The Strongest Beast-controlling System

C313 Merit Token

C313 Merit Token

0Before Lu Yang came to the Myriad Treasure Pavillion, he had already thought of some conditions that would allow Elder Zhan to interfere in the decisions of the City Lord's Mansion. However, he never would have thought that before he had made all of his conditions, the Elder Zhan had already given him his full support.    


Could there be some change?    


"Sect Leader Lu, I have some good news that might not come true, but at least I have a chance." Seeing Lu Yang's shocked expression, Elder Zhan said while understanding.    


"Oh, Elder Zhan, just say it. If there is anything you want to do, you will take it all on." Lu Yang felt that this matter was giving him a lot of pressure, so he took a step back and said it. After all, the Myriad Treasure Pavillion this time gave him ample benefits. Lu Yang couldn't think of any conditions that could make his Myriad Treasure Pavillion give such a condition.    


"Hehe, Sect Leader Lu need not worry, in truth, this is what happened …" The War Elder recounted the recent changes in Myriad Treasure Pavillion one by one, causing Lu Yang to be extremely shocked.    


"What?" Are you saying that I have the chance to become a Pavilion Master with Myriad Treasure Pavillion? " Lu Yang was truly shocked by Elder Zhan's words.    


This kind of feeling was as if a huge piece of pie had suddenly fallen from the sky and almost knocked him out.    


"Hoho, if Sect Leader Lu wants to become our, you must first become a Profound Grade Beast-controlling Master, and even then, you must complete a huge merit before you can become fully qualified. Now that we are able to take all the credit for our Luoyang City battle, this might very well be the beginning of the rise of Sect Leader Lu! "    


"Sect Leader Lu, if you become a Pavilion Master, not only will you have the support of a large amount of Myriad Treasure Pavillion's resources, and have the opportunity to quickly develop your Heaven One Sect, in addition to that, you will also receive the rewards of several thousand Profound Grade Crystal Stone every year. Your duty is merely to stabilize the development of the Myriad Treasure Pavillion, and to put it bluntly, it is to immobilize the Myriad Treasure Pavillion." Elder Zhan had watched Lu Yang rise up one step at a time, and now he was even more supportive of Lu Yang becoming a Myriad Treasure Pavillion Pavilion Master.    


The reason he took Lu Yang more seriously was because he had successfully killed a Yellow Grade Great Perfection beast by himself and the other party still possessed a Sage Level Bloodline.    


No matter if it was the Myriad Treasure Pavillion or the large families, all of them valued benefits. The fighting elders were no exception.    


After all, Lu Yang was still very young, and he was not very old either. At least he still had a chance of winning. Otherwise, the position of Luoyang City Great Clan Elder would not have fallen on his shoulders.    


"Good. Since Elder Zhan values me so much, then I will accept this mission!" Lu Yang nodded. He knew better than anyone that if he wanted his Heaven One Sect to truly grow, then he would need sufficient resources. The support of his Myriad Treasure Pavillion was a must. If he were to become a Sect Leader of Heaven One Sect in the future, it would be beneficial to both his Myriad Treasure Pavillion and himself.    


"Alright, Sect Leader Lu. Although I don't dare to say anything else, in this Luoyang City, your words are my words. From now on, our Myriad Treasure Pavillion will fully support you. Right now, I will use the secret command from my Myriad Treasure Pavillion to summon the upper echelons of the clans with close relations with the Myriad Treasure Pavillion. As for the aspect of secrecy, I also ask Sect Leader Lu to be at ease! " Seeing Lu Yang's repeated promises, Elder Zhan also patted his chest and promised.    


"Then I'll wait here!" Lu Yang nodded his head, he was extremely satisfied with the War Elder's arrangements. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to wake up, and to increase his strength to the level of a Profound Grade Beast-controlling Master as soon as possible.    


Two hours later …    


"Patriarch Lu?" Great Elder of the Zhu Family? Patriarch of the Sun Family? " Seeing the big figures of each and every clan, Lu Yang was immediately stunned.    


He didn't think that the War Elder would actually be able to operate the Myriad Treasure Pavillion to such a degree after so many years. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't have believed it.    


"I am the Patriarch of Lu Family, Lu Desheng. Greetings, Sect Leader Lu!"    


"Zhu Family Great Clan Elder Zhu Jianxi greets Sect Leader Lu!"    


