Global Check-in System

C121 I Have a Brilliant Plan

C121 I Have a Brilliant Plan

0Inside the cockpit, Xi Mengwei looked at the countless shocking bullet marks on the windshield in front of her and felt that the terrifying scene of her encounter with pirates that night was still vivid in her mind.    


At this moment, the red sun had just risen and the dark blue sea surface was even more blue and magnificent, making them feel the beauty of this world once again.    


They looked at the bright sea and sky scenery at this moment, as if all the haze from before had dissipated in an instant.    


And the yacht beneath their feet was carrying them towards a new future.    


At this moment, their hearts were also filled with an unprecedented yearning and yearning for the upcoming journey.    


Lin Fei directly increased the speed of the yacht to its maximum. Because before he completely left the sea, he was still worried that the pirates he killed would chase after them.    


Although he had special equipment now and had the ability to protect himself compared to the past, he still did not want to meet those desperate pirates in the sea again.    


He checked the fuel on the yacht and found that there was still enough fuel, so he directly located his next destination, the Blaha Island of Madagascar.    


The three beauties also surrounded him and did not leave the cockpit. They stayed with him.    


However, because they did not sleep for the whole night, after two hours, the three beauties revealed a tired face and appeared very tired. Lin Fei let them return to the bedroom to rest first.    


Although Lin Fei was also very tired now, he knew he couldn't sleep.    


Although the yacht had automatic driving mode, they had not yet left the dangerous area. He had to observe the situation outside the yacht at all times.    


The three beauties now understood the importance of taking turns on duty, so they did not hesitate too much. They nodded obediently and returned to their respective bedrooms in their respective passenger cabins.    


Lin Fei wanted to use his phone to contact Wang Jie and his parents in Mo City.    


He knew that he had disappeared for so long and had not contacted his parents. They would definitely be very anxious.    


Xi Mengwei, Liu Qing, Lee Fei'er and the other two were the same. They also wanted to get in touch with their family immediately.    


But unfortunately, all the communication tools that they had left on the yacht were taken away by the pirates. They did not find a useful communication device.    


Even the satellite phone and satellite positioning system on the yacht were destroyed by them.    


Lin Fei guessed that the pirates were worried that the system would locate the yacht after they robbed it. That was why they deliberately destroyed the systems that could communicate with the outside world.    


Fortunately, the whole yacht was still functioning normally. It took them to the Blaha Island in Madagascar.    


"Mr Lin Fei, what do you think this is?"    


However, not long after they went in, Xi Mengwei took a document bag and hurried back to the cockpit. She walked to Lin Fei and said.    


"A document bag. What documents are inside?"    


Lin Fei frowned and looked at Xi Mengwei and asked.    


"I only roughly looked at it. It seems to be an important plan."    


Xi Mengwei replied.    


"Where did you find it?"    


Lin Fei asked again.    


"I found it on the table in my bedroom."    


Xi Mengwei handed the document to Lin Fei as she spoke.    


"Okay, I got it."    


"I will take a good look later!"    


"You should go and rest early. Look at you, your dark circles are about to come out. If you don't rest soon, you'll probably turn into a cute panda national treasure. "    


Lin Fei took the document bag from Xi Mengwei's hand and said to her with a heartache.    


Xi Mengwei kissed Lin Fei on the cheek and then returned to the bedroom in the passenger cabin to rest.    


Lin Fei temporarily set the yacht to autopilot mode and then opened the folder to check.    


"Oh my god!"    


"So that's how it is!"    


"I finally understand!"    


After reading the document in the document bag, Lin Fei was shocked and couldn't help but mutter to himself.    




"What do you understand?"    


At this moment, Liu Qing suddenly appeared beside Lin Fei and said softly.    




"Xiao Qing, why haven't you taken a good rest yet?"    


Lin Fei turned his head and said softly.    




"I can't sleep. I want to stay with you!"    


Liu Qing walked over and hugged Lin Fei's arm. She looked at him gently and wanted to be with him.    




Lin Fei nodded. He tacitly agreed to Liu Qing's request to stay and accompany him.    



