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C50 Finish These Three Glasses of Wine And We're Brothers

C50 Finish These Three Glasses of Wine And We're Brothers

0"It was I who didn't treat you well. I'll punish myself with three glasses of wine. I apologize to you!"    


After entering the private room and taking their seats, Bai Shanshui stood up and poured three glasses of white wine. He was sincere.    


"Ai, Mr. Bai, how can I be worthy of your punishment?"    


Lin Fei quickly reached out and stopped Bai Shanshui.    


"I invited you, but I did not treat you well. It was my mistake, so I apologize for my insincerity."    


Bai Shanshui ignored Lin Fei's advice and insisted on punishing himself to show his sincerity.    


"Mr. Bai, wine hurts the body. I don't want this kind of sincerity that hurts your body!    


"If Mr. Bai is really sincere, why don't you give me your company's Chief Liu? I think she does things professionally, and I happen to lack such a secretary by my side!"    


When Lin Fei saw that he really could not stop Bai Shanshui, who insisted on punishing himself, he decided to change his tactics.    


As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Shanshui, Xi Mengwei, and Liu Qing, who were the only people in the room, opened their eyes wide and looked at him at the same time.    


Bai Shanshui did not expect Lin Fei to be such a frivolous person. A trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.    


Xi Mengwei's hostility towards Liu Qing became even more intense.    


However, Liu Qing, the party involved, revealed a innocent look. She had no idea what Lin Fei was doing.    


Having dinner with such a super boss, she had already acted low-key, but she did not expect that she would still be targeted.    


Could this be the trouble brought about by one's good looks?    


"Haha, it's just a joke. Mr. Bai didn't take my words seriously, did you?    


"Mr. Bai insisted on drinking just now. I'm worried that the alcohol will hurt your body!    


"However, since Mr Bai is so earnest, how can I, Lin Fei, be a coward? If you want three glasses of wine, I'll also drink three glasses with you!    


"But these glasses are not for punishment. I'm willing to use them to show my sincerity in becoming brothers with Mr Bai."    


"I just don't know if you dare to drink this wine or not, Mr. Bai."    


Seeing the trio's intense reactions, Lin Fei immediately laughed out loud. He waved his hand and said heroically.    


"Hahahaha, why wouldn't I dare? I didn't expect you to be such a fearless person. My admiration for you is increasing all the more. There's no need to say anything. From now on, you and I are brothers!"    


Bai Shanshui laughed and spoke in an incomparably bold manner.    


He had specially arranged a dinner today to befriend Lin Fei. Now that Lin Fei was taking the initiative, it saved him a lot of trouble.    


"Alright, let's drink!"    


Lin Fei poured himself three glasses of wine, picked one up, and raised it to Bai Shanshui.    


"Hmm... Since we're going to be brothers, why are you still calling me Mr. Bai?"    


Bai Shanshui frowned and asked Lin Fei.    


Lin Fei was also surprised. He did not think how to call him, so he seemed to be in a difficult position.    


Bai Shanshui naturally understood his thoughts. He immediately took the initiative to say, "In terms of age, I should be a few years older than you. If you don't mind, just call me big brother from now on."    


"Big brother!"    


Lin Fei was waiting for this sentence, so he immediately shouted.    


"Haha, good brother, come, come, cheers!"    


Bai Shanshui walked over and hugged Lin Fei's shoulder. The two clinked their glasses and downed the wine in one gulp.    


"Haha, great!"    






After the two of them finished the three glasses of wine, they had already established a jovial atmosphere for the banquet. The awkwardness of strangers was nowhere to be seen.    


The atmosphere of the banquet was needless to say. Lin Fei and Bai Shanshui were like old friends at first sight. They chatted and laughed as if they had just reunited after many years.    


Once these men drank the wine, it seemed that women were thrown out of their minds. Liu Qing and Xi Mengwei, two great beauties, felt a little bored.    


Xi Mengwei was already full of hostility and wariness towards Liu Qing, so it was even more impossible for the two of them to have any interaction.    


