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C71 I'm Not Legally Blind

C71 I'm Not Legally Blind

0As the big brother of the Black Dragon Sect, Sannbiao had been famous for his ruthlessness ever since his first day. He had never suffered such humiliation before in his life.    


"What are you all waiting for? Kill him!"    


Sannbiao shouted hysterically from the ground.    




However, it seemed like he was a bit too enthusiastic. When he yelled, the bruise on his face got affected, causing him to wince in pain.    


Lin Fei's slap was too powerful. Although he had tried his best to control his strength, it still caused Sannbiao to suffer internal injuries.    


The Black Dragon Sect men received their boss's order with bitter expressions. Although they didn't want to poke a tiger, they had to brace themselves, rushing forward with loud shouts as if rousing themselves up.    


Although Lin Fei was powerful, they had more than forty men. As the saying went, it was hard to defeat four opponents with two fists. They were banking on their numbers.    


Moreover, Lin Fei also had to divert his attention to take care of Lee Fei'er. He would be at a severe disadvantage.    


Lee Fei'er was hiding behind Lin Fei. Although her face was full of anxiety, she was not afraid of anything. She was just worried that the man in front of her would be injured because of her or that there would be more serious consequences.    


Contrary to everyone's expectations, when facing the attack of forty men, Lin Fei stood with his hands behind his back, his posture like a grandmaster teaching his disciples. He was calm and composed, and his expression was serene.    


That was not right!    


At this moment, he was indeed a grandmaster, a Tai Chi Grandmaster!    


It wasn't because he was too arrogant. The attacks of these Black Dragon Sect members were just too slow in his eyes, as if they were moving in slow-mo.    


In the next second, Lin Fei finally moved!    


He circled around Lee Fei'er at an extreme speed, throwing punches at the Black Dragon Sect members who were charging towards him.    


It was as if his punches were guided by lasers. Almost every punch landed on the bodies of the incoming Black Dragon Sect thugs.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


In the next moment, the men were instantly beaten down by Lin Fei like sandbags.    


Lin Fei was too strong. The men, who were knocked down, crashed into the brothers who were storming forward. They were sent all flying, and a majority of them were smashed to the ground.    


Once Lin Fei attacked, he would not stop!    


He was like a flood dragon swimming around a school of fish. Wherever he passed, the originally strong fighters of the Black Dragon Sect were like grass. They were all trampled under his feet and wailed in pain.    


The entire process was very short!    


In less than half a minute, the forty over men were all beaten to the ground, completely losing their ability to resist.    


The entire factory was filled with painful wails and screams. It was as if this place had turned into a haunted house in an amusement park.    


Lin Fei was wearing a white outfit and had his hands behind his back. Under the dim light, he had a relaxed and harmless expression.    


However, in everyone's eyes, he was like a white clothed Asura who had walked out of hell to punish them.    


Lin Fei ignored Liu Qiang and Lee Tianyu, who had been scared silly. He turned around and slowly walked towards Sannbiao. The fatty was slumped on the ground with a blank look on his face.    


When Lin Fei approached him step by step, fear appeared in Sannbiao's eyes for the first time.    


Ever since he stepped onto the path of underworld, he had no idea what fear was. He was a courageous man who danced with death everyday. However, he finally experienced the feeling of fear.    


Lin Fei didn't say anything. He just walked step by step, but every step he took was like stepping on Sannbiao's heart. He trembled involuntarily.    


"What do you want?"    


Sannbiao finally couldn't bear it anymore. He looked up at Lin Fei, this devil, his voice shaking.    


Lin Fei just stared at him without saying anything.    


"It's none of my business. He's the one who wanted to buy your life. You heard it yourself just now!"    


Sannbiao was so scared that he was shivering like a leaf in the wind. He pointed at Lee Tianyu, who had already collapsed to the ground due to fear. He tried to divert Lin Fei's attention.    


Lin Fei remained unmoved.    


"Lee Tianyu, didn't you say he doesn't know martial arts? This is a living Bruce Lee!    


"How dare you lie to me? If I, Sannbiao, don't die today, I'll tear you to pieces!"    


Seeing Lin Fei remain quiet, Sannbiao started cursing at Lee Tianyu. This process was too torturous for him. He had to vent his emotions somewhere.    


Sannbiao's expression was ugly to behold, and even the fat on his face was trembling.    


Lin Fei stopped in front of Sannbiao. He raised his leg and kicked at his crotch without saying a word.    




"Lin Fei, spare me...    


"No, Papa Lin, please spare my life!    


"No, Grandfather Lin, spare me!"    


Sannbiao subconsciously covered his crotch with his hands and screamed like a pig being slaughtered.    