This time, he did not advise Xiao Qing to go and rest. Because the document just now was all in English. Although he could roughly understand it, there were some parts that might not be translated accurately. The meaning was not accurate enough, so he still needed Liu Qing, a top student of Harvard, to help him study it carefully.    


"Take a look!"    


"You will understand after reading it!"    


Lin Fei handed the document to Liu Qing and she began to read it seriously.    


"Oh my god!"    


"It turns out that the secret room under the mansion in the Kanni Island Ocean is a secret stronghold built by the pirates in Maldives!"    


Liu Qing was indeed the talented girl of Harvard. She finished reading the document very quickly. She stared at Lin Fei with her beautiful eyes and said in surprise.    


"Yes, that's right!"    


"And there is one more thing that you don't know!"    


"Actually, not long after we arrived at the Haijing villa, when the three of you went to the beach to play, a group of people came and wanted to buy my Haijing villa. At that time, I refused."    


"But they were probably worried that their identities would be discovered by the local government, so they chose to leave quickly."    


"But among the pirates I killed yesterday, one of them was the personal follower of the leader of that group of people. He was the black man with braids that I mentioned to you earlier."    


Lin Fei nodded at Liu Qing, then told her what he had encountered in the sea view villa in Maldives's Kanni Island.    


"Oh my god!"    


"So they are really a group of pirates!"    


"From the looks of it, it might not be a coincidence that we were robbed by pirates on the sea. It's very likely that they had their eyes on us in advance!"    


When Liu Qing heard this, she immediately sucked in a breath of cold air and looked at Lin Fei as she said this.    


"Xiao Qing, you are indeed a talented student of Harvard. I don't need to waste too much energy talking to you. Actually, I think so too!"    


Hearing Liu Qing say this, Lin Fei immediately laughed and praised Liu Qing.    


One had to say that Liu Qing's intelligence was indeed outstanding. She could think of this with a simple sentence. She was indeed more quick-witted than many men.    


"Sir likes it!"    


Liu Qing was a little embarrassed to be praised by Lin Fei like this, but she hugged Lin Fei's arm even tighter.    


According to Liu Qing's explanation to Lin Fei, the plan in the document connected in Lin Fei's mind and made him understand everything.    


In fact, it could not be called a document, but a very detailed conspiracy plan.    


Pirate's conspiracy plan!    


This group of pirates indeed came from Somalia Peninsula. However, because they were ostracized by the more powerful local pirate forces, they were eventually forced to leave Somalia Peninsula. They drifted on the sea all year round and made a living by robbing.    


In order to survive, they began to expand crazily east. In the end, they actually set their sights on the Maldives.    


In the beginning, they made a living by robbing some of the island's tourists. Later on, they actually bribed the local government's important members and obtained the opportunity to build a stronghold on the island.    


The basement and underground passageway under the Kanni Island Ocean View villa that Lin Fei was in was just one of their strongholds.    


It was just a coincidence that Lin Fei's system bought this villa, which was why something happened in front of the villa later on.    


It was also because of this that Lin Fei and his group were targeted by these pirates, and they wanted to kill them.    


However, the Maldives government was also very powerful, and in recent years, the attacks on the pirates had become stronger and stronger.    


The pirates on the island also had more and more difficult days, and they had no choice but to move to another place.    


At this moment, they discovered the nameless island in the center of the Indian Ocean that Lin Fei had obtained. Hence, they wanted to build a pirate kingdom on this uninhabited island.    


When all the pirates in Maldives retreated, they planned to use force to take away a large amount of resources.    


Unfortunately, all of this was known by Lin Fei, an outsider.    


"Sir, we have such a huge grudge with these pirates. I'm afraid they won't let us go!"    


"Their hunt will definitely continue. What should we do?"    


Liu Qing looked at Lin Fei worriedly and asked.    


"Xiao Qing, there is no rush. With this thing, I can find someone to help us and destroy the killing intent of these pirates!"    


"So, you can rest assured that I have a brilliant plan!"    


Lin Fei waved the document in his hand and looked at Liu Qing with a mysterious smile.    


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