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C70 Shocking Everyone with One Move

C70 Shocking Everyone with One Move

0"Lin Fei..."    


When Lee Fei'er saw Lin Fei, she couldn't hold her tears in anymore. She threw herself into Lin Fei's arms and hugged him tightly as if she was afraid he would leave her alone with these beasts. Her tears fell like rain.    


Her face was buried on his shoulder, and she cried her heart out. She completely forgot that they were still in a dangerous situation.    


Lin Fei's shoulders were like an unshakable mountain. Lee Fei'er felt an unprecedented sense of security.    


She felt that as long as Lin Fei was here, she needn't be afraid of anything. Although their lives were in peril at the moment, she had the courage to face any danger.    


Under Sannbiao's order, the men of the Black Dragon Sect inside and outside the factory rushed over like a swarm of bees, surrounding Lin Fei and Lee Fei'er tightly in a circle.    


The Black Dragon Sect's men were strong and muscular, their muscles bulging out of their shirts. Clearly, they were well-trained fighters, and they were all quite good at fighting.    


For anyone in this situation, unless he could fight against many people alone, it would be really difficult for him to escape unscathed, however strong he was. After all, no matter what, one man meant only one pair of fists.    


Besides, Lin Fei still had to protect a woman!    


Looking at this situation, Lee Tianyu felt that no matter how powerful Lin Fei really was, he wouldn't possibly have any hope of winning tonight. Maybe he was just putting on an act by breaking the wall.    


Therefore, he got to his feet with renewed courage. He looked at Lin Fei and laughed. "Hahahaha, it's so touching. Lin Fei, you are so sentimental and righteous. You actually came here alone. You have balls, I'll give you that!"    


Since Lin Fei chose to break through the wall from the back and did not use the main gate, he did not come here to give them money. He was here to fight.    


Lee Tianyu wasn't the only one with brains. Sannbiao and his underlings also understood what was going on.    


Furthermore, Lee Tianyu knew that, given Lin Fei's personality, he wouldn't make any ordinary decisions. Therefore, he had already predicted that such a situation would occur.    


In fact, he was not in it for the money at all; he had enough of it. He just wanted to lure Lin Fei over and get rid of him for good. Because of Lin Fei, Lee Fei'er refused to even glance at him anymore. His presence had completely thrown him out of the picture.    


After Lee Tianyu finished speaking, he paused for a moment. "However, as the saying goes, heroes love beauties since ancient times, but in the end, heroes have to pay the price for beauties.    


"Although you have the guts to come, I'm afraid you won't have the luck to leave alive!    


"Even though you have achieved a meteoric rise recently, it is a pity that your luck has run out. This is your fate, something you're destined to never escape for the rest of your life. Hahahaha..."    


Lee Tianyu started to laugh wildly as if he had already won.    


He then looked at Sannbiao and said, "Big Brother Sannbiao, I've changed my mind. I offered you 30 million to teach him a lesson before. Now I'm offering you 80 million to end his life. Do you want to take this order?"    


Lee Tianyu wasn't a fool. He knew that Lin Fei was no ordinary person. Since they had already become enemies, he might as well get rid of him once and for all. Otherwise, he would leave behind endless trouble.    


Sannbiao frowned. The authorities were tightening the noose around their necks. Therefore, he had to be cautious, treading every step lightly.    


However, he could not resist the temptation of money.    


A ruthless glint flashed in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "Since you are so sincere, how can I say no? I'll do it!"    


Sannbiao had given it deep consideration. He felt that as they were in the wilderness, if they did not leave any traces behind, nothing would happen.    


That was a deal worth 80 million, enough for the Black Dragon Sect to take a risk.    


Besides, they were already living on edge. One man's life would make no difference.    


"Tianyu, that's a bit too much, isn't it? Didn't we say we would only teach them a lesson? If you kill him, I'm afraid—"    


When Liu Qiang heard that they were going to kill Lin Fei, his expression changed drastically. He pulled Lee Tianyu's arm and tried to convince him otherwise.    


Compared to Lee Tianyu, he was just an ordinary person. He had never been in a situation where someone's life was at risk. Thinking about the consequences, he suddenly grew cold feet.    


Before he could finish, Lee Tianyu waved his hand and interrupted him. He said coldly, "What are you afraid of? I'll take care of everything!"    


Hearing Lee Tianyu's words, Liu Qiang immediately retreated to the side. He did not dare to complain anymore. But still, he looked quite worried and anxious.    




However, Lin Fei suddenly burst into laughter.    


Lin Fei's unexpected reaction threw Lee Tianyu off. Sannbiao's heart also shuddered inexplicably.    


"Lin Fei, what are you laughing about? You can't wait to go to hell anymore?"    


Lee Tianyu looked at Lin Fei and sneered coldly.    


Lin Fei did not pay this clown any heed. Instead, he patted Lee Fei'er's shoulder gently and said, "Alright, Fei'er, stop crying. Let me deal with these annoying flies first."    




Lee Fei'er nodded gently and straightened her body. She stood behind Lin Fei like a startled little bird, looking very obedient.    


"Humph, laugh all you want, Lin Fei. After all, this might be your last laugh in this world. Enjoy it to your heart's content. Because when you are beaten to death by later, I'm afraid you won't be able to even smile!"    


After getting disregarded, Lee Tianyu felt humiliated. His tone and words turned sinister.    


He then glanced at Sannbiao and signaled him that he could make his move.    


Sannbiao nodded at Lee Tianyu and said, "Tianyu, don't worry. His life is yours!"    


Sannbiao waved at his underlings and said, "Guys, you know what to do. If you get it done swiftly and cleanly, each of you gets a million each!"    


The moment Sannbiao's voice fell, his men instantly revealed a ferocious look. However, before they rushed towards Lin Fei, he had already taken a step forward and left an afterimage behind. He slapped Sannbiao across the face, leaving a clear handprint on it.    




Lin Fei swayed and returned to his original position. His mouth had spoken only one word to them.    




"Ah! My face, my face..."    


The huge force sent the fat Sannbiao flying like a rocket. He slammed on the ground a few meters away, making a loud thud.    



Sannbiao covered his face with his hands and screamed in pain like a pig being slaughtered.    


During the entire process, Lin Fei's speed was so fast that it was as if he had turned into a ghost. To the other thugs, he had never moved from the beginning to the end.    


If it wasn't for Sannbiao, who was curled up on the ground like a shrimp and wailing in pain, proving that Lin Fei had indeed attacked, everyone here would have believed that Lin Fei hadn't moved at all.    


Lin Fei's speed was too fast for them to even react. The Black Dragon Sect men were stunned on the spot. They hesitated for a moment and didn't dare to rashly step forward.    


After a moment, Sannbiao struggled to get up from the ground. Everyone finally saw his face. Half of it was swollen into a nasty look.    


His tragic state was as if he had not been slapped but suffered a car accident.    


Everyone became even more hesitant. Fear had taken root in their hearts.    


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