Global Check-in System

C258 He Lost the Document and He Got the Heart and He Got What He Wanted

C258 He Lost the Document and He Got the Heart and He Got What He Wanted

0By the time Lin Fei arrived at the company, he was already standing at the entrance with all the employees waiting for Lin Fei. Although it was time to get off work, none of the employees had left.    


All the security personnel, some were covering their arms, some were covering their faces, and some were covering their stomachs. It was obvious that they had an intense fight with someone just now, and it seemed like they had been seriously injured.    


Even Marcus and Matheus were injured. Marcus looked like he was seriously injured. He was sitting on a chair in the hall with a pale face and blood at the corner of his mouth.    




Franklin was lost in his thoughts. His eyes were filled with panic and panic. However, when he saw Lin Fei, his eyes started to focus.    


It was as if Lin Fei had come, and he had found someone to rely on.    


He was not the only one who felt the same way. The other employees in the company also felt the same way. When they saw Lin Fei, they all heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts.    


It was not that their expressions were exaggerated, but that the situation just now was really too terrifying and scary, because those guys actually had guns.    


Moreover, they were not the kind of people who pretended to be frightening, but the kind of people who really knew how to shoot. The kind of men in suits who shot out bullets were really too terrifying.    


"Boss, it was my dereliction of duty just now. It was because I was unable to guard the entrance of the company and protect the important information of the company. I'm sorry, I will resign from my post tomorrow!"    


At this moment, Marcus saw Lin Fei coming. He quickly got his younger brother, Matheus, to help him over, and then said to Lin Fei with incomparable guilt.    


His face was in pain. His entire tall body was hunched, and he could not straighten his waist. Clearly, his abdomen had suffered a serious injury.    


"Enough, don't say anymore..."    


Lin Fei waved his hand to signal him to stop talking. However, Butler Franklin thought that Lin Fei was really going to fire Marcus. He misunderstood Lin Fei and quickly jumped out and said, "Boss, Marcus was very brave just now, but the responsibility is not on him!"    


"Because the other side's people all have guns. They point guns at his forehead and keep hitting his abdomen, but Marcus is not willing to move aside. I only let Marcus move away because I was worried that someone would die!"    


"If you want to punish me, punish me!"    


At this moment, the air in the entire hall froze. Everyone was looking at whether the new boss was heartless or human-like.    


However, Lin Fei laughed and said, "Franklin, I think you misunderstood me. I am not going to punish him. You did the right thing. You did the right thing. I, Lin Fei, am already very pleased with your attitude! "    


"Rollin, quick, quickly arrange for Marcus to go to the hospital right away. Also, all the injured employees here will be sent to the hospital first!"    


"Listen up, all of you are my employees. You are all people with flesh and blood, people with feelings and families, and not just a machine that makes money for my company."    


"Money is an external object. Without money, we can still make more money. Without the company, we can still set up another company, but if we lose our lives, we will never have the chance to do it again."    


"So, as my employees, all of you must remember one thing. Life is more important than everything else, and it is also more important than everything else. In the future, no matter what, please take your own safety as your priority, understand?"    


Lin Fei's words instantly moved all the employees of the company until tears streamed down their faces.    


In this country where capital was supreme, capitalists only cared about capital. They only cared about exploiting the greatest remaining value of the vast labor class. When had they ever cared about their physical and mental lives?    


Therefore, Lin Fei's words touched the softest part of their hearts in an instant. It made them suddenly feel that... It turned out that this boss who came from the east had not only an iron-blooded side, but also an iron-blooded side. There was also a side of warmth and affection.    


"I understand, boss!"    


All the company employees replied in unison. At this moment, even the way they looked at Lin Fei changed. They became willing to obey and extremely sincere.    




Lin Fei nodded. He was very satisfied with this condition.    


Although the company had lost some documents, he had unexpectedly gained the hearts of the entire company. Lin Fei felt that this was called having something to gain.    


"Alright, now it's time to get off work. Everyone can rest assured and go back to rest. Don't worry. As long as I, Lin Fei, am here, this Lishi Company will not close down, and it will not change its owner!"    


After Franklin arranged for all the injured employees to go to the hospital, Lin Fei said sincerely to all the employees who stayed behind.    


However, as soon as he finished speaking, not a single employee left the hall. Even the beautiful blonde and blue-eyed young ladies at the front desk were unwilling to leave.    


"Boss, you are so good to everyone. Now that the company is in trouble, how can we just get off work and go back to rest?"    


"No, we have to stay here and get through this with you!"    


At this moment, a handsome man stepped forward and said.    


Lin Fei took a look and smiled, because he was Hoult, who had been promoted this morning and replaced Negar's position.    


This young man was really not bad. Lin Fei had a very good impression of him.    


"Right, I want to stay and face the company's difficulties together with the boss!"    


"That's right, I want to stay too!"    


"Me too!"    


"And me!"    


"Count me in..."    


... ""    


With Hoult taking the lead, all the employees stepped forward and said, No one is willing to leave at this moment. The entire company has shown unprecedented unity.    


Seeing this scene, the smile on Lin Fei's face became even more brilliant. It was because what he wanted was this cohesiveness of the people's hearts. What he wanted was this company's unity.    


However, he had already made up his mind. Ever since Franklin had mentioned that the other party had a gun, he knew that this matter would not be simple. Therefore, it was impossible for him to get these employees to join him in this mess.    


Lin Fei was such a person. Since he had taken over the company, he had to be responsible for the company and all the employees in the company.    


If he did not do it, he would not do it. If he wanted to do it, he had to do it the best. This was Lin Fei's life creed.    


"Boss, since everyone is so proactive in trying to overcome the difficulties with the company, why don't we just do what they want?"    


At this time, Franklin also said to Lin Fei.    



However, Lin Fei firmly shook his head and said, "I appreciate your kindness, but you can't help me with this matter. So now I only hope that you can continue to do your jobs on time tomorrow!"    


"But, boss..."    


"It's settled, it's settled then. Franklin, come with me! "    


Hoult really wanted to share Lin Fei's burden. He still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Fei's wave of his hand. Lin Fei then turned around and walked upstairs.    


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