them with strange eyes.    


But at this moment, Lin Fei did not have the time to look at their expressions. There was only one word to describe his current feelings, and that was anxiety.    




The hotel's door was violently kicked open by Lin Fei, and then closed.    


Liu Qing was also put down by Lin Fei.    


However, the passion had already been aroused. How could it be so easily interrupted?    


Liu Qing's pair of jade feet had just touched the soft carpet of the hotel when she directly put a pair of bracelets on Lin Fei's neck.    


The bright red and soft lips directly pressed on Lin Fei's lips, and the two soft tongues instantly intertwined together.    


The heavenly lightning hooked the earth fire!    


Only heavy breathing could be heard in the entire room!    


The night wind was slightly cool!    


Everything seemed to be just right!    


"Ding, ding, ding, ding..."    


At this moment, Lin Fei's phone suddenly rang. It broke all the beautiful atmosphere in the room, and the passion that was about to be put on a show instantly came to an end.    


After hearing the phone, Liu Qing suddenly let go of the hands around Lin Fei's neck.    


The two of them instantly separated. Liu Qing turned around and did not dare to look at Lin Fei's eyes. She was like a thief who had stolen something and was caught.    



"F * ck!"    


"Who is so insensible?"    


Lin Fei complained and took out his phone from his pocket to take a look.    


It turned out to be... Sun Yunxi called.    


"Eh... School Beauty Sun..."    


It was probably because it was too strange. They had just parted ways when Sun Yunxi called him. Lin Fei actually muttered "campus belle Sun."    


Then he saw Liu Qing's cold and resentful eyes.    


Although Liu Qing was very like a royal sister, when faced with an outstanding man like Lin Fei in terms of love, she was actually very humble.    


At this moment, she did not have the spiciness of Little Pepper Xi Mengwei at all.    


First of all, it was because she was a latecomer. Secondly, it was because she felt that she was not good enough for Lin Fei.    


So at this moment, even though the good thing that she dreamed of was interrupted, and Lin Fei was in front of her, she unconsciously said the name of another woman, but she did not complain. She just used a look to express some of the resentment in her heart.    


However, although it was just a look, the pair of eyes that seemed to be able to speak seemed to be saying, "It seems that we were wrong. We should not have let sir go alone with that campus belle Sun!"    


As soon as Lin Fei finished speaking, he knew that he had said the wrong thing. He hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand, his face full of guilt.    


The phone was still ringing, but the atmosphere between the two of them suddenly became awkward.    


Fortunately, Liu Qing's ability to adjust her emotions and control her emotions were very good. She immediately smiled and stretched out her hand to indicate, "sir, take it!"    


When she had gone from Mo City with her own thoughts, she had pushed Bai Shanshui and Mr. Bai along the way. When she had braced herself to go to the dock and board the boat, she had long been mentally prepared.    


An outstanding man like Lin Fei could never only have one woman in his life.    


Furthermore, he was even more outstanding, handsome, and charming than when she first met him.    


In this world, charming men would never lack the favor of beautiful women.    


Putting oneself at ease and not asking for anything else, just wanting to stay by sir's side for a long time was already a very fortunate thing.    




Lin Fei nodded his head and picked up Sun Yunxi's call.    


In terms of who was the most sensible, Liu Qing was undoubtedly the most sensible.    


In the past, he didn't think so. But now, he really felt that the woman Bai Shanshui had given him back then was a sensible and high-quality woman.    


If Bai Shanshui wanted him to return Liu Qing to him now, Lin Fei felt that it was absolutely impossible, because it was no different from digging out the flesh in his heart.    


This woman, who had appeared in front of him for the first time as the housekeeper, had actually unknowingly already entered his heart.    


Not yet finished. )    


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