Shura Martial God

C80 Divination

C80 Divination



Chu Fann slapped a soldier, causing his teeth to fall out of his mouth.    


The other soldier was extremely afraid, and after hesitating for a moment, he prepared to drink it.    




How could Chu Fann give him the chance? He kicked the soldier's knee.    


The soldier knelt on the ground and howled in pain.    


There were two other people who were shocked. When they saw Chu Fann's eyes, they immediately shivered. They were suppressed by the powerful courage and almost coughed up blood.    


That gaze seemed to be able to see through the right and wrong of the world, and all the schemes and plots in the world.    


"How dare you, Chu Fann? Why did you hurt my soldiers for no reason? What is your intention?" Qin Xiaoyan couldn't wait any longer. He immediately roared furiously, trying to hide his fear.    


"If they don't drink, this is the punishment. Look, if they don't drink, I will continue to fight. "    


Chu Fann took the potion from the remaining two soldiers and put it in his arms.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Chu Fann did not say anything more. He punched and kicked, immediately beating the few of them until their faces were swollen and they kept howling in pain.    


His foot stepped on one of their faces, and Chu Fann shouted again. "Are you going to drink or not? I don't want to drink. Then tell the truth!"    


"Mr. Chu, don't hit me. I'll tell you, I've confessed everything. It was General Qin Xiaoyan who wanted us to do it. . . "    


The soldier's teeth were crushed by Chu Fann, and he could not speak clearly. He began to speak in detail.    


When the other soldiers saw this, they could only tell the truth. They did not dare to lie at all.    


They knew that even if they did not tell the truth, as long as they drank Mr. Chu's medicine, they still had to say it in the end, so they could only tell the truth.    


Qin Xiaoyan pointed at the soldiers and shouted angrily, "It's purely slander. When did I order you? These few days, I have already left the Imperial City and went to the Azure Haze Province adjacent to the Xiongshan State. How could it be me?"    


Qin Xiaoyan insisted that he was not in the Imperial City a few days ago.    


"Do you have a witness?"    


Zhao Xumin asked Qin Xiaoyan.    


Qin Xiaoyan immediately replied, "I don't have a witness, but every word I say is true. It must be the four of them who want to slander me. Your Highness, please believe me!"    


With that, Qin Xiaoyan immediately knelt down and kowtowed to the First Prince, his face covered in snot and tears.    


The First Prince was suspicious. When he saw Qin Xiaoyan's sincere expression, he nodded and said, "Get up, I believe you. I'll pardon your crime. Kill the four of them. "    


With that, the First Prince thought that the case had been solved and immediately left.    


Swish! Swish! Swish!    


Four soldiers were beheaded in the blink of an eye.    


Zhao Xin and his mother were saved, and they were all very grateful to Chu Fann and Zhao Xumin.    


Many people also thought that the case was over, and they all left.    


"Haha, Mr. Chu, Zhao Xin, since the truth has been revealed, I will also leave now. " Qin Xiaoyan walked over and cupped his hands. He felt proud of himself, and his eyes flashed with ridicule.    


All the soldiers and guards followed Qin Xiaoyan and left, making the execution ground extremely spacious.    


Zhao Xumin said with hatred. "Mr. Fann, it is obviously Qin Xiaoyan's evil scheme. I must seek justice for General Zhao Xin!"    


As he spoke, Zhao Xumin wanted to chase after Qin Xiaoyan, who was about to leave.    


"Ninth Prince, Zhao Xin will remember your kindness, but we do not have any evidence. "    


Zhao Xin held the Vermillion Bird Chrysanthemum Spear in his hand and sighed helplessly.    


At this moment, Chu Fann had saved Zhao Xin's mother and gave Zhao Xin some medicine to treat her wound.    


"Thank you Mr. Chu and Ninth Prince for saving my life!"    


Zhao Xin and his mother knelt down together, expressing their gratitude.    


Chu Fann counted with his fingers and threw a few straws on the ground. Three copper coins fell down, and he frowned as he calculated carefully.    


The straws and copper coins that fell had a strange rule.    


Chu Fann made some hand seals on the side. It was quite strange and dazzled the few of them.    


"Eh, this is the Divination Art! Oh my god, Master Chu Fann, you know this too? " Nalan Chunqiu, who was in the distance, immediately ran over with her eyes wide open and sighed in shock.    


Divination was harder than alchemy, talisman making, and artifact making.    


In the Zilai Ancient Kingdom, there were very few Grade One Clairvoyant. One in a hundred.    


"Of course, the art of divination is also the Profound Arts. I naturally know it. "    


Chu Fann calculated for a while and said with a faint smile, "According to the divination, the First Prince believes that Qin Xiaoyan will cause a huge disaster today. . . "    


As for what exactly it was, There were too many people talking here. Chu Fann did not say it out loud, but looked at Zhao Xumin indifferently.    


Zhao Xumin was shocked and immediately knew what was going on.    


He understood what Chu Fann meant. He was afraid that this disaster would be the disaster of the First Prince fighting for the throne in the future!    


"Zhao Xin, now that you have resigned from your duty as Eldest Imperial Brother, can you serve me? I, Zhao Xumin, have nothing, but I have a heart of love for my subordinates, a heart of loyalty to the government and the people!"    


Zhao Xumin's expression became serious as he asked Zhao Xin sincerely.    


Chu Fann patted Zhao Xin and smiled. "Xumin and I are as close as brothers. If you follow him, you will have an unprecedented career!"    


"Xin'er, Ninth Prince is gentle. Take me back. You can follow Ninth Prince tomorrow. " The old lady from Zhao clan also tried to persuade him.    


Zhao Xin nodded and followed Zhao Xumin from now on.    


