Son-in-law: God Of War Returns

C489 Plan!

C489 Plan!

0"Master Lin said that as long as I can do this, he will make me his woman and that he will marry me in the future. So... "    


At this point, Lo Mei stopped. She did not dare to continue, because Lo Rongguang's face was extremely gloomy.    


"Grandfather, I..."    


Lo Mei looked at Lo Rongguang and didn't say anything for a long time. She was a little scared.    


On the side, Lo Yun helplessly smiled bitterly.    


"Mei, why are you so childish? Don't you want to think about Young Master Lin's identity? Why would he fancy you?"    


Although his words might hurt Lo Mei's pride, it was the truth.    


Furthermore, the current situation was very unfavorable to them. If they allowed Lo Mei to mess around and cause even more serious consequences, they would have no place to cry.    


At this moment, Lo Rongguang suddenly spoke.    


"Mei, you should stay at home these few days. Don't go anywhere. If you dare to leave this place, I will expel you from the family!"    


Hearing Lo Rongguang's words, Lo Mei's expression changed drastically.    


"Grandfather, you, you are not joking with me, are you?"    


Lo Rongguang snorted coldly.    


"Remember, this time, I am not joking with you. If you dare not listen to me, no one can speak up for you this time!"    


When Lo Mei heard this, her heart was filled with despair.    


"Mei, you must also understand grandfather's decision. These few days are very important to our Lo family. We cannot allow anything to go wrong, otherwise, we will be doomed forever!"    


When Lo Mei heard this, although she was unwilling, she could only clench her teeth and nod her head.    


"Grandfather, don't worry. I will listen to you. I will stay at home for the next few days and won't go out."    


Only then did Lo Rongguang nod his head in satisfaction.    


"Alright, you can go back and rest first. I have something to tell Xiaoyun."    


Lo Mei knew that even if she said anything now, it would be useless. She could only helplessly turn around and leave.    


"Xiaoyun, what do you think we should do now?"    


Lo Mei, you can do it. Lo Rongguang looked at his most beloved grandson who had high hopes for him.    


Hearing Lo Rongguang's words, Lo Yun was silent for a long time before he raised his head.    


"Grandfather, the kidnapping matter is too serious. We can't do it openly. We need to change our way of thinking."    


Change his way of thinking?    


Lo Rongguang was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"    


Lo Yun took a deep breath and said, "The day after tomorrow is the annual memorial ceremony of our Lo family. Grandfather, didn't you do it before?"    


Lo Rongguang nodded his head, his facial expression looked a little ugly.    


In the past, the Lo family would hold a memorial ceremony every year. All the disciples of the Lo family would appear during the ceremony.    


As the patriarch, he would use the family memorial ceremony to boast about his achievements and gather the people's attention.    


However, this time, he didn't intend to hold a family memorial ceremony. Because of the problems that had occurred in the Lo's Corporation, many people in the family were dissatisfied with him.    


If he held the family memorial, he was worried that some people with ulterior motives would take the opportunity to scold him. He didn't want to find trouble for himself.    


Looking at Lo Rongguang's ugly expression, Lo Yun naturally knew why Lo Rongguang would have such a reaction.    


He took a deep breath and said, "Grandfather, actually, you don't have to worry about the family looking for trouble with you. As long as we tell them in advance that we can solve the company's problem, they won't say anything."    


Lo Rongguang's eyes lit up. This was a good idea, but he still shook his head.    


"No, the others are still okay, but your little uncle clearly said that if there is a family memorial ceremony this time, he will definitely come back. You should know his character very well. If he comes, he will definitely embarrass me."    


Little uncle?    


Lo Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he forced a smile. He had forgotten about this.    


"But grandpa, even if little uncle wants to come, this time, this family is afraid of us. We must hold it!"    


When Lo Rongguang heard this, his face darkened.    




If Lo Yun wasn't his most beloved grandson, he would have gone mad by now.    


Even so, he still felt somewhat unhappy in his heart.    


Lo Yun said, "Xiaoxue values relationships the most, and when Grandma was alive, she had the best relationship with Grandma. If we invited her to attend the family memorial, she definitely wouldn't refuse."    


"Invite Xiaoxue?"    


Lo Rongguang frowned and asked, puzzled, "What do we invite her for?"    


Lo Yun heard this and his eyes lit up with wisdom.    


"We can use this reason to let her come to our house. Then, we can find a random reason to restrict her freedom. This way, we will not kidnap her, but also complete the task given to us by Young Master Lin."    


After listening to Lo Yun's explanation, Lo Rongguang's eyes suddenly lit up.    


"That's right. Why didn't I think of that?"    



Lo Rongguang laughed and looked at Lo Yun with satisfaction.    


"Little Yun, you are really my good grandson. Alright, I will leave this matter to you."    


"Yes, grandfather."    


Lo Yun heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lo Rongguang accept his suggestion.    


The most difficult matter in front of them had finally been resolved.    


However, he was still a little worried.    


Because in this matter, he had calculated everything, but there was only one person that he could not see through.    


This person was Chu Nan!    


In his opinion, although this matter seemed flawless on the surface, it was still a potential variable.    


This variable was Chu Nan!    


"Looks like I have to find a suitable reason to make Chu Nan not come. Otherwise, all of my plans will be ruined!"    




Lo Xue and Chu Nan still did not know that a huge conspiracy was already looming over them.    


At this moment, they were in the office of Principal Zhang of the kindergarten.    


"Principal Zhang, my daughter just said that a strange woman came to the kindergarten to look for her today and wanted to take her out to play. You should know about this, right?"    


Lo Xue asked with a solemn expression.    


Principal Zhang nodded his head guiltily and his face was full of shame.    


"Ms. Luo, I'm really sorry. Even if you didn't say this matter, I would still apologize to you. This is the negligence of our kindergarten management."    


Lo Xue shook her head.    


"I'm not saying this because I want to blame you. I just want to find out who is plotting against my daughter."    


Principal Zhang frowned when he heard this.    


"That person looks like a woman in her thirties. She is dressed very plainly, but I have never seen her before. Moreover, from the way she speaks, she doesn't seem like a local."    


Not a local?    


Lo Xue frowned and her expression became serious.    


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