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C107 The Sound of Breathing Outside the Cave

C107 The Sound of Breathing Outside the Cave

0Fortunately, the wood was not too thick. With Lin Fei's current physique, carrying five pieces of wood on his shoulder was not too much of a burden.    


Lin Fei quickly carried the wood back to the cave entrance and threw all the wood onto the ground.    


The three beauties sat in the cave and chatted. At this time, they saw Lin Fei carrying the wood back and surrounded him.    




This time, the three women were all stunned. They did not understand what Lin Fei was going to do!    


"Xiao Fei, what are you going to do?"    


Lee Fei'er looked at Lin Fei and asked.    


"Oh, I plan to use these wood to make a strong and solid wooden door for this cave. This way, we can sleep more peacefully at night!"    


Lin Fei explained to Lee Fei'er as he picked up a piece of wood to compare the height of the cave.    


He found that these pieces of wood were cut perfectly. Each piece was a bit taller than the rock at the cave entrance.    


Then Lin Fei quickly ran towards the direction of the rest of the wood.    


"Mr Lin Fei, where are you going?"    


Xi Mengwei saw Lin Fei turn around and run back into the dense forest, so she immediately asked Lin Fei.    


"Carry the wood!"    


"There are still a lot of there!"    


Lin Fei answered her as he ran at an extremely fast speed.    


"Wait, let's go over there and move them too!"    


At this moment, Xi Mengwei finished speaking and ran in Lin Fei's direction without any explanation.    


"Mengwei, go back quickly!"    


"Are you kidding me?"    


"You are a woman. That is not something you should do!" said ___.    


Seeing Xi Mengwei run over, Lin Fei could only stop again. He turned around and said to Xi Mengwei, who was running towards him at high speed.    


When Xi Mengwei ran in front of him, Lin Fei used his hand to touch her head and said to her, "Silly girl, that is what men should do."    


"Be obedient!"    


" Hurry up and go back! "    


"Sir, let's do it with you! "    


Just as Xi Mengwei was about to refute Lin Fei's words, Liu Qing also spoke at this time.    


"Xiao Qing, why are you also messing around with her?"    


"All of you listen up and go back obediently. Don't delay any more time. Otherwise, I will get angry!"    


Lin Fei looked at Liu Qing and said with a frown.    


He had always thought that Liu Qing was very sensible. This time, she actually did not listen to his arrangements.    


"Sir, we are not messing around. We want to be with you!"    


"You said that you will not leave us behind again. You also said that we need to work together and live together!"    


"So I just want to be healthy when we leave this place in the end. No one should fall behind, that's all! "    


Liu Qing looked at Lin Fei and said in a serious tone.    


After saying that, she waved her hand and said, "Let's go, sisters. Carry the wood. From this moment on, there is no distinction between men and women on the island. There are only people who work harder to continue living!"    


She carried the spear on her shoulder and walked past Lin Fei. She brought Lee Fei'er and Xi Mengwei towards the wood.    


She looked like a big sister.    


At this moment, the cold demeanor of a big sister was portrayed by her in a different way.    


"As expected, she is still the same person who is filled with coldness!"    


"There is no solution!"    


Lin Fei looked at the three beauties walking in front of him and muttered helplessly, but his heart was once again filled with warmth.    


The four of them began to work together to carry the wood.    


With the addition of the beauties, the speed at which they moved the wood was indeed much faster.    


Lin Fei was still carrying five pieces at a time. The three of them carried one each, so that they could carry eight pieces back at a time.    


This time, the few rich girls showed their strong willpower once again. The three beauties carried the wood and ground their shoulders red, but they did not cry out in pain.    


With the addition of the beauties, all the wood was transported around three o'clock in the afternoon.    


Lin Fei took back the soaked vines from the stream and started to make the wooden door.    


Lin Fei first placed the wood on the ground in a cross shape. He first fixed a part of the wood with the vines and made a basic framework.    


After he finished, he pushed them up and placed them at the cave entrance. He then added and fixed them.    


Because if he added all the wood on the wooden door, the weight would be too great. With the strength of the four of them, it was simply impossible to succeed.    


Very quickly, the frame was completed. The four of them worked together to push the frame of the wooden door up. Lin Fei used the wooden door to climb to the cliff above the cave.    


There was a platform about three meters wide on top of the cliff. There were many thick banyan trees and old vines growing on the platform.    


Lin Fei used strong vines to hang the wooden door up. It was about five centimeters away from the ground, and then he fixed the frame of the wooden door to the cave entrance.    


Then he walked down and started to add wood to the frame of the wooden door. He used vines to fix it.    


Lin Fei kept working like this. When the sun set, a brand new wooden door was firmly hanging at the entrance of the cave.    


"Tonight, we can finally have a good sleep!"    


Standing at the entrance of the cave, Lin Fei looked at the fruits of his hard work for the whole day. He grinned and said happily to the three beauties beside him.    