The dust had settled.    


Zhao Xin and his son returned home, while Zhao Xumin went to the Imperial Palace, while Chu Fann and Nalan Chunqiu went to the Profound Arts Master Association.    


Not long after, the two of them arrived at the Profound Arts Master Association.    


In the main hall, people were coming and going as usual.    


Chu Fann was quite familiar with the place. He had even concocted some medicine in the main hall.    


"Chu. . . Chu Fann, it's you. " At the service desk, Mi Yueer saw the person who came and was shocked in her heart. Her expression was very strange.    


Mi Yueer had participated in the tribe gathering in Heavenly Eagle Tribe.    


She had witnessed with her own eyes how Chu Fann had defeated all the disciples of the families without even having to fight. She also knew that Chu Fann had annihilated the Yunyang Family by himself.    


How powerful was this person? Mi Yueer felt a little nervous as she looked at Chu Fann nervously.    


"Mi Yueer, hurry up and find Master Chu Fann a pharmacy!"    


Nalan Chunqiu walked over from behind and instructed high and mighty.    


Seeing that it was the chairman personally instructing, Mi Yueer did not dare to neglect and hurriedly checked the condition of the pharmacy and quickly searched for an empty room.    


After looking at it, Mi Yueer's face stiffened and she started to stutter.    




Nalan Chunqiu slammed her palm on the table and pointed at Mi Yueer angrily, "How do you do things? Do you believe I will fire you? I asked you to find an empty pharmacy, but you still can't find it?"    


His voice was very loud and full of dignity.    


Many people in the hall who came to buy medicine were surprised when they saw Nalan Chunqiu get angry.    


Everyone looked at Chu Fann and wondered who he was. He had such a big face and even needed the chairman to personally serve him.    


"Chairman. . . Chairman, it's not that I can't find him, it's that all the rooms are full. "    


Mi Yueer felt a burst of panic and quickly reported in a low voice.    


When she heard that these alchemy rooms were occupied, Nalan Chunqiu's expression changed and she coldly snorted, "Which room number one was used by?"    


"Reporting to the chairman, room number one was used by Master Hou Zhi. "    


Mi Yueer immediately checked the records and respectfully said.    


When she heard that it was Hou Zhi, Nalan Chunqiu coldly snorted and said, "Why is that kid so blind? Go and call him out and say that it was Master Chu Fann who wanted to use it! Quickly go! "    


Hearing this, Mi Yueer's expression changed and she felt an wave of fear in her heart.    


She hesitated and slowly walked towards room number one. Her small body actually trembled a little.    


When refining Profound Arts Masters, it was taboo to be disturbed by others.    


If it was light, it would affect the refinement. If it was interrupted midway, it would ultimately fail. If it was heavy, there would be an intense explosion. The Profound Arts Master would be blasted away, and the medicinal refining room would be blasted into ruins.    


Mi Yueer had been in Profound Arts Master Association for such a long time and naturally knew the severity of the matter. But Nalan Chunqiu's orders, she had no choice but to obey!    


"Master. . . Master Hou Zhi, can you stop for a moment? Open the door. Chu Fann wants to use your medicine refining room. "    


Walking to the front of the medicine refining room, Mi Yueer immediately stretched out her hand and knocked on the door.    


Bang, bang, bang!    


The door rang and the sound was clear. This door was made of a special material and was extremely hard.    


Within the medicine refinement room.    


A scorching aura lingered in the room.    


Hou Zhi was holding a medicine jar in his hand. The solution inside the jar was boiling, emitting some black bubbles.    


The jar on the table was filled with more than half of the red powder.    


The medicinal liquid in his hand was pouring into the red powder one drop at a time.    


Hou Zhi had just dripped a few drops when he heard Mi Yueer's voice outside. He frowned and shouted angrily, "Bastard thing, I am refining a tier two medicine. Can you bear the responsibility if you fail? Get lost!"    


His mind had long sunk into the refining of medicine. Hou Zhi did not hear who wanted to occupy the refining room at all.    


Who would have thought that Hou Zhi's wrist would shake. The boiling medicinal liquid in the medicinal jar in his hand shook and actually poured all of it into the jar filled with red powder.    


"Not good!"    


At this moment, Hou Zhi's heart was filled with regret. He should not have been distracted.    




In an instant, a violent explosion sounded on the table.    


The table instantly exploded into powder, and the jar turned into flying ash. Boundless heat gushed out in all directions, shaking the entire Pharmacy One until it trembled.    



The murals on the wall directly fell. Luckily, the wall was firm and did not collapse.    


Hou Zhi's face was covered in dirt, his hair was burnt, and his face was pitch black. He angrily kicked open the door.    


"Bastard, you disturbed my refining of the nitrophosphorous fire liquid. I'll kill you!"    


Hou Zhi's eyes were red. He flashed out and grabbed Mi Yueer, fiercely pinching her neck.    


Mi Yueer's face was pale. Her charming body struggled in the air, but it was useless. She could not open her eyes.    


Nalan Chunqiu saw that someone was going to die and immediately shouted to stop, "Hou Zhi, stop! It was I who wanted her to call you!"    


"President, even if I don't kill her, I still want her to suffer. " Hou Zhi's eyes flashed. He fiercely threw Mi Yueer onto the ground and prepared to step on her.    


"If you dare to step on her, you will lose your life today. "    


Seeing this, Chu Fann took a step forward and said in a flat voice.    


Hou Zhi stopped and looked at Chu Fann in surprise. He discovered that the killing intent on Chu Fann's body seemed to have solidified. It was too terrifying. He was afraid that if he moved even a little bit, he would die on the spot today.    


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