Global Check-in System

C116 He Had Met an Expert

C116 He Had Met an Expert

0Lin Fei was very fast. Under the cover of the dense forest, he quickly got off the short hill by the sea and flew through the dense forest on the plain.    


He was now heading towards the beach where the pirates had landed. If everything went smoothly, he believed that he would be able to get close to the pirates who had also entered the dense forest on the plain in at most ten minutes.    


As expected!    


Ten minutes later, Lin Fei heard the sound of a group of pirates passing through the forest. He had met them in the forest.    


However, this only meant that Lin Fei had met a group of pirates on his own, because the pirates did not know about Lin Fei's existence at all.    


They probably relied on their numbers and their powerful firearms, so they chatted and laughed along the way, looking very flamboyant.    


After all!    


This was a deserted island, and they would never consider the existence of humans. The only thing they were worried about was the poisonous snakes and beasts in the forest.    


It was also because of their unguarded carelessness that Lin Fei, who possessed super hearing, had a complete grasp of their whereabouts when he approached them from afar.    


The group of pirates, led by the black man with the dirty braids, walked towards the depths of the dense forest, straight towards the slope below the cliff.    


In order to not alert the enemy, Lin Fei had been following them from a long distance. He wanted to see where they would hide the boxes on this deserted island.    


Because according to the previous situation, Lin Fei estimated that they had already hidden a part of it.    


Although they were a long distance away, Lin Fei's super hearing was still able to hear their conversation clearly.    


"Why did you shoot just now?"    


The black man with the dirty braids walked in the middle of a group of pirates. At this moment, he suddenly spoke in English.    


Because among these pirates, not all of them were black. Some of them were international criminals, so his question at this moment was not in standard English.    


"Boss, just now, because a jungle leopard suddenly appeared, it was caught off guard and directly pounced on us. That's why we shot it to death!"    


At this time, one of the pirates replied respectfully.    




The black man with braided hair nodded and fell silent.    


About ten minutes later, a huge rock suddenly appeared in front of the forest.    


The bottom of the rock was actually empty, forming a natural cave. Meanwhile, the group of pirates all stopped, taking down the wooden chest they carried on their shoulders, and placing them in the cave below the rock.    


Lin Fei guessed that this should be their destination, so he found a big tree with clear vision and slowly climbed up, hiding.    


After setting up the man-eating barrett sniper rifle in his hand, he began to monitor the pirates in front of him.    


This time!    


The black man with braided hair had brought a total of 13 pirates. Including himself, there were a total of 14 people. At this time, there were four pirates in the surroundings who were carrying guns and guarding the surroundings.    


As for the rest of the pirates, they all entered the cave and went to place the boxes they were carrying.    


Lin Fei's current location was about 600 meters away from them, and his field of vision was especially good. He could clearly see all of them.    


Furthermore, the tree that Lin Fei chose was not randomly chosen. It had another unique field of vision.    


This tree was especially tall. When one climbed to the top, they could also see the situation of the yacht through the eight-fold scope on their sniper rifle.    


In other words, Lin Fei could guarantee that he would monitor the pirates in the forest and the pirates on his yacht.    


Soon, they put the boxes away and the black man with braids took them back to the beach.    


Worried that they would be alerted, a portion of the pirates returned to the cave and used the cave as a shelter. Lin Fei waited for them to walk a bit longer before starting his hunting game.    




Lin Fei locked onto his target through the scope of the sniper rifle.    


"Ah Meng!"    


"May this pure bullet of mine, with the will of God, wash away all the sins in your body and send you to heaven!"    


Lin Fei used his left hand to gesture at the cross in front of his chest, making the final prayer before he opened fire. An evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.    


But in fact, he was not a believer of Jesus, and this was the first time he had really killed someone so calmly and clearly.    




Lin Fei pulled the trigger with his right hand, and a loud dull sound broke the silence of the forest.    


It also broke the peace of the deserted island!    


The scorching hot bullet flew out of the gun barrel and passed through the thick branches and leaves in the forest. Finally, it accurately hit the calf of the black man with braided hair.    




Due to the inertia of the barrett sniper rifle bullet, it instantly shattered the calf.    


Lin Fei could clearly see from the high definition eight-fold scope that the calf had exploded into a mist of blood. The broken parts of the calf were visible to the naked eye.    


However, it was immediately dyed blood-red by a large amount of red blood that gushed out.    


Due to the huge inertia, the black man with the dirty braids, who had lost his calf, was sent flying. He crashed into a low bush and finally stopped.    






It was only at this moment that he covered his only remaining leg and let out heart-wrenching wails.    


"Hurry up!"    


"Hide yourself!"    


"There's a sniper!"    


At this moment, a pirate roared.    


All the pirates instantly fled in all directions. The shouts and the sound of guns firing in all directions instantly caused the originally quiet forest to boil.    