"I, Sun De Hai, Patriarch of Sun Family, greet Sect Leader Lu."    


All the big figures greeted Lu Yang as if they had seen their master. This kind of humble attitude almost made Lu Yang think that his position was even higher than that of a city lord.    


"Don't be so polite everyone, the reason why I called you all over is to discuss the new order that City Lord Huo has issued today …" In front of these few big shots, Lu Yang did not hold back and directly said what he was thinking, and quickly obtained their support.    


Actually, even if what he said was not good, these people would not openly oppose it. After all, their families and Myriad Treasure Pavillion were all directly related, moreover, without the support of Myriad Treasure Pavillion, these few big shots would not have been able to reach their current state. It could be said that they were the strongest allies with Myriad Treasure Pavillion.    


After some discussion, this matter was quickly decided by Lu Yang.    


On the second day, Huo Zhenqian still followed through with his previous plans, while Lu Yang also brought his own group of commandos to ambush the army of fierce beasts. Only this time, he was not as enthusiastic as before, and was replaced by Zhu Xiaotian as the leader.    


Huo Zhenqian did not care about this.    


To him, no matter who, as long as they were able to bring the army and successfully ambush the army of fierce beasts, he would let anyone be the leader, so once Lu Yang's position was taken, he would be no longer in Huo Zhenqian's line of sight.    


In that day, the raiding party had actually obtained quite a bit of success, killing over a thousand berserk beasts at once. If these berserk beasts didn't flee too quickly, they might have been able to kill even more. Of course, in order to prevent the Profound Grade Vicious Beast from appearing, they only moved around Luoyang City. However, on the second and third day, their movements grew larger and larger, and they had already moved to a position nearly thirty kilometers away from the Luoyang City.    


On the fourth day, Huo Yanjie and Huo Yanbinng joined the commandos. At this time, the raiding party had already become a tool for some people to earn merits, not a godly weapon to win in a surprise attack. That was why Lu Yang had announced that he was withdrawing from the raiding party.    


As for the other huge clans, under Lu Yang's secret command, they surprisingly did not have any objections, nor did they have any sounds of support.    


Because Lu Yang had already noticed that something was amiss. This did not seem like the berserk beasts were showing any signs of retreating, it seemed more like a huge trap waiting for their human army.    


Although he had hinted at Huo Zhenqian a few times, the other party was unable to understand his intentions. This way, he would give up on the idea of persuading Huo Zhenqian and would retreat to the second string.    


On the fifth day, Huo Yanjie and Huo Yanbinng had already made many achievements, and on one occasion, Huo Yanjie led his troops to annihilate hundreds of fierce beasts, and became the object of discussion amongst the people.    


On this day, Lu Yang and Huo Qiang quietly left the City Lord's Mansion residence.    


But just as they left the City Lord's Mansion residence, they were stopped by Huo Yanjie and a few Yellow Grade Beast-controlling Master s along with him.    


Currently, they had already become meritorious ministers of the Luoyang City. Although it was not enough for them to compare with Lu Yang, in their opinion, it was only a matter of time before they could catch up to Lu Yang. Furthermore, Lu Yang had been keeping a low profile recently, and they had a few followers of the Yellow Grade Beast-controlling Master on their hands, hence they started to not take Lu Yang seriously.    


"Hahaha, who is this? I remember a few days ago, he seemed to have been a meritorious general, wasn't he! " Huo Yanjie looked at Lu Yang with a ridiculing smile.    


"A meritorious general? It was due to the fact that the blind cat killed the rat at that time that he made a meritorious service. Unfortunately, he has now become a coward who fears death and escapes. I think it would be best for you, this meritorious service of yours, to give up your seat. " Huo Yanbinng pointed to the order badge on his waist, it represented the contribution points he had earned from surrounding Luoyang City.    


"That's right. Our young master wants you to hand over your contribution points token. Why?" Still not convinced? " Following behind Huo Yanjie, the few Huo Family Beast-controlling Master s stared at Lu Yang, as if they had long forgotten how strong he was.    


But even if they remembered, hadn't they also killed so many fierce beasts in the past few days? As for him, he was just hiding in the Luoyang City, not daring to go out.    


With that, a Yellow Grade Beast-controlling Master rushed to Lu Yang's side and snatched the contribution tile away.    


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