If it were other times, Xi Mengwei would have long left such a boring gathering. However, because of Lin Fei, everything became different in her eyes.    


Lin Fei was already mysterious, to begin with, and now he had become brothers with a famous person in Mo City. She couldn't get rig of his shadow in her heart even if she wanted to.    


This man was full of temptation to her. She decided that she would stay by his side and watch him.    


As the wine went down their throats, the relationship between the two became increasingly warm. The time flashed by, and they couldn't find anything more to talk about. Although they had become brothers, they didn't know each other that well.    


"Big brother, wine is harmful to the body. You are busy with work every day, so we should end the meal here!"    


After the two of them drank another glass, Lin Fei looked at Bai Shanshui, who was somewhat drunk, and said with a smile.    


Perhaps the system had improved his alcohol tolerance a lot. Lin Fei felt that after drinking more than ten glasses, he wasn't drunk at all.    


Bai Shanshui looked at Lin Fei. He was still not completely wasted, so he understood Lin Fei's good intentions.    


If he insisted on drinking, he would not be able to work tomorrow. He smiled. "Fei, you're really good at drinking. I admire you. We will stop here tonight!"    


The dinner ended in such a pleasant atmosphere.    



Outside the main gate of Lou Wailou Restaurant, Bai Shanshui held Lin Fei's hand and said, "Fei, in the future, if you need anything, call Big Brother. In Mo City, Big Brother believes that no matter who it is, they will give me face."    


"Alright, Big Brother, slow down!"    


Lin Fei nodded and sent Bai Shanshui to a Rolls-Royce Phantom. Then, he waved goodbye to him.    


Lin Fei turned to Xi Mengwei and said, "I can't drive, so I'm afraid you will have to give me a lift."    


"Don't worry. I promise to be a good driver and send you home safely."    


Xi Mengwei smiled and patted her chest.    


The dinner was over, and it was time to leave. She was worried about how she should stay by Lin Fei's side, but his words gave her a reason.    


"Hehe, remember that I need a driver, not a racer!"    


Lin Fei looked at Xi Mengwei's cute appearance and immediately hooked his hand on her chin, gently warning her.    


"Got it, Lin Fei!"    


Xi Mengwei pouted. Her expression suggested that she knew she was wrong/.    


"Qing, do you want to go with us?"    


Lin Fei noticed Liu Qing standing at the side and offered her an invitation.    


But his words made Xi Mengwei clench her fists. Her eyes glared at Liu Qing, making her scalp go numb.    


"No, no, I drove here myself!"    


Glancing at Xi Mengwei, Liu Qing immediately waved her hands. This little girl's eyes were too fierce. It really caught her off guard, and she was unable to defend herself.    


"Oh, that's good. Drive slower on the road!"    


Lin Fei nodded. After throwing away this sentence, he and Xi Mengwei walked towards her car.    


Liu Qing also turned around and walked towards her car, ready to leave.    




"Young Master Long, do you want me to find a few brothers and silence him?"    


At this moment, on the other side of the road, in an Aston Martin DBS, a bodyguard whispered to Long Jingtao, who was sitting in the driver's seat.    


He made a throat-cutting gesture to Long Jingtao, his eyes full of killing intent.    


Long Jingtao did not leave and had seen everything that had happened in front of the Lou Wailou Restaurant's main gate.    


Initially, he wanted to stay here and teach Lin Fei a lesson. However, after seeing Lin Fei and Bai Shanshui address each other as brothers and hearing what Bai Shanshui said to Lin Fei, he knew better. Lin Fei was probably someone he couldn't kill for now.    


"Sigh, forget it. We can't touch him. Tell our brothers to retreat!"    


Long Jingtao sighed helplessly.    


"Young Master Long, are we going to let him go just like that?"    


The bodyguard frowned with dissatisfaction.    


"Go. Do as I say!"    


Long Jingtao did not wait anymore. He started the car and left at high speed.    


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