Although these pirates were ferocious by nature, their discipline was extremely poor. Especially when faced with this sudden attack, they were even more chaotic, like a group of headless flies.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


Lin Fei could not help but want to vomit when he saw such a bloody scene, but at this moment, he did not show any mercy.    


He fired continuously, blowing up the heads of three pirates in a row.    


Seeing the snow-white brains and blood exploding in the air and turning into the last brilliance of their lives, Lin Fei finally could not help vomiting.    




"It hurts so much..."    


" Damn it... "    


"[Come and save me...]"    


"Everyone, don't move. There's a sniper in the forest!"    


"Get down!"    


" Calm down, calm down! "    


... "I'm going to kill you, you damn bastard!"    


Pain and angry roars mixed together. In the beautiful evening of this deserted island, it resounded through the forest by the sea.    


At this moment!    


The sunset that had not been seen for a long time in the horizon was really beautiful!    


But for those pirates who were targeted by Lin Fei, this was the biggest nightmare in their lives.    


After several pirates had died in succession, the pirates hiding behind the trees and plants were completely frightened and no longer dared to move.    


They knew that they could die at any time, and not be joking!    


The black man with the dirty braids was still lying on the grassland of the shrubbery, but Lin Fei did not intend to kill him at this moment.    




Lin Fei had used him as bait to lure the other pirates into taking the bait. Once those pirates went to save him, he could easily kill them.    


"Hurry up!"    


"Hurry up and save me, I can't move!"    


"Pull me behind that tree!"    


The black man with braids had a strong desire to live. Although he could not move, he looked in a direction and extended his hand to signal the pirate.    


However, Lin Fei had killed three pirates in a row. At this moment, the corpses were still beside the black man with the braids. The scene was horrible. The pirate did not dare to continue taking the risk.    


"I called you over to save me. Didn't you hear me clearly?"    


The black man with the dirty braids saw that the pirate did not move and immediately endured the pain. He gritted his teeth and took out a pistol, pointing it at the pirate.    


Due to the pressure, the pirate hiding behind the tree finally mustered up his courage and quickly moved towards the black man with braided hair.    




A scorching bullet flew out!    


Following that, a dark red snowflake appeared!    


The pirate who was charging at an extremely fast speed was once again headshot. With inertia, his body actually fell onto the body of the black man with plaited hair.    


Brain matter and blood splattered all over his face!    




"Bang, bang, bang..."    


... "Oh my god!"    


"Which bastard is going to use such vicious methods against us!?"    


"Come out!"    


"Come out, come out!"    


The black man with the braided hair wiped the blood and brain on his face. He was almost driven crazy. He fired wildly in all directions while roaring.    


At this moment!    


The rest of the pirates did not dare to move!    


The black man with braids forced himself to calm down. He took out his phone and called the people on the yacht.    





"We encountered a sniper on the island!"    


"Hurry up!"    


"Everyone, support us on the island! "    


The black man with braids roared on his phone. At this moment, he did not have the time to think about whether his enemies would hear him.    


Lin Fei knew that all the pirates in the forest did not dare to move. He put away his gun and quickly climbed to the top of the big tree.    


In fact, the reason he wanted to hurt the black man with the dirty braids and not kill him directly was to lure out all the pirates on the yacht.    


As expected!    


After the pirates on the yacht received the orders from their boss, they instantly moved out. A total of more than ten pirates began to dive into the sea, heading towards the beach.    




When the pirates all climbed onto the shore, Lin Fei pulled the trigger and hit another pirate.    


This caused the pirates who were about to enter the forest to help to lie prone on the beach, not daring to take another step forward.    


Lin Fei's plan was to stop their rescue. He wanted to drag both groups of people to the island and kill them one by one.    


However, at this moment, due to the huge recoil from the Barett, Lin Fei's body tilted and almost fell off the tree.    




Almost at the same time, a bullet that looked exactly the same as the barrett sniper rifle in his hand whistled past his left shoulder and cut through his brand new camouflage uniform.    




Lin Fei lowered his body and instantly realized that something was wrong. He immediately jumped down from the tree like a monkey.    


Lin Fei's heart was beating wildly. The bullet just now was actually aimed at his head. If it was not for the fact that his body's center of gravity was shifted, he would have been a cold corpse by now.    


It was the powerful recoil from the Barett that saved his life!    


According to the gunshot just now, the sniper was lying in ambush in the direction of the yacht.    


Lin Fei had only fired a shot in the direction of the beach just now, and the enemy had already determined his position.    


Furthermore, the yacht was at least three thousand meters away from here. His trajectory was so precise that it could be seen that he was an expert.    




"Looks like I've encountered an expert!"    


Lin Fei sat under the tree and grinned. He knew that he had been careless earlier and seemed to have underestimated the abilities of these pirates.    


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