He had already experienced his terrifying might. He didn't want to try it again.    


Therefore, he closed his eyes. In a panic, he called Lin Fei 'father' before changing it to 'grandfather.'    


Lin Fei's feet stopped in midair. It did not land, but Sannbiao had a puddle of dirty yellow water flowing out of his crotch.    


Damn it!    



He was scared to the point of peeing!    


"I didn't think that the dignified big brother of the Black Dragon Sect would be scared to the point of peeing his pants. I've learned something new today!    


"So, you also know how to be afraid!"    


Lin Fei retracted his right and laughed. He turned around and walked towards the main culprit, Lee Tianyu.    


Sannbiao looked as if he had just survived a disaster, even though he had lost all his dignity in front of his underlings.    


Nonetheless, he felt good to be alive. The other things were no longer important. His dignity was worth fart if he couldn't live another day.    


He had already decided that if he could escape today, he would disband the Black Dragon Sect and live a straight life.    


As Lin Fei got near, Lee Tianyu felt like he couldn't breathe.    


Even the big brother of the Black Dragon Sect, Sannbiao, was scared to this extent. He knew that Lin Fei wouldn't let him go easily. After all, he had paid someone to kill him.    


As for Liu Qiang, he was so scared that he almost cried. He squatted on the ground and kept shivering.    


"Lin Fei, I was wrong!    


"I promise I won't have any ideas about Fei'er in the future. I admit that she is your woman.    


"Since we are classmates, let me go!"    


As Lin Fei got closer and closer, Lee Tianyu knelt on the ground and started begging for his life.    


Lin Fei was like a god of death in his eyes.    


However, his pleading fell on deaf ears. Lin Fei stared at him without any words or expression.    


However, the gaze that seemed to pierce through his soul had scared him out of his wits. It was too torturous. It made his scalp go numb.    


"Lin Fei—no, Papa Lin, I was wrong. Son Lee Tianyu was really wrong this time. Please let me go!"    


Seeing that Lin Fei was unmoved, Lee Tianyu once again kowtowed to Lin Fei and begged for mercy. This time, he actually imitated Sannbiao's tone.    


Lin Fei finally stopped in front of him. He pointed at his shoes and said, "Just now, I kicked those people and dirtied my shoes!"    


He then stood there with his foot out, quietly looking at Lee Tianyu.    


"Yes, yes, yes. Father Lin, I'll lick them clean for you."    


Lee Tianyu immediately lowered his head and crawled on the ground. He used his tongue to lick the dust on Lin Fei's shoes.    


His dignity was completely lost. He didn't look like a young master of a wealthy family anymore. The current him was not even comparable to a pitiful worm.    


"Father Lin, are you satisfied?"    


Soon, Lee Tianyu had licked Lin Fei's shoes clean. He raised his head and asked carefully.    


"Lee Tianyu, we are classmates. I didn't want any of this to happen. But you just had to look for trouble!    


"I am not an unreasonable person. I will not kill you today, but you still have to pay the price!"    


Lin Fei swung his foot and ruthlessly kicked Lee Tianyu to the ground. He then aimed at his crotch and smashed his clean shoe down.    




Lee Tianyu rolled on the ground with his arms covering that spot in pain.    


"Since you wanted to kill me first, I'll give you this broken Johnson as a small lesson!"    


Lin Fei then walked straight to Lee Fei'er, who had been watching coldly from the side.    


After taking a couple of steps, he stopped and turned around to point at Liu Qiang. "And you. Considering that you are not that ruthless, I'll let you off for the time being. But from now on, there will be no connection between us!    


"Fei'er, let's go!"    


Lin Fei pulled Lee Fei'er's hand and walked out of the factory gate.    


When they reached the gate, he suddenly turned around and said to Sannbiao, "Sannbiao, I know that your Black Dragon Sect has done many evil deeds in Mo City. You have been at it for a long time.    


"I will give you a chance. Call the police and turn yourself in. Turn over a new leaf! If you do not do as I say, you know the consequences."    


"Yes, yes, yes. I will do as you say. I will do as you say!"    


Sannbiao said to Lin Fei respectfully. He didn't dare to raise any objections, not when they had been ruthlessly beaten by the other party.    


One mile away, Lin Fei drove his Ferrari and towards Mo City. Sirens could be heard from afar.    


There were police cars approaching from the Mo City's direction. They drove past their Ferrari and went straight to the abandoned chemical factory building.    


Lin Fei rubbed Lee Fei'er's head and gave her a reassuring smile. He drove straight towards Mo City.    


The bad guys would be caught and punished in the end.    


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