Super Charge System In City

C99 Wa System You Dog Thief

C99 Wa System You Dog Thief

0The tiger roared, the divine dragon roared, and the crane spread its wings … The five forms rushed down from the sky, as if mountains and rivers were turning upside down, and even the river of stars was pressing down.    


At this moment, the two skeletons stopped their steps. They suddenly raised their heads and felt the punch from Lingchen, and their bodies started to tremble.    


Lingchen's punch contained his own path.    


World Suppression!    


What came down wasn't a fist, but a river of stars.    


Two skeletons were resisting?    


In the blink of an eye, he was sent flying. His armor fell with jingling sounds and landed on the floor.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Their tall bodies slammed into the wall and exploded. White bones scattered all over the ground.    


Lingchen landed on the ground and heard the system's voice.    


"The members have been fighting for too long today, I suggest you take a break."    


He also did not know how long he had fought for today, or how many skeletons he had beaten.    


But since the system said so, he left Yue Ye Castle and returned to the safe house.    


Lingchen had to summarize today's battle and learn from it. At the same time, his body was truly tired.    


There were clothes and food in the system. After he showered and ate, he sat on the bed.    


After battling for an entire day, he suddenly sat down quietly. Lingchen felt that something was not right, and he felt a surge of hostility in his heart. He wanted to continue fighting.    




The System's voice rang out.    


"A prolonged battle will affect the member's dao heart. If I don't adjust my body and mind in time, breaking through in the future will attract many inner demons."    


"The system recommends Tranquil Heart Pill to members."    


"Detected a change in the membership, staying here for a long period of time will affect the new mindset of the members, so the content of the instance dungeon will be adjusted. Members must complete the quest within 48 hours."    


Lingchen: "..."    


The system would screw over him.    


It actually had a time limit!    


As such, his dream of becoming rich was completely shattered.    


It was impossible to get rid of all the skeletons in the castle within 48 hours, let alone the possibility that there were even stronger existences inside.    


"Forget it, let's go check out the system's recommendation."    


Lingchen was just joking. This time around, he had gained a lot from the system. Just the training path was enough for him.    


He opened the system store and searched according to the system prompt. As expected, he saw the Tranquil Heart Pill.    


But the price.    


20 diamonds!    


Lingchen's mouth twitched as he thought in his heart, "As expected of the System, it is indeed uneasy and kind."    




But he bought it anyway.    


This kind of thing could be bought, but it was good for the body.    


Lingchen checked the system notification.    


"Congratulations Member for obtaining diamond: 58, Broken Knife: 105, Broken Armor: 9, Fine Steel: 8, Foundation Establishment Fruit: 20, Cultivation Fruit: 5."    


Seeing this, Lingchen felt relieved.    


The system gave him the money and used that money to buy the pill.    


Not a loss.    


There will be a day when the system goes bankrupt, Lingchen thought.    


He took out the pill and raised his head to eat it.    


Suddenly, a feeling of clarity rushed into his heart. The hostility in his heart disappeared in an instant, as if he had seen mountains and rivers, and he felt extremely comfortable.    


"It really is useful."    


Lingchen was happy.    


At this moment, he was in a good mood to consider the original quest of this instance dungeon.    


After some careful consideration, he decided that it was time to investigate the Main Mission.    


After resting for five hours.    


Lingchen once again headed towards the direction of the Yue Ye Castle.    


He returned once again. He wouldn't hide like the first time, but directly killed his way in.    


No one could stop him.    



Even the Skeleton Captain was easily defeated by Lingchen.    


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