"We can finally rest peacefully tonight!"    


"Open your mouth!"    


"Mr Lin Fei, thank you for your hard work. Have a strawberry. "    


Xi Mengwei fed Lin Fei a wild strawberry from the side. A happy smile appeared on her face.    


Although the wooden door looked quite heavy, as long as a person gently pulled it out, they could easily enter the cave from the outside.    


Although there was no fixed position below, animals were absolutely unable to enter because they could not pull it out.    


Today was their fourth day on the island!    


On the fourth day, they were able to have such a perfect shelter. Lin Fei felt that they were too lucky!    




"Girls, go to the stream and bring back those sunburned artemisia, and make our bed tonight!"    


"I'll prepare a sumptuous dinner for you right now!"    


After Lin Fei finished speaking, he opened the wooden door and went into the cave to take out the wild rabbit. He took the axe and walked to the side.    


The three beauties also put away the dried artemisia by the side.    


After that, they began to move on their own.    


Lin Fei prepared dinner while the three beauties busied themselves in the innermost part of the cave, finding the most flat place to lay the bed!    


At night!    


A bright bonfire was lit in the cave!    


Lin Fei used a wooden stick to put on the rabbit that had already been skinned and washed. He used two taller stones to put up the wooden stick and placed the rabbit on top of the fire.    


The strong bonfire continued to bake the rabbit's body. Soon, the rabbit was roasted until it sizzled and emitted a tempting smell of meat.    


This kind of taste was the most painful torture for the four of them who had not tasted meat for a long time.    


Therefore, the entire process of waiting for the wild rabbit to be roasted became especially long, as if every minute, every minute, was as long as a year. It was especially unbearable.    


The rabbit meat was gradually roasted by the scorching fire below. It was golden yellow and emitted an increasingly rich fragrance.    


The sound of four people swallowing their saliva continuously echoed throughout the entire cave. Everyone's Adam's apple moved, and their minds kept thinking about the wonderful feeling of waiting for the roasted rabbit to enter their mouths.    


In order to completely roast the rabbit meat, Lin Fei took out the roasted rabbit meat that was already golden. He used a small wooden stick to poke a slightly thicker area before continuing to roast the meat that was not yet cooked.    


However, the three beauties mistakenly thought that the rabbit meat had already been roasted. They almost couldn't hold themselves back and directly fought over it without caring about their image.    


But it was still alright!    


In the end, their rationality still won over hunger!    


As the rabbit meat on the fire kept dripping oil, the sizzling sound became less and less, and the rabbit was roasted until it became brighter and brighter.    




When the fragrance of the wild rabbit meat filled the entire cave, Lin Fei grinned and moved the wooden stick away from the fire once again.    


But at this time, the three beauties could no longer look away from the roasted rabbit on the wooden stick.    




"Finally f * cking cooked!"    


"Its outer skin is crispy and tender inside. It's just right!"    


Lin Fei laughed and first used the axe that he had washed in the stream to cut off a rabbit leg and said to Xi Mengwei, "Come, Mengwei, this is for you!"    


Lin Fei's voice echoed in the cave. At this moment, it was as beautiful as the sound of nature.    


Xi Mengwei did not hold back. She grabbed the fat rabbit leg and started to eat it.    


At this moment, she completely ignored her image and temperament, because at this moment, all of this had nothing to do with her!    




Lin Fei used the axe to cut off two legs and gave them to Lee Fei'er and Liu Qing respectively.    


Then he also grabbed a rabbit leg and started to eat it without caring about his image. It just happened to have four legs, one for each person.    


When the rabbit meat entered his mouth, the greasy and crisp feeling instantly conquered his taste buds.    



Although the roasted rabbit meat was light because they did not have salt now, at this moment, they still felt that the most delicious food they had ever eaten in their lives was at this moment.    


After a round of splitting, the fat rabbit was eaten by the four of them at a speed visible to the naked eye. Very soon, only a pile of bone residue was left, along with four people whose mouths were full of oil.    


The four of them looked at each other and finally could not help but laugh heartily.    


On the fourth day on the island!    


Everyone could finally sit together peacefully, snuggling against the fire and chatting happily!    


This was a huge improvement!    


Lin Fei looked at this scene and felt deeply moved in his heart.    


He felt that he had completed the initial construction of the cave shelter. Next, he could slowly carry out his next plan.    


It was getting late at night!    


The three beautiful women sat around the fire. They looked tired. Lin Fei was about to ask them to go to bed.    


However, at this moment, he suddenly heard heavy breathing outside the wooden door of the cave.    


His entire body suddenly tensed up. He quickly pushed the three beauties with his hand, indicating that they should lean against the innermost wall of the cave.    


Only then did he hold the axe and the spear. His footsteps were very light as he slowly approached the wooden door that had just been built during the day.    


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