Infinite: Super Multiverse Takeout System

C55 The Female Villain of Speed 8 Snake Scorpion Beauty Seve!

C55 The Female Villain of Speed 8 Snake Scorpion Beauty Seve!

0"Almost there." Dom modified his cousin's old car.    


Zhao Shi remembered the plot here. Dom mainly modified the turbine of this car, and at the cost of scrapping it, he won the competition.    


He saw it with his eyes. He was full of confidence, but he did not have any intention of looking down on Dom.    


"Reed? Go!"    


Following the sound of a gunshot, Zhao Shi, Beard, and Dom's three cars ran side by side.    




The explosive force of the Lykan under Zhao Shi's seat was extremely strong. In one breath, it rushed to the front.    


The Beard and Dom were both shocked. They knew how powerful the Lykan was, but they never expected it to be this powerful. It had pulled the distance between them and the Lykan from the beginning of the competition.    


Moreover, this fellow who looked like a layman was actually so daring. It should be known that ordinary people would be afraid and wouldn't be able to drive the car to its maximum capacity.    


However, the Beard was full of confidence because he had been holding back a long time ago. His men who were lying in ambush in front of him pushed out a motorcycle that had already started moving on the road, and rammed it towards Zhao Shi.    


With Zhao Shi's driving speed, it was impossible for him to brake or change the road. He would definitely be hit until he slowed down or even stopped. Then, he would have no chance of winning.    


However, Zhao Shi's car suddenly turned sideways, and the entire car turned into the lane of Beard and Dom.    


Beard and Dom's expressions changed. They originally thought that Zhao Shi would crash and stop because he wanted to avoid the motorcycle, but they saw that Zhao Shi did not turn the car around. Instead, he turned the car upside down and kept moving forward at the same speed!    


"How is this possible!?" Beard was stunned. He gritted his teeth, accelerated, and rushed forward.    


Dom was faster than him, but because of the overload of the turbine, the front half of Dom's car was on fire!    


Then, Dom reversed the car and chased after Zhao Shi.    


Unfortunately, even with Dom's self-explosion speed, he still could not catch up to the Lykan that Zhao Shi was sitting on. Moreover, because the car was too fast, Dom could no longer stop the car.    


"Damn it, if this continues, he will rush into the sea!"    


Everyone's hearts were also hanging up.    


They saw Zhao Shi's Lykan drift with a handsome drift, brushing past Dom's car.    


When Dom saw Zhao Shi's outstretched hand, he was stunned for a moment, then he immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed it.    


In just a moment, Zhao Shi pulled Dom out and pressed him on the passenger seat. The old car rushed into the sea and was considered to have been scrapped.    




Everyone was stunned by this shocking scene.    


Dom, who had been saved by Zhao Shi, had a look of shock in his eyes. He was sincerely convinced by Zhao Shi. "Your driving skills have exceeded my imagination. You have won my respect!"    


After saying that, Dom indicated that he would abide by the bet and ask someone to give Zhao Shi a proper sports car.    


Zhao Shi smiled and said, "Your respect is enough. Furthermore, can your sports car compare to my Lykan?"    


Dom heard this and was slightly stifled. He smiled somewhat awkwardly.    


The Beard walked over in a somewhat embarrassing manner and apologized to Zhao Shi. At the same time, it handed the car keys to Zhao Shi.    


Zhao Shi threw the car keys to Dom's cousin. "Take it as compensation for your car."    


Dom's cousin took the keys. He was so grateful that he could not speak.    


Seeing this, Beard wanted to cry but had no tears. Why was his treatment different from Dom's? But in front of Zhao Shi, he could only be willing to admit defeat.    


"Beep! Beep! Host has completed the promotion mission. Please proceed to the next stage of the mission without anyone around!"    


Upon hearing the system prompt, Zhao Shi waved his hand at everyone and left under everyone's envious gazes.    


"Too handsome. So young, not only does he have a beautiful car, he also has such cool driving skills..."    


Everyone present was subdued by Zhao Shi.    


"Who on earth is he?" Dom was deep in thought.    


Zhao Shi was relieved when he was alone. Ramsey came over to massage his shoulders.    


At this moment, Zhao Shi recalled the side quest that he had accepted. His mind immediately recalled Safer's sexy and cold image of a blonde beauty. This was the big villain in Speed 8. She was simply a female devil. However, her temperament and image were excellent. Without a doubt, she was at the level of a goddess.    


Zhao Shi actually wanted such a blonde beauty to eat bone rice. He imagined the scene and revealed a wicked smile.    


"Beep! Beep! In order to save the host's time, the storyline can be changed for free. Would you like to use it?"    


Zhao Shi nodded and chose the plot point where Safer instigated Dom to rebel.    


Immediately after, the space around Zhao Shi's Lykan twisted. After one Flash, the entire car disappeared from where it was.    


Almost at the same time, at another time in this Speedy 8 world, a red Lykan appeared out of thin air along with the distortion of space!    


"As expected, no matter how many times I look at it, I will always find it beautiful. It is really too sexy." Zhao Shi saw Dom and Safer chatting with each other with a glance.    


Safer's figure was considered to be the best in the world, and her entire body exuded a sexy aura. What was even worse was that kind of noble and untouchable cold temperament. But this kind of untouchable. It was to ordinary people. In the eyes of Zhao Shi, who was a Multiverse take-away deliveryman... Safer was merely able to arouse his interest.    


Without hesitation, Zhao Shi stepped on the accelerator and parked the car beside Safer and Dom.    


When Dom saw this red Lykan, he felt as if he had seen a ghost. His hair stood on end. "It's you! Multiverse take-away deliveryman!"    


Safer looked at Zhao Shi in bewilderment. "Who are you?"    


The luxury of the Lykan and the car skills that Zhao Shi had displayed earlier made Safer not dare to underestimate it.    


However, Safer, who was in a high position, was used to everything being controlled and looked down from above. The undisguised arrogance in her eyes and the questioning tone still indicated her confidence.    



"So sexy and beautiful, but there is a problem with her hearing. What a pity." Seeing the arrogance of this blonde beauty, Zhao Shi did not have any emotional fluctuations. He even wanted to tease her!    


"What did you say?" Safer's eyes were cold. Zhao Shi's teasing angered her. She quietly gave a sniping command to her subordinates who were lying in ambush!    


A sniper among Safer's subordinates shook his head in amusement. He thought that there was actually someone who dared to provoke his boss. He was simply courting death!    


He controlled the sniper rifle and aimed at Zhao Shi's head. He directly shot!    




All of this sounded somewhat complicated, but it all happened within a few breaths of time. A fatal bullet shot towards Zhao Shi's temple.    


"Be careful!" Dom anxiously shouted.    


But it was too late. The speed of the bullet was beyond imagination. In an instant, it was less than an inch away from Zhao Shi's temple.    


Safer sneered, as if she saw Zhao Shi's regretful expression when he fell to the ground. This was the outcome of offending her!    


Zhao Shi, who was carrying the Arctic Occean Technique, had a hearing, perception, and reaction speed that far exceeded ordinary people. Naturally, he reacted. At the same time, he was also a little surprised. This Safer was even more vicious than he had imagined. She was simply a poisonous beauty!    


"Golden Iron Cloth!"    


Zhao Shi activated the special skill on his uniform. His entire body was covered in golden Flash, as if God had descended. The fatal bullet was blocked by the light. With a bang, it fell to the ground, and the bullet was completely flattened.    


Without any extra movement, Zhao Shi stretched out his right hand and lifted Safer up like a chicken. He looked at Safer coldly.    


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